Tirumantiram:Table of Contents Himalayan Academy Directory to Our Whole Site
INVOCATION TO VINAYAKAHe who has the five hands and the elephant's face,Whose tusk is even as the crescent moon,The son of Nandi, the Flower of Wisdom,Him I cherish in thought, His feet adore.
PAYIRAM: PROEM (Verses 1 to 112)
1 IN PRAISE OF GOD 1: One Is ManyThe One is He, the Two His sweet Grace,In Three He stood, in all the Four witnessed,The Five He conquered, the Six He filled,The Seven Worlds pervades, manifests the EightAnd so remains.
2: Defies DeathThe Holy One who all life sustains,Lord of Her, beloved of all the world,He who spurned Yama, the Southern Qrarter's KingOf Him I sing, His glory and praise.
3: Immortals AdoreHe who stands the same to all,The Pure One, whom immortal Gods adore,Whom, even they, that daily stand beside, know not,Him I seek, praise, and meditate.
4: Dispells GloomThe Truth of Spaces Vast, Seek of the Universe orb,Our Haven of Refuge, He bade me seek and find,Him I praised by night and day,And praising thus, gloom{-}dispelled,I held firm in this world of strifes.
5: Siva Is NonpareilSearch where ye will, there's no God like Siva,None here below to equal Him in glory;Lotus like, He, of gleaming matted locks,Golden in splendour, beyond the worlds, apart.
6: Omni-CompetentWithout Him, there be Celestials none,Without Him, penance is not,Without Him, naught the Three accomplish,Without Him, I know not the City's Gate.
7: Divine FatherPrimal First is He, older than the Co-eval ThreeBut the Lord is He peerless, unequalled;Call Him "Father," and Father He to thee,Inside you He flames in the Lotus of golden hue.
8: Kinder Than MotherHotter is He than fire, cooler than water;And yet none knows of His Grace abounding;Purer than the child, kinder by far than the mother,Nearest to Love is He, of the flowing matted locks.
9: All Worship HimGold-bewrought, His matted locks fall back and gleam;Nandi, His name,My Lord is He, ever by me worshipt;But none there be whom He worships.
10: Omnium GatherumHolding the worlds apart, as the Heavens high He spreads;Himself the scorching Fire, Sun and Moon,Himself the Mother that sends down the rainsHimself the mountains strong and oceans cold.
11: Effort And FruitNear and far I look; but around the Being First,No other God, I see, mightier than He;Himself the effort, and Himself, too, effort's end;Himself the rains, Himself the clouds rain-laden,The Nandi named.
12: Beyond ComprehensionThe One of the fore-head eye, in Love Supreme, unmoved,Dead were the countless Devas,Born were the myriads on earth;Upward they climbed to lives beyond count,Yet none did know the Lord was He.
13: ImmeasurableMal who spanned the earth and Brahma the Lotus seated one,And others of the Gods fathomed Him not;There be none to measure Him that measured the Heav'nsAnd thus He stood, all visions transcending.
14: Transcends AllTranscended He Brahma on the lotus-seat,Transcended Mayan, the ocean-hued,Transcended He, Isan, who transcends all,Transcended He space infinite, witnessing all.
15: Blossoms As AllInto Brahma did He expand, into Hara did He,And into the soul of the body He pervadesAs the Effulgence Divine, the Dharmic law limitless,The Eternal and the Everlasting.
16: Confers Wisdom On GodsHe, of the matted locks, the odorous Konrai clustering, He, of the Divine Consort with forehead divinely gleaming,He, whom the Immortals and Devas sought,Wisdom to learn, Ignorance to dispel.
17: Love ProfoundHowe'er well the two garlics and musk boil and mix,Yet will musk's fragrance stand o'ertopping all,So may all space mix and hold the God as One,Yet, upwelling, pours forth Isan's love profound.
18: MunificentThe Supreme Lord saw Alagai King's penance devout,Much pleased, He made the King Lord of all Riches;Even so, approach the Lord, noble deeds performing;For thus says the Lord, "Hold this lordship!"
19: Created UniverseHe, the Wisdom Primeval, He made the City AncientOf the seven meadows, fragrant-spiced;He fixed the Moon, and to penance inclining,He abides there, making that His seat.
20: In Mount KailasSeek the Abode of the Holy,Who, of yore, created Birth and DeathA high hill it is, where thunders roar and lightnings flash,Where fragrant flowers bud and bloom,His mighty likeness it bears.
21: Comes SpeedingSing His praise! Oh how quick He comes!He, the Lord, who in one fell sweep the wild elephant slashed,The Lord who ends this muddy vesture's mortal coil,Of the Heavenly Hosts, of Brahma Divine,Of Mal, hued like the clouds rain-borne.
22: Seek Him, He Seeks YouThis Lord of Maya-land that has its rise in the mind,He, the Being without thought, knows yet all our thoughts;Some be who groan,"God is not to me a friend;"But, sure, God seeks those who seek their souls to save.
23: Infinite GraceThe Mighty Lord, the God of Fire, set amidst the seas,Whom the comprehending souls never deny;He, the Lord of the Heavenly Beings all,Who , day and night, pours forth His Divine Grace.
24: Firm In Minds FirmSing His praise, Sing of His Holy Feet!Pour all your treasures at Siva'a Sacred Feet!And they who shake off the clouded eye and disturbed mind,With them He ever stood, benignantly firm.
25: Illusions VanishThe Birthless is He, the Divine Mad, of Compassion vast,The Deathless is He, the Boundless One, Granter of Joys all,To Him kneel, and, kneeling, shall findNaught becomes Maya, the bond immemorial.
26: Attain GraceAdore the Lord, who in unbroken continuity stood,The Lord who protecting over all earth expanded,Transcending all He stood; over the lotus bloom aloft,In smiling glory He sat; Holy be His feet!
27: He Enters Into YouThe Infinite of Lotus-Face, rivalling twilight ineffable,May ours be His Grace Divine!And they who thus Nandi daily beseech,Into their Heart, creeping, He comes! He comes!
28: Your GuideBeckoning He stood, He, the All-pervading;But they who, doubt-tossed, in self-contention lost,They stood withered at the root;To those who freely give themselves to the Lord on High,To them is He the certain, immutable Guide.
29: Axle-PinOh! You, the Unseen, only kin to this forlorn slave,Let me not falter to embrace Your feet!For to the heart of Your servant, pure and trueYou ever stood even as the axle-pin.
30: Yearn For HimAs the Heavens draw the rains;Even so will my Lord draw me to Him?Thus, doubting, many ask.But like to the mother-cow, for my Nandi I yearnAnd all the world, all the world know it too!
31: Seek Him In LoveOf the Earth is He, of the sky is He! Well He be!Of the Heaven is He, of truest Gold is He! Well He be!Of sweetest song's inmost rapture is He!Him my love besought, from heart's central core.
32: Sing Of HimThe Lord of Gods, and of ours too,The Lord who all space pervades,And the seven Worlds, ocean-bound, transcends;None do know His nature true,How then may we sing His Grace Divine?
33: Adore HimMany the Gods this hoary world adores,Many the rituals; many the songs they sing;But knowing not the One Truth, of Wisdom bereftUnillumined, they can but droop at heart.
34*3Chant His Names ThousandLike the fragrance of the musk the musk-deer constant emits,Is the True Path which the Lord to Celestials imparts.Sitting or moving, I chant the rich essence of His Name,His thousand Names that are with spark divine.
35: Path CrossedEven the Path impassable is foot-easy made,If you the Lord praise and Him adore;The East and West and directions allHe does transmute--and thus dances He the Lord.
36: Praise And Be BlessedOh, Heavenly Father, Nandi, the unsurfeiting nectar sweet,Oh, Bounteous One, Unequalled, First of Time!Praise Him ever; and even as you praise,So thine reward will also be.
37: Throbs WithinDaily I kneel and chant Nandi's holy Name;Envisioned, He stands, the Fire-Hued One,Flaming like the moon in sky; into me He comes,And throbs and breathes through my mortal flesh.
38: Greatness UnceasingI will not cease to speak of Him, the Great, the Rare,I will not cease to prate of Him, the Form Unborn,I will not cease to talk of Nandi, the Mighty,I will never cease, for pure and great am I then!
39: Adore And Attain GraceHe, the Divine Light, shining bright in devotee's heart,He, of the Holy Waters, wherein He sports,Him shall we praise, Him call, "Our Lord,"And, thus adoring, His Grace attain.
40: In The Heart Of The PureHumbled and meek, seek thou the Lord's Feet,Feet that equal the rays of purest gold serene;Praise Him with songs of the humble heartAnd unpenurious tongue;To such He comes, the all-fashioning Lord.
41: In Depths Of Devotee's HeartTo them He comes, who, in heart's deep confinesTreasure His Name,The Lord who consumed the deathly poison of hatred born,Consorting with Her of the gleaming brow,Conjoint, like the pairing deer in amity sweet.
42: Grants AllThey alone attain His Feet, who seek and praise;To them He shall grant the world the Four-Headed one made;Full well the elect come, the world of Maya girdling,One is He with Her of the shoulders reed-shaped.
43: Eternal GraceTo them that speak of Hara's Holy Feet and weep,To them that daily muse at the Great One's mighty feet,To them that, in deep devotion fixed, wait to serve,To them comes the Eternal's all-filling Grace.
44: Shines In Love"Glory to the Holy Feet," the Devas chant,"Glory to the Holy Feet," the Asuras hymn,"Glory to the Holy Feet," the humans, too, echo,Thus I gloried Him, and in my love He shone.
45: Divine PathExcept by Fate He decrees this sea-girt world revolves not,Except by Fate He decrees do joys and age arrive not,Daily pray to the Light Effulgent;The Divine Path He'll prove, the Sure Sun He'll be.
46: In Heart's Center"You of the Twilight Hue! O! Hara! O! Siva!"Thus, His Holy Feet devotees praise and sing;He of the Primary Hue, the First, the InfiniteEntered my being, my heart's center held.
47: Bliss DeniedIn Home is He, like Holy Men is He,In Thought is He;Like the kite concealed in the palm's leafy depths,Your Bliss is for them alone who muse upon You steadfast.
48: Unflickering LampThe Lord of Gods, whom the pious adore,To Him I bend my knees and His Grace invoke,The Lord, Our Father, blessing us of earth,The Lamp that flickers not, Him I seek.
49: Sea Of BondageWho, on the Lord, Shakti-Consort, meditate,And take the way of Pasu-Pasa,They swim across the foaming sea of Sin,And, swimming, reach the shore of Pasu-Pasa.
50: Seeking Is AllI'll wreathe Him in garland, I'll hug Him to heart;I'll sing Him His Name and dance with gift of flowers;Singing and dancing seek the Lord;This alone I know, only too well I know.
2 GREATNESS OF VEDAS51: Vedas Proclaim DharmaNo Dharma is, barring what the Vedas say;Its central core the Vedas proclaim;And the Wise ones ceased contentious brawls,Intoned the lofty strains and Freedom's battle won.
52: Truth Of MakerBrahma spoke the Vedas, but Himself not the goal supreme;He spoke the Vedas only the great Maker to reveal;He spoke them for the Holy sacrifices to perform,He spoke them, the True One to manifest.
53: Moving MoodIn the beauteous Veda, aptly named the Rig,As the moving mood behind, He stood;In the trembling chant of the Vedic priests He stood,Himself the Eye of vision Central.
54: Supreme PathThe Holy Path is naught but the Path Supreme,Who muse on the Lord, Himself the Path Supreme,As Material-Immaterial, as Guru Divine,They reach Siva's Pure Path-so Vedantas all declare.
55: One In SeveralOf the One, the Vedas chant in divisions six,The One who yet in parts divisible does not be,As divided parts they swam into their ken,Then upgathered and swelled into the patterned whole.
56: Vedic SacrificesUncaught in the world's web of woman, song and dance,Such alone seek the holy sacrifice to perform;But the unpracticed in austerities do but reachDesire's Abode, misery to find.
57: Agamas From The Fifth Face Of SivaThe Lord that consorts the blue-hued OneHas the Agamas twenty-five and three;Bowing low, the six and sixty soughtThe Fifth-Faced One the Agamas' deep import to expound.
58: Agamas InnumerableThe Sivagamas the Lord by Grace revealed;In number a billion-million-twenty-eightIn them the Celestials the Lord's greatness gloried;Him, I too shall muse and praise.
59: Agamic Truths In 18 LanguagesIn eighteen various tongues they speakThe thoughts which Pandits alone know;The Pandits' tongues numbering ten and eightAre but what the Primal Lord declared.
60: Agamas Deep In ContentThe Agamas, the Lord by Grace revealed,Deep and baffling even to the Gods in Heaven;Seventy billion-millions though they be;Like writing on the waters, eluding grasp.
61: Agamas RevealedThe Infinite revealing the Infinite VastCame down to earth, Siva's Dharma to proclaim,The immortals, then, Him as Nandi adored,And He stood forth the Agamas artic'lating.
62: Agamas TransmittedFrom Siva the Infinite to Shakti and Sadasiva,To Maheswara the Joyous, to Rudra Dev and Brahmisa,So in succession unto Himself from Himself,The nine Agamas our Nandi begot.
63: Nine AgamasThe Agamas so received are Karanam, Kamigam,The Veeram good, the Sindam high and Vadulam,Vyamalam the other, and Kalottaram,The Subram pure and Makutam to crown.
64: Import Of AgamasNumberless the Sivagamas composed,The Lord by His Grace revealed;Yet they know not the wisdom He taught;Like writing on water, the unnumbered fade.
65: Revealed Alike In Sanskrit and TamilDevoid alike of rain and summer's gift of dewEven the flashing lake had lost it's vernal bloomThen did He in Sanskrit and Tamil at once,Reveal the rich treasure of His Compassion to our Lady Great.
66: Key To Mystery Of LifeLife takes its birth, stands preserved awhile,And then its departure takes; caughtIn that momentary wave of flux, Him we glimpse,The Lord who in Tamil sweet and northern tongueLife's mystery revealed.
44 THE GURU HIERARCHY67: Eight MastersSeekest thou the Masters who Nandi's grace receivedFirst the Nandis Four, Sivayoga the Holy next;Patanjali, then, who in Sabha's holy precincts worshipt,Vyaghra and I complete the number Eight.
68: Eight NathasBy Nandi's Grace I, His Masters elect,By Nandi's Grace I Primal First sought;By Nandi's Grace, what can I perform not?Nandi guiding, I here below remained.
69: Seven DisciplesBy merit of instruction imparting,Malangan, Indiran, Soman and Brahman,Rudran, Kalangi and Kancha-malayan,These seven in my line successive come.
70: Four NandisThe Four, each in his corner, as Master ruled,The Four, each his diverse treasure held,Each in his turn spoke, "Take all I've;"And thus, Immortals and Masters became.
71: Lord Transcends What He RevealedThe Lord it was who spoke to the Three and to the Four,He spoke of Death futile and of Birth according;At once of God and the three Radiant Lights;Yet His surpassing greatness ne'er fully revealed.
72: Nandis Attain Celestial State"The Heavens in eight directions may rain,Yet shall you the Holy rites and pure perform;"So spoke He of the matted locks and coral hue,And His Grace conferred on the steadfast Four.
5 HISTORY OF TIRUMULAR73: In Meekness And PrayerHigh on my bowed head Nandi's sacred Feet I bore,Intoning loud His Name in my heart's deepest core,Daily musing on Hara wearing high the crescent moon,Thus I ventured the Agamas to compose.
74: Witnessed Divine DanceFlashed in my mind the mystic name of Sivagama;Straight I rose to Arul Nandi's Holy Feet;These eyes witnessed, enthralled,The surpassing Dance in Holy Sabh;Thus I lived and joyed for seven crore Yuga.
75: Lost In Sakti DevotionHear O! Indra, what urged me thus?She the Holy One, Lady of the Universe, rich and vastIn devotion deep and true, Her I adoredAnd with ardour unceasing, here I pursued.
76: Mystic Truths FlashedSadasiva, Tattva, the Muthamil and VedaThem I sought not while here I stood;I held them not in the heart; but soon my mind turned,And indifference abandoning, realised them all.
77: Import Of Siva DanceThis it was, O Malanga, urged me here to come,The Veda to expound and the Dance Divine's deep import;These mysteries occult the Lord first unveiledTo Her of the azure hue and jewels bright.
78: Devotion To SaktiBright jewelled, the Eternal Bliss named,She my Saviour, sundering all bonds of birth;Siva's treasure, Mistress of Avaduthurai cool,Her Feet I reached and in devotion fast remained.
79: Under The Sacred Bodhi TreeFixed in devotion fast I clung to Her Lord-elect,Rooted firm to Siva who in Avaduthurai smiled;In devotion fast sought repose under Siva Bodhi's shade,In devotion fast I chantedThe lyric spell of His countless names.
80: Countless Years In Mortal BodyRemained thus prisoned in mortal coil for ages beyond count;Remained in space where day nor darkness is;Remained in places where Devas offered praise,Remained immutably fix't at Nandi's holy Feet and true.
81: Agamic Truths In TamilWhat availeth thee now to be born,If to the Lord, the meed of penance you deny?The Lord made me, my task assigned,In sweetest Tamil His Glory to expound.
82: Through Ninety Milliion YugasWhile Time's unbroken chain trailed its nine Yuga's length,Wisdom's Mistress into Nandi's City passed,And bathed His Feet in Wisdom's loving stream;And I sat and watched, under the sacred Bodhi tree.
83: From Kailas To EarthI sought the way countless Devas, Asuras, humans takeTo scale the heights; all wisdom conquered;Thus a Shiv Muni I grew and Siddha true,Came down here through the cerulean blue.
84: Immortal BodyOf Books that glow and thrill the heart,The Vedas stand in truth unsurpassed,The Lord who, the center holding,Bodied forth the Vedic chants;Likewise in His Grace to me gave this body-temple to hold.
85: Bliss To HumanityAll the world may well attain the Bliss I have;Who hold firm to the Heavenly secret the Books impart,Who chant the hymns that thrill the fleshAnd swell the heart,They, sure, take their place in foremost rank.
86: Garland Of MantrasThe Heavenly Beings with folded hands approachNandi the Lord above and free of the bonds of Birth;Deep in their hearts the Holy Hymns revolveAnd, devoutly fixed, chant the immortal strains.
87: Splendour Of Tamil AgamasIn Himself He contained the glowing Fire,In Himself the Seven Worlds, and yet all space not fillingHe contained too the Tamil Sastra, in lone splendour set,Pregnant of import, deep yet recondite.
88: Baffling Quest Of Brahma And VishnuAyan and Mal, His Head and Foot toiling sought,Baffled in their quest, again on earth they met;"I saw not the Foot," Achuth plained,"The Head I saw," Ayan falsely claimed.
89: Lord Blessed TirumularNandi, by bull, deer and axe ever attended,Nandi, my Lord, the Cause without Cause,Creation's limit in His Thought conceived to me revealed,And on my lowly head He planted His Holy Feet.
90: Basic Spiritual CategoriesSo impelled, streamed out of me in measures fullThe Jneya, the Jnana, and the Jnathuru,The Maya, and the Parayaya that in Mamaya arise,The Siva and the Agochara Veeya.
91: From Siva's Seat To EarthThus expounding I bore His WordDown Kailas's unchanging path,The Word of Him, the Eternal, the Truth Effulgence,The Limitless Great, Nandi, the Joyous One,He of the Blissful Dance that all impurity dispels.
92: Form-Formless Sadasiva StateWith Nandi's Grace I sought the Primal Cause,With Nandi's Grace I Sadashiv became,With Nandi's Grace Truth Divine attained,With Nandi's Grace I so remained.
93: God Within Vedic HymnsIn the countless measures that are in Veda Rig,He indwells with His radiant locks;The Sun and Moon with their splendid argent rays,In vain they melt the waxing lustre of His glowing locks.
94: Night And Day Yearn For HimUnceasing, I prattle daily Nandi's name,By day praise Him in thought and ;by night as well,Daily I yearn for my Master, the Light-Hued,The Lord of the uncreated Radiant Flame.
6 IN HUMILITY95: Infinite Greatness!Who can know the greatness of our Lord!Who can measure His length and breadth!He is the mighty nameless Flame;Whose unknown beginnings I venture to speak.
96: Poor QualificationsI know not the way singers sing,I know not the way dancers dance,I know not the way seekers seek,I know not the way searchers search.
97: Power Of PrayerBy words spoken in Truth's luminous accents,Rising on sweetest music's pious heightsEven Brahma who after Him created this our world,All, all, seek His imperishable Light.
98: God's Deep MysteryAt the foot of the Sacred Hills, the Rishis and Devas sat,Seeking Liberation's endless Bliss,Devoutly praising, yet knowing not,So this deep Mystery I here expound.
7 THE HOLY HYMNS THREE THOUSAND99: Path To GodThree Thousand Holy Hymns, Mula in Tamil composed,Did He, Nandi, reveal for all the world to know,Wake early at dawn and pour forth the strainsSurely you'll win the splendid soft reposeOf the Bosom of the Lord.
100: General And Specialised KnowledgeIn the Holy Three Thousand is the Salvation FinaleOf the diverse works, true and good;In the Divine Three Thousand, original and wise,All knowledge is, special and general.
8 THE SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY101: Seven Holy OrdersSeven are the Holy Order, spiritual and true;Mula, of the first, from the Himalayas sprung,In the Tantras Nine and Hymns Three thousandPropounds the Word of Agama in beauty dight.
102: Heads Of Seven OrdersKalanga immanent-living, Agora his very next,Maligai Deva the goodly and the holy Nadhanta,Paramananta, who the senses conquered and Bhogadeva,And Mula here breathing--of the Eternal are they all.
103: Hara, Hari And AyaLimitless youth, the beginning, and endAnd measuring out the Time, these four consideredSankara stands supreme and of His devoteesTo Hari and Aya infinite Grace goes.
104: Trinity--One ContinuityHe, the Being First, and He, the Emerald-hued,And He of the glowing, original Lotus-seat--Are these three separate or one continuous whole?Thus the world in divisions many wrangle!
105: God Is OneBeyond the Two Karmas is Isa seated,The seed of this world, the mighty God become;"This" and "That" is Isa--so the thoughtless contend,The dross but know the basest sediment low.
106: Nine Aspects Of One BeingSiva the First, then the Three, and the Five following,With whom flourished Bindu and Nada,Nine are they all, yet one and the same--All these but names of Sankara First.
107: Trinity Are KinBut if we thus the soul of truth probe and bare,Aya nor Mal to us no alien Beings areBut Indissolubly Kin to Nandi, the Three EyedBlessed be ye all by the Heavenly Three.
108: Trinity Are Co-EqualsLying prostrate I adored the Milk-hued One,While countless Devas stood around in melting prayers lost;Then spoke the Lord to me:"To Vishnu and Brahma are I equal;Be it Yours to give the world The Grace of My Feet."
109: All Gods Are But The One SivaDevas here be none, nor humans that breathe,Save for Siva's grace, Siva in honeyed-Konrai decked;No other God could dwell in the silence of your soul,Other Gods you worship, know they but mortals be.
110: Assign Not Ranks To TrinityThe ignorant know not, from the First did leapThe Light that flamed into Three and Five;So blindly groping, lost in maze of words,Isa, Mal and Aya, to graded ranks assign.
111: One And ManyThe Supreme is one, Absolute, without lapse,In descent thereof, Mal and Aya becoming;Thus He, the One into many ranked;By conscious choice a Self-deduction made.
112: Siva Is JeevaIn one Part, He, Sadasiva my Lord;One heavenly Part in Heaven resides;One Kingly Part, the spirit that the body heaves;One His Part to all motion transformed.
Tirumantiram:Table of Contents Himalayan Academy Directory to Our Whole SiteWithin the Sanatana Dharma, known today as Hinduism, there are three main sects-Saivism, Vaisnavism and Saktism. Long ago the Sanatana Dharma was none other than Saivism. Over the centuries these other sects have evolved until today they are all known collectively by the world as Hinduism. Saivism was the precursor of the many-faceted religion now termed Hinduism, and there was a time when there were no sectarian divisions. There was only Saivism. Today these three sects do exist as important components of the Hindu faith. Saivism, Vaisnavism and Saktism hold such divergent beliefs and attitudes that they are in fact complete and independent religions unto themselves. Though autonomous, they share in common a vast tradition, a belief in karma, reincarnation and the Deities, and a reliance upon the Vedas as their ultimate scriptural authority. Similarly, the Christians, Jews and Moslems-who do not believe in karma or reincarnation-all hold to the Old Testament as a common scripture though they are of different religions. Just as the followers of these religions worship in diverse ways in the church, the mosque or the synagogue, so too have the devotees of Siva, Vishnu and Sakti come to worship separately and uniquely in their own temples. They commonly share the name "Hinduism," while no such common name has evolved to describe the affinity that exists between Christianity, Judaism and Islam, though the relationship is parallel. This is one reason that it is not always understood that within Hinduism there are three major religions which are inaccurately termed sects.Within our Saivite sect, which has roughly three hundred million followers, there are several denominations or sub-sects, all following diverse theologies yet united in their unanimous recognition of Lord Siva as the Supreme God. These sub-sects are related in a close way with the theologian who first codified or organized the doctrine. They are also associated through various regions and languages. There are six main sub-sects in Saivism. The Saiva Siddhanta Church is of the original Saiva Siddhanta expounded by Saint Tirumular, associated with South India. Of the six sub-sects, it is the oldest and closest to the Advaita found in the Upanishads and Agamas. A divergent school within Saiva Siddhanta evolved out of the dualistic interpretations made by the philosopher Meykanda Devar in the Sivajnana Bodham and its commentary, Vartika, one thousand three-hundred years after the original postulations of Saint Tirumular were put forth. This school is also known as Saiva Siddhanta. A second sub-sect is known as the Pratyabhijna Saivism of Kashmir, founded by Vasugupta and known also as Kashmir Saivism. A third Saiva sub-sect is Vira Saivism, founded by Basava Deva in Central India, commonly called Lingayat Saivism. The fourth is Pasupata, founded by Nakulisa and now associated with Gujarat. The fifth is Siddha Siddhanta of North India whose founder is Goraksanath; and the sixth Saiva sub-sect is known as Siva Advaita, founded by Sri Kanta in South India.It would be difficult to overstate the importance of the Tirumantiram in Saiva Siddhanta philosophy. In the first place, it is the earliest full statement of Siddhanta, "the end of ends," composed over 2,000 years ago. It is perhaps the most complete and profound exposition of the subtle theology of Saiva Siddhanta ever written, so filled with the esoteric and the abtruse that it has not through its long history been read or studied outside of the conclaves of scholars-though in the last two decades this trend has shifted and will continue now that a complete English edition is available. Within the context of other Saiva scriptures of South India, the Tirumantiram is the tenth of the twelve Tirumurai or "Holy Books." The Tirumurai are collected works in the Tamil language written for the most part during the first millennium A.D. by various Saivite saints and then gathered together in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. They constitute what might be looked upon as a Saiva canon and hymnal in which may be found all forms of spiritual expression from the advaitic principles of non-dualism and Self-Realization to devotional praises to God, Siva. The Tirumurai have come to be regarded as the very lifebreath of the devotional strength of Saivism. They are second in importance only to the Vedas, Upanishads and Agamas, and they are sung daily in the temples of the Deities throughout South India and elsewhere in the world where Saivites worship. The remaining Tirumurai consist of the Devaram hymns of the Samachariyas-Saints Appar, Sundarar, Sambandar and Manikkavasagar-the Periya Puranam of Saint Sekkilar, and other works.The accomplished and scholarly Dr.B.Natarajan, an internationally known Indian economist and planner, has produced this latest English edition of the Tirumantiram. It is not merely the latest; it is the only complete translation ever made in English. Dr. B. Natarajan has worked in several capacities for the United Nations as well as in government positions in India. He has written many books and articles on economics and agriculture and is deeply involved in the nascent science of futurology. Now he has dedicated himself to bring the ancient Tamil scriptures into English. Besides the 2Tirumantiram he has undertaken and nearly completed the full works of Saint Thayumanivar. The title of the scripture may be best understood with the help of a few words read from the Introduction: "Tiru in Tamil means 'holy.' The word mantiram (from the Sanskrit mantra) is used in two senses, general and specific. In the general sense it conveys the meaning of devotional prayer composed in special words, e.g. Vedic Hymns. In the special sense a mantra is that which is composed of certain letters arranged in a definite sequence of sounds of which the letters are the representative signs. Here, a mantra may, or may not, convey on its face its meaning. Bija or seed mantras such as Aim, Klim, Hrim have no meaning according to the ordinary use of language. Tirumular uses the word 'mantra' in both senses. The title he gave his book originally was Mantra Malai or 'Garland of Mantras.' Here it conveys the sense of a Book of Prayer. Later in subsequent Tantras he elaborately speaks of special mantras for specific deities and special rituals and expounds in full the meaning of the Primal Mantra OM and Five-lettered Siva Mantra-Namasivaya-and the ways of intoning it in different contexts. Literally 'mantra' is composed of two syllables, Man or 'mind' and Tra or 'opening or liberation.' That is, Mantra is that which leads to blossoming or liberation of mind or heart.The typewritten manuscript that is here with us tonight is the first complete edition ever available in English, the fruits of years of difficult and subtle translation from the original Tamil. Dr. B. Natarajan has called the Tirumantiram "a book of Tantra, Mantra, Yantra and Yoga, of prayer and philosophy at once. It is the only authentic work in Tamil on Yoga-Kundalini Yoga especially. It expounds the teachings of Agamas as old as the Vedas... It proclaims the oneness of Godhead and the means to God-becoming by man-Jiva merging in Siva, the Soul in the Oversoul.Structurally, the Tirumantiram is comprised of nine tantras-books-and a preface. Each tantra covers a different aspect of the Saivite path. The Proem or Preface commences with an invocation to Lord Ganesha in the traditional manner and offers an overview of the work. It may be helpful if we summarize briefly the contents of each tantra.The First Tantra begins with a synopsis of all that is to follow in the Saint's opus. The topics it covers include: Transitoriness of Body-also of wealth, youth and life-Not Killing, Poverty, Dharma of Rulers, Glory of Giving, In Praise of the Charitable, Siva Knows Those Who Love Him, Learning, Non-learning, Rectitude and others. For those who are familiar with the Holy Kural these subjects will seem familiar, and they are. The topics of this initial tantra and of the great work by Saint Tiruvalluvar are indeed similar.The Second Tantra deals with the mythology of the Deities, with the cosmology of Hinduism, how the world was created, is sustained and will be destroyed, and of the categories of soul. It also explains the allegorical meanings of some of the important Saivite mythological stories and then delves into such theological matters as the five powers of Siva and the three classifications of souls.The Third Tantra explores the mystical science of yoga, yama and niyama, pranayama, asana, pratyahara or withdrawal of the senses within, dharana or concentration, dhyana or meditation and samadhi or Self-Realization. It is in essence the same as Patanjali's Astanga Yoga but includes Tirumular's mystic insights into each aspect of this ancient system drawn from his own experience. It is thus an exposition of yoga as Tirumular conceived it and lived it. Here it may be interesting to note that these two sages were contemporaries and are said to have lived at Chidambaram at the same time, so it is not surprising that their approach to yoga is similar.The Fourth Tantra is a highly esoteric work on mantras and yantras. He explains how to draw certain yantras, including the Tiru Ambala Chakram (the "circle of Chidambaram").The Fifth Tantra is a very special one. It gives a resume of the essential features of the Saivite religion. This includes the four forms of Saivism, the four stages, the four relationships the soul has with God, the four realizations attainable and the four aspects of the Descent of Grace. It ends with a delineation of unorthodox paths, conduct to be avoided, and an affirmation of approved margas or religious paths.The Sixth Tantra covers a variety of aspects of Saivism and is more readable than most of the others. Some of the areas covered are: the Siva Guru, attainment of Grace, renunciation, the signs of sin, penance, jnana and Siva darshan in people, and a description of worthy and unworthy persons.The Seventh Tantra is a treatise on some advanced and highly technical aspects of Saivism. It is partly written as an exposition of Tirumular's own realizations. It discusses the Lingam, Grace and corresponding attainments, mudras, control of ida and pingala nadis, worlds reached by different classes of yogis on death, and the Sat Guru.The Eighth Tantra covers many of the important theological elements of Siddhanta and is certainly one of the most inspiring. Among the concepts presented are expositions of: the five sheaths (bodies), the eleven avasthais (states), the three padarthas (pati, pasu and pasam), and how they are essentially one, the 36 tattvas and their elaboration into 96 tattvas, the four states (waking, dreaming, dreamless sleep and turiyam or the "fourth,") and Turiyateetam or the "state beyond the fourth," the three malas, the freeing of the mala fettered soul (Iruvinaioppu, malaparipaka, and Saktinipata), the mahavakiyam of the Upanishads, advaitic realization where the soul becomes Sivam leaving behind the tattvas, malas and all avastais, the true Siddhanta where knower, known and knowledge become one, the affirmation of Siddhanta and Vedanta as the same, the three gunas, the dasa-karanas, and the extirpation of desire as a necessity for Realization.The Ninth Tantra is essentially a description of the fruits of realization. This includes an account of the attainment of akasa, the budding up of knowledge, the bliss of true knowledge, the state of liberation, and the Samadhi of Silence. It also contains descriptions of Siva's various dances, the ashram of the Guru and the meeting of the Guru. These nine tantras end with hymns of praise to Siva and a description of Siva's all-pervading nature.Even this brief account of the contents of the tantras is sufficient to show that the Tirumantiram contains in its concentrated and concise verbal gems all the fundamental doctrines of Siddhanta. We hope this brief introduction helps us all to comprehend the depths of Gurudeva's thoughts.
Tirumantiram:Table of Contents Himalayan Academy Directory to Our Whole SiteI want to introduce you to Saint Tirumular who is the very fountainhead of Saiva Siddhanta, and to his scripture, the Tirumantiram, considered the final authority on subtle matters of philosophy and theology in Saiva Siddhanta. In fact, it is said to contain the whole of Saiva Siddhanta. Saint Tirumular is a theologian of our faith, but not merely a theologian. He is also a siddhar, an accomplished yogi. Our Hindu scriptures come from such great men, men who have attained to the deepest realizations through their sadhana and their devotion. When their awareness dwells in the superconscious states resident in all men but penetrated intentionally by only a few, and when they speak out from that state, we consider that it is not man himself who has thus spoken but the Divine through man. Saint Tirumular was such a siddhar, and his words are valued as a divine message for mankind.Those of you who have been on San Marga here on Kauai have seen the beautiful life-size granite statue of Saint Tirumular that arrived here along with the statue of Saint Tiruvalluvar, the author of the Tirukural. In India during Tiruvalluvar's time there was neither paper nor pens, so writing was accomplished with a stylus, the characters being scraped or scratched into a specially prepared leaf, called an Ola leaf. Many ancient scriptures and literature were produced in this manner, and it is amazing that some of the original writings so made still exist today. Certainly no modern day paper would have withstood the centuries so well! The statue of Saint Tirumular shows him sitting in the lotus posture, deep in meditation, while Saint Tiruvalluvar is seated with a small writing table on his lap composing his sacred verses with stylus in hand. His Tirukural speaks on virtuous living. It gives us the keys to happy and harmonious life in the world, but it doesn't give any insights into the nature of God, whereas, the Tirumantiram delves into the nature of God, man and the universe in its depths. Taken together, they speak to all Hindus and offer guidance for every aspect of religious life, the first addressing itself to the achievement of virtue, wealth and love, while the second concerns itself with attainment of moksha or liberation. The Tirumantiram is a mystical book and a difficult book. The original text is written in metered verse, composed in the ancient Tamil language. Saint Tirumular is the first one to codify Saiva Siddhanta, the final conclusions, and the first one to use the term "Saiva Siddhanta." It is a document upon which the entire religion could stand, if it had to. It is one of the oldest scriptures known to man. I was very happy to find that all my own postulations, gathered from realization, are confirmed in this great work. That is why this book is so meaningful to me-as a verification of personal experience and a full statement of the philosophical fortress erected and protected by our Guru Paramparai.It takes a bit of meditation to understand the Tirumantiram because you have to know occultism and scripture to catch the meaning. It is composed in rhyme and cloaked in code-when the Five become Six and the Seven become Twelve and so on, all talking about the petals of the chakras and the esoteric bodies of man or the material world components known as tattvas. For these tantras Brahmin priests and shastris from various parts of South India had to be hired to help in deciphering the deeper, more abstruse verses about the kundalini and other mystical subjects. Like all mystical writings one can only understand this scripture by close study with a teacher. Why is that? Because mystics are cautious, protective of their special knowledge that it does not get into the wrong hands. They therefore present their work minus a few important keys that the preceptor or Sat Guru has to fill in for the disciple who has proven himself worthy. It is something like a great chef who might write down all his finest recipes but leave out one or two crucial ingredients to preserve his reputation. Thus, many of the mantras or yantras spoken of in this or other texts are correct as far as they go, but usually leave out a necessary key which makes them work. That does not mean they are useless. It does mean, however, that the fullest use cannot be realized by merely reading or studying from the books.There is a timeless quality about Saivism-which preceded Hinduism as we know it today-that sets it apart from the modern faiths on the planet such as Christianity and Islam. Of course, we know that the founders of Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism were all good Hindus. Saivism is so very ancient that it appears among the first civilizations unearthed by archeologists. It is our belief that Saivism is as old as man himself, the original or seed religion from which all others have sprung forth; and since they are the offspring of Saivism we look upon them as parents look upon their children, with a deep love and a hope that they will do well and a look askance when they don't. There never was a time when Saivism, the Sanatana Dharma, did not exist on the planet. Other religions trace their lineage to a man, to a founder, to a messiah or a theologian. Saivism does not. It has no founder because it was not founded by man. It is coexistent with man. That makes Saivism unique, different from all the religions and sects that followed it. Look into history and you will see it is the only religion without a beginning, without a founder and a date it was founded. Now one of the oldest of the preserved theologies of Saivism available to us today is that of Saint Tirumular. Of course, his was not the first theology, just one of the oldest to be preserved. He did not start anything new. His work is only a few hundred years older than the New Testament. He codified Saivism as he knew it. He recorded its tenets in concise and precise verse form, drawing upon his own realizations of the truths it contained. His work is not an intellectual construction, and it is not strictly a devotional canon either. It is based in yoga. It exalts and explains yoga as the kingly science leading man to knowledge of himself. Yet it contains theological doctrine and devotional hymns. It is the full expression of man's search, encompassing the soul, the intellect and the emotions.Saint Tirumular's story begins more than two thousand years ago in the Himalayas where the great rishis had gathered in conclave apart from the rest of the world holding fast to the Sanatana Dharma as they pursued their own meditations to ever deeper strata. From time to time these ashram communities would send out members in response to the needs of the world, pilgrims who would travel by foot, taking the Eternal Truths to be taught and reestablished where perhaps superstition or alien religions had gained a foothold. These rishis traveled throughout the known world in those early days, spreading the Sanatana Dharma, Saivism, far and wide. It was a one teaching, but people adapted it to their own understanding and culture and local conditions, and thus the various religions of the world arose. Saint Tirumular was such a Himalayan rishi, a siddhar sent on mission to South India to spread the purest teachings of Saivism to the people there. Hinduism is a missionary religion. Everyone within it, myself included, is on a mission or is purifying himself through sadhana enough so that he can be given a mission for the religion from some great soul or a God perhaps. This is the pattern within Saivism, and Saint Tirumular's mission was to summarize and thereby renew and reaffirm at one point in time the final conclusions of the Sanatana Dharma, the purest Saiva path, Saiva Siddhanta.Rishi Sundaranatha, which was his name before he was sent to the South, had to walk all the way. Along the way he halted near the village of Tiruvavaduthurai where he found the body of a cowherd who had died in the fields. The milk cows were wandering around aimlessly, lamenting the death of their master whom they clearly loved. The sight moved Rishi Sundaranatha deeply, inspiring him to relieve the anguish of the cows. An extraordinary miracle occurred, a boon from Lord Siva to help the cows and also to assist the sage in his task. Leaving his physical body hidden in a hollow log, Rishi Sundaranatha used his siddhis or yogic powers to enter and revive the lifeless body of Mulan-that was the cowherd's name. He comforted and cared for the cattle and led them back to the village. Returning to the fields he was unable to find his original physical body! He searched and searched, but it was not to be found. It had simply vanished! The Rishi was deeply perplexed, and he sat in meditation to come to some understanding of these strange happenings. Through his spiritual insight he discerned that it was Lord Siva Himself who had taken his body, leaving him to live thereafter in the body of the Tamil cowherd. He took this to be Siva's message that he should keep the South Indian body and serve in that way. He accepted it all as Siva's will and was thereafter known as Tirumular, or the holy Mular, for everyone realized that some extraordinary change had taken place in their village cowherd. Of course, there were certain advantages. For one thing, he could now fluently speak the language and knew the customs of the South. He stayed there and recorded the wisdom of the Upanishads and Saiva Agamas in the local language, Tamil.Saint Tirumular began his mission of establishing the purity of the Saivite path soon thereafter when he settled down near Chidambaram, an ancient temple of Lord Siva as Nataraja, the King of Dancers. There he worshipped near a Banyan tree where there was a Swayambhu Lingam. That Lingam is revered by Saivites even today in a small shrine within the Chidambaram walls, and you can worship there on pilgrimage just as he did so long ago. It was there that he began composing the Tirumantiram. Legend has it that the sage retired to a cave where he would sit in samadhi for a full year without moving. At the end of each year he would break his meditation long enough to speak out a single Tamil verse giving the substance of that year's meditations. Each verse composed in this manner was just four lines long, but the wisdom each contained was boundless. He wrote over 3,000 verses in all. This may not be accurate by the calendar, but it is true to the spirit and quality of the Tirumantiram, which has within it the wisdom of three thousand years of meditation. It is without a doubt the most complete and authoritative scripture ever written. There are few before or since his time qualified to understand all the Tirumantiram says, much less to improve upon it. It is that perfect and that complete.Today we hear the term "Siddhanta" and various meanings of the word may come to mind. For some perhaps their immediate thought would be Meykanda Devar and his interpretation of Saiva Siddhanta. For others some concept of a philosophy halfway between Advaita-Vedanta and Dvaita, a vague area of unclarity, and for others various literal translations of the word such as "true end," "final end" or "true conclusion." The term "Siddhanta" appears for the first time in the Tirumantiram. The word anta carries the connotation of goal}conclusion, as does the English word "end." Tirumular's specific use of the word was "the teachings and the true conclusions of the Saiva Agamas." And these he felt were identical with Vedanta or "the conclusions of the Upanishads." In fact, he makes it very clear that pure Saiva Siddhanta must be based on Vedanta. Siddhanta is specific, giving the sadhanas and practical disciplines which bring one to the final Truth. Vedanta is general, simply declaring in broad terms the final Truth that is the goal of all paths. There are those who would intellectually divide Siddhanta from Vedanta, thus cutting off the goal from the means to that goal. But our Guru Paramparai holds them to be not different. How can we consider the mountain path less important than the summit to which it leads us? Both are one. Siddhanta and Vedanta are one also, and both are contained in Saiva Siddhanta. That is the conclusion of scripture and the conclusion of my own experiences as well. The Suddha Siddhanta of Saiva Siddhanta is Vedanta. Vedanta was never meant to stand alone, apart from worship, apart from religious tradition. It has only been taken in that way since Swami Vivekananda brought it to the West. The Western man and Western-educated Eastern man have tried in modern Vedanta to secularize traditional Sanatana Dharma, to take the philosophical conclusions of the Hindu religion and set them apart from the religion itself, apart from Chariya and Kriya-service and devotion. Vedantists who are members of other religions have unintentionally sought to adopt only the highest philosophy of Hinduism to the exclusion of the rich customs, observances and temple worship. They have not fully realized that these must precede yoga for yoga to be truly successful. Orthodox Hindus understand these things in a larger perspective. These same problems of misinterpretation must have existed even in Saint Tirumular's time, for he writes that "Vedanta is Suddha (pure) Saiva Siddhanta." (Verse 1422). "The faultless Jnani is the Lord of endless wisdom in whom has dawned the final Truth of Siddhantam, the cream of pure Vedantam." (Verse 1428).It may be that Saint Tirumular pioneered the reconciliation of Vedanta and Siddhanta. But what is the Vedanta that Tirumular was referring to? Sankara, with his exposition of Vedanta, was not to come for many centuries. Thus, concepts such as Nirguna and Saguna Brahman being two separate realities rather than one transcendent}immanent God, the absolute unreality of the world, and the so-called differences between the jnana path and the previous stages had not yet been tied into Vedanta. The Vedanta Tirumular knew was the direct teachings of the Upanishads. If there is one thing the Upanishads are categorical in declaring it is Advaita, "Tat Tvam Asi-Thou art That," "Aham Bramasmi-I am Brahman." And when Saint Tirumular says that Siddhanta is based on Vedanta he is using Vedanta to refer to this Advaita, which according to him must be the basis of Siddhanta. This is perhaps one of the most important essentials of Tirumular's Siddhanta to be brought forward into the Siddhanta of today, for it did, in fact, stray from the Rishi's postulations.That is why we occasionally use the term "Advaita Saiva Siddhanta." It conveys our belief in the Siddhanta which has as its ultimate objective the Vedanta. It sets us apart from the Dvaita Saiva Siddhanta school of interpretation begun by Meykanda Devar which sees God and the soul as eternally separate, never completely unified. It is not unusual to find two schools, similar in most ways, yet differing on matters of theology. In fact, this has been true throughout history. It has its source in the approach to God. On the one hand you have the rishi, the yogi, the sage or siddhar who is immersed in his sadhana, deep into yoga which brings forth direct experience. His conclusions will always tend toward Advaita, toward a fully non-dual perception. It isn't even a belief. It is the philosophical aftermath of experience. Most Sat Gurus and those who follow the monastic path will hold firmly to the precepts of Advaita Saiva Siddhanta. On the other hand there are the philosophers, the scholars, the pundits. Relying not on experience and ignoring yoga, they must surmise, postulate, arrange and rearrange concepts through an intricate intellectual process in an effort to reason out what God must be like. These are not infrequently the Grahastras and their reasoning leads them to one or another form of Dvaita Saiva Siddhanta. These are both valid schools. They are both traditional schools, and comparisons are odious. But they are very different one from the other, and it is good that we understand those differences.Of course, we don't believe in controversy between the various theologies of Saivism. Contention, argument and dispute never brought a single person closer to Sivajnana. These kinds of quarrelsome discussions are interesting to the intellect, but have a negative influence on spiritual unfoldment. They should be avoided by every sincere devotee. In their place we must find a common ground. We must work together for the benefit of Saivism as a whole. If differences persist, let them be. Hold to the unifying elements and let Saivism surge forward. We don't want to be like the Christians, busy arguing with each other and unable to work together for the benefit of their religion which has been fragmented into hundreds of partial religions each claiming to be the one and only true whole. Ours is a religion and has always been a religion of acceptance and understanding, able to harmonize differences. That is how we look at these controversies. We accept them, and the mission goes on.The verses of the Tirumantiram are understandable if you learn how to study them and meditate within yourself. They are important because they tell about what our religion believes about inner, spiritual matters-about the soul and the world and their relationship to Siva. It is very important to remember that what a person is taught to believe creates his or her attitudes toward others and toward the world and stimulates or suppresses desire. Beliefs create attitudes. We base our values and attachments upon what we were taught to believe, and yet those beliefs may not be precisely known to us though they are the compass of our destiny in this life. As our beliefs guide our spiritual evolution, it behooves us to know what those beliefs are. For example, when the belief is held that God and the soul are coexistent and that God did not create the soul and the two will never merge as one, this causes a certain attitude of indifference toward the practice of yoga and the realization of God. When on the other hand the belief is held that Lord Siva did create the individual soul, the attitude of striving for union through Chariya, Kriya and Yoga persists. I call these philosophies which believe that God is eternally separate from the soul "terminal philosophies."It has been asked, "If Siva created the soul, then is not the soul different from Siva?" For our answer let us look at nature. When a tree "creates" a fruit, that fruit is not a "something else." It is not different from the tree. The Western idea of creation is a flash of lightening and the world appears as an entity different from the Creator. The truth is more like the example of the tree, though that analogy is only a partial analogy and does not explain how the soul merges with the Absolute. All of creation is the manifestation of Siva's own Being, like the fruit is the natural manifestation of the tree. Thus souls and the world are Siva. My beloved Gurudeva, Yogaswami of Columbuthurai, said some wonderful things about this. He said, "It will not be an overstatement if I say that man is God." He also said, "Nothing exists except the Lord. Everything is His action. Nothing exists apart from God. It is like the waves and the ocean." This is my belief, too.People who hold to the belief in an eternal Hell where souls burn forever for their sins will have attitudes of a more or less fearful nature. But for those who believe that God created the soul with form and with a superconscious intelligence and that the two will ultimately merge in non-dualistic union, religion has meaning. They want to convert others to it and have the power to do so as a boon from Lord Siva, God of all the realms.God Siva created the soul. How did he do this? Was it like a potter shaping clay into a pot? Was it like a carpenter creating a house out of lumber? It was more like the tree. In order to create another tree, the tree sends out its branches and the fruit grows on the branches and the seed grows within the fruit. The fruit drops off and the seed sprouts and a shoot comes out; that shoot becomes a twig, then a sapling, then a small tree, and then a large tree. Finally, the tree is fully matured and sends out its fruits and begins the process all over again. In a similar way Lord Siva has created individual souls. Saint Tirumular assures us of this in one of his many statements about Siva the Creator:Of yore He created the worlds seven,Of yore He created celestials countless,Of yore He created souls without number,Of yore He created all-Himself,As Primal Param, uncreated.TANTRA TWO VERSE 446We must understand the difference between the Self-God, Parasivam, and the soul. Many people think that the Self is something that you get. You pursue it and after a while you get it, like you get something in the world. But the Self is not separated from you by even the tiniest amount. You cannot go someplace and get it and bring it back. The formless, transcendent Self is never separate from you. It is closer than your heartbeat. God Siva is called the Primal Soul because He is the perfect form, the original soul who then created individual souls. The individual soul has a beginning, and it has an end, merging with God. It has form as well. All form has a beginning and an end. The Absolute Self, Parasivam, is formless, timeless, endless and beginningless. All things are in the Self, and the Self is in all things. Many people think of the Self as an object to be sought. You start here and you go there, and you get the Self. You pursue it today; and if you don't get it today, you try again tomorrow. It's different than that. It comes from within you more as a becoming of your whole being than something that you pursue and get. And yet you seem to pursue it, and seem to get it. It is very difficult to explain.The individual soul is different. The soul has a form. The soul is form, a very refined and subtle form, to be sure, but still a form and form obeys the laws of form. The soul has a beginning in Lord Siva and an end in union with Him. The purpose of life is to know God, your very Self. This is the end of all religions, of all religious effort. This is why we say that religion is this process of lifting ourselves up, attuning our minds to the laws of life so that we become stronger and more mature beings. We become higher beings, living in the higher chakras, and we come closer and closer to God. God doesn't come closer to us. How will God come any closer? He is closer to you right now than your own thoughts. He is nearer than breathing, closer than hands and feet.I shall explain the soul in yet another way for I see a questioning look in some of your faces. Man has five bodies, each more subtle than the last. Visualize the soul of man as a lightbulb and his various bodies or sheaths as colored fabrics covering the pure white light. The physical body is the outermost body. Next comes the pranic body, then the physical body's subtle duplicate, the astral body. Then there is the mental or intellectual body in which one can travel instantaneously anywhere. Then comes the body of the soul, which I term the actinodic body. This is the body that evolves from birth to birth, that reincarnates into new outer sheaths and does not die when the physical body returns its elements to the earth. This body eventually evolves as the actinic body, the body of light, the Golden Body of the soul. This soul body in its final evolution is the most perfect form, the prototype of human form. Once physical births have ceased, this soul body still continues to evolve in subtle realms of existence. This effulgent, actinic body of the illumined soul, even after Nirvakalpa Samadhi, God-Realization, continues to evolve in the inner worlds until the final merger with Siva.I like to say,"God, God, God." There is one God only, but man's comprehension of That is helped by consciously exploring the three aspects of the one Divine Being: the Absolute, Pure Consciousness or the Self flowing through all form, and the Creator of all that is.Lord Siva is the Absolute Self, Parasivam, the timeless, formless, spaceless Reality beyond the mind, beyond all form, beyond our subtlest understanding. Parasivam can only be experienced to be known, and then it cannot be explained. Lord Siva is pure consciousness, the substratum, or Primal Substance of all that exists. He is the Energy within all existence. He is Satchidananda, or Truth, Consciousness and Bliss, the Self that flows through all form. Lord Siva is the Primal Soul, Mahesvara, the Original and most perfect Being. He is the Source and the Creator, having never been created. He is the Lord of all beings. He created all souls out of Himself, and He is ever creating, preserving and destroying forms in an endless Divine Dance. When I was nine years old, I was taught that Lord Siva is God-God the Creator, God the Preserver, and God the Destroyer. To this day I know and believe that Siva is all of these, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. These are the final conclusions of Saivism, the Sanatana Dharma. The Upanishads state it in this way:He is the one God, the Creator.He enters into all wombs.The One Absolute Eternal Existence,Together with His inscrutable maya,Appears as the Divine Lord, and Personal GodEndowed with manifest forms.With His Divine Sakti He holds dominionOver all the worlds.At the time of the CreationAnd Dissolution of the UniverseHe alone exists.Our Lord is One without a second.With His Divine SaktiHe reigns over all the worlds.Within man He dwells,And within all other beings.He projects the universe, He maintains it,And He withdraws it into Himself.He is the Origin and the SupportOf all the Gods; He is Lord to all.He sees all and knows all.Thou doth pervade the universe,Thou art consciousness itself,Thou art Creator of Time,Thou art the Primal Being.Whether He manifests existence out of Himself or withdraws it entirely into His Being, existence is all of Himself, all is of Siva, the Auspicious One. Existence is indeed eternal, yet manifesting and dissolving in natural cycles of time and space. When the scriptures speak of the world or the soul as being eternal, we must understand that it is not any particular part of the world or any single soul that exists forever. Rather it is the existence of that which we call world. When this world ends, worlds and worlds will continue their existence in other parts of this universe. And when a great soul merges forever into Siva, there will be other souls working their way through their karma toward moksha. Similarly, there are always pine trees on the mountain tops. They have been there for millions of years. But those are not the same trees. In this sense we can say that world and soul are eternal, and this is to me the most profound understanding of these references in scripture.You must all study the great scriptures of our religion. These divine utterances of the siddhars will enliven your own inner knowing. The Tirumantiram is similar to the Tirukural in many ways. You can teach them both to the children and apply their wisdom to everyday life. You can use them for guidance in times of trouble and confusion, and they will unerringly guide you along the right path. You can read them as hymns after sacred puja in your home shrine or in the temple precincts. Each verse can be used as a prayer, as a meditation, as a holy reminder of the great path that lies ahead. It is a difficult work, but don't be discouraged by that. Just understand that it could easily take a lifetime, several lifetimes, to understand all that is contained in this scripture, that it is for those deep into their personal sadhana. It was given by the saint to those who fully knew of the Vedas and the Agamas, and to understand it you too will have to become more familiar with these other scriptures, slowly obtaining a greater background.In making our selections from the Tirumantiram we have chosen those verses that would be most readily understood and which, taken as a whole, would offer a good example of the contents of the entire work for those who may never receive the full edition. This has perhaps made it seem a more simple work than it really is in its fullness of over three thousand verses. We can all offer our respects to the translator for his years of effort. Dr. B. Natarajan has had given to him a mission in this life from a previous time, before birth, to present to the modern world in the English language in its pristine purity this Tirumantiram of Rishi Tirumular. He is now fulfilling that mission and has surpassed expectation in the poetic grandeur that flows from his plume. True to his name, Nataraja, Power of Tillai, forced these expressions through his mind. The deed is done. Tirumantiram has been taken from the past and magically transported into the future through the Divine Dancer's own vehicle and namesake, now retired from a worthy career to devote his life to the Divine Will, to the Great Lords of our religion.So, here it is. Proceed with confidence. Enjoy it. Study it. Meditate upon it. Let it become a part of your inner life, of your understanding of God, man and world. Study it. Meditate upon it. Let it become a part of your inner life, of your understanding of God, man and world.
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113: He Descended From Heaven and Filled Me With GraceHe come down from Heaven, clothed in body,Karma to match, stretched forth His cool Feet of Grace, planting them firmOn my head; and lo! inside me He stood, melting my yielding heart;And filled my eyes with peerless bliss, past all compare,All impurity dispelled.
114: He Planted His Feet on My HeartAll impurity He shattered--our Nandi, Forehead-eyed,Shattered to pieces before His opening Eye of Grace,His Eye, at whose radiant light impurity quails;So transfixed He His Coral Feet on heart of mine,Crystal turned.
115: Pati (God), Pasu (Soul) and Pasa (World) are EternalThey speak of the Three--Pati, Pasu and Pasa;Beginningless as Pati, Pasu and Pasa are:But the Pasu-Pasa nears not the Pati supreme:Let but Pati touch! the Pasu-Pasa is as naught.
116: He Shattered Impurities Three--Egoity, Illusion and KarmaLike the spark that within the bamboo indwells,So, Nandi Lord, from this body-temple flamed;With sweet compassion gentler than a mother's,He shattered the Impurities ThreeAnd like unto the sun on the ocean of mercy arose.
117: At His Glance, Impurities VanishThe sunstone sleeps in cotton enclosed,The sunstone burns not the fragile stuff;Let but the sun's rays fall! How it shrivels and flames!Even so the impure wilts before the Lord's cathartic glance.
118: He Broke Into My Soul's Silent Depths"All impurities we shall expell," said the Lord in GraceAnd saying so, from Sadsiva of the Five Spheres came down,In the sovereign Sabha through His Five Acts Divine,He broke into my soul's silent depths, Knowing all.
119: He Made Sensory Consciousness Merge in God ConsciousnessConsciousness hanging on to the senses five,Knowing not its course as on deep waters drifting,--Consciousness sensory merging in the Consciousness deep,--Thus He pointed the Way,--He, the Guru Supreme.
120: He Roasted the Seeds of Recurring BirthsLike unto the swan that from milk the water parts,So the Lord, Himself, alone, in this Sabha unique,Grasped the senses many that scorch like fire,And thus the Seven Births unto roasted seeds rendered.
121: Sivayogins Attain Turiya State in Mortal BodySivayogins are they that the seed destroy,Who, in waking state, the pure awareness induce;Who in harmony unbroken, achieve the tranced breath,When life, senses, body--alike simulate death.
122: Sivayoga is to Attain Self-LuminationSivayoga it is to know the Cit-Acit,And for the Yoga-Penance qualify;Self-light becoming Self,To enter undeviating, His lordly domain;He granted me this--Nandi of the Nine Yogas.
123: He Granted Me Bliss SupremeHe made me see the truth that He pervades all,Granted me the vision of the world that even Devas know not,The vision of the Sacred Feet in Holy Sabha's cosmic dance,Granted me His infinite Grace and the Bliss supreme.
124: Who Are the Siva-SiddhasSpace intermingling with space,Nectar drowning in nectar,Light dissolving in light--The elect are they, the Siva-Siddhas,Who these splendid visions perceive.
125: Siddhas Ascend the Thirty-Six TattvasSiddhas they that Siva's world here visioned,Nada and Nadanta deep in them realized,The Eternal, the Pure, reposing in Bliss unalloyed,--Thirty and Six the steps to Liberation leading.
126: They Walk Into Light of SivaAscending thus the steps,Thirty and six of Freedom's ladder high,Into the peerless Light of Bliss they walked;And Siva, the inexplicable, they saw--Having seen, realized and so stayed.
127: Siddhas Lose Themselves in Divine ImpassivityIn Siva they remained, seeing themselves in all,Remained thus mutely gazing at Siva's works manifold,In silence witnessing Time's three tenses,They remained, lost,While Divine Impassivity spread its sable wings.
128: Nature of Divine ImpassivityIn space pure is Impassivity seated,In space pure It does repose,Impassivity begins where Vedas end,Who Impassivity saw, inside Vedas they slept.
129: Sleeping Still They PerceiveSleeping, in themselves they saw Siva's World,Sleeping, in themselves they saw Siva's Yoga,Sleeping, in themselves they saw Siva's Bhoga,How then describe the mindsOf those who sleeping saw?
130: As Much as You Strive, So Much is His Grace BestowedEven as you strive to reach Wisdom's bounds,Even so on you, Hara, the Being First, His Grace bestows,In Sabha unique He dances for Uma to behold.Like a Flaming Ruby in the Flaming Sky.
131: The Glorious Beauty of Divine DanceInside the ruby like the emerald flamingInside the ruby like the emerald inset,He dances the Holy Dance in the Sabha of purest goldWhat oh the reward, to those who Him adored!
132: Attainment of Deathlessness and BirthlessnessIn this world they received the Deathless Way greatIn this world they attained the Birthless End greatThe Gift unique of inseparateness from the Sabha pureThe ineffable rapture, the glory beyond reach of words.
133: Senses Controlled, They Saw This World and NextWho there be who, like our Lord, distinct knowThe great and the small, the difficult and the facile?They, unto tortoise, drawing in senses five under the shell,They heard and saw This and Next, all impurities dispelled.
134: Silentness of Waveless ThoughtLike the ghee subtly latent in purest milk,Into the waveless Thought the Lord in silentness speaks;They who, in silentness realise, this mortal coil shuffled,Purity they become, in Limitless Light mingling.
135: When the Five Senses Take Cit's Way, They Reach CitWhen the senses Five, sound commencing, Cit's way take,Where shall the Cit go but to the Cit?In space light mingles but with Light,Note this, as doth salt in the sea vast.
136: Jiva Lies Enclosed in SivaThe fierce rays of the sun beating upon the water,The incontained salt does in crystal shapes emerge;Even as that salt is in the water contained,So does Jiva in Siva lie enclosed.
137: As Atom Merges in the Vast, Jiva Merges in SivaThe tiny atom, swimming the Universe vast,Merges in the Vast--no separate existence knows;So the Spirit's plastic stress sweeping through bodies all,At sight of His Holy Feet, discovers its Ancient Home.
138: Lord's Feet is the Final Refuge of Souls IllumedThe Holy Feet is Siva, if you but know,The Holy Feet is Siva's world, if you but think,The Holy Feet is Freedom's bliss, truth to say,There is the final refuge for souls illumed.
139: Guru's Role in Soul's IlluminationIt is but to see the Guru's Holy Form,It is but to chant the Guru's Holy Name,It is but to hear the Guru's Holy Word,It is but to muse the Guru's Holy Being--Thus it is the soul its illume receives.
140: Seek His Grace, the Senses Get ControlledSurely then the senses five under your control come,Surely then the senses five back to their native homes retreat,Surely then the senses five change their course,If, alone, you seek the sole felicity of our Lord's perfect Grace.
141: Fill Thy Thoughts With NandiAll they see is Nandi's Holy Feet twain,All they think is Nandi's Holy Form divine,All they chant is Nandi's Name, I trow,In all their thoughts Nandi's golden Words and wise.
142: Thus They Reached HeavenWho, in their minds, kept our Nandi's Holy Name,Nandi, Wisdom's Lord,--they holy became;As the Lord danced, they beheld Him with eyes enthralled,While the Vedas sang in praise,Reached Heaven's sacred shores.
143: Dust Into Dust-That is Body's WayThe Vessel's clay was one, but of two Karmas made,Firm-set, until Fate its grim summons gave;Then the rains poured and back to clay the vessel turned;Thus countless hordes perish and pass to the grave.
144: Your Vigil and Wisdom Alone Accompany Departing SoulThis roof of delights, when by use, to pieces falls,Wife nor children who all enjoyed follow the parting SoulOnly the holy vigils kept and wisdom gainedRemain to save--others dwindle and desert us all.
145: How Soon the Dead are ForgottenThe neighbours gathered wailing loud and long,Denied him now a name, called him corpse,And bore him to the burning ghat and the body burnt,Then a ceremonial dip--and memory dies as the hours lapse.
146: When Body Roof Falls, It Falls ForeverTwo pillars support this roof and one single beam,Thirty and two the rafters extend side ways,But as the roof above decays and breaks,Back to its mansion the breath of life fails its way to trace.
147: Body Dead is but a Feed for RavensGangrened the sore, the body that Karma shapedGrew loose of joints, the roof's beam rotted and fell;And with finger on nose, they bore the body dead,A plenteous feast for the ravens to feed.
148: Death Comes SuddenThe rich repast was laid and he dined and joyed,With damsels sweet in amorous dalliance toyed;"A little little pain--on the left" he moanedAnd laid himself to rest to be gathered to dust.
149: Pomp and Glory Lead But to the GraveIn pride of pomp a stately mansion he built,In rage of wealth into the palanquin he stept,In vain excess gave away largesse in crores,But ne'er his soul sought the Lord's green retreat.
150: Alive They Embraced the Body, Dead They Consigned it to FlamesLips met lips, bodies licked in close embrace,And love in surfeit cloyed--then died memories long cherished,Soon the body on bier was set while mourners mourned;All passions spent, the body in the leaping flames perished.
151: Nothing Remains, When Life DepartsThe pulse failed, the mind lost its axle-hold,The senses five, that buttered sweets enjoyed, left their home;The fair-eyed beloved and dear treasures remained to stay,But the spark of life for ever quittedThe warm precincts of clay.
152: Kith and Kin Wept and LeftThe roof to pieces went, the bonds of life broke loose,The mansion's nine gates closed fast for ever and aye,Time's painful march fast gaining apace,One by one weeping they left him as the hours passed by.
153: Final Procession to GraveLord was he of our land, sole leader of our place,Mounted now on palanquin for the ultimate journey's end;Mourners walked behind, clashing drums beat afore;Thus did the solemn show, in ample length, extend.
154: The Body Temple Crumbled; the Ninty-Six Tattvas FledThe thirty and thirty and thirty-six they say,They that behind temple walls safely dwelt,They saw the temple walls crash and crumble,And all alike, without a trace, thence did melt.
155: They Hurried the Body to FlamesDeath strikes from life's enchanted cupHoneyed delights of wife, cherished treasures of heart;Kinsmen bore him on bier to the common burning ghat,And the burden discharged hurried home,Having done their part.
156: Coveting Riches of the Dead Some Remain BackThe body to its final fate consigned,Friends and kinsmen all dispersed;But some remained; long had they lusted for the dead man's wealth,Intent on riches, men deem they could for ever hold,Panting and pining for what they might carry by stealth.
157: They Too Finally Depart Cleansing Themselves by a BathMourning friends, weeping spouse, dear children all,They but followed him to the river's edge--not a step beyond;Then sorrow dropped its mark, quick the pyre was lit,Then the plunge in water, heart-whole they, graceless band.
158: When Body-Pot Breaks None Cares To Retain ItThis universe entire of treasures vast compact,The Great Potter from watery clay wrought to shape;If the moulded pot breaks, men keep the pieces still,But if the vital body cracks, who even a while cares it to keep?
159: Body is Burnt to Ashes; Beyond That We Know NotFive the segments of the head, six the plaits of hair,Thirty the joints, eighteen the sides,Nine the roofs, fifteen the rows--All to ashes burnt--no more we know besides.
160: Body is Karmic FruitFruit of fig and seeds of green to pieces chopped,In a pot they placed, mixed and ground to paste;Seeds of green the fruit of fig consumed,Loud they wailed, and bore the body in haste.
161: Body is Fragile FrameNo roofing above nor standing ground below,Two legs to support and a central beam athwart,Rudely thatched on top but unlined within,An empty vessel, in Karmic garb enwrapt.
162: The Lute Lay in Dust; the Music CeasedDeserted the banquet-hall, unlit, unadorned,Gone the dancer's swaying shape and flashing feet;Another song now they sang to a wailing tune,And, seeking fire, flung the body to its consuming heat.
163: What Did the Body Leave Behind?Three hundred days agone, the foetus emerged,Naught remains of it now, dear friends, you know;In twelve years' time it learned to smell the rich odours of lifeAt seventy it turned to dust--thus briefly ends the show.
164: Lamp Remained; Flame DiedThe lamp remains but the flame is out,Loud the fools lament but the truth ignore;Night follows day--this they fail to grasp,And thus immersed fall and moan,Ever sobbing more and more.
165: Those Who Do Not Adore Lord, Lie Writhing in the Seventh HellWhile the body the Lord of blooming Konrai wroughtAnd Life worshipping not the Divine,In the Seventh hell, neglected lie,Writhing in pain and wordless agony keen,The kith and kin, widely crying, did shout and howl and sigh.
166: Life's Procession Leads But to GraveWith horse and sword and canopy outspread,Man fills his fugitive years with pride of life;But even as the grand cavalcade sweeps past,Circling from left to right, expires the breath of life.
167: Nothing Can Lure Back the Life that LeftWhat though the ravens on him feed and way-farers scorn?What though you feed with parting drops of milk; or many scoff?For, know that this bag of leather, inflated awhile,The Great Show-man blows and batters with a smile.
168: Kingly Regalia, Domains and Riches are ImpermanentBefore others seize and away your riches take,Your elephant and car, your kingship and grace,Even while life pulses, if you the Lord's asylum seek,To you thus in fear dazed, the penance true its reward pays.
169: Wealth Waxes and Wanes Like MoonThe radiant moon that life animates into massive darkness turns;Why then speak of riches which no better fate can meet?If the Heaven's King, you unwaveringly seek,Like pouring clouds choicest treasures fall at your feet.
170: Your Shadow is With You, Does it help You? How About Wealth Then?Foolish they who claim their wealth their own,Seeing their own shadows to them useless though nearby;The life that with the body comes as surely departs;They see not ;the light that lends lustre to the seeing eye.
171: The Bee Stores Honey Only to be Appropriated by Others; So is Your Hoarded WealthThe industrious bee from flower to flower hops,Seeking, scenting, gathering its store of honey sweet;But soon the subtle thief digs and steals the hoarded wealth;Likewise, our earthly treasures the same story repeat.
172: Wealth is a Flood that Ebbs and FlowsWeigh well the pros and cons, and having weighed, waver not,Lose not your bearings, caught in wealth's eddy;Fling aside the transient trappings of earthly treasuresAnd thus when the Pale Sargeant comes, for the great leap be ready.
173: Wealth is a Boat in Dangerous WatersHow fast we cling to stock of cattle and riches gayLess stable even than the boat which midstream upturns!They but see the dissolving body and know notThe Binding Knot to salvation eternal.
174: Earthly Treasures are Fleeting"Joys of life and wife, children and brothers--all ours," they claimLittle knowing how fragile and fleeting these delights be;But the yearning souls that seek and build on treasure true,Find support firm and ne'er failing company.
175: Worldly Desires are Never-EndingOur desires grow, but none the truth to find;There's one stake to hold but nine exits to leave;The old familiar faces come smiling to greet and bow;Deceivers ever, they abandon us without a reprieve.
176: All Your Wealth Cannot Bribe Death AwayWhen the vital spark leaves this mortal mould,Bribe be none to lure it back; think, think of the Lord;Death's loyal servants on restless mission bent,Do nothing consider that with hot breath you pulse.
44 TRANSITORINESS OF YOUTH177: Rising Sun Sets; Glowing Youth FadesThey see the sun rises in the east and sets in the west,Yet blind of eye, the truth they ne'er apprehend,The tender calf grows, fattens for a while and dies;But this wonder-pageant of the world they do not comprehend.
178: Even a Life-time is not Enough to Know HimThe years roll; but none the Lord in his bosom holds;None to probe and perceive Him profound;Even if Time's thread be to the utmost stretched,Still they know not the spark that kindles all the lamps around.
179: While Life Still Throbs, Fix Your Mind on LordWhen youth had danced its way to palsied age,Scarce the chance to fill the years with good deeds more and more;So while life still throbs, fix your mind on Nandi,Into whose spreading locksThe holy waters of Ganga eternally pour.
180: Youth is Sugar-cane; Age is Nux VomicaTime was when fond damsels on him their love bestowed;Like cane's sugary juice, slow sucked, was he to them,The idol of wenches with budding breasts and jewelled shapes;But now the sweetest cane has bitter nux vomica become.
181: Time Fleets, So Center on LordThe boy grows to youth, and youth as surely to old age decays,But time's changes teach them not that nothing abides;And so, in ceaseless pursuit, His Sacred Feet, I seekHim who, transcending this world, beyond the universe presides.
182: Think of Lord Through Time's CyclesDay after day we wake to greet the morn,Day after day we seek the nightly couch;Even though God, good and great, may frown in wrath,True devotees ne'er miss His great Love's avouch.
183: Subdue the Senses, Birth Cycle EndsThe five needles thick, this bag of senses holdsThe five needles thick in this bestial body roam free;If the five needles thick you tame and subdue,No more this bag that life's cycle involves.
184: Deeds in Youth Seal Fate's EndThey know not that the radiant Sun we daily seeMeasures the arch of life and its span doth appraise;Heaven we reach or fall into Karma's grip;Thus our fate is sealed by what we do in spring of youth.
185: The Sixteen Kalas are Within; Why Then the Grave?The ignorant ponder not even awhile,The Kalas twice-eight within them stand;When Death sets his snare-pit for them to fall,Headlong they drop to utter stupefaction abandoned.
186: Before Youth Passes, Praise Him in SongsIn the days assigned to you, before youth passes,In songs of praise to the Lord, pour out your heart;In the days to me assigned, wasting not the minutes away,In the days to me assigned, I, seeing all, remained apart.
187: The Bud Blossoms and Fades; So is Human LifeThey see the sprouting wanton buds on tender twigsThey see how soon they flash their beauty and die;Yet they seek not the Holy Feet;Alas they know not when the sure call comes from High.
188: When Death's Summons Come, the Five Senses Desert the BodyOne field lay ready and ripe for the Five senses to work,The Five, that one field watched and tilled;But when the grim summons came from the Lord of the Five,All the Five for ever fled and quitted the field.
189: Life's Drum Shatters to PiecesOne this body-drum, two the rhythms keeping time,Five the masters who, inside, make display;But when the great king, indwelling, departed,The drum lay shattered, a heap of inert clay.
190: Body is an Empty VesselThe Lord of this body frail that to ashes turns, the Lord of Vedanta danceNandi He is, who in this crumbling frame disportsThey, who know not what an empty vessel this body is,They know not what the life sustains and supports.
191: Our Days are NumberedThe sun's rays visit all the quarters ten,But men measuring with their little sense know this not;They ponder not nor on the deep mystery muse,These men on earth--their minds in low passions caught.
192: Birth and Death are Two Faces of the CoinThe deed is drawn, the terms clear specified,Yet torn to shreds it is--of this men think not much;The shining dark tresses to full grey turn,Even so birth and death are one--not two.
193: Give in Charity Now and HereSame the rice of life that in all body-pots boil;The Five are the fuel that feeds and kindles the burning Three,Gifts of rice in charity give, lest birth flame anew,The days missed of such deeds are for ever lost to Thee.
194: Lord is the Light Beyond Visible ReachThe bee, that nectar seeks, flies high for its flower on topAnd there, alone, it sucks the fragrant juice;Even so, they who seek the blessed grace divine,Aspire for the Light beyond visible reach of eyes.
195: Pray and Perform Noble Deeds-This is the Law of Life EternalPerform thou noble deeds, good Karma to shape,Praise thou the Holy One, the Holy Land to reach;This is the law we need, this the law for menWho, blessed with earthly life, seek the Life eternal.
196Share With Others Before You EatSpeak not in envy, stray not from the Dharmic way,Covet not other's riches with lustful greedy glances;With heart to pity attuned, as you sit down to eat,Share with others before the feast commences.
197: Don't Kill Even an Atom of LifeFlowers many to dear, loved Master's worship;Even one atom of life, kill not:The lovely garland, the steady flame, the firm will,The passionate heart--such the worship's crowning part.
198: They Who Kill Reach HellThe men who shouted,"Kill and stab,"Them with strong ropes Death's ruffians bind;And stationing them at the fire-gates of Hell,The agents yell, "Stand, go; and in the fire pit roast."
199: Meat Eaters Will Have to Face Hell's TormentsThe ignoble ones who base flesh do eat,Death's agents bind them fast for all to see;And push them quick into tthe fiery jaws of hell,And fling them down there for ever to be.
200: Shun Sinful LivingKilling, theiving, drinking, lusting, lying--These horrid sins detest and shun; to thoseWho Siva's Holy Feet attain and the Bliss eternal,They come not; such men in Wisdom's bliss ever repose.
201: Seek not the Thorney Date; Ripened Jack-Fruit is at HandThe dear, wedded wife pines within the home,But the lusting youth covets the guarded neighbour's mate;Even as one, declining the luscious ripeness of the jack,Yearns for the tamer taste of the thorny date.
202: Seek Not the Sour Tamarind: Sweet Mango is at HandThe sweet, ripe mango, tended with loving care,They bury deep, deeming it unripe still;And up the gnarled tamarind they climb for the sour fruit,Only to break their limbs--they whom the senses beguile.
203: Adulterers Rush to DoomThe king of treasures vast, and the lordly soulsWhose light of wisdom dispels the encircling gloom--Even such yield to woman's sensuous charms;Their judgment thus enslaved, they rush to their doom.
49 EVIL WOMEN'S IGNOMINY204: Pledge not Your Heart to LustFine though the leaves be of the nux vomica tree,Its wealth of fruit is bitter on tongue, unfit to eat;To them with rounded breasts and luring smile,Pledge not your wavering heart in passion's heat.
205: Incontinent Passion Spells RuinThe worldly folk who seek connubial delightsAre, like eddying water, sucked into whirling pool;Such is passion, incontinent, fleeting as a dream;Real it is not; let not its siren spell you befool.
206: Lust DestroysDecoyed into passion's snare by tender woman's grace,They fell into her arms and swooned in the warm embrace;"This is life's crowning glory, fit for the gods to share--"Thus speaking, they parted leaving not a trace.
207: Sweet Beginning, Bitter End"What are the joys that in woman's charms we seek or find?"The truly wise of heart pronounce thus their course:"In the hand like the sugary juice from crushing mills,But in the body bitterer than bitterest neem."
208: Irretrievable Loss in LustThose unfirm of mind who, in folly vain,Struggle to plant seeds deep in moss-covered tank--If such betimes we bind not and restrain,Irretrievably lost are they in lust of sex, sordid and rank.
209: Misery of Making a LivingGarments to tatters torn, life a joyless desert becomes;Loved ones and dear friends forsake, with no more love to spare;Nothing more to give or ask, void of glory and pomp,Neglected, like automatons they walk, sad and bare.
210: Pre-Occupation With Filling Stomach-PitEven as the day dawns, men strive the stomach-pit to fill;With needed tools, they seek hard the hungry void to stop;But our only way is to praise Him whatever the way of life we pursue;Sure then that pit is filled when, what in us is impure, is swept off.
211: Seek not to Fill Stomach's Pit; Fill the Birth's PitTo fill the stomach's stony pit, they seek the precious gold;But little do they know how hard it is to fill births' pit;Only when true wisdom you attain that pit to rule,Then that pit is filled, when life is washed clean and rendered fit.
212: Light of Wisdom's Lamp in Good TimeOur kith and kin, unrelenting, like Karma stern,Unrelaxing us pursue; so, ere life from body goes,In good time, light thou Wisdom's lamp,And intent thus, to that new-lit track, keep close.
213: Lord Alone is Refuge from Harrying BirthsHim the Six harried, Passion's form assuming,Him the Five maligned, countless miseries giving,Him Karma tortured through birth after birth pursuing--Thus he learned to despise life--in the Lord alone refuge finding.
214: Prosperity Springs From SacrificeRiches from obloquy free, the spreading sky and earth,The directions all, and the godly hosts who there hold sway,All flourish in Victory's wake when Brahmins true,With Vedas commencing, pursue the sacrificial way.
215: They Give Before They EatThe Vedic Brahmins who holy sacrifices perform,On Salvation intent, give before they eat;Even as in knowledge true, supreme they stand,So in conduct they lead--to the One Goal headed straight.
216: Sacrifices Lead to HeavenThey who invoke our Lord--the Fire within the Fire,The Brahmins true are they and our goodly support;Who, night and day, raise the Sacrificial flameGuiding us along the pure Path to our heavenly port.
217: Karma's Depart When Mantras are ChantedMorn and eve, when in devotion rapt they chant,The two damsels (Gayatri and Savitri) with them in smiling grace stand;Then do the two birds of one seed sprungKarmas, good and bad, fluttering, in haste depart.
218: Sacrificial Fires Consume SinsThey who know in the sacrificial ghee's steady flame,All dark things are for ever consumed;They also know when from Karma's hold we're freed,That day is our day of abiding wealth,The holy Fire's truest meed.
219: It Scorches Karmic EvilsAll sins fly like wick fast consumed in flame,All diseases fade that Karma brings in its wake;They fade and fall in the rising sacrificial fire.And all evils are scorched that our Karmas make.
220: Sacrifices Give Wealth ImperishableFirmly holding that vast riches are a grievous curse,They hungered for the Lord who to us richest treasure gave;Hoping and dreaming they waited for the immortal prize,All sacrifices performed, the undying wealth to achieve.
221: Lord is the Sacrificial Flame of the HeartThe Pure Flame is He, the immortal Lord is He,The Radiant Flame who in my heart's core resides;The Lord whose eyes are the Three Fires,Who the Seven Worlds transcends,The Lord of Homa's Cool Flame, and my heart's King besides.
222: He is the Fire Within All FiresInside the Fire of the Homa is my Lord,Inside too is He seated in the flame of the funeral pyre;The Fire of Homa which scorches Karma's surging sea,The Fire, that the mighty Churner in the sea begot, still abides.
223: Sacrificial Flame is UndyingIn true penance striving, to Vedic rites conformingThey, who everywhere raise the sacrificial flame,Tireless, unsparing in kindling the Holy Fire--Theirs the true flame eternal, theirs the undying name.
224: Brahmins Stand in Holy PathBrahmins are they who the six duties perform,Tend the glowing fire and thrice daily pray,Stand fixt in the Holy Path and chant the Vedic hymns,Morn and eve--and thus all life's knots untie.
225: Through Vedanta They Seek the Endless BlissIntensely eager, Vedanta's noble doctrine to imbibe,They merge into Pranava, of the three sounds composed,And transcending the states of Nadanta, Vedanta and BodantaVision the Lord that is the Finite End,And there into unending bliss they grow.
226: They Incessant Chant Gayatri and Savitri MantrasMinds centered in Gayatri holy and Savitri mysterious,They chant the noble hymns, the heart of Truth to seek;Mounted on Love's Chariot, lost in Love's sweet ecstasy,They drown not in Maya--the holy Brahmins meek.
227: They Attain the Manifestness State of GodDeep they pondered on Pranava's great holy way,By Guru's grace inspired recited the mystic lay,The rituals performed by the four Vedas prescribed,And thus attained pure, pristine Manifestness--the spotless Brahmins they.
228: To Sunder Birth's Bonds is to Realize BrahmamThe Truth, Penance and the self Him becoming,The torturing senses, spear-like, piercing,The unity of life and its kinship realising,Brahmam that is,dbirth's bonds sundering.
229: Vedanta is to be Rid of DesiresThe Brahmins who yearned for Vedanta's mystic truths,Heard and listened but yielded still to desire's sway;True Vedanta it is when earth-born desires all are crushed;Those who Vedanta truly grasped, all desires burnt away.
230: Tuft and Thread Alone do not Make a BrahminDo thread and tuft alone prove the Brahmin state?The thread, then, only a dark bond, the fine tuft, only tresses long;The true thread Vedantam is, the sacred tuft wisdom provesThese the Brahmnins truly see, these virtues to them belong.
231: Attributes of True BrahminsOf Truth devoid, of pure Wisdom Bereft,Lacking sense-control, spiritually inert,Empty of devotion or grasp of Truth divine;Mad fools are they--not Brahmins, I assert.
232: They Seek Samadhi StateThe Holy Path neither Chit nor Achit is;Along the Guru-led way, they reach the blessed Holy State;And all action and rituals abandoned,The Vedic Brahmins glide into Turiya Samadhi State.
233: They Stand Firm in Vedanta TruthIf the Veda-knowing alone true Brahmins be,Such beings falter not in Vedanta's sublime lore,All the rest they know as vain trappings base--Those be the Brahmins who Vedas' depths explore.
234: True Brahmins Bring Prosperity to EarthThe holy Brahmins who the pure life embrace,And ponder well on truths that mark the Vedas' end,Their glory wanes not, their king's earthly empire ever grows,If morn and eve the sacrificial fire they tend.
235: Through Vedanta They Scale the Heights of SiddhantaWhen the Light of Vedanta dawns, from Karma are they freed;Then, up the path to the Light of Nadanta they scale;When thus they reach the Lord of Bodanta Light,Salvation they attain--the Nadanta-Siddhanta Grand Finale.
236: They Seek Merger in LordWhen 'You' and 'I' merge in one and the truth they see,Then seek they the Lord triumphant, seated firm, serene,Past all babbling words of sweet-sounding praise;Such alone the true, worshipful grace attain.
237: They Vision Brahma in AumThe two attachments, Maya and karma, of their own accord departing,The self that Liberation seeks naught else will take;And the lotus-seated Brahma most divinely pleased,Merges in the Om, the sacrificial aviss to partake.
238: Death Fairer Than the TyrantThe ignornant king and Death are cast in equal mould;Nay, truth to tell, more justly than foolish King, Death claims his due;The Witless tyrant no law obeys but in murderous fury killsBut Death, cast in finer mould, nears not the good men true.
239: Let the Ruler Observe Holy LawThe ignornant king and Death are cast in equal mould;Nay, truth to tell, more The Holy Law daily in strictness observed,If he who rules the state fails to seek the Divine WayDay by day that land decays in folly envelopt,Day by day that ruler's wealth declines and dwindles away.
240: Ruler's Duty Towards Men of False GarbWhat avails the holy garb if the holy life you refuse?Theirs the truest garb when outer guise and mind accord;If the king justly rule the state against those who go off the holy wayThen he makes them keep the holy wayAnd to sure salvation their feet directs.
241: Ruler's Duty to Impious BrahminsIf Brahmins, from folly unredeemed, flaunt the tuft and thread,That land droops and fades, its ruler's glory runs to waste;So, scanning deep in Wisdom's light, the King shall clipThe thread and tuft for empty show kept and possessed.
242: Ruler's Duty to Impart Wisdom to Erring BrahminsThe senseless fools donning sacred thread and matted locks,And with chanting phrases pretend to wisdom unpossessed,Them, the ruler of state shall, with wise men's help, take and test,And, for the country's good, impart words in wisdom drest.
243: Ruler's Duty to Protect Cow, Women and BrahminsThe cow, the woman, the sacred Brahmins true,And men in holy garb whom the Devas acclaim,These the King shall protect; if that duty he ignores,Irredeemable his hell shall be, cursed ever his name.
244: Ruler's Share--One-Sixth of the Subject's ProduceIf salvation high and treasures true you seek,Then, awake or asleep, unceasing, the holy way pursue;Know that of labour done in this sea-girt world,To the King, in truth, one share in six is due.
245: Ruler's Duty to Defend the TerritoryIf the ruler exceeding well his state protects,The subjects, in duty bound, to that same end incline;When the enemy, in lust of pride, the state invades,Then, like a leopard, leaps the King to defend his domain.
246: Ruler to Punish DrunkardsBreath in control held, letting inward fire upward rise,Mind turned to Samadhi moon-sprung nectar--if they drink not,But, like inebriates, heady liquors madly consume,Then, such shall by ruler to just punishment be brought.
247: Ruler to Punish Those Who Deviate From Their Professed FaithsWho, by their professed faiths, do not abide,Beside the judgment they receive in the life beyond,In terms of Agamic law by Siva revealed,Punished they shall be on earth by the just ruler of the land.
248: Vegetation BloomsThe fertilising flood of rains outpouringMakes trees and plants bloom enriched with sap;The areca palm, coconut, cane and plantain green,And vomica to Samadhi's nectar leading--Stand laden rich with crop.
249: Descent of Divine Stream in YogaThe heaven-sent torrent leaps rushing down rocky eights;So does the silent divine stream from heart's inner core,Foamless, pure, clear, crystalline,Boundless, free--from my Holy Master, e'er pour.
15 THE GLORY OF GIVING250: Share Your Food With OthersGive freely to all; discriminate not o'er much;See food served to others ere sitting down to eat;Heap not perishing gold, eat not in greedy haste;The crow calls its brood to share its food, howe'er sweet.
251: The Charitable Realize the SelfWho the self realise, seek and adore the Feet of the Lord;Who the self realise, most freely give in charity;Who the self realise, Lord of Tattvas become;Who the self realise, Kin to the Lord in dear amity.
252: Charity is Within Reach of AllEasy to all to offer in worship a green leaf to the Lord,Easy to all to give a mouthful to the cow,Easy to all to give a handful, sitting down to eat,Easy to all, good, kind words on others to bestow.
253: Evils of HoardingThe food that feeds the needy--that alone true charity is;True men they who that simple truth do find;But they who hoard, like water in pool past access,To eat and gorge--to Charity's ways are they blind.
254: Give Charity When You HaveDirt driven away, with Wisdom you fill not your mind;In days of plenty, empty is your charity's exchequer;What avails it, though wide awake, if hell-fire spreads around,What avails it, then, if impoverished of heart you are?
255: Give Charity Here and NowOf yourself knowing little, caring naught for your good,Unmindful e'en of poverty of tender youth taking no care,Before Death's stern, relentless summons arrives,Let noble charities your redeeming goodness declare.
256: By Your Charities Lord Knows YouTo him who renounces, no kith or kin has he;To him condemned to beg, no true delights has he;To him who charityless is, the Lord denies His Presence;By the measure of thy charity done, the Lord is known to thee.
257: Charity Leads to Life EternalSome in charity overflow; by such noble deeds done,Noble gods they become in human beings' high esteem;And the many who hold this fleshly body their dear God,To them comes Death, saying; "I, your God supreme."
258: Charity and Devotion Twin Escorts to HeavenOur life's boat across the foaming sea of Karma flies;Twin the pathways to dispel the labour and the strain;Glory giving tapas and charity the heavenly escorts,To us and our dear kin from life's battle vain.
259: Charity is Your Life's PropEarthly desires to worldly objects attached,No end know; but in charity's noble way,E'en the little things you give, sure props provide;All the rest meekly take as the Lord's gift for the day.
260: The Hoarders are SinnersThe ripened nux vomica falls profitless on ground;Such the barren wealth of those who charities deny;With usurious greed they bury deep their treasures,The hardened sinners, true fruit unknowing, thus live and die.
261: Life is Fleeting; Give While You LiveThe aeons pass, the unreturning ages go;The allotted span of life daily dwindles away;This irksome body, as if squeezed by some power unknown,Perishes: seeing this yet, they learn not charity's way.
262: Give and Escape HellCharity denying, they know not the Lord's Feet to praise,Nor enter they the precincts of the City of Siva's Grace;Their ears inclined to those who falsehoods preach,They stand to sin enslaved, condemned to hell's hot embrace.
263: All Ailments Assail, If in Charity You FailConsumption and anaemia, asthma and colic pain--Such the lot of those who nothing in charity give;Snake and thunder, sore throat and fleshly ills,Approach not them that others' needs relieve.
264: End is Nigh; Do not DenyThe Lord adored by all the world, yet they praise not,To the needy poor, even the smallest bit ye deny,Nor'll ye tend the garden e'en with one potful of water;Will ye for ever stand in Hell? Ye whose end is nigh.
265: Loneliness Comes of DenialUnescorted, alone, the charity-less their last journey make,And miss their track; journeying thus, in birth-cycle caughtThey know not how the binding Karmas to dispel,And so slip and fall to be irretrievably lost.
266: Compassion Leads to GodThey, whose hearts melt in charity, see the Feet of the Lord,The steadfast of faith attain Swarga's might,But those sinful ones of charity befeft, helpless, forsaken,Engulfed in passions low, pass into eternal night.
267: Denial Leads to MiseryBliss and pain--these two woven into the web of life,Result from deeds of our own devising;The bliss of giving they knew, and yet the fools gave not,The shrivelled of heart, to charity unwise, its glory unknowing.
268: Denial Leads to Sinful StateThe Lord of blemishless glory, from death and birth immune,Permits none to enjoy bliss, unearned by worthy deed;Giving and gifting--of these always think;Deny and cause pain;You stand condemned to the Pasu state indeed.
269: Giving is Aiming TrueSeek not wealth that many reckon as life indeed,Nor waste your days on fools, of wisdom dark,But turn your feet to the eternal Home and praise the Lord,Then true bowman you prove, hitting straight the mark.
270: Love and Siva are OneThe ignorant prate that Love and Siva are two,But none do know that Love alone is SivaWhen men but know that Love and Siva are the same,Love as Siva, they e'er remained.
271: Lay Love's Garland at Lord's FeetHe of the leopard's skin, gleaming brighter than gold,His tender crescent flashing rich with argent ray,The Great Dancer, with burning ashes smeared thick;At His Feet, my garland, plaited with Love's incense, I lay.
272: Melt in Love and Possess HimYou may turn your bone to fuel, your flesh to meat,And let them roast and sizzle to the gold-red blaze;But unless your heart melts in the sweet ecstasy of Love,My Lord, my Treasure-trove, you ne'er can possess.
273: Love Hara and See HimThey, of intense love, Hara surely see,They, of the compassionate heart, see the Holy Feet to praise;The world-burdened see only life's revolving wheel,And, in Horror's mazes lost, enter Hell's trackless ways.
274: Love Him, He Loves YouMy God, the melter of my heart of love, let all adore;My God, the Lord of primal Love, First of Beings ever,My God, who again and again melts my heart, Nandi Lord,May He render me His Love in foremost measure!
275: He is Enthroned in LovePraise Him but once, the Pure and Holy One;For e'er your heavenly escort He'll be,He, the Lord Siva, deckt in honeyed konrai blooms--He sat enthroned in my love, steadfast and free.
276: His Love is UnendingMany know not Him who first wrought this world,And wrapt in infinite Love, born of His lordly Grace;In this world, evil-ridden, He filled our lifeWith His love unending, He, the Lord of limitless space.
277: His Love is Blessings AllThe Light Refulgent emits beams of purest gold;Plant that deep and firm in heart; raising worship thus,If you, in yearning song, seek Isan's Grace,Then, sure, no end be to His blessings copious.
278: Seek in Love the Heavenly FatherBirth He caused, and Death, too, in its wake;This mystery we daily see; and yet mankindCling in deep desire to life, but call not on Him,Nor seek Him, saying, "Our Father, great and kind."
279: He is Our RefugeInside Love is He; in outer Nature is He; as body also is He;The past and future is He; the Lord of Rishis is He;The Precious One who inside Love resides,Only those, who in Love reside, find in Him the Refuge free.
280: Lord Rewards as Merit BefitsWhat we scorned and what we gained, He knows;The righteous Lord in Love rewards as merit befits;Whose, with burning zeal, seek Him with heart of loveTo such, well-pleased, He His Grace remits.
281: Lord Blends Life With LoveThe Lord fashioned all things for a life of bliss;Many though the trials that beset this vale of sorrowYet this life, the Lord God with His divine Love blends,In His Divine Love's sweet presence, the life-cycle ends.
282: Divine Light in God-LoveFrom mind fixt in God's Love, the Divine Light is born;The tangled skein of the tormenting senses five,Drag us headlong to sweet ardours of woman's passionate eyes,That bond sunder; may your thoughts e'er at God's Feet arrive!
283: Surrender in LoveLike the sweet love in sex-act experienced,So, in the Great Love, let yourself to Him succumb;Thus in Love sublimed, all your senses stilled,Bounding in Bliss Supreme, That this becomes.
284: Faith Leads to LiberationEven the Siddhas, standing close in banded group,Knew not the Light Supreme in splendorous glow;But He gave Salvation's bliss and the Vision splendid,To them whose hearts did in intense faith overflow.
285: His Feet Visioned in LoveI saw the Feet of the Lord, deckt in odorous Konrai blooms,I saw the Feet of the Lord, dark-dressed in elephant-skin,I saw the Feet of the Lord, on lotus-blossom enthroned,I saw the Feet of the Lord, my heart-core's love within.
286: His Love is InscrutableMy Lord God whom the heavenly beings praiseAs one into myriad forms and things outspread,The Great Lover who inside love savours love's tributes;Sad indeed that few seek Him, or to Him are led.
287: Seek Him in LoveThey who claim that thro' Love they'll find the Lord,From Birth and Death are they sure free;Yet in Love they neither seek him nor find,Nandi, who from Birth and Death is free.
288: Seek Him, He Seeks YouThe Lord God knows them who, by night and day,Seat Him in heart's core, and in love exalted adore;To them wise with inner light, actionless in trance,He comes, and, in close proximity, stands before.
289: Be Steadfast in DevotionIt little profits if, intermittent, you pursue the Divine Light;Unceasing, I will seek the Greatness that has no end,My Lord, my heart's precious Life and treasured Delight;In Him to merge is life's supreme baptismal bath.
290: True Learning Leads to LiberationThe meaning I knew of life and body in union knit;In the depth of my being I knew of the Lord of Devas untold;Denying naught, He stept straight into my yearning heart;Thus I gained the Learning Great, freeing us from fleshly fold.
291: Illumined Souls Get the Inner EyeWhen the Learned-wise in deep meditation sat,In their deep, illumined souls was as Inner Eye;What in contemplation they saw and spoke,In turn opened others' eyes leading to Wisdom high.
292: Learning PurifiesWhile yet life subsists, the Lord of existence adore;In action prove what you learn, all sins to clear;In accents unfaltering worship the Lord, and thus wise,A jewelled lamp It'll be, beyond compare.
293: Learning Leads to RenunciationMen of Learning abandon the fettering, worldly ways;The firm of mind flourish high on coiling snake-like KundaliniNight and day, unremitting, praise the Lord,And so your body, as on herbs alchemised, with glow of youth will be.
294: Pure Knowledge is Guardian AngelAs our Guardian Angel comes the pure Light from high,As our Guardian Angel, the Pure word in beauty drest,As our Guardian Angel comes the Pure Fragrance rich,As our Guardian Angel comes the Pure Knowledge best.
295: Holy Books Help Scale Spiritual HeightsThose who fail to scale the heights with holy books to guide,If to outer things of life they yield, fruitless is all their lore;On rod of Vairagya lean, and away fly the Birds of Desire;And yet, men to Ignorance clinging, in stupor ever lie.
296: Hara Stands Revealed to Truly LearnedTo them that search the Holy Books, Hara stands revealed;Out of the sublimed Fire, sparks of pure knowledge fly;Those who, thus, the Samadhi's Moon can reach,To them it'll be a ladder leading to Wisdom high.
297: Lord is No Support to the IgnorantIn life's journey a Support and Elixir rare was He,An unfailing Guide--but to the ignorant of mind,No support He--in all the seven Heavenly globes,Sure prop was He, the Mighty being, Great and Kind.
298: The Truly Learned Attain BlissIf desire you must, the Lord in desire seize,If the lord's Grace you get, all things are obtained;Like the deep-skilled Devas of flaming Light;The truly learned Heavenly Bliss attained.
299: He Resides in Learned Devotees HeartsThe seas He owns and the mountains high;His Body shaped of the elements five;The Lord of Immortals who, through endless ages,Mounts the fierce Bull, at devotees' heart to arrive.
300: Listen to Words of Siva's GloryListening to Dharma and to the words of the Holy,Listening to God's valorous acts and the Devas' mantras many,Listening to loud reports and the deeds peerless of the Lord,The Lord, gleaming bright as gold--thus attain the Siva State.
301: Listening to Holy Words Leads to RealizationThe Lord of Devas, the Supreme Being Divine,Who is there who knows Him? If any such be,Chant His praise; listen to the holy words and Him realise!Who chant His praise and Him realise, stand aloft and free.
302: Obey Siva and Become DevaAt Nandi's bidding, Maya obeys and builds;At Hara's bidding, Aya obeys and creates;Who Siva's bidding obey, Devas they become;If fruits of action you crave, then to attachments you're chained.
303: Adore Siva and Be ImmortalThe pious mortals who praise the Supreme Lord,In time to come, to the Immortals' status rise;Who fail not in penance, His smiling Grace receive;Thus the Lord of penances rare awards the Supreme prize.
304: Prayer Brings GraceThe Lord who gave us Birth and Death,Of Him e'er talk, His name adore, prattle in praise;Then the abiding Light of His dear presence,Like fragrance in flower, comes to you in Grace.
305: He Forsakes not His DevoteesTo seek Excellence and to Excellent things listen,And follow Wisdom's true mandate--if to these the mind awake,And if, then, you slip not nor stray, the Heavenly Lord,Unhesitant, will be thine for ever--and never forsake.
306: Faith Intense Gives Bliss EternalThey of intense faith Heavenly Bliss secure,But the aimless and drifting with mind unfixed on clear goal,Neither their own self know nor the Bliss attain,Like children at play content wwith the mimic rice of sand.
307: Listening to Holy Things is a Sure PropLife and body sure support for the soul provide,Listening to holy things a sure prop and resting place,Thoughts of Siva's Holy Feet, the one Refuge to seek,And with that support Supreme to aid, rebirth you wholly efface.
308: A Stone-Cow to ScornersTo them that exalt His name, the first of Beings He;To them that scorn His Grace, unending sufferings sear;In rapture lost, if you chant not His Glory great,He stands, a veritable stone-cow, in silence complete.
309: Unite in Heart and Thought Towards LordHeart and tongue in unison met, the Lord cognise,Though in diverse shapes He be, Him in unity find;Then, e'en though shaken in life like axle from pin,Seek the Primal Lord in love and Him to yourself bind.
310: The Unlearned are they Who hold not to TruthEven the unlearned, if blessed with the vision of Truth Supreme,Them the Lord approves with His benign Eye of Grace;But if the learned seeming fail to hold the truth,Unlearned are they indeed, blind to True Love's divine rays.
311: Unlearned Realize not God's PervasivenessThe truly learned live pursuing the one and only path,But others say, "Many the paths of knowledge are,"The God Supreme is in all places present;They the unlearned are, of God's pervasiveness unaware.
312: God Abides not in the Hearts of UnlearnedThings transitory you fix in heart as abiding joys,This mnortal body frail you deem as enduring stuff;Though the Lord God all life pervades,Absent is He and His Light from the hearts of the unlearned.
313: Unlearned Descend to HellOf all power bereft, I fell into Karma's griefs,Learning not Hara's ways, into dark abysmal depths I fell;I learnt not to stamp the Great Benefactor in my heart,I learnt only to dance down the primrose path to hell.
314: Unlearned Sport in Carnal PleasuresKnowing full well that life is a fleeting, vaporous mist,The truly learned seek the path of Dharma and penance strict,But the not-learned, in truth, this world's sordid knaves,Sport in carnal joys, with Karmic misery mixt.
315: Lord is the Fruit of Heavenly LoveThe Lord gave us the Heaven-born gift of the Fruit of Love;His Light mingled with the eyes where it remained;But inside the earth men sought it in folly vain;And brooding and writing, they grew thin and pined.
316: Unlearned in Sacred Love
Missing text here 334*3Divine Nectar Leads to SiddhisAll Tattvas and egoity past, Truth of self realised,In truest joy immersed, of false penances void,Rid of worldly lure, drunk full of Heavenly Bliss,This indeed is Siddhi true and Sivananda unalloyed.
335: Yogis Seek Ambrosia of the Cranial MoonThe yogis who, breath in control held, yearn forThe nectared delights of Contemplation's Moon,The eight Siddhis they seek; but witless fools are theyWho to toddy yield and in its heady joys let their senses swoon.
336: Drink Divine Nectar in SamadhiOpen and drink deep the nectar that gushes from the spring;Unfold the petals of the Holy Master's Lotus Feet;Lead the Yoga-breath through the spiring channel upAnd thus in Samadhi ascending,Reach the Divine Good in holy meet.
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Verses 337-548
337: The Lord Corrects the Earth's Balance Through Agastya"Hail! Our Lord Supreme!This earthly orb from its epicentre sways,And dangerous on its side swerves"Thus they bewailed, the Beings Celestial And the Lord spoke:"Agastya!You that sit in tapas hardAmidst the blazing sacrifice--fireHasten to the globe's swerving sideAnd there be seated, its balance to redress."
338: Agastya--A Pervasive LightUnfailing at dawnWith the sun that doth in high heavensAgastya lights the Fire divine;He is the holy Muni of NorthWhence the Primal Fire was born;And the radiant light, pervasive-all.
339: The Eight Mighty Deeds of Siva--Destruction of Antaka"Antaka, the AsuraFrightening unto God of DeathWhose name he boreArmed with boons divineHarassed worlds all"--Thus the Celestial Beings moaned to the Lord;And the Lord,Lifting high His trident sharpPierced him straight to certain death.
340: The Lord Punished DakshaDaksha, the son of Brahma fatally erred;Deadly was his sinTo defy the Lord's primacy;And the Lord smote his headAnd consigned it to flamesAnd then bethought;"Such like are needed for this worldAn object lesson to serve"And so, fixing a sheep's head to the trunkThus let him be.
341: How the Lord Punished Aya and AtchuthaAll pervasive are the Lord's feetAll worlds they supportAll life they sustain;That this the Heavenly Beings may knowIn mounting anger He nipped Aya's headAnd in the skull drained Atchutha's blood(When they His supremacy defied.)
342: How the Lord Destroyed JalandharaThe Lord pervades all,My heart too He fills with joy;He spoke the Vedas and scriptures all;Him--the haughty Jalandhara challenged in duelAnd the Lord with his toe marked a circleAnd into it He saw his final end.
343: The Lord Burnt the Cities ThreeThe Primal Lord,Who on His matted crimson locksWears Ganga's water sacred,He destroyed the Cities Three--Thus say the ignorant;The Three Cities are the Triple ImpuritiesIt is them He burntWho knows this truth thereof?
344: The Lord Unsloughed the ElephantThey lit the Fires ThreeThe sacrificial blaze roared high;And from inside it aroseAnd Elephant of Evil Power,Whose hide the Lord peeled;Why the Lord did it, they know not;Seeking to rival the Lord's mightThe Heaven's beings performed a sacrifice unholyAnd all those who from that fire aroseThe Lord smote for the very fire to consume.
345: The Lord Scorched the God of DeathThe Kundalini Fire coiled in MuladharaUpward He coursed it to Hollow on top;That Fiery Yoga Way He scorched the God of DeathThat was at Kadavoor, the holy shrine here below.
346: The Lord Vanquished Kama, the God of LoveThe Lord was seated in YogaHis thoughts stilled in meditation deep;Lo! there came KamaTo tempt the Lord with shafts of love.But the Love-God's wiles, the Lord foiled in Yoga Way;This He did at Korukkai, the shrine divine.
347: The Benevolent Deeds Of The Lord--How Sakti Won the Lord"Of a certain will I espouseMy Lord of Divine Feet" thus sayingAs Mountain King's daughter incarnateSakti performed penances severe;For all celestial beings to witness,For all earthly beings to delight,In adoration intense to Primal Lord Divine.
348: The Lord is not Beyond ReachMighty is the LordThe Flying Fortess He destroyed.Thus despair notThat He is your reach beyond;Sure is the Lord to seekers trueIn them He abideth, Grace abounding.
349: The Lord Blessed Aya and MalThe Lord is the Primal One,He is the Light Effulgent;Seeking Him they went--Aya and MalGirdling the boundless oceansAnd across the endless aeons;And to Atchutha He granted the Disc DivineAnd to Brahma, Jnana's Sword Eternal.
350: Lord Blessed RavanaOf peerless in might and shoulder twentyRavana the Giant lifted lofty mount Kailas;With toe down, the Lord but gently pressedAnd lo! the Giant screamed: "Lord Eternal."
351: The Lord Blessed ChandeswaraDandi, that knew the way of HereafterHeaped sands into linga shapeAnd poured on it in adorationThe five products of his herd of cows;His father seeing beat the boyAnd kicked his fond image off;Dandi flew into a blind rageAnd smote the parent's leg with sword;And lo! the LordBedecked Dandi with His own garland of flowers forever to sport.
352: The Lord is the Refuge of the Heavenly Beings tooFaces drawn in careHearts stricken with griefThe Devas together rushed and cried;"Lord! we bow to You"And thus they prayed, prostrating low;And He of Renown unsurpassed said;"Arise, fear not."
353: What Befell Celestials at Daksha's SacrificeThe Heavenly Father walked in boundless furyInto the raging blaze of Daksha's sacrifice,And lo! as the Lord in wrath roseHelter-skelter ran the DevasDeranged in directions all--Their depraved worship unconsummated.
354: What Befell HariIn a vain attempt to quellThe confusion that ensuedHari rising bragged:"Not He, but I am the beginning of things"And so fell into this world belowA prey to Passion's consuming fetters;Then repentant he performed tapasAnd the Lord that has no beginning nor endBestowed His Grace on him.
355: To Each According to His Desert--the Way of Siva's JusticeAnd so it befell at Daksha's sacrifice,And so indeed it befell;A wonder though it be,Verily that is what there befell;Thus does the Lord lend His GraceIn the knowledge of each according to his desert.
356: Gods Got What They DeservedAnd thus it is with Aya, Mal and the rest of Gods;And thus it is they came to what they are;And thus it is that they are there;And thus does the Lord sit serene withinTo reward the heart that daily seeks Him true.
357: The Lord Comes to Those Who Seek Him in Yoga WayWhile the heavenly Beings sang of HimAs seated in rapture serene,He came rushingTo me along the highway of bliss that opened upAs from Muladhara the Kundalini fire shot upTo the crimson spheres of SahasraraIn the way that is yoga.
358: For Want of Hara's Grace They Lost AllLacking Lord's GraceMany the high and handsomeThat destruction and disfigurement met;Thus Hari, Brahma, and DakshaThe Sun, Moon and Fire and Indra as wellAll these Gods lostHead, face, nose, hand and shoulder; some limb or other.
359: Self-Seeking Mantra Has Fatal ConsequencesIf the holy DevasWho should Upadesa mantra chant,Instead in self-seeking power evokeSacrificial mantras in Japas numberlessThat verily will spellTheir own deadly end.
360: The Lord Destroyed Asuras to Protect the Sacrificial Rites of DevasThe Immortal Many prayed to the Lord;"O Lord ! protect the nine sacrificial pitsFor the holy ones to delight"And the Lord, who bending His Mountain-bowSent forth shafts of fire at Asura's cityDestroying the evil ones, never to rise again.
361: Repent and Pray; Lord BlessesWell may the learned in lores waverBut waver not;Melt in love for our Primal LordAnd you shall have him sure;He destroyed the unholy sacrifice of DakshaAnd yet turning backAs they repented and prayedHe blessed them all,He our Lord of holy speech.
362: The Lord Blesses the Two Who for Primacy ContendedWhen the swelling deluge at the end of TimeSwallowed the black mountain topsHari and Brahma foughtFor primacy contending;And then from amidst the floods aroseAs an immeasurable mountain of LightThe One Lord, manifesting the Truth,And thus blessing both.
363: The Lord Saved MortalsAnd as high amidst the surging floodThe Lord as Flaming Mountain stoodHis primacy for the Gods to knowThe mortal onesPowerless to stand the Fire-Mountain's radiant glowRushed to the surging waters in trembling fear;The Lord then said to them: "Fear not! you shall be saved."
364: Lord is Ocean of GraceAs the Ocean's swell subsided;The ocean of immortals and Devas sang;"Praised be Our Lord;"Little do they knowThat He who created the ocean and the firmamentRises beyond to the Ocean of his benignant grace.
365: To Quell Rising Tides Lord Placed Primal FireThe Lord, He creates allHimself the Being Uncreated--Who is there in the world belowThat thinking thus holds Him to heart?When the oceans ebbed and roaredHe placed the Primal Fire to quell the tides;How compassionate He was!
366: The Lord Severed Head of Brahma Who SinnedBrahma that is seated on the lotus comelySauntered in the Lord's path in manner unseasonable--The sinful wretch!The Lord sought HimAnd in his severed head gathered almsIn ways the Gods approved.
367: Through Arrogance Mal Lost His ChakraFilled with arrogance as Guru SupremeMal vaunted his egoism about;Then away flew his heavenly discus,Atop the Silver MountainsOf the Lord of Celestial BeingsThat created the seven worlds of delight.
368: The Lord Split Power of ChakraHe bestowed on Damodara the divine discus,But potent far was it for him to holdAnd so he prayed to the Lord in fervourAnd the Lord split its power in twain.
369: The Lord Split Power of Chakra*Splitting thus the power of goodly ChakraOne part He gave to Vishnu,One part He gave to Sakti,And that part He on His forehead assumed.
370: At Daksha's Sacrifice Chakra Lost PowerAt the crescent-bedecked head of Valiant Lord,That destroyed the depraved sacrifice of Daksha,Damodara aimed his discus;And then the doughty Lord sent forth a sneeze;And lo! a gusty tempest blewAnd down fell discus, powerless against Supreme God.
371: Why The Lord Wears Skull and BoneHe is the Lord of all Celestial Beings,Who wear bejewelled crowns of dazzling beauty;But the Lord did bedeck Himself in Skull and BoneHow is it?If He bears not skull and bone.Dust unto dust will theirs be.
372: Brahma and Mal Seek His FeetIn ignorance gross, Brahma and MalEach bragged Himself as Lord Supreme;Then as a pillar of Fire the Lord stood before themAnd they search and screamIn vain His Feet to behold.
373: But I Knew Lord, By His Grace AboundingYet I knew the LordThrough His Grace abounding;He who fills the seven heavensHe who stood as Pillar of FireThe seven worlds pervading,He of the bejewelled throat.
374: Lord is OmnipresentThe Lord is life, body and consciousnessFire that enveloped the firmament farTranscending sun and moonHe pervades the Cosmic space--Holy thus His Form of yoreSupport of Universe vast.
375: The Two Saw not His Form EntireHe stood filling Cosmic spaceAnd the two in fear trembledThey went searching His Form entireThe one seeking the crownThe other His FeetNeither found them.
376: The Two Contended For PrimacyVishnu, adored of the Devas,That asked of Mahabali for three feet landAnd BrahmaWhom the rishis in hymnal praise please,The two in ego contendedFor primacy to gain.
377: The Lord Animates Within Brahma and Vishnu AlsoThe four headed God on lotus seatedThe comely lord on dark sea sleepethThey both are of the essence sameOf the One Great who cognises all,As unto life within the fleshly body.
378: Know God's Truth and Be Blessed Now and HereafterKnow aforeThe Truth of Divine flame that enveloped allAnd hold fast unto that;Then may you receiveThe sceptre to hold domain over earthAnd the Grace to follow in heaven above.
379: Only in Self-Surrender Will the Lord Be Truly KnownThe Lord granted the Sword of ProtectionTo Beings Celestial that prayed to HimBut they know Him not entireAs I who His vassal became;He granted me HimselfHe granted me BlissAnd His Feet's grace as final prize;They approach not His Feet thus.
380: Lord Decreed Brahma's FateInscrutable is the LordHe defies Time's infinite vistas;The four-headed Brahma prayed;"Do reveal YourselfAnd on this bowed head decree my Fate,"And the Lord,Surpassing far the dazzle of the sun at end of TimeRevealed Himself as Light Pure.
381: Act of Creation by the Primal OneParaparam that has neither Beginning nor End,In pure Consciousness consorted with ParaparaiAnd in that Light Pure arose Param;And from union of Param with Parai immaculateWas Nada born.
382: Creation ContinuesNada united with BinduFrom the union of Nada-BinduWas Siva and Sakti born;From them evoluted the three--Jnana, Kriya and Iccha;Iccha then sought union with Bindu.
383: Latent Maya EvolutesFrom thence evoluted MayaLatent in Sakti like lustre in crystalMighty its powerBeyond power of speech to recount.
384: Evolution of Maan Sakti--the Substratum of MatterAway in the far distance of TimeParaparam and Paraparai conjoinedThen did Nada with Bindu;And further on Sadasiva with Sakti;Thus was Maan bornThe finite support of elements five.
385: Universe of Five Elements--EvolutesOut of Maan evoluted spaceFrom space, etherFrom ether, waterFrom water, earth's hard crust;Thus they formed in successionThe elements five;They were for the universeThe nectar unto Flower.
386: Sadasiva is the Source of CreationSada-Siva, the He-She, creates universe all,He has sons fiveThe Holy One that creates universe allHimself as lotus-seated BrahmaThe Creator became.
387: In the Union of Sadasiva with Maan Sakti Blossomed the UniverseThe Holy Nandi that is SadasivaAnd the Sakti that devoluted MaanTogether in looks united in full;And from that union arose the universeAs unto a blossom gently opening.
388: How the Elements Five EvolutedFrom Fire emanated waterFrom Wind emanated lightFrom Space emanated soundFrom Water emanated earthThis the way the elements five evoluted.
389: The Primal One Created the Universe With Brahma and VishnuWith Hari who spat out the seven worldsWith Brahma, the four headed makerThe Primal One, the Lord of Celestial BeingsCreated, of yore, this universe vast.
390: Creation is an Act of Pure Consciousness by the Primal OneThe Supreme One aloft the Mount KailasWith Hari in the ocean bedAnd Brahma on the blooming lotusCreated lifeBy Consciousness Pure.
391: The Primal One is Narayana and Brahma as WellHe is the First Cause,All-pervasive in love;He is Vishnu; He is Brahma,He is Veda, the Cosmos, the Abiding One.
392: As Light Within Brahma, the Primal One CreatesA rare Ruby--He is easy of reach,The One Lord--He is easy of love,He is the light within Brahma;And now I know why the Creator does it easy so.
393: At the Creation the Compassionate One Pervades All SpaceDeath and birth, the Holy One in Grace ordained;And in that hour when by His ThoughtHe Commenced the act of CreationHe fills and pervades in eight directionsHe, the Compassionate One.
394: The Lord Animates the Body in JusticeThe Immaculate One creates all;And as He created me too,He animates within meA support to the body, an heir to karmic ills;Verily, the Lord is the Just one.
395: Lord is the Refuge of All Departed LifeIn the act of creationsHe stands adorning death's bones and konrai's blooms,His resplendent Form out-shines red-hot gold;A refuge vast of all departed life;The Lord that performs the act of Becoming.
396: Creation the Play of He-SheHe-and-She commenced playThe play of Two produced all;With seasons changing, diverse the produce;When He-and-She in holy union joinComplete be the act of creation.
397: The Three Gods Enter Within Us and Know AllThe Lord of universe vast enters within and cognisesSo does Hari that wields the Chakra;And so too Brahma on the lotus flower seated;They Three stood withinAs treasure-heap of cognition all.
398: The Five Gods Were Born of Anava SaktiOut of the union of Anava Sakti with BinduThe Five Gods were born.Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Sadasiva and Maheswara.For the five acts to perform--Creation, preservation, destruction, obscuration and redemption--As One from the other in causative succession;Born as they were of the Anava Sakti,Of Anava they were not rid.
399: Creation the Play of the UltimateOut of Ichcha of the Saktis three arose Maya;And Maya in union with Bindu yieldedThe rest of Mayas three (Suddha, Asuddha and Prakriti)(The Bindu was of Nada born)And Nada was of Parai born;And all this in the Creative play of Parasiva, the Unltimate.
400: The Five Gods Were the Primal Family for Five Duties to PerformFrom out of Anava SaktiArose the Primal Family;Sadasiva was the First Born;With Him came the brothersMaheswara, Rudra, Vishnu and Brahma--Each to perform on heaven and earthHis allotted function--Creation, Preservation and the rest.
401: Maya Sakti Born of Bindu Performs the Five ActsFrom Bindu by Orderly triangle denotedThe honeyed Sakti Tripurai devoluted;She it is the Compassionate Sadasiva became;She it is the five merciful deeds performs.
402: Names of Glories of Maya SaktiShe is Manonmani, the ample-bosomed;Mangali, the ever auspicious;Varani of elephant formArani of haunting forestsMohini of tempting beautyPoorani--the Perfect Being,Cause-Effect conjoint in one--She, Consciousness beyond Consciousness.
403*36One Sadasiva Became FiveSadsiva that stood as OneAnimated Maheswara;And then Hara, Hari and Brahma,Thus did the One become the familial Five.
404: Sadasiva Alone Performs the Five FunctionsThe One alone created the worlds seven;The One alone spanned the worlds seven;The One alone survived the worlds seven;The One alone pervaded body and life.
405: Of Red Lotus Hue is Our Lord!Of red lotus hue is our Lord!Of Crimson fire hue is our Lord!He sundered the chain of births,That the dark cloud hued Mal in pasa bound,And to flower-bedecked Maya-Crowd, consigned.
406: Sadasiva is in the Heart of Even Those Who Doubt HimHe is Nandi the Great;In directions eight,He is life pervasive;He brings body and soul together in birth;Even in the heart of those who doubt Him, He is;And from there He seeks them;This I have known Him oft perform.
407: The One Holy Family Performs AllThe One Family creates the worlds seven;The One Family preserves the worlds seven;The One Family destroys the worlds seven;The One Family pervades all life and body.
408: The Act of GenesisThe One Lord and the goodly two (Maya Saktis)Together stirred and Commingled the Family Impure (of matter)The Two then besought of the Lord:"What shall we make? Command us, O Lord"And the Lord Himself then spells them out.
409: He Pervades All Creation as Life WithinAnd so,Through creations four and eighty lakhs of speciesHe filled as life within;Then men who in doubt ask: How is it?Are verily to enveloping darkness condemned.
410: Varieties of CreationThe Sun, Moon, Agni and rest of celestials,The space, air, fire, water and earthThe sound, word, mind andd the likeAll these were of Maya born,In union with Bindu.
411: The Spirit Pervades AllAs Light and Darkness He pervaded,As Fame and Blemish He pervaded,As Body and Life He pervaded,As my constant thought He pervaded.
412: He is the TotalityHimself as space and celstials stands,Himself as body, life and matter stands,Himself as sea, hill and dale stands,Himself--all worlds' Lord Supreme.
413: The True Way*As body, life, and world,As sea, cloud and cloud-laden sky,Permeating all, indestructible and continuousThe Lord stands in MajestyThe True way that never closes.
414: Sadasiva is in the Heart of Even Those Who Doubt HimHe is Nandi the Great;In directions eight,He is life pervasive;He brings body and soul together in birth;Even in the heart of those who doubt Him, He is;And from there He seeks them;This I have known Him oft perform.
415: Lord is Diverse*At the end of aeons,Once He stands as Pure Light,Once as the tempestuous typhoon,Once as incessant rain,Once as Vishu, floating on the deluge.
416: He Stands in Divine Love*As love, wisdom and meekness He stands,As pleasure and pleasureable union He stands,As Time's Beginning and End He stands,As Five elements filled He stands in love divine.
417: He Fashions Things Big and SmallHimself fashions worlds all in detail minuteHimself fashions life, conferring birthHimself fashions things big and small--The cauldron, the pitcher and the potHimself He fashions these and more--He the Architect Almighty.
418: He is Nandi*He is Life within; He is the body corporeal;He is Spirit Pure; He is space Infinite;He is Light Radiant; He is Consciousness inside;Animating life in the bodyHe supports me;--He is Nandi.
419: He Supports All WorldsA miracle indeed it isTo sustain the myriad lives in the Universe;Not less so,When after total destructionHe draws them unto Himself;He supports tooThat Seventh WorldThe Path of yoga leads to.
420: He Grants Immortal Body to Those Who Seek Him in LoveWell may you seek HimThrough rituals before fires,Distant only shall He be;Seek Him in yearning loveBend low on groundHanker after Him life after life,The great One Shall Grant you the body immortal.
421: Fire is Lord's Shaft*With fire the Lord burnt all SpaceWith fire the Lord burnt the Oceans,With fire the Lord burnt the AsurasFire, verily, is the Lord's shaft on hand.
422: Three are His Layas*Three are His layas--the moments of ReposeOf them one, karpandha--the end of aeons,I witnessed;All things fell uprooted in destructionThis orb then was unto a boiling rice potIts mountains and valleys alike burnt to ashes.
423: The Fire Spreads*The earth on which we treadThe snow-clad mountains eight.The seven seas whose ebbing tides roar,Over all these and elseThe Fire that resides in Muladhara spreads;And the spreading conflagration turnedEarth and sky seem alike;--This the truth, imagination none.
424: The Fire Spreads to the Seas AlsoFrom aloft the cloud laden mountainsShe descended--The benign river Ganga;Into the earth the waters seepedIn directions eight,Emptying itself eventuallyInto the deep pit that is the Ocean,That Constant sings the praise of LordWith Chant of "Aum"--That Ocean too the fire gulped in fury.
425: Four Forms of DeathFour are the forms of deathDaily death is the state of sense loss in sleep;Fated Death is no-return to waking;Pure Death is when the Soul reacheth inertia;Redeemed Death is being in Lord's Grace True.
426: What Transpires in the Four DeathsIn Daily Death, are bodies gross and subtle transcended;In Fated Death, is the Mayaic body annihilated;In Pure Death, Mind and cognates merge in InfiniteIn Redemption Death, Siva's Grace descends true.
427: Four Forms of DeathWhen but birth--impediment uprooted,Daily Death is unto Fated DeathAnd Fated Death unto Pure DeathAnd Pure Death unto Redemption DeathIn that alone is the Truth--Jiva becoming Siva.
428: Thus Four are the DeathsThus are Deaths Four;The Daily Death in deep Sleep;The Fated Death that gives the soul a longer rest;The Pure Death that puts the Soul in primal quiescence;The Redemption Death that steeps the Soul in Lord's Grace.
429: Void the Beginning and EndOut of Void, a plant (soul) it sprang,To the Void it returns;Yet shall it not be Void again;In that Void, exhausted, it shall die;That the fate of Hari and Brahma too,Who the holocaust of Samhara survvive not.
430: Scorch Your KarmasScorch the gathering KarmasAnd exhaust them;There is One who annihilates themAnd the city where He does itHe fashioned the body, He pervades everywhere.He placed the Mind and cognate tattva group besides,He gave us Wisdom ample to discriminate.
431: He is Within You Yet You Know Him NotHe is the One within; He is the Light within;He moves not a wee bit from withinHe and your heart are thus together,Though, the heart His Form knows not.
432: The Lord Gave This LifeThe Lord who gave life so sweetImprisoned me in pasas miseries;A skeletal frame He fashioned,With flesh and skin He clothed it;Lighting then the spark of lifeTo annihilation He hastened me.
433: Even the Three Gods do not Know the Mystery of LifeWith Hara, Hari and Brahma assemblingThe Primal Lord fashioned this body,The subtle organs of sense built-in;Why the Holy One did it,The three know not the mystery.
434: Adore and AttainThe Lord is the light of our eyesHe loves usHe is the Primal One--Male, Female and Neuter is He;Tongues praising and hearts melting,They seek not the pathThat leads to the Celestial Lake.
435: He Dispels the Darkness WithinThe Primal Lord blesses allDenizens of earth below and heaven above;From the black chamber of the SoulHe dispells darkness;And within radiates the pure rays of His dazzling light.
436: Dispel Darkness and Give Thine LightLord! Your Form fills all the worldsYet You are invisible;How my eyes long to see You!My senses clamour aloudIn desire contending;Save me, my Lord;And bless me with Your grace inscrutable.
437: The Hidden One Will Reveal HimselfI held my Lord in me concealed,I adored Him in my heart's depths,Lo! He revealed Himself unto meAnd blessed me--here below,Well may you adore HimRevealing the rapture abounding and love endearingThat too pleases Him far.
438: One Became Five*The Sadasiva that stood as oneAnimated Maheswara;And then Hara, Hari, and BrahmaThus did the One become the familial five.
439: He is the Pure OneHe is the Pure OneThe Siddha in whom Pasa lies prostrate;Be firmly seated on land here belowAnd Seek Him in ways falicitous--That you may vision the Land Beyond;Not doing this,You are like oneWho is seated on the banks of Ganga,Yet remains unwashed and impure.
440: The Eye Sees Not ItselfOne clay, many the receptaclesOne God, pervades species all;The eye sees things severalYet itself it sees not;Thus it is, we see not the God in us.
441: Life and Death are Acts of GodHe is the Wind that Blows in Directions EightHe is the wavy ocean that girdles the earth,He is fire, earth and sky;Know this:He is the One that binds and unbindsThe body that holds life precious.
442: Lord is the Substance and ArchitectWho seeks the luminous Nada atopAnd of its sweetness savourKnow of death--no more;The Lord is the seed of allOf Sun, Moon and FireOf the Universe VastThat Architect that builds all as well.
443: Potter Fashions as His Fancy TakesThe potter mounts the clay on the wheelThe potter fashions as he conceivesEven as the Potter our Lord Nandi is;He sways the world, this way and thatThe way His Fancy takes.
444: He Dwells in My ThoughtsHe is Lord Supreme;He has bull for His mount;Mighty demons for army;Boundless is His munificienceHe gifts the world for us;His goodness alone is goodness;He is of matted locks;He dwells in my thoughts.
445: In Love, He CreatedIn fondness for us He created the seven worlds,In fondness for us He created the several aeonsIn fondness for us He created the five elements;In fondness for us He created this body and breath.
446: God Created All, Himself the Param UncreatedOf yore He created worlds sevenOf yore He created celetials countlessOf yore He created species numberlessHe who of yore created allHimself stood as Primal Param uncreated.
447: He Who Created, Sustained As WellThe Primal One created the elements five;The Primal One created the endless aeons past;The Primal One created the countless heavenly beings,The Primal One created and sustained as well.
448: The Pervasive Siva is Here as WellThe infinite spaces of the Seven worldsHe filled in oneness, expanding limitlessYet is He not easy of reach;Siva Himself into myriad Jivas pervadedIn this worlds as well, He our Lord.
449: He is the Object of All KnowledgeHe is the light withinHe is the body withoutThe precious object, beloved of immortals above,The Holy Form, adored of saintly beings below,He is the pupil of your eyes;He the Object of all Knowledge.
450: The Lord Pervades All in Partiality to NoneHis is the Cosmic Form that none knowHe is the infinite space that fills the universe;He is the space in the tiny pot too;Inseparable as water in milkHe pervades all in union close;Impartial indeed His Goodness;Unwearied His bliss--I knew.
451: God Creates From Within the WombHe conjoins the tattvas five and twentyThat in life past departed from me;To my dear life awaken;Thus He creates, seated within the globular wombHe the Primal One createsKnowing what I am to be.
452: The Lord Grants Breath and the Child is BornAbove the MuladharaThe Kundalini fire abides;There in the water-filled wombThe infant lay, its tiny feet entangled;That the sweet life in patience waitingIts onward course may seek,He ordained, releasing the Pranas ten.
453: The Course of Life Was Ordained at Time of UnionWhen parents two in pleasure united,Then was ordained, this body,The sorrow-house of vexing pasa;When that is to be,At that hour of union, He ordained;He, the Heavenly Lord.
454: Through That Union Entered the 25 Tattvas to Make the Infant BodyThey who birth's finale saw,Alone knew how purusha,Of Tattvas five and twentyThe body Corporeal entered;None else know,That which sought woman's birth-pit,In form twain, rushed within.
455: The Tattvas Remained in the Forehead of the FoetusThe penis pierced; the vagina opened,And together they rushed inThe Tattvas in groups of Five--The Elements Five,The tanmatras Five,The sense organs Five gross,And the Five Subtle,And cognising organs four--Mind, Intellect, Will and EgoityAnd in the Centre of Forehead they all lay, concealed.
456: Prana Enters Jiva at BirthAs unto when flower blossoms, the breeze spreads fragrance,In spaces all aroundSo does Prana over Jiva extend,Gently unfolding at the time destined.
457: The Lord Drives in the Tattvas into the Infant BodyThe eight constituents of body subtleThat ultimately leave,The eight and ten Tattvas that sneak in,With Purusha in them immersedThe orifices nine,The Kundalini that serpent-like coils,The life breath twelve-finger breadth long,--If these, the Divine Charioteer drives not in,Verily may the infant be less than human (say, pig).
458: The Child With the Three Gunas in Balance is Fit for RulershipWhen in sex union,The male flow in force dominatesThe infant is born with Tamasic qualities of Rudra;When the flow in reverse is,The Sattvic quality of Hari dominates;When the two in balance flow,The Rajasic quality of Brahma prevailes;He is to kingship bornIn whom gunas three proportionate sway.
459: Into the Foetus Mayaic Mind was PlacedThere two in accord united;And from their vital flowsEmerged the infant form;But when into it Jiva,Who in myriad bodies has dwelt of yore,Now entered,Lo! it is dominated by Mind;Maya subtle pervades it.
460: Jiva Gets Consciousness and DesiresThere in the pregnant womb,The soul lay in Primordial quiescence (Turiya State)From that State Maya and Her tribe aroused it;And conferred Consciousness;And Maya's evolutes eight--Desires and the rest,Thus say scriptures, holy and true.
461: How the Body is FashionedWith skeletal bones He erected the frame;With tendons circuitous He fastened it;With blood and flesh He cemented it;Thus did Lord fashion this body-mansion,For dear life to dwellHim I seek forth, endearment increasing.
462: The Lord Contains the Fire in MuladharaHe is milky white in hue,Effulgent is He unto the sun;He is benignant;He pervades the entire bodyAnd diffuses His tenderness;He contained the rage of fire in MuladharaThis He ordained, in ways diverse.
463: The Lord Preserves the FoetusEven the day, ruinous Karma trailed after Jiva,He designed ways of preservation numerous;He surrounded the foetus with waterKept it safe from burning Muladhara Fire,He drew charmed circles eddying,Around the budding life, from Pasa harassingAnd so preserved it safe and cool.
464: Breathing and Size of InfantThe Silvery semen welled upAnd met the vaginal flow, alike surging,And lo! then was born the infantInhaling eight and exhaling fourFinger-length of breath,And measuring eight finger-spanOf its own tiny palm.
465: Body of 25 TattvasIn to the union, the Holy One entered;Gathering Tattvas five and twentyFashioned the (five)-sheathed body;Munificient indeed was his gift!A veritable Bundle of Desire He made.
466: After Death, Senses End With Body; Jiva Ends in NadaThe five senses with their foolish waysAre in this body born;And there they subside;So does JivaThat permeates macrocosmSurely subside in Nada.
467: The 35 Tattvas IntroducedAs on to a leaf-like deviceHe mounted my life;And there;With balance like precision planted,Subtle senses five;And other Tattvas thirty;And thus fashioned a body;A steaming cauldron with openings nine.
468: Lord CreatesIn union's rapture they kneaded the clayFor Him to fashion sorrow's tenement;The kiln burnt, the pitcher emerged,With channels nine and Tattvas eighteen.
469: Lord Placed the Six AdharasYou know not the six centers within;You realise not the great good that wells therein;You seek not the Siddhis within them;Know this,The fleshy body is but of ten senses made.
470: Lord Placed Divine Jnana in CraniumHe fashioned this body,Into that body He breathed life;And set gates nine;And then into the lotus-like craniumHe lit the Fire (of Divine Jnana),The Lord made these,And Him I salute in endearment intense.
471: Lord Creates Life From Primal Seed of CausationThe Lord is Limitless Light;He kindles all life from Primal Womb;He stirrs the liquid-seed of Causation;He endows it with form expansive;Him I seek in heaven and earth.
472: Body's ImpermanenceIn the union of sexes oppositeThe light of life is born shielded true;A bubble it is in Life's watery expanse;A shadow that spreads on earth below;Sheathed in the subtle Body-Eight.
473: Lord Gives and Lord Takes LifeOf the eight organs of Body Subtle,Are senses protean fiveAnd cognitive instruments three--Mind, will and cognition;Know the dear LordWho fastened this body-bag,With Desire's sticky glueWill in time unfasten it too.
474: Lord Gave Means of RedemptionThe Lord made the body,A name and form it assumed;Then, for Jiva his redemption to seekHe created earth and Tattvas many,--Thus speak the Vedas.
475: He Placed Jiva in Care of Two Foster-MothersNone the Grace but Hara's,None Hara's but the Grace,And so as He bestows life,He bestows, too,The Loving care of foster mother twine,(Maya and Mamaya.)
476: Then Siva and Sakti Pervaded JivasSakti, the Conjoint Cause of creation,The Luminous One that dispelled darkness total,Together created the myriad lives,Their genus and species,And having done that, they pervaded them too;Oh! magnificience non-pareil!
477: He Printed the Sex of the InfantThe seed of life,As a steady flame in womb burnsIt takes shape one of threeMale, female and hermaphrodite;How the father and mother at union were,Even so He printed the sex,Righteous indeed was that Lumninous One.
478: Sex Determined at Sexual UnionThe masculine flow dominates, the infant is male born,The feminine dominates, the infant is female born;When the two are in force equal, a hermaphrodite is born;When masculine flow gushes in plenty,The infant born will sway the world entire;When masculine flow is scanty,Naught indeed conception is.
479: Age is DeterminedIf after emission,The male's breath five finger-length extends,The infant born lives a hundred years;When breath to four finger measure stretches,To age eighty the infant lives;The Yogi who knows the science of breath controlIf in sex act He indulges,He, the vital flow, accordingly regulates.
480: Birth Imperfections ExplainedWhen after intercourse, the man is short of breath,The infant born a dwarf will be;When breath spires feeble,The issue may, of defective limbs be born;When breath halts in mid-actA hunch-back will be born;All these apply not,To woman's breathing rhythm.
481: How Deaf, Dumb, and Blind are BornWhen at the time of union,The mother's bowels are heavy exceeding,A dullard will be born;If urine exceeds,A dumb will be born;If both exceed,A blind will be born;Thus is it for the infant bornThe mother's condition according.
482: Breathing at Union Decides Sex of BabyIf breath spires leading on nostril right,The infant born will a male be;If on the nostril left,A female will be born;If the descending current Apana,Opposes the ascending current Prana,Twins there shall be;If in measure equal the breath rhythm runs,Through nostrils right and left,Hermaphrodite shall be the baby born.
483: How a Handsome Baby is BornIf in Male and Female breath runsIn measure equable,The infant born will exceeding handsome be;When in both breath rhythm falters,No Conception will there be.
484: How Infant in the Womb GrowsThe infant-seed,The damsel in her womb boreNourished by bright milkThat is fed by Sakti in Eye-brow CentreGrew,Beaming like the golden rays of rising sunInside, it took form appropriate.
485: Maya Fosters the BabyIn months ten, it forms fullAnd then on earth in time appointed, it lands;And grows, Maya fostering;But who knows that Formless Maya!
486: Maya's Hidden ActHe who planted seed, knew it not;She who received saw it not;The Creator knew, but he told none;The Lord who Truth reveals is also there;Yet I saw not Maya,How cunning was her stealthy Conduct!
487: In Manhood Jiva Seeks GodSeeking pleasure, the two met;In pasa's misery was it born and bred;And having grown to statureGrew to manhood here below;Well may it seek the Ancient OneThat before all worlds was.
488: How Maya Fosters BabeThe koil bird leaves its egg in the crow's nest;The crow hatches it, nurses it, suspecting nothing;It does not move it, does not reject it,Does not ask why,So does Maya the young one foster.
489: God Protects Jiva at All StagesThe Lord is the Primal One;The root, the shoot, the plant and fruit;Thus He blesses all life;To each, He grants his life's pleasure,With each, He stands according.
490: Lord Appears in Prayer and PenanceMy Lord is of infinite greatness,Yet is He within the littleness of this fleshly body;Beyond the ken of Celestials is He;Yet in prayer and penanceHe himself shall appear before you.
491: Birth is by Lord's GraceEven unto the salt that from wavy sea emerges,Out of Tattvas that arose in Para,Was this body formed;To be born thus is His Grace indeed!
492: Play of Sakti-Siva Infuses Divine SpiritOut of Sakti-Siva PlayLife blossomed;And Jiva who was in pure Kevala stateOf Turiya quiescenceWas freed and consigned to the folds of Maya,And the Lord then entered Jiva's thoughtAnd suffused his being with Divine Spirit.
493: The Three Categories From Ten ClassesVignanars true are of groups fourPralayakalas are of three;Sakalars below are another threeThus are Jivas grouped, ten in all.
494: The Four Classes of VijnarsVijnanakalars are of classes four;Those who are in Kevala (Anava) state,Next are those who are Self-realised;Those who reached the state of Eight Vidyeswaras,And finally are those who rank as the Seven Crores of Manthra Nayakas;Those who are of Egoity Impure ridAre the truly realised beings (no more are they Jivas).
495: The Three Classes of Pralaya KalasOf the Pralayakalars three,Are those who Mukti attained;Another, by malas twine (Egoity and Karma) bound;Yet another, the Rudras Hundred and Eight;The Sakalas have all malas three.
496: The Three Classes of SakalasSakalas three are:Those who have attained Siddhis miraculous,Those who have attained Mukti (Jivan)Those who have attained neither--All powerless to conquer Malas threeAnd in sound and other senses immersed.
497: Stages of Attainment in Mala RiddanceThey who are of five malas hard rid,Themselves Siva become;They blemishless become,They become Siddhas,Attain state of Mukti Finale,They uproot Jiva's bondage,End cycle of births;They alone are,Who truth of peerless Tattvas realised.
498: Nine Gradations of JivasVijnanakalas are of gradations three;Those who in quiescent Anava alone abides; (the Pralayakala among Vijnanas)So are Pralayakalas of gradations three;And Sakalas too;Thus are there nine classes of Jivas,Evolving in gradations separate.
499: How Sakalas Among Vijnanakalas Attain Siva-StateVijnanakalas may by karma assume form corporeal;But by performing holy deeds,Acquire Celestial frameAnd higher Jnana Form;And Constant striving thus,Gain wisdom perennialAnd in the end Siva Himself become.
500: How Jivas Reach SivaRid themselves of Anava entireAnd consciousness lost of all Jiva memory,They Bindu and Nada become,The highest heavenly goalOf one-ness with Siva Tattva;Albeit all three, Sakala and the rest of yore possessed,The primal impurities triple,Anava, Maya and Karma.
501: Give Freely to SivajnanisGive a wee bit to Sivajnani,You shall attain Siddhi, Mukti and heavenly bliss;Give a world of gold to the witless,You shall become poor losing all joys.
502: Lord's Devotees are Elevated SoulsDeath waits for the moment dueAnd seizes lives;But the Lord seizes Death's life;Such indeed, His Prowess is;He blesses all who know Him true;They who sought Him, immortals became.
503: Lord's Feet are unto a Self-Effulgent LampI gave Him not up even while in womb;I forgot not the truth of His holy Feet;I gave up falsehood and sought them;The Feet of Lord of matted locksAre a Lamp no oil feeds.
504: Lord does Things Appropriate to Those of Tender LoveThose that are destined to beLet them be;Those that are destined not to beLet them not be;Those that are destined to goLet them go;Those that are destined to comeLet them Come;The Mighty Nandi shows allAnd witnesses all:All things appropriate,He doesTo those of tender love for Him.
505: Giving to Unworthy is UndesirableWell may you tender her;And with fresh grass feed her,The barren cow can no milk give;Even so is givingUnto those who neither good nor holy are;Unto a crop they are,Raised in season improper.
506: Do not Give to Those Who Have no Love for GodGive only unto thoseWho follow the way of Yoga, Iyama, and Niyama,And who adore Lord, in constancy abiding;To give those who have no love for God,A heinous crime, indeed it is.
507: He Who Gives to Sivajnanis will Become a JnaniHe who gives to Gods, Guru,And the Goodly onesWho are of passions rid,Will a Jnani become,Imparting Jnana appropriate to disciples several;For him is not the burning hell,That is destined for perpetratorsOf deadly sins five,Who know not consequences dire.
508: Do not Give to Unworthy; the Giver and the Receiver Both Reach HellYou may give away wealthAs massive as a mountain;Yet if you give itTo those that adore not our Lord,You shall with them reachThe Seventh Hell of ineffable pain.
509: The Holy Waters are Within UsWithin this body are many Holy Waters;They take not gentle dips in themAnd drive Karma away;Vainly do they roam hill and dale,Witless men of confused mind they are!
510: Lord Abides in Jnana ThoughtTo them who love Him dear,The Lord will appear delicious cool;To them steeped in worldly pleasures,He will appear never;To Yogis who breath control;But sure does HeIn thoughts abide,Of Jnanis, who doubt-free see.
511: Men of False Faith do not See Lord WithinThe Lord is within them,Yet they know Him not,They of faith false;Limitless the flow of their evil deeds;Down down the deep drain it goes,Never its destination to know.
512: Bathe in Ganga and Be PurifiedThey who adore Him,Reach His heavenly abode;Thus it is,Immortals know Primal Lord;Bathe in pellucid waters of Sacred GangaThat from Lord's crest here descend;You shall holy become,Saved of impurities sinful.
513: Seek not Lord Elsewhere; He is Within TheeThey dropped gold in sea,And looked hard for it in pond;Nothing indeed to match their folly;Within you is Nandi,Firm as rock of ages,Yet they know Him not, and seek Him notLacking in Grace, they sure are.
514: Water Within Forms Vital Body ConstituentWater that mixes in body, black urine becomes,Water that mixes in body, red blood becomesWater that mixes in body, white semen becomes,Water that primal arose,Land, wind and rest of elements became.
515: Dangers of Transplanting LingaLet them beware who transplantA Linga at a Shrine 'stablisthed;Even before the transplant is completed,The Kingdom will to disaster fall;And disease fell chased culprit to sure death;Thus did He declare,Nandi, the Divine Protector.
5163*6Dangers of Destruction to TempleAs they move away,A single stone from temple wallThat shall spell the Crowned King's ruin;Be he a sage, be he one learned in Vedas,Sure the crisis; certain the ruin;--So Ordained Lord.
517: Dangers of Skipping Performance of PujaRains fail; epidemics spread;The mighty king his prowess loses;All this sure happens,If worship in Lord's temples falters,--The Lord who spurned the very God of Death.
518: Dangers of Puja CeasingWhen in Siva's temple worship ceases,Harm befalls the ruler;Scanty the rains;Theft and robbery abound in land,Thus did my Holy Nandi declare.
519: Puja to be Performed Only by Qualified PriestsIf he is but a priest in nameWho, Lord's worship performs,Deathly wars rage in furyFell diseases spread;Famine stalks land--Thus did goodly Nandi in truth declare.
520: Manifestation of Downward-looking Face"Hail our Lord! Our God!Deathly is might of PadmasuraSave us, help, oh!"Thus did Celestials to Primal Lord pray!;And the Primal Lord to the Six-faced GodOf coral hue beckoned;And said, "Proceed and smite the enemy."
521: Blue Throat of Downward-looking FaceHe sports the garland of white skulls,His spreading locks are matted;He supports Universe vast,He fills Space in directions eight,On the throat of His Downward-directed FaceDarkness suffuses;They say, "He swallowed poison;"They are ignorant, they know not truth.
522: The Truth of Lord's Blue-ThroatYe men!,Who in this sea-girt globe liveIn falsehood and flattery!Why His throat gleams dark,He knows who made it so;When you realize the truthHe will make,Celestial beings bow to you.
523: The Downward-Looking Face is of SadasivaInside Primal Fire that is SivaNandi rises in the centre, gleamingHe pervads worlds all,His hue is of the twilight sunWho the world in glory ambulates,He is the Lord of the Downward-looking Face--Athomukha.
524: The Face Creates AllThe Ancient One of AthomukhaCreated Universe vast here below;In Athomukha He animates all life;He is Lord of Athomukha Sakti of lotus eye;He is Lord of Aeons' End.
5253*6It Blossomed Into a Hundred Worlds and Impregnated Them With EnergyHearken to this,How Athomukha blossomed into a Gigantic FlowerThen, it transformed itself into a hundred worlds;And into Limitless EnergyAnimating them;And then as Athomukha,The Lord remained as their Support as well.
526: Abuse of Siva Brings MiseryThose who have Jnana attained,Rid of all doubts in their thoughtsSeek Him in love intenseShall reach the World of Celestials;If the low-born think any the less of Him,Dismal indeed is their fate--Unto the parrot in cat's claw.
527: Adore Lord and Attain JnanaThe Devas and Asuras wasted their livesAnd finally died;They attained not Jnana true;They alone can attain TruthWho adore Primal Lord in devotion intense.
528: Abuse not Siva Even in FunThey defied the Lord,Devas and Asuras,And they defied themselves one anotherAnd destruction met;However little, defy not Lord,Not even for fun,They snow-ball, one into ten.
529: Dare not Forget Lord However HolyLearned are they in Vedic lore;Knowing God is within them,They bethought themselves to be GodAnd Plunged into pleasures distractingForgetting all thought of God.
530: The True Disciples are BlessedThe lowly onesCare not for their parents,They abuse their kith and kin in words foulOnly those who take to the way of Guru learned,Are in truth blessed,None else indeed.
531: Consequences of Abusing GuruThe Guru taught the wisdomOf One-Letter mantra (Aum);He who speaks derisive of HimWill be born a lowly Cur;And having led a dog's life for a Yuga entire,He will be a worm born;And then to dust shall be consigned.
532: Consequences of Abusing the GoodThe virtuous wife, devotee true, and Jnani GreatThose who have done exceeding harm to shock themTheir life and wealth will in a year disappear,True this is,Upon Holy Nandi, I swear.
533: Do not Abuse GuruThose who wounded feelings,Of Holy Guru who taught,The One-lettered mantra, "AUM"Will be a dog born,And after a hundred dog incarnationsWill die a human out-caste.
534: Harm to World by Maltreatment of GurusIf Gurus who are devout of GodAre caused pain in heartThe country, people and their greatnessWill all as one destroyed be;The thrones of heavenly king Indra,And of kings mighty here below,Will alike Crumble down;Sure This is,I swear by our Nandi true.
535: Do not Utter False-hood in Gurus PresenceUtter not falsehood in holy Guru's presence;Then will goodness and wisdom depart;Forgotten will be,The time-honoured path of righteousness,And all else that to prosperity leads;The land a prey to famine falls.
536: Jnana Guru is the Real GuruWho will throw away the precious Gem in handAnd carry a heavy stone instead?Who will part with milk, curd and ghee on handAnd prefer the bitter poison, fatal?Such indeed are the Gurus of Karma path;Will they ever with Jnani compare?
537: Consequences of Abusing MahesvaraThe Lord's devotee lives by alms,Those who show animus to him,However humble his condition be,And those who abuse him as they will,Shall into lowly hell fall.
538: Blessings of Jnani's PresenceThose who deride JnaniAre rid of benefits of goodly deeds done;Those who revere him as holy,Are rid of harm of evil deeds done;Those who reach Jnani's presence.Will verily taste of Siva Bhoga.
539: Patience is the Sheet-anchor of YogisIn the hearts of those who are firm of mindLie the (Varmamus) lizard of Yoga VairagyaIt lay besieging nose and tongue--(in Kesari Mudra)In the troubled thought that knows but torture,The only thing that stands stillIs devotional Patience Exceeding.
540: Celestial Beings Worship Lord*The Lord was seated on His throne;He was of milk-white hue;Surrounding Him stoodCelestial Beings in number countless;Hari and Brahma too,Whose King He is;And low they bowed at His Feet,And prayed for His Grace,And the Lord blessed,"They shall on earth prosper high."
541: Lord Grants Grace to Those Who Adore HimThe Lord is of wisdom ripe;He is our King,As unto an army they swell,In directions all to pray;He creates the fleshly body,He is the Primal One of Celestial Beings,If you adore Him in love earnest,He will His Grace grant.
542: Lord's PatienceInside home and outsideBy force and means gentleThe Lord prepared you--(in patience surpassing)He dances on the burning ground;Many and varied are His play.
543: Walk With the HolyI walk with those who go after God,I live with those who sing His praise,The Lord blesses those who seek Him,With them I consort,Their feet I seek.
544: Holy Company Saves You From DistressYou may in distressUnto a tender leaf quiver,What avails you if you are distressed,My Heart!Yet you love not Lord;Do you go with me,To where the Lord succours.
545: Holy Company Leads You to BlissThe Jnanis seek the Lord of Celestials;They who seek the Company of JnanisWill attain Siva Truth;They indeed Walk in the Path of VirtueAnd are truly blessed;To consort with suchIs indeed Bliss Supreme.
546: The Holy are Kin of LordThe Holy are kin of LordThey reach Golden Feet of Father;He, of flowing matted locks;Whose fame envelopes worlds all,He blesses those,Who seek Him in silentness of their hearts;Reach the King Almighty,You shall attain the Regal Goal.
547: Siva Welcomes Devotees of His DevoteesI walked with them--Devotees of Lord's devoteesAnd reached the City of Fire-hued LordSporting weapons divineThey who stood at gate saw me,And announced me to the Lord;And the Lord said "Come in"And they all cried "Hail! You are the Refuge."
548: I Joined the Company of the Rich in GraceThe Devout Supreme will in, be;The Devout Eminent will master eddies of birth,Devout Dear realizing self will immortal, remain;With them who are Rich in GraceI joined to consort.
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549: Difficult to Expound is Science of YogaOf difficult vast to expoundIs the Science of Breath;Closing nostril alternateAnd counting time in measure appropriateThus did Nandi reveal at length The eight-fold science of yoga great--Iyama, Niyama and the rest.
550: Yoga Includes Kavacha Nyasa and MudraI shall reveal herein,The ways of Iyama and Niyama,The secret of Kavacha, Nyasa and MudraThe paths to reach the Samadhi State;To course Kundalini Sakti upward,And to reach Parasakti at Cranium high.
551: Ashtanga Yoga Leads to Samadhi and to JnanaWaver not, this way and thatFollow the way of eight-limbed YogaAnd reach Samadhi State;They who tread that blessed pathShall reach Jnana's peak;No more are they in this vile flesh born.
552: Eight Limbs of YogaIyama, Niyama, and Asana numberlessPranayama wholesome and Pratyahara alike,Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi to triumph--These eight are the steely limbs of Yoga.
553: Perform Niyamas Always"The heavens may torrents pourIn directions eight;Yet perform the holy niyamas"--Thus spake the Lord of matted locks, cool and coral huedTo the Sages Four, in devotion immersed.
554: Ways of NiyamaHe does not kill, he does not lie, he does not steal;Of marked virtues is he; good, meek and just;He shares his joys, he knows no blemishNeither drinks nor lusts--This the man who in Niyama's ways stands.
555: Way of NiyamaThe Being First,The Meaning-Central of Vedas all,The Light Divine,The Fire within that LightHe who shares HimselfHalf-and-Half with His SaktiAnd the Divine Justice thereof--Them, he in Niyama's path knows.
556: Ten Virtues of NiyamaPurity, compassion, frugal food and patienceForthrightness, truth and steadfastness--These he ardently cherishes;Killing, stealing and lusting, He abhors--Thus stands with virtues tenThe one who Niyama's ways observes.
557: Further Ten Attributes of NiyamaTapas, meditation, serenity, and holinessCharity, vows in Saiva Way and Siddhanta learningSacrifice, Siva puja and thoughts pure--With these ten, the one in Niyama perfects his Ways.
558: Prominent AsanasNumerous are the asanasWith Padmasana to commence;Six among them are rated highWith Svastika as faultless seventhHe who postures on these asanas seven,Verily becomes Master, for sure.
559: Padmasana--Lotus PostureSit cross-legged with soles of feet upturnedClose draw the feet on thighs opposite,Stretch then the hands afore on feetThat Padmasana is, famed far on earth.
560: Bhadrasana--Happy PosturePlace the right leg over the leftStretch the hands over calf of legSit in posture firm and erectThat indeed is Bhadrasana.
561: Kukkudasana--Cock PostureLift the feet on to the thighs,Control breath and on elbows raise your bodyThus seated firm and immobile,Thou do reach the Kukkudasana.
562: Simhasana--Lion PostureStretch the hands over the calf of leg,Lift the mouth upward,Fix thy gaze on tip of nose,Thus do thou Simhasana posture.
563: Important Asanas are SevenBhadra, Gomukha, Padma and Simha,Svastika, Veera, and SukhaThese seven are asanas eminent and ancient;Numerous as, eight, eighty and hundred, however,Are asanas in all reckoned.
564: Master the Steed of BreathThe Jiva is the master of senses five;He is the head of the body habitat;There is a steed he rides to his destined goal;The masterly one the steed carries,The feeble one it throws away--That steed the Prana breath is.
565: Control of Inhalation and ExhalationA goodly one is JivaHe has steeds two,But he knows not how to master themIf the lordly Guru lends His Grace,The steeds will tame become.
566: Breath Control Activates BodyFaster than bird that steed flies,Far headier than wine the pleasure it gives;It infuses vigour, dispells lazinessTrue we say this, let the wise listen.
567: Breath Control Yields Life NectarLet Prana merge in MindAnd together the two be stilledThen no more shall birth and death be;Therefore, learn to direct breathIn streams alternating left and rightAnd in silentness chant "Aum"Then shall you sevile of the nectar of life.
568: Puraka Kumbhaka Resaka Alternated--Cleansing of NadisPurakam is to inhale by left nostril matras six and tenKumbhakam is to retain that breath for matras four and sixtyResakam is to exhale thereafter for matras two and thirtyThus alternate from left to right and right to leftWith Kumbhakam in between.
569: Breath Control Makes Body Light as a Carpenter-BeeIf you control the breath within,However old your body,Young and crystal-hard it turnsAnd with the goodly Guru's benign Grace,Well may you wing your way in heavenAs unto a carpenter-bee.
570: Breath Control Gives Supreme StrengthWherever you be, there control breathThe body then will perish notAs you inhale, control and exhale in measure prescribed,Well may you become a trimphant LordWith the conch of victory,Your achievement heralding.
571: Knowledge of Science of Breath Leads to ImmortalityInhalation, Exhalation, and Retention both waysThe Science of Breath thus consistingThey know not;They who know the Science of BreathAre destined to spurn the God of Death.
572Effect of Puraka, Kumbhaka ResakaIn Purakam inhale breath deepTo pervade up, down and middleIn Kumbhakam retain it around the navel center;In Resakam it is absorbed within in due measureThey who practise the Science of Breath thusReach the Grace of LordWho consumed poison deadly.
573: Time Duration of Inhaling Retaining and Exhaling BreathInhaling six and ten matras by left nostrilRetaining four and sixty in the navelExhaling two and thirty by the right nostril,They who control breath thus, chanting AumHave verily seen the Light of Truth.
574: How to Practise PranayamaInhale deep and steady,That prana fills the nadis ten;Exhale slowThat the body does not stir;Retain prana breathAnd downward move Apana breathThus sit erect and vanquish Death.
575: Purify Body By Breath ControlThe breath within risesAnd wanders as it lists;Control that and purify within;Then shall your limbs glow redYour hair turn darkAnd God within shall leave you never.
576: Inhale 12 Matras; Retain 4 MatrasThe Prana breathThat is damsel within body-houseRuns in and out constant;If twelve matras inhaledEight matras exhaled,The four matras retainedShall make you divine in Siva.
577: Learn to Control Breath and Master DeathThe elephant that is twelve-matra breathIs awake night and day;The mahout (Jiva) knows not elephant;When mahout learns to control elephantThe elephant knows not night and day;(In eternity it exists.)
578: Blessings of Mind WithdrawalStep by step, practise mind's withdrawalAnd look inward;One by one many the good you see within;And may you then meet the Lord,Now and here belowWhom the ancient Vedas still searchesEverywhere.
579: Retain Breath Below Navel RegionThey know not the divine artOf fixing breath twelve matra long,Below the navel region;Once they learn that artThe Lord enters within, shouting in joy.
580: Where Kundalini IsTwo finger length above the anus,Two finger length below the sex organFour finger length below the navel visible,There within is KundaliniA flaming fire lambent.
581: Breath Control for Maha Siddha YogaIf below the nose-tipYou look twelve-finger length,And then concentrate and meditate (on navel centre),The mighty Siddha yoga shall yours beAnd imperishable shall your body be.
582: When Light AppearsIf thus meditating,Luminescence you glimpse at the Eye-brow centreKnow you are destined for bliss unalloyed;If at the Throat's CenterLunar light you behold,Then will your body,In divine joy intoxicated be.
583: What Kundalini Yoga isClose the Muladhara orifice belowCenter your thought on Sahasrara orifice aboveAnd on that meditate in oneness;Fix your dagger like vision on that Void Vast;Thus practising Yoga,You shall vanquish Time.
584: Kundalini Yoga Destroys BirthTwo finger length above the anusTwo finger length below the sex organ,Lies the Kundalini FireIf you can meditate on the lightThat burns there,You shall be one with Lord,Who all births destroys.
585: PratyaharaBy thought concentrated,Know clearly apartPasa and Pati Luminescent,Then destroy that Pasa;Melt in your heart for Lord,Attain and contemplate on Jnana,And look inward toward Him;These the precious Ways of Pratiyahara are.
586: Pranayama Helps PratyaharaIf breath that is exhaledIs contained withinThe thoughts too are contained thereAnd the Lord shall leave you not.
587: What Pratyhara Can Lead toIn the act of concentrated meditationAll world will be visioned;Be rid of the despicable darknessAnd seek Lord,If your thoughts be centered firmYou shall Divine Light seeAnd immortal thereafter be.
588: How to Practise DharanaLet unswerving be your thoughtBind it to Muladhara fastLook into the Void Inside through spinal shaftSee and yet see not;Hear and yet hear not;Thus in meditation sit;That the sure Way to bar death's way.
589: Lord Dances in SahasraraFrom the peaks of Cranium rangesThe heavenly waterfallUnceasing cascadesCoursing prana through the spinal channel;There on the stony arena (of Mount Meru within)The Lord performs His timeless dance;That unending Bliss Light,I witnessed.
590: Kundalini in ReverseShe is the Damsel of the Vedas;She belongs to the astral land of Cranium;He is the bridal lord;He sleeps in the land of Muladhara;Gently rouse Him,And make Him meet Her,You shall then be forever youngUpon lordly Nandi I avow,This true forever and ever.
591: Practice of Kundalini YogaBind the MuladharaRaise the Prana breath upwardThrough the spinal hollow course itAnd within in aptness retain,And like a stork at stream's headSit calmIn singleness of thought;Well may you live forever and ever.
592: Practice Breath Control in Proper Time-MeasureWhen Pranayama is in proper time-measure practisedBreath retention will appropriate with Prana stand;He who trains breath that is Prana,With him shall Time and Life inseparate remain.
593: Practise Breath Control in SilentnessA bull there is,In the thoughts of thoseWho silentness observe;They who open their mouth wideDrive it away wind-ward;But they who are in silentness wrappedDrive it to the Lunar Peak;There with its horns it knocks;And if the Gates of the Cave do not open,It turns tail in fear.
594: Longevity Gained by Breath ControlIf breath that is forked in and out,Is on mind directed and centered,Well may you sleepIn the spacious bed chamberOf the Body CaveThat has doors two and windows seven.And long, long may you live there too.
595: Mind Control Through Breath ControlIf of the ten Vayus that fill the bodyFive by exhalation leave,What avails you fool!What though you wake and pray?They who control breath in measure ordained,Will sure imprison mind-monkeyWithin the body-fortress.
596: Make the Body ImmortalAll those who came aforeHave met their final end;What guarantee is there of any other fate,For those who come after?What then there to speak of the millionsAnd their life to be?What delusion this!Will the sandy bank ever hold firm?
597: Dharana is InvolutionTo contain body's harassing senses fiveIn elements five,To contain elements fiveIn organs cognitive internal,To contain cognitive organs internalInto its Primal Reals,To contain Primal RealsIn the Being UncreatedThat, verily, is DharanaIn stages practised.
598: Dhyana is of Two KindsThe ten--The five elements and the five sensesBeing contained, one by the other,The internal organ BuddhiIn turn contains the senses;Thus is Dhyana born;The Para Dhyana firstThat is on Sakti centered,And Siva Dhyana nextThat is by Guru blessed,These two the Ways of Dhyana Yoga.
599: In Dhyana the Divine Light AppearsThrough eye, tongue, nose and earAnd the organ IntellectThere is an Ancient One that pervades as Nada,Inside the palatal cavityHe shows the Cosmic Light;He gave the fleshly body,That we redeemed be.
600: In Dhyana Can Be Seen the Jnana Form of SivaIn the undistracted gazeAppears the LightGaze and gaze to heart's contentAnd mingle one with it;The Heavenly Stream will then surgeTo the spaces infinite of Void Vast;Then may the Uncreated Being witnessed be.
601: Alas! They Perform not DhyanaEven for once they meditate notOn the mystery of Jiva within body;Even for once they meditate notOn Siva within Jiva;Even for once they meditate notOn Divine Jnana within Siva;Even once they meditate notOn the Lotus within the Lunar Sphere.
602: Dhyana Brightens All Lamps WithinLight the Lamp of MindAnd dispel the Darkness of Egoity;Extinguish the Fire of WrathAnd brighten all lamps withinThenceforth alike,The Mind's Lamp is an undying Lamp indeed.
603: Look Within in DhyanaWell may they practise Yoga eight-thousand yearStill they see not Lord,Sweet as ambrosiaAnd dear unto apple of eye;But if within you seek Him enlightenedHe within you is,Even unto reflection in the mirror.
604: Fruits of DhyanaIf your eyes twain areOn nasal point fixed,No sorrows befall you;Perishes not your body;Agitation none shall you have;Feelings none;Seekings none;None that is "I";You and Siva one become.
605: Dhyana Leads to Cessation of BirthFixing the gaze on nasal pointRetaining the roaming breath withinThey who can thus still the nadis,Will sure reach the GoalNo fear of birth to be for them.
606: Varied Sound Experiences in DhyanaBell, sea, elephant, flute, cloudBee, dragon-fly, conch, drum, and luteThe subtle sounds of these ten are heardFor them aloneWho have stilled their mind in God.
607: Other Sound Experiences in DhyanaThe roar of sea, the thundering of cloud,The trumpeting of elephant, the euphony of lute,The music of the orbsThat glow in firmament vast,The melody of the flute; the resonance of conch,All theseThe yogi true alone hears.
608: Fruits of God-RealizationThose who realize God,They alone get qualities godly;They join company of immortals;Pasa vanishes;They become immanent in all lifeThey hear sounds subtlest,That emanateUnto fragrance out of flower.
609: Yoga Leads to NadantaNada's End is Sakti divineNada's End is Yoga goodlyNada's End is goal FinaleNada's End is Lord Seated.
610: Involution Into Nada is Final StageAs Kundalini Fire glows in Adharas six,The Primordial Anava Darkness flees,In tameness followed by Indriyas Five;Who involute in Tanmatras, their substrate;And they in turn in Nada;Then shall you reach Feet of LordThat is Refuge of All.
611: The Way to Ascension to Void lies through MeditationThe mystic bed-chamber is day-light eternalNo darkness invades;There is a wayThis body to fire-chamber consigned not be;The light of this knowledgeIs by meditation prolonged;The Chamber of VoidKnows not end of Light ever.
612: Perfect Meditation Leads to ImmortalityHaving abated not in the rules of vows,The Yogi that has to meditate learned,Coursing Kundalini through spinal column,And passing Mandalas Three with felicity equalHe in fleshly body forever lives.
613: Meditation Leads Across the Three SpheresThere is a way of reaching the Mandalas Three.In each is its respective God;Be you blessedBy the God appropriateThen each Mandala leads to the other.
614: To Transcend Mandalas is to be ExaltedIn the dark chamber of the drooping heartAre the Mandalas Three,He who becomes one with themAnd peirces PasasShall know weariness none;To transcend the three stages of heartIs exaltation exceeding indeed.
615: Immortality Through Dhyana YogaUprooting the gunas threeHe who controlls breath in MuladharaAnd courses it alternateThrough nadi left and right,In time measure prescribedWill be immortal madeBy Him that is King of Beings Heavenly.
616: Deep Meditation on Centers Leads to GodFour finger-length above the tremulous Navel-CenterIs the petalled Heart-Center;Two finger length still above is the Throat-Center;Those who can meditate on it in sea-like depthSure knew Him;Him the Lord of Body Corporal.
617: Grace Comes From DhyanaTranscending Tattvas six and thirty unreal,Destroying Maya's layers thick,Transformed into Jnana Pure by GraceThemselves that Grace inseparable BecomingThey who achieved thusWere the goodly soulsThe Way of Dhyana knew.
618: Samadhi is the Final Goal of Ashtanga YogaSamadhi is end of Iyama and the restSamadhi is consummation of Siddhis eightWho persevere in the path from Iyama to the endWill alone the end Samadhi attain.
619: Vision of Light Resplendent in SamadhiWhen in the Meru Peak of SahasraraBindu and Nada flourishIn their union will Samadhi be;And the Light Resplendent of Endless JnanaWill then visioned be!
620: In Samadhi Mano-Laya is ReachedWhere there is mind absorption,There life's breath is;Where there is mind absorption none,There life none is;They who, in rapture, sit in mind absorptionAre verily fixed in Yoga of absorption.
621: Mystic Vision in SamadhiThey who sit in Samadhi of Pure ConsciousnessVision the Mystic Woods and the Blooming Pond;They roam in the royal expanse of Void VastAnd there at the foot of Fertile Mountain Meru,They bridled their Horse of Breath to a stop.
622: In Samadhi They Vision the VoidOn top of Spinal Column in the CenterIs built a habitation unique;Three the compartments it hasFour the doors;Within these they sit (in Samadhi);When through the door on topThey vision the VoidNo more the word Death, aye, not even in dream.
623: Vision Lord's Dance in SamadhiFive the Mystic Regions,Eight the Mountain Ranges,Six the Adhara tribes that hold them;With thought centered on HimThey well see Him there stand;Partaking of the Grace of His Dancing FeetThey shall immortal be.
624: Samadhi Leads to SivaWithin the locked bodyIs trapped the life-breath;Course it to the LandThat no desire knows;They who fix their gaze on Goal TrueWill reach the Mango FruitThat in the garden there hangs.
625: Ambrosia in Samadhi Leads to GodThere is a way to vision the Lord,The Celestial Beings churnedBut with the mountain dark,And partook of ambrosia;But they climbed notThe heights of the Mystic MountainAnd partook not of ambrosia there flows,For, they possess notThe unwavering mindThat soars in Samadhi high.
626: In Samadhi Oneness in God is AttainedHe is our OwnHe is the Primal OneHe taught the Vedas FourHe is the light that glows within the purest goldThey adored Him in loveThey approached Him all desires devoidAnd climbed the Mystic Tree High;Their breath halted in SamadhiThey with Him became One.
627: Vision of Mystic Moon in SamadhiBeyond the MuladharaOf triple angle shapedWhere Time and Space mingle,Aloft that Center,Opposite the foreheadHangs the Crescent Moon,Of myriad shape and peerless beauty.
628: Union With Siva in SamadhiBereft of distracting thoughtsAscending the way of KundaliniSeeking the Creator that created all,Him that is Light Beauteous,Reaching the Mystic Moon in unionHe becomes one with the Being Uncreated--That, in sooth, is Samadhi's tranquility.
629: Tranquility in SamadhiSamadhi attained, Siva is attained;Sakti too will be caught in its fold;Distracting passions will be dispelled;In equanimity perfect,Like unto a balanceWill be the mindAll this, for those who in Samadhi sleep.
630: Samadhi Leads to Worship by GodsHe stood as the Peerless Pillar of Light;When Jiva in Samadhi merges in Him,Brahma that createsAnd Vishnu of the ocean-hue,Both stand adoring him.
631: Samadhi Transcends SiddhisTo those who are in SamadhiMany the Yogas that come of themselvesAnd the Siddhis eight that come unsought;But, Samadhi none is for those who walk with GodSamadhi none is for those who become one in God.
632: Lord's Devotees Reach Abode of GodsThey who seek LordOf the matted locks bedecked with flowersWill sure reach Abode of Gods;"What this devotee of mine seeks,That I grant"Thus blesses the LordThat mounts the BullAnd dances to His Lady's delight.
633: Devotees Reach World of Siva (Siva Loka)Hold fast unto His Feet,Adore them with love,Sing His praiseStudy His Sacred loreConstant think of HimYou shall reach the World of Siva,Received in full regaliaBy the sacred Rishi concourse.
634: Devotees Will Be ElevatedInfinite is Lord's GraceHe elevates His devotee unto Indra,The Lord of Celestials;And he shall be received,In pomp and honourDrums beating and pipes playing,All glory and bliss upon him raining.
635: Devotee Welcomed by CelestialsWhen devotee reaches the World of SivaHe shall be received by Celestial throngs,"Hail! Here comes our Golden Lord"Thus shall they welcome;And he in raptuous pleasures shall revel.
636: The Devotee Hailed as Siva HimselfWhen he reaches the World of SivaThe Celestials,Who in directions eight stoodAsk, "Who is he;"And Hara says: "He is Me;"And the noble Devas forgather and hail himAs well as they met Siva Himself.
637: Even Celestials Have to Follow the Path of DevoteesSeeking the goodly pathThey turn away Death's path;They walk the path of TruthThey seek the path of Liberation;Of limitless bounty they are;Well may the CelestialsIn directions eight roamThey perforce have to comeTo this earth's way of devotees,And they Him seek.
638: Devotee's Way is the Seeking of GodsHis (devotee's) is the World of Seeking--Of Vishnu who sleeps on oceanOf Brahma who creates worlds twice sevenOf Rudra who brings dissolution of life all,Of Devas who revel in bubbling nectar.
639: In Samadhi Jiva Unites in Uncaused BeingTranscending Jiva's caused experience limitationsHimself the Causal Tattvas Becoming,Extinguishing the Causal sources themselves,Thus do tapasvins unite in the Being UncausedThat, in truth is Samadhi supreme.
640: Perform Siddhis in MeeknessPray and seek Lord in directions eightAdore Lord with constancy in directions eightAttain Eight Siddhis Great in directions eightAnd in meekness perform in directions eight.
641: Nothing Impossible ThenLord is the Prized Being of Celestials,I sought His Feet in devotionAll my blemish vanishedAnd I visioned the Mystic VoidNothing impossible for me now;He blessed me with Eight Great SiddhisAnd ended my birth to be.
642: Sambhavi and Kechari Mudras for SiddhisBy Muladhara Way,With Grace of GuruVision Sakti,Seated fragrant and lovely;Practise Sambhavi and Kechari mudrasYou shall attain Siddhis Eight,That to mighty Siva's goal leads.
643: Power of TransmigrationThe Elements, Kalas, Time and MayaEscape unentangled in them,That is but Wisdom;And embrace fast the Truth of LordThat Uncreated and Unending One;Then can you transmigrateInto mortal coils of beings other.
644: Karma Yoga Practices are Inferior to Eight SiddhisKarma yoga is several, several in number;Twenty thousand eight hundred kinds they count;And all they can give is but physical work,Inferior are they to the Eight Siddhis Great.
645: Twelve Years for Eight SiddhisOn the Moon's nadi to the left (Idakala)The breath of Prana measures units twelve;Of this, exhale four;If the eight saved is within retained,And that for twelve years continuous practised,Then shall Siddhis Eight ever abide.
646*36Subtle Sounds Signifying SiddhisAbounding in wealth of men around,You but pave the way for birth again;Nor can Siddhi be attainedBy art, learning, genius and wisdom subtle;At the end of diverse melodies heard in YogaFor twelve years longDoes it take Siddhi for fullness to attain.
647: Siddhis in the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth YearsIn the seventh year of his practiceThe Yogi becomes fleet of foot like wind;His footfall touches not the groundHe divines the thoughts of other beings;In the eighth year he becomes eternal young,For ever bereft of graying hair and wrinkled musclesIn the ninth, he transmigrates into other coils mortal.
648: Siddhis in the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth YearsIn the tenth year the yogi can expand and contract into spaceIn the eleventh he can assume form he meditates on;In the twelfth all eight siddhis complete he masters;He then gains the powers to roam the worldsSeven above and seven belowAnd take one cosmic form spanning space all.
649: The Eight Siddhis EnumeratedHimself the atom, himself the cosmosHimself light, himself heavyHimself invisible air,Himself migrating into mortal bodies other,Himself possessing prowess of the Truthful OneHimself immanent in all--These eight are the Siddhis Great.
650: Anima Siddhi to MuktiThe Yogi assumes atom-size,Into lives of several beings enters,And then returns to his form original;Either way is he least affected;From that stage reached in Anima Siddhi,He rises furtherInto Nada chanting Aum,And thus toward Mukti hastens.
651: A Year for AnimaDays are counted by astral Nazhigai sixtyAnd year by days three hundred and sixty;Do meditate incessant through time thus reckoned,And pierce the Chakras upward from Muladhara;At the Navel-Center arises the power of Anima.
652: On the Way to Siva MuktiThey are Siva MuktasWho turned their thoughts to SivaWho became Siva-suffused,Who attained MuktiBy silentness that leads to it;They abandoned the senses fiveIn search of Divine PurityTheir thoughts centered on Dance Cosmic.
653: How the Vayus Stand for YogisNine the Vayus in body equal are,Dananjaya, the tenth superior is,When the nine in their channels accordLife and body well accord, too.
654: Importance of DhananjayaDananjaya pervades other the nine VayusWithin the body it permeatesNadis two hundred and twenty fourIf Dhananjaya does function not thus,This body will swell and burst.
655: Diseases Appear When Dhananjaya Does not FunctionBoils, itches and leprosyAnaemia, and like diseasesThat swellings showParalysis, hunchback, arthritisAnd diseases of eye that bulging showAll appearWhen Dananjaya in disorder functions.
656: Importance of Kurma Vayu for EyeWhen Dananjaya malfunctionsThe eye gets diseases like cataract and glaucomaBut Kurma is goodly to the eye;If Kurma permeates not the eye,It receives light none.
657: The Three Gods Animate Three NadisThrough the Nadis that pulsateIn the ear, eye and heartAnimates the one spark of Light DivineThat is God;The Gods, Rudra, Vishnu, and BrahmaRespective there seated art.
658: Mukti Vision in Center of Nine NadisWithin the fleshly bodyThat has gates nine,There is a CenterWhere the Nadis nine meet;For them who can contain the Nadis nineNot nine their vision, but several, several.
659: Practice of Kundalini YogaKindle Kundalini FireThat burns lamnent in MuladharaSend it up through SushumnaThe spinal column Central,Course into it Prana breathThat runs through Nadis Sun and Moon,That the way to reachThe seven mystic worlds in CraniumTo them we bade thisThat are wise to learn.
660: Conquest of Bindu Through NadiO! Jiva! you seek woman in lustAnd Lo! like a fawn are you caught in net;And you know how to makeCentral Nadi the Way Great,The seed (Bindu) you kept for sale,May your own be to consume.
661: Raise Nada and Vision Lord Through NadiThey who raise Nada within the NadiIn a flash behold the Being One;There they bibed the mystica nectarVanquishing besieging foes all.
662: Reaching Purna SaktiUp on the stalk of the Mystic Lotus budThe Nine Virgins sweet as nectarJoined the Lady (Kundalini)One by one they climbed the floorsThey reached the victorious topAnd there into Perfection transformed.
663: Poorna Sakti as the Supreme Cause ExpandsSakti that is Poorna (Perfection)Filled Herself into Chambers Three times Seven;The Nine lovely Virgins became a hundred and fiveAnd as the Cause of Vishnu, BrahmaAnd the rest of the Gods FiveShe expanded pervasive.
664: Poorna Sakti Involutes in NadaThe Damsel thus blossomed and expanded;But if She chooses to hide Herself within,The elements five and all that expanded out of HerWill involute in the reverberant primal sound, Nada.
665: Merge in Poorna SaktiThe breath in nadis to Left and RightWhen in alternation made to course,And passes beyond the Adhara barrier Six,There amidst the Cool FlameIs seated Sakti of the Lightning Form,In Her merged you be.
666: Lord Dances in JivaSenses controlled,Thought in oneness centeredIf you sit in realization thus,Prana breath that comesCircling again and againWill in Jiva gently merge;Within that Jiva the Dancer dancesAnd I stand seeking Him there.
667: Through Nada Yoga I Reached to SaktiI coursed the breath upward through SushumnaAnd to the accompaniment of Nada's sound (Aum)I sought;And lo! there the Damsel wasAnd I had HerAnd seized and bound the enemies shielding Her;And thus I possessed the Jewelled Lamp of Undying FlameThe Lamp that is of salvation's Treasure House.
668: The Eight Siddhis EnumeratedTo become tiny as the atom within atom (Anima)To become big in unshakeable proportions (Mahima)To become light as vapour in levitation (Lahima)To enter into other bodies in transmigration (Prapt)To be in all things, omni-pervasive (Prakamya)To be lord of all creation in omnipotence (Isavatam)To be everywhere in omnipresence (Vasitvam)--These eight are the Siddhis Great.
669: Beyond the Eight Siddhis in the Moon's NectarBy eight-limbed yoga are Siddhis eight attainedWhen breath is in accord controlled;But when Kundalini fire is through the Central Nadi coursed up,And the Sun's mandala passedBeyond that is the Moon'sWhence flow the ambrosia that may swilled be.
670: Siddhis Lead to Mukti Only by Sakti's GraceBy eight-limbed yoga wayNot only will Siddhis eight beAnd the Goal behind the Siddhis too;With effortless ease will they all beIf but Tripura Sakti Her Grace grants.
671: Beyond Siddhis is True GoalThey are SiddhasWho together with Siddhis eightAttain the Divine;They reach Para LokaAnd within them vision the Dear LordThen they reach Him true,Going beyond the boundaries eight.
672: Siddhis Lead to Kamiya LokaThey who can alternate the course of breath Left and Right,And send it upward through Spinal Cavity unerring to Mount Meru at topTo them, Kamiya Loka will of itself come;The world that is reached by Anima and the rest of Siddhis Eight.
673: AnimaHaving succeeded in shooting Kundalini to Meru throughThe Spinal CavityIf he perseveres for a year,He will attain Anima Siddhi;Lighter than flimsiest cotton wool will he beYet invincible will he be.
674: LaghimaIf after visioning Thani Nayaki (Adi Sakti)And the Tattvas that go with Her,For five years the yogi perseveres steadfastHe attains the Siddhi that is Laghima;The power to penetrate anywhere at will.
675: Vision in LaghimaWhen the yogi attains Laghima Siddhi,He will glow with divine light;With that glow suffusing milk white radianceHe will vision the heavenly glowThat is Truth.
676: MahimaA year after attaining LaghimaWhen Tattvas take their refuge in Sakti of Form Tender,Will Mahima Siddhi be;As plain as his palmIt shall be for the yogi to see.
677: Time Transcended in MahimaHaving seen breath transformed into lightNo more does Time move; it stops;While the Past merged into spaceOf the Future He becomes the Lord.
678: Finite Attainments Through Mahima SiddhiThrough him all Jnana growsThrough him all world flourishesThrough him all things prosperHimself in the Grace of Lord stands.
679: Prapti in a Year After Visioning SaktiHe who thus stood in MahimaVisions the Lady of Tattvas (Tattva Nayaki)And the Celestial Bhutas,If the yogi thus perseveres continuous for a yearThen he attains Prapti divine.
680: Time Stops in PraptiHaving visioned the dazzling Light of Sakti,The Siddha perceives the Cosmos vastThat unto a flower unfolds,The past merged into SpaceAnd the future Time for ever stops.
681: Experiences in PraptiNo going; No coming;No death; No agingNo delay in seeing Light of Breath (Nada)Nothing desired in particular,Thus it is with SiddhasWho attained this Siddhi.
682: Prakamya a Year After PraptiWhen Prapti is attainedParasakti resides palpably within;And all Tattvas fleeWhen he is for a year thus,He attains the power to transmigrate into alien bodies.
683: Salvation Easy After PrakamyaThey know not how the Being withinBecomes the Light Radiant;That Light is already within in Muladhara;With it they can see the Light of Nada above;Them who thus seekThe Light Above leads to Liberation effortless.
684: Isatva a Year After PrakamyaA year rolls by after the Siddha attains PrakamyaAnd he perseveres in his adorationThen he visions Sada Siva Sakti and Her hosts of BhutasAnd attains Isatva.
685: In Isatva Yogi Becomes MoonAt that stage,The Siddha becomes the rays of the moonHe becomes the moon's kalas in his mergeHe himself the moon becomes.
686: Powers Isatva ConfersHe acquires the power to createHe acquires the power to preserveHe shall himself be Lord of destructionHe and Isa inextricably one become.
687: After One Year of Isatva Yogi Attains Power to Perceive God in VasitvaIf within the cool kala of the moonThe Siddha contains the elements fiveIn a year shall he attainThe power rare to perceive the True One.
688: Vasitva Confers ImmenenceThat power rare to perceive the True OneIs the divine Siddhi that is VasitvaIn beings all that come within his reachHe immanent becomes like God Himself.
689: In Vasitva the Yogi Visions Chit-SaktiIn the days the Siddha stands thus in VasitvaRadiant as the Sun,If he attains the rare vision of te True Being,Golden becomes his bodyDead his sense organs,And he visions the goodly SaktiThat lke a Tender Vine appears.
690: Kamarutatva (Kamavasayitha)After attaining Vasitva SiddhiThe Siddha perserveres in the knowledge of Sakti,And of Siva who Her body shares;And then a year thereafterHe attains the powers to visit worlds all,That hang from the golden stalk of the Cosmic Flower;Sitting inert like a flag of stoneAttains Siddhi Kamarutattva (Kamavasayitva).
691: What Kamarutatva Leads toHaving attained Kamaru SiddhiYou will receive the power to pervadeAs unto the flower's fragrance in Space allDivine Fragrance yours shall be;Transformed unto Maya Sakti,You shall be the Lord of Light we adore.
692: Visions in KamarutatvaHaving visioned the Divine LightHe abides in it as in mother's home;The myriad worlds having visited,He sees the Supreme light of SivaWho has His home amidst ghosts and ghouls.
693: When the Eight Siddhis are AttainedHe who has mastered the Siddhis eight high.Will be the Lord of globe entire,Gleaming shall be his garland of victoryAnd His breath shall turn to peerless light.
694: Sakti Pervades Prana After Siddhis are AttainedThe Way Prana mingles in JivaIs through Sakti of the Tender VinePrana pervades the five hundred then the ten.And then the three nadisAnd Sakti pervades Prana entire.
695: Nectar Flows When Breath Pervades BodyInside the head ambrosia flows like a riverIn nadi channels a thousand three hundred and five in numberThe adharas are the Way to the thousand petalled Sahasrara;The twin breaths Idakala and Pingala shows the Way.
696: From Ajna Where Sadasiva Nayaki is, Prana Ascends to Sahasrara of Thousand Petalled LotusAbove the twin-petalled CenterIs the Seat of Sadasiva Sakti;As breath in double ascends furtherThere is the Sahasrara of thousand petalled lotus;And on it are the Letters Fifty and OneThat in time became the Letters Five.
697: Description of Sadasiva NayakiFive are Her awe-inspiring faces;Ten Her weapons deadly;Without the five-lettered mantraNo ascension is,From the twin petalled Center to the thousand petalled;The Five Letters in time the One Letter become (Aum).
698: How to Reach Tattva NayakiShe is the One Being;She is the Tattva Nayaki (Lady of the Tattvas)When breath ascends united through Spinal CavityThen will that one breath reach the thousand petalled Sahasrara;Think of Her,A thousand year shalt thou live.
699: Prana Merges in Kalaicoursed upwards through SushumnaReaches the Kalai Nayaki in Sahasrara;And there it merges with the letters Fifty and OneAnd then with the Letters FiveThat the final end of Prana art.
700: Prana Reaches Tani Nayaki and Remains ExaltedThe life breath that rose with the Tani NayakiFilled the nadis five hundred and thirty nine(Before it upward coursed)And remained in Sakti, total absorbed.
701: Prana Merges in the Five-LettersWhen the precious prana reached SivaIt pervaded the nadis two hundred and thirty threeAnd in the Letters FiveWhere Prana finally merges.
702: How Prana Pervaded the NadisThe Prana that reaches SaktiEmanating from the four petalled MuladharaWhere Kundalini fire is,How Prana Pervaded the NadisThe Prana that reaches SaktiEmanating fro
703: Samadhi When Prana Reaches the Ninth CenterWhen Prana course through adharas sixThen will nectar be;Then Prana reaches the Seventh Center of the SunAnd further onward proceeds to the Eighth Center of the MoonIn the Ninth Center Prana attains Samadhi.
704: In Samadhi Yogi Visions Light DivineThe Moon and the Sun are in the Uncreated BeingThe Yogi that visions the Moon at the mystic junction of Nadis threeIs in Light merged;He, attains Samadhi,That had its beginning at the Navel Center.
705: Conduct of Aspirant For Yoga SamadhiTo give up thoughts of womenTo think no more of kith and kinTo be meek in learningTo abound in jnanaTo be sparing of speechTo listen to deeds of SiddhiTo sit unruffled--These the ways of the aspirant of yoga samadhi.
706: Prowess of Those Who Attain SamadhiHe vanquishes death and age,He enters into other bodies at will,He confers paradise to the deadHe assumes form divine of GodsHe becomes learned in the twenty-one branches of Sivagamic loreHe who has mastered the Science of Breath.
707: Seek Lord WithinVain is it seeking LordWearing away sole of their feetIn pilgrimage to corners fourOf the seagirt world;Only those who seek Him in love intenseShall know the City of Lord.
708: Gods in Successive Adharas and NiradharasBrahma, Vishnu and RudraMaheswara, Sadasiva,Bindu, Nada, Sakti,Para Bindu and Para NadaIn that ascending orderThey all seekFeet of Para-Para Beyond.
709: Unalloyed Bliss Beyond the Adhara YogaWorshipping the appropriate God at CentersAscend above;There the cranial region isWhere Sakti and Siva resideShedding Sixteen Kalas of Mystic Moon;Ascend yet beyondThere lies the region of Effulgent-Light;Yet above it is blissDefying speech and thought.
710: Lord Himself Appears Before YogisThey who practise yogaThrough Nadis breath in one flowing Moon and SunBecome Beings Celestial;To them who perform it unceasing trueThe Lord Himself reveals.
711: Immortality for Yogis Who Have Reached the Ultima ThuleThey who control breathWill pervade all everywhere, unseen;They who pierce the Mystic LotusSending breath up through spinal columnAnd taste of its fragrant nectarWill never death know.
712: Yoga Leads to Divine NectarThe Lord of the Fore-head-eyeThat showed the path of Love Divine;Seek Him in love intense;The Ganga in cranium will in grace flow;And in love exceeding, He your saviour will be.
713: Anchor Thoughts Firm on LordAnchor your thoughts firm on the LordImpregnable then you shall be;Impregnable shall be your cognition organs four;Impregnable shall be Kalas six and ten of the Moon within;Impregnable shall be the Prana that is of life breath.
714: Way to Steady KalasStraight through SushumnaThe Prana stood unwaveringAs a steady flameAnd unto a still stone;They who knowHow the Lord stood commingled with KalasKnow the Way True;Even those in despairWill espouse that Way.
715: Steady Prana Breath, Sankara Appears
When life breath is coursed upThrough the single channel Sushumna,The Lord of Bhuta hordes,Sankara of matted locksAppears before youMounted on the Sacred Bull.
716: Sadhaka's State in Samadhi
They know not the time that passes in SamadhiThey look forward to the Big Time ahead,Thus they direct the breathThrough the single channel SushumnaTo the void in craniumThere he stands, all conflicts resolved,He truly is the Sadhaka.
717: Perform Yoga Penance and Reach LordThus toward that goodly statePractise yogic penance;If you succeed in coursing breathInto the lotus in cranium,You shall gain the LordThat remains hidden in Vedas.
718: Stages of Prana's Ascending CourseThe breath has stages threeAs Prana it courses upwardIn single stream through spinal nadi;And then spreads into cranial spaceFor the lotus there to blossomAnd finally merges into the Divine Flame there.
719: Kundalini Yoga Turns the Body into Temple of SivaThe Kundalini Sakti that thus aroseMade her way aloft through the fleshly coilAnd yet within me remained;And She who created the worlds of DevasChurned the mystic ambrosia within;Drinking deep of itThis body became Siva's temple.
720: Know the Mystery of Prana Merging in NadaThe breath that glows withinNone knows how it mergesWhen you know how it mergesThen can you reach the regionWhere Nandi holds His sway.
721: Treasure Guru's Guidance for YogaAs through breath you pierce the adharasYou shall vision clear;Prana leaving the Kundalini SaktiOn its upward journey through Sushumna;That you gain through the Guru guiding;Take that as treasure precious gained.
722: Immortality Through Samadhi YogaThe breath that arose twelve matras long,If you control and absorb within,Well may you live a thousand years on land and sea;The body perishes not;True this is,Upon Lord Nandi I declare.
723: Experiences of Yogi When Prana AscendsWhen Prana and Sakti their departure takeOne from the other,The yogi knows it this way;Seven sounds he hearsFive colors he seesThree odors he smells,Two tastes he knowsThus has the Lord of LightThe symptoms indicated.
724: Importance of Preserving BodyIf the body pershes, so does PranaNor will the Light of Truth be reached;I learned the way of preserving my bodyAnd so doing, my Prana too.
725: Why I Preserve BodyTime was when I despised the body;But then I saw the God withinAnd the body, I realised, is the Lord's templeAnd so I began preserving itWith care infinite.
726: Purification of Internal Organs of BodyChurn the intestines in Suddhi practiceYour bowels become clean;Then control the breath in the heart's regionAnd make it pervade the nadis entire;They who can do thisWill gain a bodyThat no fire can burn.
727: Effect of Practising Yoga at Dawn, Noon and DuskAs body wax-like suppleness attains,Practicing yoga in duskThe phlegm leaves;At noon leaves the wind that is treacherous;At dawn practised, the bile leaves;Thus all poison from body expelledAnd you shall know no greying, nor wrinkling.
728: Yoga Leads to Imperishable BodyThree the coils of serpent KundaliniTen the Vayus that agitate the body;Twelve finger-length the Prana breath;When the two bags of spirationAre tight controlled,And you sit in meditation unwaveringThe body perishes not ever.
729: How to Live for 166 YearsBreathe by the Right Nadi a hundred and sixty six matraBreathe by the Left a hundred and sixty six matraAnd then reverse the rhythmIf you do it in alternation thusYou shall live longA hundred and sixty six years.
730: Divine Music in Yoga PracticeIn the body-temple where Sakti is seatedIf you practise transference of breath from right to left and vice versa,You can hear the mystic sounds from Forehead CenterAnd Lord Siva will Himself revealDancing to rhythmic music;This we declare trueIn the name of Sadasiva.
731: In Yoga Practice Soham is ChantedIn the Bindu that is pure by farShines the sound "Ha"In the Nada that abidesLives the sound "Sa"Together they become the mantra "Soham"The yogi who silent chants it while breathingSure attains the Holy Way.
732: Course Prana and Apana Through MeditationRouse the Prana that resides in the Navel CenterBy meditating and chanting Siva mantra;Retain that breath in the Ajna frontalThen rouse the apana breath by meditation;That way you Siva become.
733: Center Thy Thoughts on MuladharaTwo finger length above the anusWhere faecal matter leaves not;And below the male organIs the Linga in Muladhara;Meditate on that Center;There resides the Lord of the six adharas;This my upadesa, rare revealed;Do take it and vision the Lord.
734: Eternal Youth Through YogaThey who effect the mystic unionWith the azure-hued Sakti withinWill shed greying and wrinklingAnd regain youth for all to see;This I say is true, by Nandi the Great.
735: Continence Leads to God-hoodIf the seminal seed thickens by sexual absentionIt shall never be destroyed;If the body is lightened by austere disciplineLong shall the life be;If food is eaten sparinglyMany the good that flow;You may verily becomeThe Lord of Dark-Hued throat.
736: Yoga Gives Comeliness of BodyIf Kundalini that is in MuladharaIs sent upward often to reach the space in cranium,Comely your body becomes;A desire-object for damsels bedecked with flowersAround which bees swarm humming.
737: Imperishable Life in Yogic VisionThe Lord, of yore, spurned the mighty God of DeathWho ever harasses life;The Lord rides the Chariot of Fire within;If you vision His Holy Feet,Decked with triumphal ankletYou shall for ever liveIn the canopied terrace above.
738: Yogi Vibrates With YouthfulnessThe Fire I saw in Kundalini radiates Kala fourThe Prana I kindled and coursed through Centers sevenPervades the body entire;With divine life that suffuses the fleshly body as ambrosia;I grow unto a tender fawn.
739: Meditate on Appropriate Mantra to Attain Kaya SiddhiIf you in ardor pursueThe search for power to acquire Kaya Siddhi,You shall flourish far and wideLike a seed of paddy plantedIn a million, million fields;Do you therefore meditate single-mindedOn the mantra that conquers Fate.
740: Ascension of Jiva from Moon's SphereSeeking the Mountain Ranges Five (Siva Tattvas)Here am I in the Moon's Sphere;Leaving this I reach the Region of the Great Void of TwelveThat lies in the Sphere of Pati Supreme;And from thence I pass on to the Farthest Beyond--These I seek to search here.
741: Life Wasted Away in Pursuit of Worldly KnowledgeKnowledge that comes of senses five,Knowledge that comes of discrimination that is sixthKnowledge that comes of judgement that is seventhKnowledge that comes by learning that is eighth,Knowledge that comes from experience that is ninthKnowledge that comes from attachment that is tenth--Thus does knowledge that comes in diverse ways,But erode life span in succession;Knowing this not, they perisgeKnowledge that comes of senses five,Knowledge that comes of discrimination that is sixthKnowledge that comes of judgement that is seventhKnowledge that comes by learning that is eighth,Knowledge that comes from experience that is ninthKnowledge that comes from attachment that is tenth--Thus does knowledge that comes in diverse ways,But erode life span in succession;Knowing this not, they perish away.
742: Critical Years of LifeMany are the stages when death assails man;From twenty five to twenty eight;From thirty to thirty threeFrom sixty to sixty twoFrom hundred and beyondThese are the critical ages in man's life span;When death may visit him.
743: Days Appropriate for Commencing YogaThe birth day, The first, second, third and the eight day following itAny one of these is day appropriate for commencing yoga;Find the day suitable most,And easy shall be your entryInto the Mystic House within.
744: Yoga ExplainedYou who enter the land of yoga practice!Know that it consists in thisThe measure of breath inhaled is twelve angulaHaving measured accordinglyExhale eight matra consciouslyThe four matras retainedAre in the six adharas to suffuseAnd thus breathing examine the Tattvas twenty and five.
745: God is Beyond Adharas and TattvasBeyond the Muladhara of the four pointed Center is He;Beyond the barriers of Tattvas twenty and four is He;Beyond the twenty and five Tattvas is His GunaBeyond the six adharas that rise like the spreading banyan tree is He,Who ever does know Him!
746: The Days it Takes the Yogi to Traverse Adharas and MandalasThe days that take to pierce the Centers nine are this:Twentieth day adharas six;Twenty-fifth day Seventh Center of Fire MandalaTwenty-sixth day the Eighth Center of Solar MandalaTwenty-seventh day the Ninth Center of Lunar Mandala--These the days for yogi's Prana to reach Centers nine.
747: Vision of the Three MandalasOn the twenty-eighth dayYou gain the vision of Mandalas Three, each apartOn the thirty-third dayYou gain their collective vision;Do Center your thoughts furtherAnd vision the tattvas twenty and fourThat to Earth and the rest of elements in order belong.
748: Practise Yoga in Time and Order StatedThus if in succession and stagesThe yogi aspires notImpossible it be for him to become God;Much less to near Him;No other secret the Vedas holdTrumpet this not;But in meekness accomplish it.
749: Kindle Kundalini Lamp WithinThey who know not this Way to the goalAnd try other WaysAre but fools;They search with blazing torchWhile within them is the hand-lampThey who can kindle the Kundlini Fire withinWill abide ever in this fleeting world.
750: Journey Through Six Adharas in Two StagesUnto the girth of the little fingerIs the spinal cord, taut like the string of bow;There the adharas areTraversing the first threeDo you reach the Heart's Center.And, be in constancy fixed;When you journey further onwardTo the three Centers that end with ForeheadYou shall firm beAs unto a picture painted.
751: Importance of Spinal Cord in YogaKnow thou the Consciousness that is Perfection;The sinners know not its goodness;This body no doubt is evil Karma's product;Yet it holds the stalk (Spinal Cord) of the sacred LotusThat blossoms in the Mystic Regions Three within.The Lord, of yore, spurned the mighty God of DeathWho ever harasses life;The Lord rides the Chariot of Fire within;If you vision His Holy Feet,Decked with triumphal ankletYou shall for ever liveIn the canopied terrace above.
752: Collective Vision of Mandalas End KarmaThe Yogi who through the spinal columnAscends the adharas aboveSees the Mandalas Three together, rapture bound;Those who say that visionSaw the end of Karmas;Those who saw that not;But die to be born again.
753: Missing the Vision, the Body PerishesDo you know how this body perishes?Hear this:A pretty damsel the man has for wife;And like the sun his prosperity spreads;And all bow to him in respect;A body that waxed in a life like thusBecame a prey for prowling dogs to consume.
754: Those Who Vision Can Become the Dancing LordThey who knock aboutReach not the Refuge of Blossom Feet;Containing not the Kundalini fire withinTheir body a pray to fire becomes;They who know the WayAnd seek His Victorious FeetSee the Heavenly DancerThrough their spinal hollow.
755: Seek the Dancing Lord as Goal and Become One With HimThey who sought the Dancer as their goalGained many things goodly;And so stood in the path of the holy scriptures;Seeking Him within and experiencing His presenceIn eagerness they sitAnd one with Siva become.
6Seek the Dancing Lord and Become One With HimThey who sought the Dancer as their goalGained many things goodly;And so stood in the path of the holy scriptures;Seeking Him within and experiencing His presenceIn eagerness they sitAnd one with Siva become.
756: God Vision at the End of 33 Days of YogaCountless are the gains that flowFrom single-minded meditation;Hear yet;And thus if for Three and thirty daysYou well and deep meditateThe Dancer on top of the Mountain of GoldWill appear,And You one with Him become.
757: Vision of the Hundred Petalled Lotus of SahasraraKnowing the secret of reaching the Dancer,They meditate on the tenth CenterThey see the directions eight in rapturous visionThey glimpse the Lord seated on Lotus,And attain radiance a hundred fold.1758: Eternal Life Through YogaThey who thus attained radiance a hundred foldWill live a thousand years in body robust;And they who saw a thousand years thusMay well live a million, trillion years.
759: Thus They Live Through Timeless AeonsWell may they thus live for aeons and aeons,And they tire not in their devotion;And thus see the mind's endAnd within see Him as Entity Inseparate;And as one with Siva they live filled in divinityAnd so see countless ages of Life Exalted.
760: Worldly Thoughts do not Lead to SaktiSome seek to exalt themselvesPursuing ways worldly;Some seek the fruits of enjoymentKnowing not what they do;Some strive after actionWith no thought of goal whatsoever;But none of them will seeThe Sakti of lovely eyes.
761: Worldly Wealth is PerishableThey who see Her notWasted away their lives;They who seek notSpent away in artful talks;The riches and possessions of those who see notVanished away unseen and untraced.
762: Treasure Within is ImperishableThey who do not see the Treasure that surpasses all,But seek the treasures that perish,If within their melting heart they seek insideThey will see the Treasure that dies not.
763: Seek Siva-StateHe is the One with the Fore-head eyeHe is BirthlessHe is Nandi within, Know this;He in solitariness pervades spaces allHe stands as Siva, the goal unwaveringThat state you shall attainIf you but seek.
764: Fruits of SeekingThey who seekKnow death none; evil none;They who seekWill become lords of earth;They who seekBut know this true;And well may it be toldTo those that aspire.
7653*6Seek Lord Through AumThese the things worthy of telling:Ahara or the sound "A" that is SivaUhara or the sound "U" that is SaktiLet these in your thought abideAnd Mahara or the sound"m"Let them through thy Spinal Cavity rise upward;The six adharas will then be reachedAnd you shall gain the Lord.
766: Know Lord Within and Become One With HimNone know where the Lord resides;To them who seek HimHe resides eternal within;When you see the LordHe and you one become.
767: Way to Become One With SivaThey know not how He and you one become;This the Way how He and you one become:Hearken!He stands in your hearing and sightHe stands in the Mystic Circle within you.
768: Vision the Lord in the Seven AdharasYou know not how to reach His abode;Transfixing your thoughts within you in the yogic wayThe seven circles inside will openAnd you shall see the abode of LordSweet as sugar-lump.
769: Vision of Gods in AdharasTYu may see Him as Brahma and VishnuYou may see Him as Rudra blue-throat and Mahesa,You may see Him as Sakti and SadasivaYou may see Him within you immanent (in Adharas).
770: Breath--AstrologyPut your hand on foreheadAnd look,If you see the breath rhythm unchangedWell and good;If you see it enlarged,Death awaits in six months;If you see it doubled,In a month shalt life depart.
771: Transcend Nada and Realize GodNada and God are one in ConsciousnessOnly they who transcended NadaWill on God centre;God appears in the heartOf them who Nada transcendThis the truth I realizedAnd so merged in Nada.
772: Course Breath Upward and See Light of JnanaThe breath that is in vain spentIf turned upward to flowWill give the good that of fixity of mind comes;The Jnana that comes from cranial spaces will beam;And the yogi becomes Lord of earth.
773: Importance of Nadi Suddhi for LongevitiyNone there the Jiva who practices Nadi Suddhi,Breathing from left to right and right to left;He who does it visions Sakti;The senses five his way come;To a hundred years, he sure lives.
774: Exhalation Measure for Ages 80 and 60If Prana flows outwardTo matra six in length,Eighty the age you live up to;If seven, sixty;These two know clearly.
775: Exhalation for Ages 50 and 33If to eight matras Prana runs outThrough nostril leftFifty the age; know you;If nine, leaving three matras inside,Thirty and three but the age.
776: Exhalation for Ages 28 and 25If in matra ten, it flows out in nostril leftTwenty and eight the life here below;If fifteen,Then for twenty and five years only do you see him.
777: Kumbhaka of Ten Matras Leads to ConcentrationBreathing inward in measure twelveThe ten may you retain insideAnd direct into oneness upward;Thus may you practiseThe entire day of thirty naligas!
778: Effect of Ten-Matra Kumbhaka for Three DaysIf for two days continuous,The ten matra of Prana is inside retained,It will no obstacle from apana encounter;If for three days this is maintained glowingThen may you be certainThe ascension through Centers Six come soon.
779: Vision of the First Three Adharas in the Fourth and Fifth DayIf thus the practice is for days four continued,The four petalled Muladhara will visioned be;If further continued,On the fifth day,The Second and Third adharas visioned art.
780: Collective Vision of Five Adharas on the Fifteenth DayWhen ten days thus passTwo more adharas (Fourth and Fifth)May visioned together be;On the fifteenth day,Shall be the collective visionOn the five together.
781: Visions of the 20th, 25th and 26th DaysOn the twentieth dayThe Sixth Adhara (Ajna) will visioned be;On the twenty-fifth dayThe Three Mandalas (Sun, Moon and Fire) will visioned be;On the twenty-sixth dayThe Two, Siva and Sakti, will visioned be.
782: Visions of 27th and 28th DayOn the twenty-seventh dayMay well be revealed the One Being SupremeThat collectively rises in centers all;On the twenty-eighth dayMay revealed beThe ten centers togetherIn vision Collective rare.
783: On the 29th Day and 30th DayIf the journey upwards resumesTen the days that apana stands as impediment;If the journey takes thirty daysSeven the days that take the apana to leave.
784: On the 31st Day and 32nd DayOn the thirty-first day of the journey upward,Three the days that still delay the unionOn thirty-second day that Prana takes to reach,Two the days that are still in the way.
785: Jiva's Union in God on 33rd DayThus when Prana reaches the cranial heightsIn a month and three days;From within the fountain of nectarNandi bellows aloud;If in the space within He reveals Himself,You shall truly be one in Lord.
786: Greatness of Kundalini YogaNone knows Kundalini that spans highNone knows the science of breath controlThey who know it not perish awayI knew the truth that none know.
787: God as KnowledgeThe Lord is the KnowledgeHe stood as knowledge of elements five--air and the rest;He stood as knowledge pervading world all and lifeInseparate from them;If sought within,That knowledge will in pervasive richness glow.
788: Sakti Grants GraceThat God who is knowledge--All thusGrants this world that is unreal;For the goodly ones of high praiseHe grants the vision of His Dancing Hall;The Sakti that grants all thisIs the fragrant flower-bedecked GraceThat is the Consort of Lord.
790: Days of the Week and the Course of BreathThrough Left and Right NadisOn Fridays, Mondays and WednesdaysPrana dominates in the nadi that is to left;On Saturdays, Sundays and TuesdaysIt courses high in the right;On ThursdaysPrana flows in the leftIn the waxing moon's fortnight;And in the right in the waning moon's fortnight.
791: Breath Rhythm For Glowing HealthIf on Fridays, Mondays and WednesdaysBreathing dominates in nostril left,The body will no harm knowAnd it will in health glow;Thus did Lord Nandi tell us,In manner delectable.
792: Yogi Corrects the Breath RhythmContra,Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and SundaysBreath flows high on the nostril right;The Yogi who knows this is God indeed;If this rhythm in the days statedDoes obtain not,Let the Yogi force it into nostril right by skill subtle;Then shall he know nothing but joy.
793: Changing Rhythm on Sundays and Mondaysin Alternate FortnightsIf on a Sunday in a fortnightThe breath runs high on the right nostril,In the fortnight next it runs high on the left;If on a Monday in a fortnightThe breath runs high on the left nostrilIn the fortnight next it runs low on the right;Thus do they alternate from fortnight to fortnightIf this rhythm thus obtains,Prana its strength derives;Know well thisAnd according regulate breathing.
794: How to Regulate When Breath Rhythm Changes CourseThe breath that rises in the Nadi RightWhile its course into the Left changedMay a sudden jolt knowAnd in fear trembling flow;Then leave the practice and rest a while;If on the Right itself it flowsFaster than in rhythm appropriateThen know the speed and suitable regulate.
795: Yogi Who Regulates Breath Will See Finite LightThe Prana runs helter-skelterTo Right and to Left;If Yogi gathers it properAnd regulates to reach Kundalini,He shall stand before the Finite Light;Thus He said, Nandi Holy.
796: Choose Appropriate Time for Piercing AdharasThe Lord that you searchIs on the Flower Above seated;Sixteen the Ways of breath control;The Breath coursing upward in strengthWith mind in concentration united,Pierce the adharas;The days apt for thus reaching the CentersAnd the hour apropriate, know you well.
797: Directional Dangers in Days of the WeekOn different days of weekThe Soola lies in directions differentOn Mondays and Saturdays it is in east;On Tuesdays and Wednesdays in northOn Sundays and Fridays in west.
798: Dangers None if Breath Runs High in Right NostrilOn Thursdays menacing trident is in direction south;Little effect Soola hasIf breath to Left flows low,No harm befalls if Right dominates;Much good may actually swell.
799: How to Practise itControl the spirationAnd see that breath is wasted not;Bind it tight,Dam the source of Kundalini at Muladhara,Lock the chimney up in the mouth;Bolt the cavity above with thy tongue's tipAnd sit erect in yoga SamadhiNo more shall be death for you.
800: Technique of Kecari YogaOn the square plank of Muladhara,Where Jiva the washerman performs the cleansing act,Erect bunds that the sluices leak not (apana);And then let in the heavenly stream for the lake to fill;Thus sit looking skywardBe thou rid of impurity, all.
801: Immortality in Yoga WayAlternating breath's course from left to right and vice versa,They who can force breath through spinal SushumnaShall know tiring none;They can abolish sleep for everAnd attain God-awareness;They die not;Immortal they shall be.
802: Nectar in Kecari MudraIf skillfully rubbed by the tongue's tipThe mystic nectar will begin to ooze;When it comes, with care manage itThat you may swim in Moon's Region mystic;And that which flowed and roaredMay preserved be.
803: Vision of Gods in Kecari MudraFan tongue's tip upward in palate centre;There abides Jiva and Siva;The Gods Three, and Devas three and thirty croresWill there appear;No death shall there be;A million, billion years this fleshly body will be.
804: Transform Fleshly Stream Into Heavenly StreamFrom the lofty peaks of the craniumFlows the stream that is of the flesh;It is a heavenly stream;They know not how to make it so;They who know that artWill swill the divine nectarAnd be forever, doubt free.
805: Kecari Mudra Leads to YouthfulnessIf you can send the breath twainInto the mouth's upper cavityYou shall then know death none;And the gates of nectar will open be;Greying and wrinkling will disappearFor all to see;Young will the Yogi beTrue this, I say, in the name of Nandi Holy.
806: Leakage of Restrained Breath Leads to Evil ConsequencesWith Nandi to guideIf we upward ascendWe shall meet Lord;We shall then hold sway over world all;They who let the restrained breath outThrough the Sun NadiAnd yet meditating sitArt verily to Evil Fate decreed.
807: Perfect Practice of Kecari Leads to ImmortalityThey who sat bewilderedOverwhelmed by Karma Evil,Let them perform the Karma of Tongue(That Kecari Yoga prescribes);Then no more is there room for death;They who seek proliferating KarmaAnd render life useless,Will remain unto sugarcaneOf its juicy sweetness pressed away.
808: Erect Posture for Kecari MudraThe Yogis who thus divine sweetness experiencedIf in a bud-like formationSend tongue upwardTheir spinal chord erect as a stiff rodThen will trickle nectar from withinAnd body becomes sweet as sugarcane.
809: Chant Sivayanama as You Swill NectarUpward twirlTongue's interiorThrough which saliva flowsAnd drink of nectar welling upAnd remain chanting "Sivaya Nama;"The waters that breath bringsStreams as unto Ganga flow;Learn this WayTo the flow of the Heavenly nectar.
810: A Cave Temple WithinKnowing way appropriateThose who worshipped thus withinWill receive shower of GraceThat is Jnana ripe;If they but know how to bolt the door withinAnd check the flowing stream,Well then may they becomeAbiding cave temples within.
811: God's AttributesHe who takes His abode within that templeIs kindlier than mother for world entireGood is He, even when harsh,He is within them too,Whom He deals harsh;For those of evil deeds,He is deadlier than fire itself.
812: God's AbodesHe is seated at the Forehead CenterOf those who perform yoga with Kundalini Fire;He is in the Golden CityOf those who reach the Flower of cranial spaces;He is in the imaginationOf those who sing of Him;He is in the intelligenceOf those who perform deeds rare.
813: He Sat SupremeHe sat like the MoonBeaming Kalas Sixteen;In His Mansion that is body,Art Kala worlds two hundred and twenty four;And within that Divine Mansion shedding rays,He sat Supreme in accord within.
814: In Praise of Sakti7There sat SaktiKalas enveloping Her too;There She sat, the Virgin in the midst;There She sat, the Divine Fawn,Her Visage shedding rays soft;There She sat,Herself too streaming ambrosia down.
815: Guard Nectar From Flowing OutWithin the Golden Regions of CraniumThe sparkling nectar flows in cascades silvery;There it was inside,In the astral sphere above;They who can guard it from flowing out,Will become eternal young;That its blessing, for sure, for sure.
816: With Sakti Stood SivaIf Sakti that is unto a tender Vine of GoodnessResides within in fragrant delight;Then Lord that is a treasure-house of Tattva JnanaAlso stood in amity within.
817: Prana Reaches Moon's RegionPrana within if made to rise,Through Sushumna cavityTo blossoming Lotus at cranial heights,Then opened Moon's Mystic Region;And there may you for long live.
818: Practise Uddiyana BandhaAs Prana stand in Mystic Moon's RegionPractise Uddiyana Bandha,And dam the course of downward Apana;Then in dazzling brightness of sunThe Lord with Kundala in his ear lobeStands transfixed in their awareness,His dance having ceased to a stop.
819: When to do Uddiyana BandhaThe exhaling breath will inside retained be;The retained breath will from escape prevented be;In due time,From the Moon's Region starts ambrosial flow;When it ceases,Undo the Uddiyana Bandha.
820*36Open a Wicket Gate Within and See LightWithin the body-bagIf you but open a wicket gate,The Light will shine inside;If breath that is controlled spurts there upwardsThen will this dark bodyAs a temple lamp lustrous bejewelled be.
821: Inexplicable Experiences of Kecari YogaCourse Prana upwardAnd retain breath through KumbhakaIn the mystic regions of Fire and SunAround navel and throat;And there be fixed in thoughtWhat stood there, how possible to say?
822: Distant Vision of Five-Element CombinationWell may described be air in the bodyWell may described be earth and waterWell may described be all these elements five;But when all these together combine,Well may then beThe power of Vision in cranium distant.
823: Nature of Distant Divine VisionThat Distant Vision I shall here describe:Having attained Grace of Sakti of collyruim eyesIf thought is centered on the Divine Light that is LordThen may you vision worlds allAs in day-light bright.
824*36Reach Nada Through KundaliniTwelve finger measure below the navelThe light bright as day (Kundalini)Thus say Vedas;If with that LightThe Nada Lamp above is lightedYou become the MasterOf Mansion that rises within you.
825: Pleasures of Sex Union Will AbideIf Breath Control is Properly PracticedAnointing her body with unguents diverseBedecking her tresses with flowers fragrantDo you enjoy the damsel in passion's union;If you but know how to shootPrana breath through the Spinal CavityYour enjoyment never ceases.
826: If Breath is Controlled Delicious EnjoymentFor Partners in Sex Union ResultsWhen they seek enjoymentThe breath stands still;The full breasted damsel and the goodly manStand in union exalted;As liquid silver and goldTheir passion's emissionsIn rapture commingles.
827: Duration of Enjoyment LengthensIf Breath is ControlledIn the copulatory yoga that is practisedBy the hero and the heroineUpward they drive the coach of breathThat has its wheels in regions right and left;There they collect the waters of the heavenAnd never the organs tiring know.
828: Restraint of Semen Flow Through Breath ControlThis the meaning of that union;When in the sex act semen flowsThe yogi lets it not;But checks itAnd attains within;And a Master he then becomes.
829: Effect of Restraint of Semen FlowHe becomes master of Jnana allHe becomes master of enjoyment allHe becomes master of himselfHe becomes master of senses five.
830: Sex Union Through the Pariyanga Lasts Five Ghatikas and is BlissThis is Pariyanga YogaThat lasts five ghatikas;Beyond in the sixthThe damsel sleeps in the arms of loverIn union blissfulThat fills the heartAnd passes description.
831: Successful Practitioners Alone Can Resort to Pariyanga YogaUnless it be,He had in success practisedThe Pariyanga yogaOf five ghatika lengthNo yogi shallA woman embrace.
832: Lord Siva Practised Pariyanga YogaWho may you ask,Is He that achieved this audacious Yoga;The lord is He that wears heavenly Ganga on His matted lock;For ghatika* fiveHe embraced Sakti of speech ambrosial sweetnessThinking and thinking not of the act performed.*070a time span of 24 minutes or nazhi kai
833: The Age of the Couple for Pariyanga YogaFor practise of this yoga,Twenty the age apt for damselAnd thirty for lover;Then does high rapture ensue;The five senses of woman desert her,Her mind exhausted becomes,When she climax reaches;But no weariness the man knowsNeither does his silvery emission flow.
834: Only Those Who Have Practised Kecari Can Resort to PariyangaLest the silvery liquid into the golden flow,The artful goldsmith (practitioner) covered it up with yogic breathThe sparks (Kundalini) that flew travelled up by the way of Spinal tubeThere above,He contained them with tongue's tip (Kecari).
835: Pariyanga Yogi is ExaltedThe Yogi who is in ecstatic joyUnexcited performs this yoga with womanBecomes radiant like the sun,An acknowledged master in directions ten,And of Ganas of groups eighteen.
836: Pariyanga Yogi Practiced With Kecari Yoga AlsoEspousing Wisdom that is denoted by Budha*, (Mercury)Who stands middle of sun and saturnThe youthful Yogi who embraced the damselKnew joy infinite;Lest the male silvery liquid flow notAhead of female golden oneHe had his red mouth buried in the Mystic Moon.(Note: This Budha spelling is the author's dub on Buddha)
837: Pariyanga Yoga is Yogic Wisdom That Retains the SemenThey who perfect wisdomAnd embrace woman in wisdom's beautyWill know grief none,Though by woman's side he be;The liquid silver remains unspentAnd flows not into the vaginal bag of woman.
838: Freedom From Sexual Union is Attained by Pariyanga YogaThis body that melts like wax over fire(By sexual union)Will no more indulge in it,When wisdom dawns;To those who have attained Wisdom of VoidThe liquid silver no exit knows.
839: Vision of Void in Pariyanga YogaWhen You know the VoidAnd the light in that VoidYour mind shall be strong as a chistle of bronze;After having tasted of the nectarI saw the VoidWith goodly Nandi guiding;Beyond, I knew not.
840: Pariyanga Yoga was Expounded by Sadasiva to SaktiWho are those that rank high above?Mal, Brahma and Nandi (Rudra) art they;In the Fourth is that Sadasiva,Who to the slender-waisted SaktiThis expounded.
841: Immortality for Those Who Unite in Sivasakti in CraniumIf you can get to Sakti and SivaInside the Golden Circle within (Cranium)And then join them in union,You may live on earthA million, trillion years.
842: Yogis Offered Themselves Entire to GodInhaling, exhaling and retaining the breath inhaled--None knows its technique of controlAnd those of skill who know itOffered themselves to Lord entire.
843: Yoga Dispels Worldly LongingsKnowing the way of self-oblation,If they get into the Mystic CircleOf Siva and Sakti,They reach the True Way;And dark their hair turnsIn youthfulness eternal,And the One Sakti will inward abide;In due accordDispelling worldly longings all.
844: Lotus CranialThere is a lotusThat neither land nor water knows;No stalk, no root, the lotus blossomed yet!City there was none; yet Light there is one!Neither above nor below is a flower, none had heard of.
845: Effect of Urine Therapy in YogaThe urinary liquid within the bodyIs unto a picot of small well;Dipped into sea vastIf that is fed once a dayIn way appropriate,Life will know distress none;Well may you seek it.
846: Goodly Effects of Amuri DharanaIf this divine water clear is inside takenThe body glows in a year;No harm befalls it;Prana control will realised be;The mind will center in Letter "A" (Pranava)And will uplifted beAnd the body into gold will turned be.
847: Consume 100--Pepper Measure (drops) a DayDrink of this divine-waterA hundred pepper measureNo medicine beyond this, know men;But rub it clear on crest of headYour greying vanishes awayAnd fresh black hair shoots forth.
848: Only the Ignorant Dissuade the PracticeThe water on the banks of bodyIs unto a mirage on the seaAway, Away, from it--thus they sayThe men who know not truth;They who can drink the midstreamRid of foam and waveThat arises first and last,Will immortal be;And all greying and wrinkling disappears.
849: Effect of Mixing IngredientsOh! damsel of flowing tresses and slender forehead!Hear you a miracle this!In this Water hidden in the bodyMix pepper, amla, turmeric, and neemSoft will your body be;And dark thine hair on head.
850: Greatness of Amuri DharanaHe the Nandi called it: the Hero's recipe, Heaven's exlixir, and Sakti's potionSome know it as the Medicament PrimusIt is specific that is of radiant lightHard to describe to world at large.
851: When Breath Turns SubtleWhen Prana ascends to Moon's KalaIt turns subtle (Sukshma)The two breaths through Ida and Pingala run gross;They rise and fall unto the kalas that wax and wane;Pure is that Sukshma (Subtle)Gross is that runs in the body.
852: Yogi Experiences Kalas of Moon, Sun and FireSixteen the Kalas of MoonTwelve of the SunAnd Ten of the FireThe Yogi experiences them allIn the upward journey of Prana through SushumnaAnd all that becomes his mystic knowledge.
853: Kalas of Fire Merge into Sun, Which in Turn Merge into Those of MoonThe twelve Kalas of SunAbsorb Kalas ten of FireTogether are they absorbedIn Sixteen Kalas of Moon;Those who have thus learnee to mergeIn Moon's KalaVerily become Masters of Earth,All Kalas entire filled.
854: Kalas of Sun, Moon and Fire EnumeratedTwelve the Kalas of SunSixteen the Kalas of MoonTen the Kalas of FireThus are the Kalas in number,Know you well and true.
855: The Disparate Kalas Merge into OneTen the Kalas of FireTwelve of the scorching SunSixteen that emanate from Moon;All these Kalas which alike are not,Into oneness merge.
856: Kalas Enumerated in Total, Including Those of Jiva and TattvaTen, twelve and sixteenAre Kalas that appear in Agni, Sun and Moon;And Four art Kalas of the Star (Jiva)The fettering Tattvas six and ninety tooAre Kalas to count.
857: Rouse All Kalas and Reach GodAll Kalas from the Left and Right NadisPass through the Central Nadi;Kindle the Kundalini Fire in Muladhara;They reach the Cranium at top,To pay homage at Feet of the Goodly One.
858: Nine Kalas of Nava ChakraTwo each of Kalas,Fire, Star, Moon and Sun,And Kala of ParaiWho is unto a StarTogether are the nine beams of ParaiIn the Nava Cakra this World below.*070 Jiva
859: Constituents of PranavaEarth, Water, Fire, Air, SpaceSun, Moon, Agni and StarThese nine constitute PranavaThe Way that is Great.
860: Transformation into Star of StarsWhen moon wanes, the stars twinkle brightWhen moon waxes, they do notUnto stars (innumerable) are Jivas of universe,Unto Star of Stars is the Divine Manifestness.
861: Mystery of Fifteen Kalas of MoonIn the waxing fortnight Kalas shoot and expandIn the waning fortnight they shrink and small become;They who can know the mystery of Kalas FifteenMay well reach the Feet of LordOf glory indescribable.
862: Chandra Yoga DescribedRouse Kalas of Fire,Merge them in Sun,Merge all in Moon,Merge Jiva StarOf senses and sense organs rid,That verily is Chandra yoga.
863: Know Sixteen Kalas Within BodyThey know not the Kalas sixteen within the bodyThey seek not to reach themThe despicable men!When Death his trap laysThen there they fall,Forever bewildered.
864: In Chandra Yoga Jiva-Star Merges in SivaWhen Fire-Kalas pass through Moon's NadiThe Sun receives them;Kalas of Fire and Sun together merge in Moon's Kala;When Kundalini Fire unites in SivaThe Kalas of the Star merge;And the Jiva who resides in Star,Becomes life all.
865: Chandra Yoga in Kundalini YogaTwelve the female Kalas (of Sun)Sixteen the male Kalas (of Moon)Seize them both sitting unmoved,And consign them to the Kundalini Fire,In that yoga wells up the ecstasy beyond recount.
866: Practice Nadi SuddhiCourse breath running in Sun's Nadi in the rightTo the Moon's Nadi in the left,And vice versa,If you can do this erring notYou may live a thousand yearsThis body well preserved be.
867: The Aspirant Hears Nada Sound in the Ninth CenterIn that Ninth Center,Your heart shall resoundTo the triumphant beatings of Sound Divine;There Lord that is Supreme of Celestials all,Is in exaltation high,There you shall stand as Starry Light;And the Sun shall blow the conchTo announce your arrival.
868: Beyond Nada Sphere is LordThe Sun and Moon but measure Time;Into him who has great become,Rains the nectar of Grace;When he travels beyond the spheresAnd knocks,There he meets LordIn His very Abode.
869: Knowledge of Aum Takes to Lord's PresenceThe Light of Aum that rises in the navel-lotusIs Mantra Finite;None know this;When they know that mantra secret,Then is the Son that is JivaIn the presence of Father that is God.
870: Greatness of Kundalini YogaIt profits not to tell,They listen not to advice,They are deaf-mutes;If you but learn how to merge,The Primal Kundalini with the Being FiniteThe Holy One will before you appear.
871: Merging Moon's Kalas in KundaliniThe Kundalini serpent consumes Kalas of MoonThe Fire consumes Kalas of Sun, tooIf you can resolve the conflict of Serpent and MoonMerging the Kalas of Moon in KundaliniThe Lord will leave you not, ever ever.
872: Kundalini Devours and Throws Out MoonThe Kundalini that moved upDevours MoonSleep not until it throws it out;When the Moon comes outThen may you take your sleep;Your mind shall then luminous as full moon beThen the Mystic Moon insideWill shed its dazzling Kalas full.
873: Time for Sleeping and Eating When Moon is Devoured by KundaliniSleep not until the Moon comes out;Eat not until Moon rises;Sleep not until Moon moves;Sleep the Yogi mayWhen but the Moon moves.
874: By Chandra Yoga Death is ConqueredThe Yogis who thus practise incessantConquer Death;They will live in this world aeons beyond;They are worthy of our obeisance,They who, this Moon's Yoga in success practises.
8753*6The Yogi Sees Vision of Past, Present and FutureThey traverse Spheres of Sun and MoonAnd see vision of Past, Present and Future earth;And in that Full Moon day the nectar ripens;Until the Moon drops back from Kundalini,Time stands to a stop.
876: Moon Drops Out With 12 Kalas From Kundalini's MouthThe waxing Kalas six of SunThe waning Kalas six of MoonWoke to life to twelve angula runningAnd then the Moon droped outWho knows this!
877: He Conquers BinduIf Yogi thus achieves this goalIn the day of Full MoonThe Yogi's semen flows not where it lists;Devoid of passions, it firm collects in Muladhara;Chanting Aum in heart's silentness,He remains Pure, Awareness filled.
878: The Emitted Moon has 16 Kalas UltimatelyTo the Six waxing Kalas of the fiery SunWill be the Four Kalas of FireTo these ten Kalas goodlyWill be the Six Kalas of MoonThus are they Kalas SixteenIn the Full Moon emitted.
879: Sun's Kala in Sex UnionIn the mingling of male semen and woman's fluidEmits Sun's Kala,If Sun's Kala is low, semen ejects quick;When mind and body balanced standNever will they let semen flow.
880: Effects of Chandra YogaIf with mind centered they course their breath,In direction of Nada soundThat from Siva's Conch emanates,The five senses that run blindWill their restraint meet;And the interminable bliss of delectable NectarLeaves them not ever.
881: Greatness of Chandra YogaOn the banks of RiverWhere waters of Nectar flowCourse the Five PranasThrough central Sushumna,They who thus remain,Death do not have;Good their Kalas arr;Time-bound they are not.
882: Alternating Breath to Samadhi EndOpening the springs where Nectar wells upThey walk toward the Lotus Feet cool as water;Sitting in undisturbed Samadhi;Coursing through the Spinal channelThey alter the breathing right and left.
883: Benefits of YogaIf breaths of Moon (Ida) and Sun (Pingala)Course their way through Spinal channel unhindered,Thine body imperishable shall be;And abiding joys well up here below,This the Way of Yoga True.
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TANTRA FOUR Verses 884--141841 AJAPA
884: The One-Letter Mantra of Our LordI praise, I laudJnana that is our Refuge;I adore Holy Feet of Lord,Constant in my thought;I expound Siva Yoga;Hearken you!!I chant the One Letter, AumDear to our Lord.
885: Letters A, U and MBy One Letter, A, He all worlds became;By Two Letters (A and U), He the Two became--Siva and Sakti;By Three Letters (A, U and M), He the Light* became;By Letter M was Maya ushered in.
886: Glory of ChidambaramChitambalam is where Devas reside,Chitambalam is where Devas reside,Thiru Ambalam is where Devas reside,The Sabha of the South is where Devas reside.
887: Dances in the Golden TempleIn the Golden Temple is the Atbudha (Wonder) Dance,In the Golden Temple is the Ananda (Bliss) Dance,In the Golden Temple is the Anavarata (Eternal) Dance,In the Golden Temple is the Pralaya (Deluge) Dance,In the Golden Temple is the Samhara (Dissolution) Dance.
888: One Letter Aum is Divine DanceThat which became Tandava Dance is One Letter AumThat which became Tandava is Grace-act of LordHe who performed Tandava is One Being UncreatedIn the Golden Hall is Tandava Dance.
889*36God is Letter A and UHe is the Cosmic LightHe is Tattvas all;He stands as Letters A and UHe is the Light Divine for Tattva Dance;He is for Himself the Support All.
890: Variations of NamasivayaHe is the Uncreated Lord, Para Para Great for worlds allIn the Sphere of Muladhara He stands as Na-Ma-Si-Va-YaIn the Sphere of Fire He stands as Na-Ma-Si-Va-YaIn the Sphere beyond (Sun) He stands as Na-Ma-Si-Va-YaIn the Sphere of yoga (Moon) He stands as Ya-Va-Si.
891: Letters A and U are Si and VaLetters A and U are Si (Siva) and Va (Sakti)They supreme are;They are Voids, beyond reach of thoughtThey are Spaces Vast, of Intelligence Supreme,Where He His Holy dance performs;Letters A and U are Refuge Finale and Joy Eternal.
892: Letters Three--Si Va YaLetters Si Va Ya are bliss perpetual;Letters Si and Ya are Jnana;Si-Va-Ya is unalloyed joy;Not many know this,They who realizes this in JoyWill Him behold in Dance-Joyous (Ananda).
893: Letters Two--A and U Became Five LettersA and U are Letters Two,All men of vast knowledge chant;They are Letters TwoInto One and Five Letters resolve;In them mergeThe Tandava Dance of Dissolution;In Muladhara Triangle they are,Ascending high to Adharas rest.
894: Letters A and U are the Agamic MantraThey are the Sadasiva;They are the Agamas imperishable;They are the Godly Goal,They are the shady Mastwood Tree where bees indwellThey are the dance Holy;They are the Agamic teachings divine,They are the Immaculate PurityOf the Divine Dance Hall.
895: Letters of Engrossing PurityThe Letters Pure are the Agamas;The Letters Pure are Pati, Pasu Pasa;The Letters Pure are Grace that is Bliss;The Letters Pure are Egoity, Maya and Desire;The Letters Pure are site of Divine Dance.
8963: Lord is AllHimself as His Lord stands;Himself as His Mountain stands;Himself as Pervasive Himself stands;Himself He stands,As Lord that is Himself.
897: The Lord is SupremeHe is the Lord who stood dancing eternal;He is the Lord who the holy one is;He is the Lord who unfolds Jnana's honey-laden Flower;He is the Lord whose Feet are holy beyond peer.
898: Letters A and U are Feet of LordThe peerless Feet of Lord are Letters A and U;The peerless Feet of Lord are Letters Two and Five;The peerless Feet of Lord are Letters Fifty and OneThe peerless Feet are mantras seven times thousand.
899: The Two Became SeveralThe Seven Thousand mantras became FiftyAnd then into the Seven with endings diverse,Thus of the Seven Thousand mantras chanted,That are beyond thought,Have as vital the Seven and Two in the ultimate.
900: All Mantras Contained in Two-Letter MantraSeven Thousand mantras there exist;But none, of this potent divine;This the mantra that is Siva's Holy Form;And all mantra is in this contained.
901: Letters A and U are Tattva DanceHe is unto Himself in His Dance;He stands as A and U;He is the One for Mayaic Dance of Tattvas;He dances the Dance, peerless here below.
902: The Dance Transforms Jiva Into SivaThe Dance in Letters TwoIt is the Dance joyous;It is the Dance of dissolution;It is the Dance that leads to bliss;It is the Dance that is Siva LingaIt is the alchemy that transformsThe coppery Jiva into golden Siva.
903: Sivaya Nama Purifies and Transforms JivaChant "Sivaya Nama;"Copper turns into gold;The Chit Para there exists,Turns copper into goldChant "Srim" and "Krim;"Copper turns into gold;The Holy Temple alchemisesCopper into gold.
904: How Tiru Ambala Chakra is FormedFashion Tiruvambala Chakra thus;Draw six lines each, vertical and horizontal,Thus form squares twenty and five,And in each inscribing Letters FiveMeditate continuous.
905: Chant Sivaya Nama and Behold DanceThis the way to chant:Sivaya Nama, Sivaya Nama;If you chant that way,No more birth will be;With Lord's Grace,You shall behold the Eternal Dance;And copper (that is Jiva) turns into gold (that is Siva).
906: Chant Sivaya Nama in SilenceThis mantra is golden;Chant it not loud,Just say it;Your body glows red,If you take it in slow,As you breath in,Your body becomes gold;And in time,Shall you behold the Golden Feet of Lord.
907: Chant Sivaya Nama and Behold Golden FeetYou shall behold the Golden FeetYou shall have children noble;In the name of that Golden Feet I say,The copper that is Jiva,Will become gold that is Siva;And as you behold the Golden Feet,You too shall His Form assume;Center the mantra in your thoughts,And witness the goodly Dance of Golden Feet.
908: Chant Sivaya Nama and Attain SiddhisYou may easy transmigrate into any body;The goodly Sakti will your companion be;If you chant the mantra,The fiery snake of Pasa will leave you;That mantra is the secret of the Holy Dance,Chant it unceasing.
909: Chant Sivaya Nama and Enjoy Bliss of SivaIt is the Sukshma (Subtle) mantra;Chant it eight thousand times;You shall see the (Sushumna) Path Subtle,You may enjoy the bliss of SivaThat is subtlest of all.
910: Sivaya Nama are of the Life-Vowels Five and Seminal Sounds FiveOne the Supreme Bliss,One the Supreme Bliss,Thus chant the mantraYou shall have Bliss,Bliss has its source in Letters Five;A-I-U-E and Aum the life vowels they are;They become the Five Letter mantraAnd joy that is within joy;Bliss lies in the seed-letters Five;Hum-Hrim-Ham-Ksam-Am, are they.
911: Two Letters Become Five LettersThe Two Letter mantra is Body of LordChant it inarticulate;As the Two suffuse your body,You stand transformed;The Two Letters that are Lord's CorpusBecome Five Letters that is Jiva;U-A-I-E-OThe Two Letters that are Lord's CorpusBecome the Five Letters that is Siva DanceI-O-U-A-E.
912: Dance Vowels Become Five Letter MantraThe Dance-Letters Si Va Ya become NamasivayaThe Dance-Letters I, U, A, E and O(m) become Sivaya NamaThe Dance-Letters I, U, A, E and O(m) become Si Va Ya NamaThe Dance-Letters I, U, A, E and O(m) become the stellar mantra Nama Sivaya*
913: The Dance of RubyHe danced as One, aloneHe danced as Two, with SaktiHe danced as several, all life in;He danced in Three, Sun, Moon and Fire;He danced in Seven, the worlds that are;He danced on one Foot;He danced in Saktis Nine;He danced in arena that is Space;He danced the Dance of Ruby.
914: How to Form the ChakraIn the Chakra formed by lines twelve (Six Vertical and Six Horizontal)Are the squares;Fix the Mantra,In the chambers five and twenty formed,In One the Lord takes His seat.
915: The Configuration of the 121 Lettered Chakra DiagramIn his own Letter "Si", He abides;The four letters conjoint are great Letters of His nameOn the four sides of His Chakra are His own Five lettersIn the One letter He abides is Hara's mantra too.
916: Say "Hara Hara" and End Birth CycleSay "Hara Hara"Nothing formidable to you;They who know not this,Say not "Hara Hara;"Say "Hara Hara"And you shall a Celestial be;Say "Hara Hara"You shall no more birth know.
917: The Significance of Letter "Si" in the ChakraIn the eight directions is the letter "Si" in the ChakraFrom that One Letter in places eightArose the Five Gods,And the Saktis Nine,And the Bindu and Nada;Thus flourishes the Mantra, the Word Pure.
918: Significance of Letter OmThey know not how the LordBecame conjoint with Her,Who, on the blooming lotus sits;They who chant the letter aspirated "O"Conjoint with the letter unaspirated "m"May well preserve their life ever.
919: The Five Letters Manifest (Sthula) and Subtle (Sukshma)The Panchakshara (Five Letters) is the Lord's Abode,That Panchakshara Manifest (is Namasivaya)That Subtle is SivayanamaThus is He in that Mantra,Manifest and Subtle.
920: Letter Ma Central in Chakra With 25 ChambersThat Chakra is with six by six lines formed,The lines inside are five by fiveThus in all into five and twenty chambers divided;In Center of these is Letter Ma.
921: The Yantra of Six Letters Om Na Ma Si Va YaInscribe Letter 'Ma' in centerAbove it describe Letter 'Va'Surround the two by Letter 'O'Split them in Center vertically by letter UPlace Letter 'Ya' on top,Fix letter 'Si' on both sides,That they look like eyes two,The Letters 'Na' and 'A' to form the diagram's feet two.
922: A Variation of the Six-Letter YantraDescribe Letter Pranava (OM)In the Center on top place 'Si'On sides two place letters 'Va' and 'Ya'Inside inscribe Na Ma Si Va YaOn the outer round figure Letters Si Va Ya Na Ma.
923: How the Five Letters are Filled in the 25-Chamber ChakraIn the row on top of ChakraWrite Si Va Ya Na Ma;In the squares on row nextFill Ma Si Va Ya NaIn the row third write Na Ma Si Va YaStill below comes Letters in order Ya Na Ma Si VaIn the squares last are Letters Va Ya Na Ma SiThus do you fill squares in ChakraWith 'Si' to begin and 'Si' to end.
924: How the 51-Letter Chakra is FormedIn Chambers five and twentyEnclose letters fifty, two in each;With letter "A" to beginAnd final letter "Ksh" to end;These with the one letter Om;Fifty and one in all, the letters fill,In Chakra's chambers five and twenty.
925: The Yantra for the Mantra Om Hari HaraAt the outer circle describe Hara Hara,In the inner circle describe Hari Hari,In the inner most center place Om, the Ajapa,Mark the ends of circle by Trident sign.
926: Yantra Representing Lord's AbodeInscribe Bija mantra HrimAbove each trident sign;That surounds the diagram OmWrite Letters FiveIn the space betwixt trident signs;The Chakra thus formed,Indeed, is Lord's Abode.
927: The Yantra for Mula ChakraIn the Center inscribe our name Mula, that is Om,Surround it in circles two concentric,In the space between the circles twoInscribe the Letters Five,A, E, U, AE and OThat denote the Five LettersSi, Va, Ya, Na, Ma.
928: How to Fill in the Mula ChakraThis the Mula Chakra famed,In space between circles twoFill entire with Letters Five stated,Then does Chakra its loveliness take.
929: How to Chant Mula ChakraAs you describe Chakra of this mantra (Om)The Lord as Guru will instruct youThe way to meditate on it, clear;Anterior to chanting this mantraWere the seed-mantras that pertainsTo Wind, Water, Fire, Earth and SkyYam, Vam, Ram, Lam, and Ham.
930: Sum Saut Sivaya NamaConjoin the sixth letter UTo the forty-eighth letter S (a)Add Bindu letter M (.)To form the syllable Sum:In similar fashionConjoin the fourteenth letter Au to S (a)Add Nada letter Ah (:)To form the syllable Sauh;Chant then Si Va Ya Na Ma to follow;Thus when you chant the mantra, full formedAs Sum Sauh Si Va Ya Na Ma,The triple Pasas in distress howlingTakes to their heels, away, away.
931: Siva and Sakti Interchange Their Bija Mantra StatesThe Lord is seated in His Consort's Letter (Sauh)The Lady is seated in Her Lord's Letter (Hum)When thus the Two are in amity seatedThe holy beings comrehend the meaning inner.
932: Linga ChakraDescribe Letter "A"Above it inscribe "Hara"Further above Place Letter "E"Then is Linga Form shaped;Center your mind on itAnd course your breath above,You shalt vision indeedThe Dance of Divine Light.
933: Au and Sau are Mantras of Siva-Sakti UnionThere is Letter HauThere is Letter SauIn them are comprehended all;How they entwined are,None knows;They who know this union mysteryAre indeed blessedOf both, Sakti and Sadasiva.
934: Panchakshara ChakraLetter-Five is seat of NandiLetter-Five is Holy MantraLetter-Five is Divine ChakraLetter-Five is Lord's abode.
935: Chant Letter of Dance--SiHow do you see the Dancer?Many are the ways;Chant first Letter of Dance (Si),Thou with Dancer will one in thought be;That the way to see the Dancer truly.
936: Chant Om and Rouse KundaliniKindle the Fire (Kundalini) where it dormant liesChant letter "OM" that in Kundalini is,The Lord of Vedas stands in thereYou His friend in there become.
937: Chant "Ma" of Grace--SaktiShe Herself Grace grantsIf upward you lift Kundalini;She Herself granting GraceHigh above in Sahasrara places thee;There do you chant Her syllable "Ma"You shall indeed be placedAs unto a gem of ray serene.
938: Lord Revealed His First Letter "Si"The North beamed in radiant lightThere stood Lord of Devas (Indra) crowned in diadem bright;And the Lord revealed His letter "Si"Sparkling as rays within gem pure,It beamed aloft for all to seeUnto a light set on mountain top.
939: The Lord is UncreatedHimself He stands as the Soft Light Uncreated,Himself He stands as the Vedas Self-Existent,Chant His uplifting attributesHimself He reveals,The Sage Unborn of Vedas.
940: Lord of Vedas in Letter-FiveHe, Lord of Vedas, gave us this birth,That we might the Lord of Vedas become;The Lord of Vedas stood within Letter-Five;The Lord of Vedas is Himself Letter-Five.
941: Five-Letter Form of SivaHis Feet are Letter "Na"His navel is Letter "Ma"His shoulders are Letter "Si"His mouth Letter "Va"His cranial center aloft is Letter "Ya"--Thus Five-Letter Form of Siva is.
942: See Lord in Five-LetterOf greatness thus are Letters two and three,And in it as His Radiant Form Nandi shone;See Him as Letter "OM"Wide He spreads unto Ocean Vast.
943: Power of Five-Letter MantraThat Mantra spread everywhereThat Mantra its boon grants to lives all,Do you chant it appropriate,All hostility that harasses you shall flee;It is the Mantra that makes you mighty and strong;That Mantra do you invoke chanting OM.
944: Vision Divine DanceChanting OmInvoke Holy Nandi;Chanting "Na"Kindle Kundalini Fire,The goal to reach;Make it blaze;They who know Him thusVerily saw Divine Dance,For ever steeped in ecstasy.
945: Fifty-One Letters are Five-Letters AlsoIn Chakra that is designedAre Letters Five in places appropriate;There stands He the Para ParaWho the Fifty One Letters fills.
946: SivayanamaInscribe Letters Five Si Va Ya Na Ma;In the next row place Letters Ya Na Va Si Ma;Further on place the letters in order thus:Ma Va Ya Na Si; Si Ya Na Ma Va;And Va Si Ma Ya NaThus do the Five Letters in Chakra permuted stand.
947: Five Letters are the Five Elements and Five ColorsThe Letters that stood thusAre the Elements Five;The Letters that stood thusAre the Colors Five;If Letters stood in order appropriateHe stood within the Letters, for sure.
948: Chakra Leads to Nandi's GraceThus stood Chakra;And thus did it extend,To the four corners of earth;And thus did Lord stand in Celestial arenaHe, Master of comely Maya Land;And from Nandi flowed Milk of GraceAs from mother-cow unto calf;Nandi, who stands high aloft Mount Kailas.
949: Significance of ChakraWithin this Chakra is much good that comesWithin this Chakra are Names FiveThis Chakra is Letter-Five of Dancer DivineThis Chakra is where Dance Divine incessant goes on.
950: Yantra for Siva MantraIn the Space Center (Eye-brow)There mark letter"A"At the top of cranium place letter "U"Surround with letter "ma"On its "leg" place Bindu letter "Si"On its "horn" place Nada letter "Va"This the Siva Mantra,You clear shall know.
951: Three Ways of Chanting PanchaksharaWith "A" and "U" to commence,And "Si" in center(That is, as Om Na Ma Si Va Ya),With "A" and "U" to commence,And "Va" and rest aspirating in breath regulated,(That is, as Om Va Si Ya Na Ma)With "A" and "U" to commence,And "Si" and rest in order following,(That is, as Om Si Va Ya Na Ma)As you thus chant,The Primal Lord of "Om" appears,Rejoicing.
952: Lord is in "Aum" Beyond AdharasWhere Adharas end,"Aum" is;There shall you see LordWho of Himself reveals;He is Blemishless,He is Light Divine,He is Whole Truth,He is the Alchemic pill,Of flawless gold.
953: Chant Aum, Nandi AppearsWhen with "A", chant "U" simultaneous,Then does melting Mukti there appear;When "Ma" I chanted,With me was "Nandi";How shall I speak of my Father's greatness!
954: Heavenly Letter Ends BirthThe knowledge of Jiva here belowIs unto letters written on water;There is a Letter in heavenThey seek it not;Who knows that Letter?They who know it,Have birth ended.
955: Mukti is When Aum Appears in Garland of Letters WithinCourse breath through central Sushumna,And be in the center within of the Garland of Letters;When in the Center of that garlandThe Primal Mantra AUM, Vedas speak of appears,Then is Mukti, sure indeed.
956: Sakti and Siva are on the Mystic Letter Below the NavelBelow the navel is a goodly Letter,The unholy its greatness know not;Even the Creator (Brahma) knows it not,There it is Siva with Sakti, in splendour fullsome all.
957: Ha(m)sa is Hara's Mantra"Ha" and "Sa" together form Hara's mantra (Hamsa)But none know the truth of Hamsa;When that truth any one knowsHe shall know Hamsa as beginningless.
958: The Great Mantra Rises in the HeartThere is a Mantra greatThat inside heart's lotus rises;It roots lie deep in the navel;They who know it not, come by it not;They but prayed at sunsetAnd with loud noise departed.
959: "Aum" Mantra Sustains Life"Hamsa" Mantra chanted withinIn directions all spreads;It is the Mantra of life, sustaining breath;It is the Mantra in the lotus of heart;When constant chanted,That Mantra in life's centerIs verily unto a mahout's goad,That elephantine passions control.
960: Chant "Om Sivaya Nama"In formless space rises Nada,In Sakti of slender waist rises Bindu,Together they form, OMWith letter "Ya" in center,When mantra Si Va Ya Na Ma is incessant chanted,That mantra (Om Sivaya Nama) spouts Siva Bliss.
961: Aum is Oblation to SivaIf Bindu and Nada conjoint reachThe Mystic Moon inside the head,The heavenly ambrosia wells up,The Mantra that rises there (AUM)Is verily the oblation to Siva.
962: Chant Aum and Be RedeemedThey who chant the Six-Letter Mantra (Om Si Va Ya Na Ma)Are they who truly know;They who chant not the Six-Lettered MantraAre they who know not;Even they who chant with other letter none,May with One-Letter (AUM) redeemed be.
963: Garland of Fifty-One LettersWith Letter "Aum" are vowels fifteen formed;To Bindu's luminous letter "A"Add Nada letter "U"With rest of letters thirteen,They fifteen vowels are;Together with consonants,The Primal letters areAs Fifty and one reckoned.
964: Sakti Expands as Fifty-One LettersWith Letter "A" that is Bindu,And curled Letter "U" that is Nada,When together they upward ascend,Sakti within beamsWith kalas six and ten,And endless expands,As neck, hands, legs and body entire;As Letters One and Fifty, too,Her Form expands.
965: Fifty Letters Come to Five LettersLetters Fifty are Vedas all,Letters Fifty are Agamas all,When source of Letters Fifty are known,Fifty Letters to Five Letters comes.
966: Five Letters is AllWith Five letters He created elements five;With Five letters He created diverse life;With Five letters He supported spaces vast,With Five letters He in Jivas abides.
967: Chant His Name; He Beckons to YouThey who continuous chant Lord's Holy name,In desire high,For them Karma's miseries fleet away;The Lord says: "Come unto me"--He of Matted Locks.
968: Lord in His Five LettersHe is Life's Elixir,He is Time Eternal,He is Music's melody,He is Song too;The Celestials adore Him fervent;In their thoughts He stood;In Five Letters He stood.
969: Chant Five Letters and Be Forever YoungSpaces vast arise from Five Letters greatTemples Holy are Five Letters greatGrace of Lord is Five Letters greatChant Five Letters great,You shall ever young be.
970: As One-Letter Lord Pervades AllAs Seed-Letter, He pervades Spaces and Beyond,As Goodly-Letter, He fills world and sustains it,As Renowned-Letter, He stands as fire, and life,As one Letter, He stands Resplendent Rare.
971: Chant Sakti's Letter VaIn the sound of Fourth Letter (Va) world takes form,In the sound of Fourth Letter is World contained,For them who chant Fourth Letter incessant,The Fourth Letter is Way Holy.
972: Chant Na Ma Si VaThe lovely Sakti into my heart entered;There She sat rejoicing;Chant Na Ma Si Va,Think of what it brings;Cling to Her Feet;Transformed was I;All my prattle ceased.
973: Na Ma Si Va is Sakti MantraThis corporeal body is of rice food made,Offer it into the fire of OmChant incessant Na Ma Si VaThat the name of Sakti Finite is;She, Mistress of Dharma, stands revealed.
974 Lord Dances in the Five LettersLetters Five are Lord's gift,In it, central He dances, night and day,In endearment eternal;He that assumed, Forms Eight.
975: What "Aum" and "Sivaya" Stand ForLetter "A" is Jiva; "U" is Para"Ma" is MalaThus it is in Three-lettered Word "A U M""Si" is Siva; "Va" is Sakti;"Ya" is Jiva--Thus it is, in Three Letter-Word Si Va Ya.
976: Chant Om Na Ma Si VaLetters "Na" and "Ma" to commence,Letter "Si" in center,Letter "Va" intoned in breath regulated,Together with "OM" at beginning of all,If you even once chant thus,The Lord of "Ma" (Maya)Will in your heart be.
977: The Five Letters Can Control the Five SensesFive the elephants (senses)In the body-forest roam,The Five Letters become the goadsFor the five elephants,Only they who can containThe five (senses) together,Can, unafraid, reach Primal Lord.
978: Contemplate Si Va YaThe Five Kalas aroseFrom letters "A" and rest (A, U, M)From them arise the Five Letters,Leave out Letters "Na" and "Ma"(Thus "Si Va Ya" contemplate)Nandi in Muladhara you seek;Those who meet Him there with Parai (Sakti)Will have actions none more to perform.
979: Si Va Ya Leads to LiberationChant Si Va Ya in loveYou shall immortal be;It is Yoga rare and Jnana as well;With it,The illumined Jiva receives GraceAnd he Siva becomes;That indeed is liberation true.
980: Five Letters are the RefugeRealize truth of blissful letters Five,The Para Para fills your heart;Truth this is;And immortal you will be;Letters Five is your Refuge;None other, I emphatic say.
981: Aum Si Va Ya is Siva (as Form)Chanting "A" and "U" in understandingAlong with "Si", "Va" and "Ya" (That is as Om Sivaya)Is verily Siva's Form,They who understand "Si", "Va" and "Ya" with "A" and "U"Have realised "Om Sivaya" as Mantra great.
982: Chant Aum Si Va Ya Nama and Reach LordHold Si, Va and Ya,And Na and MaIn heart's center,And with "Aum";The Letter Five when thus chanted,The Lord of "Ma" (Maya) appreciative appears.
983: Chant Namasivaya and Vanquish Karmas; Chant Sivaya Nama and Be One With SadasivaIn the Five Letters beginning with "Na" (Na Ma Si Va Ya)Are all actions you seek to do;In the Five Letters are stubborn Karmas vanquished;Those who hold in their heartsThe Five Letters with "Si" to begin (Si Va Ya Na Ma).Will with Primal Sadasiva one be.
984: Chanting "Siva" Takes You to SivaThe Letters "Na" to begin (Na Ma) is Jiva,The Letters "Si" to begin (Si Va) is Para,Even they who have tapas none,By chanting Si Va,May yet Siva become,The Lord of Tattvas,This true, beyond doubt.
985: Chant Aum and Win SensesKnow "A" and "U" together (AUM) in depthSeek Nandi in Jnana within,The Five wavering senses,Your friends become;Chant AUM and be doubt-free.
986: Aum Denotes Tattva Manifestations of SivaThey know not well Letter Eight ("A") and Two ("U")*They the ignorant ones, know not what "Eight" ("A") and Two ("U") are;Eight and Two (AUM) are but Nine;*That verily is truth of Siddhanta Jnana.
987: Letter Six*Draw eight lines verticalAnd eight lines horizontal,In central chamber thus formed,Place Lord's Letter-Six--Om Na Ma Si Va Ya,In forty and eight squares that remains,The Sacred Letters distribute,And there pray.
988: Siva ChakraPlace them all in squares appropriateThe Dhanavar, the Chattar, the Sathirar two,The two Guard-gods, and the rest of them fifteen,Bindu, and Nada and Siva Gana Natha,Thus form Siva Chakra.
989: Knowledge of Siva is VastBy way of tapas greatThey reached Paraparam,To Him they, their Self surrendered;And they adored Him saying, "Si Va Ya Na Ma";But I speak no more than a tiny bit,Of Lord's Greatness, mighty;I near Him but a little;Beyond this, I nothing know.
990: Names of SivaSiva the First, then the Three, and the Five following,Nine are they all, yet one and the same,With them flourished Bindu and Nada--All these but names of Sankara First.
991: Mark and ChantDraw lines to denote the universe that is SeedThere mark the Kalas Sixteen,Then mark the Kalas TwelveAnd then the Kalas TenThat in sacrificial rituals of Brahmins appearThus thou mark and chant in Chakra.
992: I Chanted Nama and Lord AppearedAnd Lo! within the lotus of my heart,I beheld HimAnd as I saw Him, I rose and met Him;I then lost my sense of Self,Betaking to gracious way of Lord Eternal;In endearment undiminished,Do chant "Nama."
993: Celestials Chant Lord's NameThe Holy Celestials raining flowers on HimMeditate on Mantra that confers Grace;Approaching Him, they chant "Nama";Thinking of Him dear as apple of their eyeThey with Him united stood.
994: Six Letters Aum are the Six Faiths and Savitri MantraThe Six Letters are the Six religions,The Six Letters multiplied by four,Into four-and-twenty proliferated,That the Letters of Savitri mantra art;Savitri has the Letter First (that is Aum)They whom separate meditate on it,Have no more the birth-travail.
995: Umapathi ChakraDraw lines eight verticalAnd lines eight horizontal;In chambers thus formedDistribute letters that each occurs times eightRepeat it in corners fourEncircle the whole in OmMeditate thus on ChakraThe Lord of Uma will be yours.
996: Chant Om Na Ma Si Va YaChanting Mantra "Na" to begin and "Ya" to end--Na Ma Si Va Ya,And prefixing Mantra that has "A" and "U"--"OM"Those who meditate thusWill see the Primal Lord inside their head.
997: Sthambana ChakraOn fresh plank of a peepul tree woodFigure out Five Letter Mantra with "Ma" to begin--Ma, Si, Va, Ya, NaIn similar fashion inscribe it on leaf of palmSmear it with waxAnd warm it gently over fire,Center thy meditation on it,Strong the concentration thou attainThine enemies rendered actionless, sure (Sthambana*).
998: Mohana ChakraOn a plank of Konrai tree woodAt the lower endInscribe "Na" and "Si"And on palm leaf write letter "Ma"Smear it with ingredients five,(Ginger, Pepper, mustard, garlic and asofetida)Bury it head downward in the hearth's fireYou shall attain powers of Mohana* (Fascination).
999: Uchchadana ChakraOn a plank of portia tree woodAt the north-west cornerWhere Aiyanar his temple has,And on a dark leaden-plate smear poison,Inscribe mark of Bindu . (dot)And surround it by "Om"Then concentrate on the Mantra,Uchchadana* (the Science of Exorcism) will be yours.
1000: Marana ChakraSmear a green palm leaf with ingredients five statedIn a triangle Chakra in the cremation groundBury it at noon in southeast corner,Where God Agni stands,That the Mantric device for Marana*,(Death) spell for enemies to destroy.
1001: Vasiya* ChakraSmear palm leaf with yellow arsenicInscribe on it letters "A" and "U"Place it on a bilva plank,For a receptacle to serve,And chant the Mantra eighty thousand times.
1002: Akarshana ChakraSmear palm leaf with silver powder on a ThursdayInscribe letter "U",Place it on the plank of white Jamun treeFace Westward,And Chant Pranava mantra ("Aum") eight thousand times;This the way to attainPower of bringing things and people unto you--Akarshana*.
1003: Flowers for Archana (Worship with Flowers)Lotus, Lily blue, Lily pink, Lily white,Flower of areca palm, madhavi creeper, shoe-flower (Mandharam)Thumbai, vakulam, surapunnai, jasmine,Shenpagam, padiri, chrysanthumWith these do worship.
1004: Fragrant Ingredients for WorshipThe ten unguents to form,Musk, sandal paste, perfumed kumkum,Camphor, eagle wood fragrant and the restMix in water of rose and make a pasteThen put it on (Chakra) and worship.
1005: Offer OblationsOffer oblations in love,Light lamps golden,Spread incense of fragrant woodAnd lighted camphor in directions all,Forget your worldly worries, and meditate,You shall attain rapturous Mukti true.
1006: Results of WorshipWorshipping thus, there is nothing that you cannot attain,Worshipping thus, you shall come by Indra's wealthWorshipping thus, you shall attain miraculous Siddhi powers,Worshipping thus, you shall attain Mukti.
1007: Constant Worship in Mansion of MindEven when other men's wives approach them,They touch them not,They have mastered passions all,Their mind is preoccupied perpetuallyWith offer of oblation diverse,They worship prostrating low,Constant chanting MantraThus in the Mansion of Mind they abide.
1008: Kriya is Not Sought by Bhaktas, Yogis and JnanisThey who have been received by Lord in His GraceSeek not Kriya Way;They who desire not to accumulate Karma,Seek not to perform Kriyas;They who are Siva Yogins greatThey too seek not Kriyas;They who are in loving devotion surpassing standThey too seek not Kriyas.
1009: Seek God the Jnana WayThey know not to reach Him by Jnana Divine;They seek Him by ways of senses, in vain;If within you, you constant seek Him in right way,You shall indeed be in Nadanta.
1010: Jnana Dispels Heart's DarknessLight and Darkness together are in heart;So does it seek Grace and Ignorance at once;The knowledge within of Jiva is bereft of Light;Except those who have Divine Jnana attained,The rest despair of dispelling Darkness.
1011: Jnana Alone Leads to Union in GodYourself Himself becoming,And Himself yourself becomingAnd with two none,And as one Siva Becoming;(When thus it is),Those who went the way of KriyaIf they take to Jnana,They with Siva one become;They who seek Kriya,May but Devas be.
1012: Where Om and Other Letters Rise"Om" rises from under navel"Va" rises from throat stretched,"Na" has its seat in forehead,Bindu and Nada are still above placed.
1013: Be Rid of Na and MaJiva has "Na" and "Ma" for its seatsSiva has "Si" and "Va" that leads you to HimBe rid of "Na" and "Ma"And seek Primal One;He will be yours at once;The State of Mauna leads to Siva BecomingThat to reach is Liberation True.
1014: Visions in the Seventh, Eighth, Eleventh and Twelth CentersYoga its consummation reachesIn Nectar's flow in Center Seventh;In the Eighth is revealed the Jnana Light;Then beyond in the EleventhIn Paraparam the Supreme;Then beyond, beyond is Void,The Dvadasanda Space Infinite.
1015: The Nine Sacrificial Pits are BlessedTo recount greatness of sacrificial pits nine is thus:In sacrificial pits nine,Will blaze the blessed fire;In the sacrificial pits nineWill arise all things goodly;Thus shall I speak of sacrificial pits nine.
1016: Shapes of Sacrificial PitsThe sacrificial pit is triangle-shaped;It is square shaped, pentagon shaped;And hexagon shaped, triangle upon triangle made;Other pits that blaze in fire, we later relate.
1017: Pervasiveness of Kundalini FireBreath through Sushumna coursing,Kundalini fire blazed aloft;Light on top emanated,Pervaded world,And engulfed entire cosmic spaceThat I saw in me, and sought within.
1018: Power of Sacrificial FireBecoming the Light within the LightThat from the sacrificial pit arises,You attain the power,To create and dissolve worlds twice seven;The truth that is spreadOver extensive Vedas ancient,I here state explicitIn one single book.
1019: The Sixteen Kalas are in the Sacred FireIn the sacrificial pit thus formed,The sixteen kalas luminousWill sixteen points occupy;Those who can see that Fire withinThe broiling Pasas will not touch.
1020: The Glow of the Triangular PitIn the triangular pit within (Muladhara), and withoutThe Five Letters stand dancing in FireThe humming orbs of Zodiac, twelve, will appear;A resplendent Light it isFor those who seek.
1021: Holy Effects of Sacrificial FireThe head and face will glow in a halo of light,On the hand, Fire will appear if so they willThe glowing body trembling and shakingWill give forth the shining LingaGoodly indeed is worship of sacrificial Fire-pit!Thus said Sakti Divine.
1022: Sakti Affirms Sacredness of Sacrificial Fire"Goodly" She said, Our Lady of esteem high;"That the Word" (Five letter), said She,Who radiant from head to foot in tenderness stood;They who do not ask of Her,Though learned unto roots of learning,Yet are in confusion distracted.
1023: With Fire in Pit Kundalini Fire Also Shot ForthThe sacrificial pit takes the shape ofShining-bow and crescent moon;The tongues of Fire shot forthUnto mythical serpents from directions eight;And Kundalini too with its petals fourIn me flamed,Filling my inside with radiant light.
1024: Sacrificial Fire Reaches Dancing SivaThe Fire reached Feet of Dancing Siva,It flowed as water of worship at His Feet;It reached the mighty arms eight of DancerThat fills universe entire;It reached the fire in the Fore-head eye of Lord.
1025: Sacrificial Fire is Siva HimselfThe Three-eyed Lord is Fire entire;The Lord of self-same eye,Engulfed universe entire;With eyes in directions all,He sees directions eight;He is Lord, my Father,And for all lives everywhere.
1026: God Kanda Arose Out of Lord's FireOut of my Father arose six orbs of FireThe six Faces before Him appeared;The God Kanda in Him is intermingled;And so is He His Son;Thus do you in understanding connect.
1027: When Lord is Visioned in Ajna (Eye-Brow Center)Within the sacrificial pit, that is Muladhara,Arises the Vedic Fire that is Kundalini,When controlled breath through Sushumna in unison flows,The two petals in Ajna Center open;Then with trembling handsFolded into one they rise;They who thus worship and vision,Are verily Celestials of Light Divine.
1028: Lord is Light DivineAs goodly Light, He pervades worlds all,Latent as sparkle in gem,He is immanent in all;For all those who sought Him as Light of Divine WordHe stood as beacon light on hill top,And as the light within the eye too.
1029: The Hexagonal Sacrificial Pit WithinThis sacrificial pit withinIs a hexagon of six Adhara formed;In its circle Tattvas six times six,Trembling arises;With these Tattvas under your command,You can ascend into very Heavens high.
1030: Form of Sacrificial GodThree His feet, Seven His hands,Two His faces, six His eyes,Seven His tongues, four His hornsThus does He rise from the Sacrificial Fire PitHe the one that no end knows.
1031: But He is EndlessFor the Endless One, none the Space there is;For the Endless One, none there to take measure;For the Endless One, none the words adequate to describe;Know the Endless One, O! you! "Ya" (Jiva)!
1032: Sacrificial Fire Outside Kindles Kundalini Fire InsideDecagonal, octagonal, hexagonal and squareThus are sacrificial pits shaped,In them blazes fireAs unto a crimson lotus;Center your thoughts,The Fire within (Kundalini) pervades the body entireAs unto Siva-Sakti its tongues lapped.
1033: Form of Siva-Sakti in Sacrificial FireThere, Siva with His consort Parvati appears,Four the spreading hands,Five the legs,Ten the faces,Ten the eyesTwo the flowery feetForty the shining crowns, andTwenty-five the ears goodly.
1034: Kundalini Fire Blazes with Sacrificial FireFive His FacesFive times Five the Tattvas He measures,There is Sacrificial Fire Pit open,That is of sides five;And so it behooves,For subtle Kundalini Fire to reachThe Lord that is in Divine Fire--Five-fold (Panchagni)That verily is to attain Mukti.
1035: Seek Him Through Inner FireHe is Mukti; He is Light goodly,In the thoughts of fully learnedHe is the Light fulsome;They who seek Him, desires severed,Through Light withinReach the goalAnd remain blemishless, ever after.
1036: Unite in Him Through Kundalini FireIn that Fire Pit withinThe Five Kalas of Siva aet;The ten directions cardinal are there;The Five elements too are there;Those who warmed themsleves at Fire of KundaliniHave verily united in God.
1037: Celestials Reached Lord Through Jnana SacrificesThe sea-girt worlds several,The Lord redeemed;That One Being Great, do you seek;The Celestials in Jnana sacrifice excelledVerily merged in Him,That is Truth Unalloyed.
1038: Siva's Form in Sacrificial FireFeet two, hands two,The nose shaped as letter "Ma"The face as red lotus bloom,The third eye in ForeheadThus is Lord,From Sacrificial Fire Pit arises;Seek that Holy One within your head.
1039: As Sacrificial Fire Blazed HighWithin the Fire the Holy One arose cherubic;In middle He youthful blossomed;As the Sacrificial Fire blazed thus,The sphere of forehead (Ajna Center) broadened and deepened,And there He was,His Sakti tender as a vine.
1040: Sacrificial Fire Pervaded Macrocosm; Kundalini Fire Pervaded MicrocosmThe Sacrificial Fire Pit spreadUnto Kundalini Fire across Chakras SixAnd in two-petalled center (Ajna) ended;The sacred Fire engulfed worlds seven entire,From top to bottom unintermittent,Those who witnessed it,Have indeed gained all riches great.
1041: Hold Sacrificial Fire As GuruThe Fire that blazeth as riches greatHold it as Guru Great to reach your goal,When that Jnana dawns,The regal powers over worldIn earnest seek Jiva.
1042: Tender Kundalini Fire and Live Long7The Fire that rises and spreads everywhereThey seek not in truth and know not;Those who have tendered it within their body,Live long, long,For ten million aeons, as it were.
1043: Kundalini Fire is Parallel to Sacrificial FireAs in the nine sacrificial pits that transcend Time,The Yogi in his Nadis raises the fire in Centers nine;Even as the Seed of Birth trembled in fear of it,So did the universe vast,At the mighty yogic achievement.
1044: Shapes of Nine Sacrificial PitsOf four sides unto Sadhanas four, (Chariya, Kriya, Yoga and Jnana)Of three sides unto shape of fire,Of semicircular shape unto the bent bow,Of circular shape like a bore,Of six sides unto Adharas within,Of eight sides like earth's cardinal directions,Of heart shape unto leaf of Peepul tree,Of five sides unto letters of Siva Mantra,Of oval shaped unto the the golden bowlThus of yore are shaped,The nine Sacrificial Fire Pits,Where you seek Lord Supreme.
1045: The Inner Meaning of Six-Pointed ChakraMamaya, Maya, Baindava, Vaikari,Pranava (AUM), the Inner Light (Ajapa)Thus are Mantras in clusters six,Where Sakti resides;There and beyond themIs Tiripurai.
1046: Manifestations of TiripuraiTiripurai, Sundari, Andhari,Kum-Kum, Pari Parai, Narani,The dark hued Easi, ManonmaniThus of forms diverse and hues many,One Sakti manifests several.
1047: Blessings of TiripuraiIn the Three Cities--(Triangle)--of themselves arose,Of three forms, the One She is;Of color gold, red, and white She is,Knowledge, enjoyment and Mukti she grants.
1048: Tiripurai Grants Grace and JnanaTiripurai confers Nada, Nadanta statesShe as Para Bindu expands,And to the cosmic Universes gives rise,She is Parai, Abhirami, AgochariShe grants Her love of Grace,And Jnana as well.
1049: Tiripurai's FormOn Her Feet She wears anklets,She adorns red silk dress,Her breasts are in corsets contained,She sports arrows of flowers,And bow of sugarcane,And mighty goad-noose strings;On Her lovely head She wears the diademOn Her ears She wears KundalasOf bluish radiant gems.
1050: Tiripurai as ChandikaHer ears sport Kundalas;Her brows are shaped like bow that killsOf ruddy hue is Her Form magnificient,Necklace of Rudraksha beads, garland of flowers and glowing Crown,Where the crescent moon beams forthThus adorned, She, the Chandika,Stands supporting directions four.
1051: Tiripurai is Seated on LotusTiripurai who thus stood is Puradhani,She is Mohini whose beauty wanes notOn the crown of her tresses is Damsel Ganga,Her eyes perceive Jnana true,Karidani who attracts in directions four,She is the Pure, seated on circle of lotus pure.
1052: Tiripurai is Atom Within AtomOn Her fulsome breasts,She wears garland fragrant,She is Source of Bliss;She is Substance Primal,She is Maya,She is Uma,She is Sakti;She is Maha Parai;She is all these,And She is atom within atom;She is Self-manifest Form divine,She is Jnana embodied.
1053: Nothing Except HerNone the Celestials that know Her not,None the tapas rare that is not for Her,Except Her, Five Gods nothing perform,Except Her, I know not,How to reach City Salvation.
1054: What the Wise Say of HerThey who know say, Parasakti is Bliss;They who know say, She is Formless,They who know say, all action from Her desire flows;They who know say, Param is in Her.
1055: Tiripurai is EverywhereWhere Lord is, there His consort Mahadevi is,Where there is fleshy body, there She is as Life protective;Where there is space, there She is;And beyond too;She is everywhere,Lordly over things all.
1056: Tiripurai is Power That SustainsParasakti, Maha Sakti, She is;In ways countless She is Power that supports all,She is Sakti pervasive,She is Sakti that protects through timeless aeons,She is Supreme Pleasure that all blessings confers,This you know not.
1057: She is Support for Devotees' JnanaFrom Her emanates all enjoyments,She is of curly tresses that Grace grants,She is Para Sakti that shares Siva's Form,She stands as supportFor tender Jnana Vine,That Her devotees daily in their hearts grow.
1058: Tiripurai Hold Dear in HeartShe is support of lifeShe is Lady of bouncing breasts,She adorns fragrant flowers on Her tresses,She is the One that Celestials seek,She is the nymph of red coral hueIn faith intense, I hold Her, dear in my heart.
1059: Paraparai With Ten Faces Creates and Moves AllThe Parai, Primal Paraparai, with faces tenAll things created, all life diverse;She moves my mind, intellect, will and thoughtShe is Sakti, and Mistress of Jnana Divine.
1060: Tiripurai is Mistress of WorldShe is the Mistress of Worlds,She rules over my heart,She performs tapas continuous,She is lovely as peacock,She is Virgin, all knowledge-conquered,In my heart, She stands filled.
1061: She Merged in My HeartShe who thus stands is in jewels bedecked,With beaming Kalas She entered my heart,The seven worlds to adoreShe entered the Holy Dance arena;She is Manonmani, the Jewel of Inmost Thought,She is Ever-Auspicious, (Mangali)And in me She merged, inseparate ever.
1062: She is Way to JnanaIn the Lotus of heart withinShe merged,She the bejewelled One,She merged in rapture in Hert LordManonmani, the Jewel of Inmost Thought,Mangali, the Auspicious Ever,She is the path to gather Jnana,Her, they know not.
1063: Adore Her as Siva-SaktiAs light within, She inseparable stands;The Lady of fragrant flower bedecked tressesIn the Lord, in union, stands;They who then rise in adorationShall Her bounteous Grace receive.
1064: Her Glance Purified My HeartShe is the Lady, compassion embodiedShe is Bliss--Beauty (Ananda Sundari)Unto tamarind fruit encased in cover hardIs my wavering heart;Into it She poured Her benignant glanceAnd made it pure;She showed me the way to Siva-stateShe made me radiant in JnanaAnd redeemed me.
1065: She is Cause of CauseShe is, and She is not, they sayYet She revealed to me Her Form;She stood filling the Dance arena at Thillai;They saw not;She stood as Cause of Cause;Pervading spheres Three.
1066: She Holds the Book of KnowledgeShe stood as body and life,She--the Parasakti--took me to Siva-State,She in me entered and stood one in my awarenessShe of the ethereal Light,She that holds the Book of Knowledge in Her Hand Divine.
1067: Adore Her in SongShe that holds the Book of Knowledge in Her Hand DivineShe our Lady, of eyes three,She of crystal form,She of comely white lotus,She chants the Vedas,She is Parvati,Bear Her Feet on thy headAnd adore with songs devout.
1068: Primal VirginSing Her praise, adore Her FeetThus beseech Her and worship Her,Meditate on Her,Who is with elephant goad and nooseAnd cane of sugar;She, the Primal Virgin Lady.
1069: Chant Her Name and See Past, Present and FutureShe created all things diverse,She is sister of Mal that protects all,She the bejewelled Lady,On Lotus of Dharma seated;Chant Her name as Siva Sakti, times infiniteYou will see Her Light,And all things past, present and future.
1070: She Pervades the Sixteen KalasShe is the Lady of Tender FormThat pervades Medha and the rest of Kalas sixteen;She is the Paraparai that shines in Vedas and scriptures holy,She is the widespread support of all that is,She is the Grace within Nada and Nadanta.
1071: Grace TransformsO! Ye who who were blessed by Her GraceTell these men,How this Lady that rules worlds allOf Divine Jnana filledTransformed your inconstant thoughts,And made you realize God-truth;Her Holy Feet, I adore ever.
1072: Tiripurai Manifested as VarahiShe of the Varahi visage of Divine BoarShe that grants all power and stateShe that holds the pestleThat knocks the heart of evil ones,She that bears the ploughAnd the rest of insignia,She of the pearly teeth,They who meditate on them true,In their hearts she arose.
1073: Tiripurai as Creative ForceShe is Omkari, the Lady of Pranava Form,Of indelible green hue is Her Form,As Ankhari of Creative Force She becameAnd gave birth to the Five GodsAnd then lapsed sweetInto the music of Her mantra "Hrim."
1074: Herself Uncreated, She is Source of CreationShe as supreme Mistress of all creation stoodShe the uncreated Being, Tatparai;She is Worlds FourteenThat from Bindu created;She is World of Celestials,She is Mind and Intellect goodly,She is Siva-State too.
1075: Fourteen MantrasTwelve are Kalas of Primal Bhairavi,To the Twelveth letter "Ai" denoted,Add "A"; and "M" letter denoting Maya;Thus with letters Twelve and TwoFrom Om to Aim they fourteen areThat Her MantrasTo end of Kalas Sixteen lead.
1076: Bhairavi is Maha SaktiThe end of that letter Fourteenth is BhairaviAs beginning, middle and endIn the lotus of thoughtShe rises as Maha SaktiShe is beginning and end of all.
1077: Meditate on Her and Become Light RadiantThe Three Gods are there contained;They who meditate on HerWill not go the way of fleshly Jivas, Tattva bound;They radiant become, the blessed onesWho on Tiripurai meditate.
1078: Meditate on Her for 27 Days in Kundalini YogaShe is the Treasure of Blessed Nandi, the Pure One;Meditate on Her for a month of days twenty seven;And reach the centers of Fire, Sun and Moon within;He who thus firm in meditation standsBecomes Siva Himself.
1079: Worship Bhairavi and Be With SivaWith gait rivalling the cow-elephantAnd one with Siva entwined is Tiripurai,He who meditates constant on HerWill with Siva Himself be,The Lord that is Nandi,The Hero Mighty;With Him in Golden Mount of Kailas will he be;All the World will there adore him.
1080: Worship Bhairavi for 27 Days; Her Trident BlessesShe is the Grace that Nandi knowsShe expounds the Vedic Dharma in accord;He who meditates on HerFor a lunar month of twenty seven days,Will vision Bhairavi,Her trident blessing him.
1081: Bhairavi's FormShe holds the trident and skull in Her handsShe holds the serpent-sloop and elephant-goadShe has hands four,She stood one with Siva,Whose Form neither Brahma nor Vishnu knows,She of ethereal Form.
1082: Bhairavi Further DescribedOf ethereal Form, vine-like,Vengeful unto those who err,She is wisdom and knowledge trueShe is bedecked in jewels,She is green as parrot,Gem-like lustrous is Her Form,Plaited with precious stones several is Her robe.
1083: Bhairavi Glows in RaptureHer crown is studded with stonesBrilliant unto a million moon,She wears Kundalas of radiant gems in her earsHer glance is unto the gentle doe'sHer eyes are the Sun and Moon;As of red gold She in rapture glows.
1084: How Bhairavi is SeatedIn the center of the eight petalled lotusIs Supreme Sakti, Arya, the Noble One seated;Eight the Virgin SaktisFour and Sixty the fair damsels, surround Her;So encircling,They visioned Her Glory.
1085: She Sustains All WorldsAnklets, bangles, conch, and discusShe wears;Se is pervasive Supreme,In eight quarters of globe,She is Goddess,She is Parasakti,She sustains the universeAnd its eight cardinal points,She is possessed of Wealth of GraceShe is seated on LotusShe who our worship compells.
1086: She is in Mani Mantra YogaSmeared in unguents fragrant,Bedecked with flowers beauteous,Dressed in clothes new and comelyShe is in Mani Mantra YogaThat spells no word;There shall you hear the sound of Her conchFor yojanas around;Thus is Tiripurai, whom you seek.
1087: She is Supreme CauseUnto many jewels that are of gold made,Many are the Gods they concieve of;But she is the Supreme CauseWhom the three Gods,Siva, Brahma and Vishnu adore.
1088: She is End of VedasShe is the Cause Supreme,She is in Japa, Mantra chantingShe is in Yoga, in Flower Lotus seatedThere She controls Her breathIn Puraka, Kumbha, Resaka,She is NarayaniShe is the End of VedasThat Nandi in compassion to world revealed.
1089: Mudra for JapaIn counting Mantra by way of JapaCommence not with little fingerGoing to third in traditional way;That you now reverse,And seek Her;The Primal Lady of Tamil,This Nandi revealed as TruthOf Japa of Saktis Nine.
1090: Nandi Laid Down Laws of JapaOf Nine Saktis said aboveThe One is at the Crown,Counting them in order appropriateNandi laid down laws and rules of Japa wayHe who of yore expoundedThe ways of yoga-eight limbed.
1091: She is in Kundalini YogaShe of tresses festooned with flowers,She of eyes pouring compassion,Protective stands within;She the tender vineShe that dispells soul's darkness;With thread-like column of smokeFrom sacrificial fire of Kundalini She arose,Reached the heights of astral sphereAnd with ambrosia returned.
1092: Chant Hridaya Mantra and Sikha MantraChant the Mantra,That is of Her Heart (Hridaya Nama)And say "Na Ma"The offering of PranaThat courses through central Sushumna,Reaches the heights of cranium top.There, chant Sikha Mantra (Sikhaya Nama).
1093: Perform Nyasa, Kavacha and MudraChant Kavacha Mantra exalted,Invoke that,For your body to receive protection;And then perform Sula Mudra*And chant Netra mantra,*Thus worshipping,Will ever rebirth harass you?
1094: Sula MudraDifficult to practice are these Mudras;Press the little finger in direction reverse,Hold the ring finger and fore-finger pressed togetherAnd insert the thumb finger in between.
1095: Chant "Sam"From the mantra "Si"Take away "i"Conjoin the Bindu letter "M"The the mantra "Sam" do you chantFor Pranayama practice to promote.
1096: Devi is in Conch MudraThus chant "Sam" to pervade Jiva's Prana,And adopt Conch MudraThat dispells (Ya's) Jiva's Maya;The Supreme Devi there in centerShall luminous appear.
1097: She in the Heart of Pure OnesBhairavi the Eternal, Neeli the blue-hued,Nisachari that sojourns in dark,Into the heart purified of Evils Three--lust, anger and ignoranceShe entersAnd of Herself Grace confers,She the consort of Lord Primal,Seek Her in this worldAnd She will bless you.
1098: Sakti is Supreme EnergyThe Vedas,The creation diverse, movable and immovable,The elements five,The quarters four of globe,Are all but that Lady of Eyes Three;The spreading darkness,The spaces vast,The life species several,The Light that is Parapari--All these are but the Primal Sakti;As One Energy She pervades all.
1099: Triple Blessings of BhairaviShe is the Primal Bhairavi,She is the Virgin in Kundalini,Those who rouse Her,Will be body, soul and God in one;Snapped will be the cycle of births here below;A form, comely beyond words,Will theirs be.
1100: She Reveals SivaThe Lady of lovely tressesOf arched eye-brows,Her eyes are unto blue water-lilyShe is ambrosial Bliss-Beauty (Ananda Sundari)She does reveal Supreme Siva to us.
1101: How She RedeemsHaving revealed Siva,She spoke to me of blessings that follow,She made my thoughts doubt-freeShe infused joy in me,She made the divine light shine in me,And redeemed me too.
1102: She Assumes Manifold FormsShe assumes a million, million forms,She sports the garland of Kalas sixteen,She beamed forth the lights three--Fire, Sun and MoonShe the Goodly LadyOn the cool heights of head within stands.
1103: Adore Her and Be LiberatedShe the Goodly LadyThe Supreme Mistress of tapas all,She the Manonmani,Who by Her Glance of GraceDispells Mayaic darkness,Gently stand and adore Her;Having adored HerBirths no more shall yours be.
1104: She Enters the Heart in EndearmentShe of shoulders slender as bamboo,She of tresses laden with fragrant blossoms,She adorns crescent moon for a jewel,She of matted locks pure,She holds the tridentShe the Beautiful,She in endearment,In my heart constant stood.
1105: She Cleanses the HeartShe is VirginIn Muladhara seated,She is Mistress peerless,She is Lady Supreme,She beckoned me apartShe separated my impuritiesShe loved my heart,And there She entered.
1106: She Slumbers in the HeartFrom among the Nadis three,In central Sushumna,In threadlike slenderness,She as Virgin Kundalini stood;She is summum bonum of virtues all;On Her feet She wears golden anklet,That in rythmic music sings;Thus She entered my heart,And there slumbers.
1107: She Made Me Slumber No MoreAs I was steeped in slumber divine,She, Manonmani, came,And by Her be-bangled arms drew me close,And into my mouth transferred,Her luminous spittle of GraceAnd said, "No more shall you slumber, my son."This, the miracle She performed.
1108: She Contained DesiresShe taught me the miracle,She quelled the terrors of my heart,She fostered love divine in me,In the Sushumna that bathes the Moon in full lightShe contained my desires and said,"Fear not."
1109: She Consoles in Soft SpeechOf sweet speech is She;By rare tapas reached She can be;Of maiden innocent speech is She;Jewelled in precious stones is She;Attired in fine dresses is She;Those who seek Her Holy FeetSaying "You are our Refuge,"She the GoddessIn soft speech consoles.
1110: She is AwesomeShe is the Supreme One, Jivas seek,She is of tapas mighty,She is of dark tresses,She is the Causal being,She is Narani,She dissolves body, life and pasas at once,She is the Awesome One;She dwells in my heart.
1111: She is Kala RadiantShe the Virgin in my heart dwells;In endearment eternal,She sports in my heart;And reaches my head;And there she shinesWith Her Kalas radiant.
1112: She Sought Siva in Mount Meru WithinHe who wears the crescent moon on His head,He who has the Third Eye in His Forehead,In Him, She, the full-breasted LadyIn union abides,Looking toward Him,Who at the crest of Mount Meru within is;The Flowery Vine, too, there stood.
1113: She United in Siva in Cranium CavityShe dwells, the Lady Sweet, in my heartShe then entered the four-finger prana* of breath retainedAnd She joined Siva in union divineAnd performed penance rare,She, the Ancient One.
1114: She is Transcendental EndShe is the Beginning,She is the Beginningless,She is the CauseShe is the CauselessShe is the LightShe is the Not-lightShe is the Bliss that is Beauty Divine,She is the Lady SupremeShe is Samadhi, the transcendental EndShe is Manonmani, the Jewel of the Inmost MindShe in my sentience entered,And in my heart abided.
1115: She Dispelled Thoughts of Celestial StatusShe abided there,The bejewelled Lady in my heart,She in endearment stood there,Saying "Nama Siva"She dispelled from meAll thoughts of rank and statusBrahma and the rest enjoy,She destroyed in meAll speech from ignorance arises.
1116: She Grants Mukti to Tried DevoteesPrattling in ignorance,They spent their lives away,Alas! these poor men!She, Primal One, grants MuktiTo all thoseWho in constant devotion seek;She has eyes three unto fish-shaped,She has lips redThat warble words sweet,Her face is compassion full,That in Grace reveals before me.
1117: She Stands in Mind, Heart and IntellectIn my mind, in my heart, in my intellectIn all three She stood;She stood in my head, beyond the uluva* center,She stood within the Bounteous Lord,She stood as Thought,Behind Mamaya's concealed Light,She the Virgin that all created.*070i.e. in the Sahasrara
1118: The Virgin Bore the Five GodsShe the Virgin Eternal,And Virgin She ceased to be notWhen She made love,And bore Children Five;And among them is Siva tooWho Books of Truth composed!Oh, this Maya!Dark, dark indeed it is!
1119: Truth is BlissDark is Sakti, Space is Lord,Truth is Union in God,Bliss it is for the Holy Ones,Thus in doubt-free mind,Adore Lord;The Primal One,Will sure bless you.
1120: She Blossoms in Prayerful HeartShe is the Beginning,She is the Beginningless,She is the Para Sakti,She is Para ParaiThat Lord's Form shares Half,She is the bejewelled Lady Supreme,She is the End of Samadhi,Manonmani, the Jewel of Inmost Thought,In my prayerful heart,She blossomed exuberant.
1121: She is Kindred of JivaShe is learning above all learning,She is beginningless Vedas,This they know not;She is creation and its diversities,She is Tattvas,She is Primal One,She is kindred of Jiva,Thus She assured me.
1122: She Severs KarmaShe is kindred of JivaShe resides in the Jiva's spinal Sushumna,She is Mistress of sweet speech,She is Spouse of LordWhom all praise high,She is comely one, dear to SivaShe whom I adore,Severed my Karmas hard.
1123: She is BeginninglessShe is light that shinesIn those who severed their Karmas hard,She is Truth of all those who reach Her,She is Lady that took me into Her vassalage,The Lord is Her SpouseYet Beginningless is She.
1124: She is of Kalas TwelveShe is the Beginning, She is the BeginninglessShe is the Cause, She is the UncausedShe taught Vedas to Vedic Sages.She is abiding Light Divine,She is the Self-Manifest LightShe that became Half of Siva's Form,She, of Kalas twelve, Para Parai.
1125: I Measured AllI measured the limits of space,Its beginning and end;I measured the men and womenIn spaces everywhere;I measured the Primal LordOf spaces Vast;I measured His Grace in devotionAnd knew all.
1126: Meditate on MuladharaThey know this not;That Sakti Primordial espoused SivaAnd together Perfection are;She bestows Her GraceOn Her devotees;She, the Virgin Eternal;Meditate on Her in Muladhara, where She isSuccess indeed shall beYour yogic feat in breath control.
1127: Indriya, Jiva, Siva and Sakti--All UnitedThe massive elephants five (Indriyas)The mahout with the goad (Jiva)The Lord of many splendoured crown (Siva)Who in the fragrant (Blossom) appears, (Sahasrara)And the Lady who with Him is in rapturous union,All in one love-union for ever merged.
1128: How UnitedIn the rapture of that unionMy Father enters in love subtle;In Misery's broth of harassing Pasa,My Mother Para SaktiTo the very marrow enters.
1129: Siva and Sakti are the Real Father and MotherCease talking of "my mother", "my father"In possessive way of this world;Your Mother and the timeless FatherAre there in union;As your unerring guide for you Here-after;Nandi verily stood,As Mother and Father in one.
1130: Lady of Jnana Decides Life-SpanOn the lovely lotusThat blossoms in cool watersIs the Four-Headed God;The years vouchsafed by Him here belowAre no more than a hundred;The Lady of Jnana seated on blossom appeared;She is the Mistress of Words, abiding in the tongueNow it is Her command (how long you live).
1131: When Egoity DisappearsUntroubled by Anava ways,Inward looking,Steadying the wavering mind,Centering it on high,Thus when they realize praiseworthy ParaThey and He for ever one become.
1132: She Illumines the Moon WithinOf Herself She aroseThis Mistress of Tattvas,And illumined the MoonIn the astral sphere within;Unto a column of treacleThe light of Kundalini bright rises,Know you, where that Fawn dances!
1133: When Grace Dawns Jnana ArisesIn the five senses of Mayaic knowledge,When Grace of Sakti of True Knowledge enters,They know the JnanaThat forever abide;In the thoughts of thoseWho intense cherish Her,She abides for sure.
1134: Seek Her and Transcend Time and AgeIn the spaces vastWhere neither night nor day is,She of fragrant tresses is;Seek Her;And in silentness with Grace slumber,You shall for ever youthful beTranscending time and age.
1135: Beyond Bindu and Nada, She isYouthful forever you shall be;Transcending Bindu and NadaThat approach Her not,You shall one with Para Sakti be;And reach the Mukti State Finale,She, the Tatparai,All Grace confers.
1136: Parasakti Evolutes into Jnana and IchchaParasakti, who with pervasive Para stood,Becomes Jnana Sakti and Ichcha Sakti;And when Kriya Sakti arrives, (from Bindu)The Dancer immanent becomes in them all.
1137: Siva Was One With Sakti in Primal Act of CreationAs flower and its fragranceSiva and Sakti stood form resemblingThis they know not;When together they stirred the Primordial BinduFor creation to commence,He in Thought was one with HerThus it was, My Father stood.
1138: Sakti Devoluted into Bindu and NadaSiva-Sakti who in Thought,Thus commenced devolutionAs Bindu and Nada expanded;She wears the orb of moonAs on Her matted locksShe is Sathavi, of Sattva Guna possessedShe is the Beginning and EndThus is Her Form Divine.
1139: Sakti is in Siva and in JivaShe is in Siva contained,She is of ambrosial milk breasted,She is in Jivas,Yet they know not the way to Her;Into them that hold Her in their hearts,She welled up from withinAnd unto a bright lamp shed Her light.
1140: The Yogis See LordThe Lord is my master,He is Rudra, Fire and LightHe mounts the Bull in splendour surpassing;Ye who have not seen Him,Away, from Here!The Sadhakas have seen HimHe is the support of their heart.
1141: She is on the Flower of Cosmos and Flower of HeartOn the petals of six Adharas is She seated;On the petals of the Flower of Cosmos,Of Worlds two hundred and eighteen above is She seated;She is the Blessed One that is seated on the Flower of HeartShe is the bejewelled one that is onEarth (Muladhara) below.
1142: Worlds Move in Sakti's WayThe bejewelled one is where Parama is;She is the Light that shines highAs pennon resplendent,She is dazzling unto the lightning in the sky,And all worlds in Sakti's Way whirl.
1143: Sakti is Kundalini WithinIn the nine centers within,That Flower walked,As nine Saktis were they there;Kundalini Light through Central passage arose,And into the Lotus in Sahasrara spread.
1144: Lotuses of SaktiThat Lotus in folds several is Primal Sakti's abode;The Lotus that lifts soul is in the heart;When the Lotus in Muladhara is roused,The Lotus in Sahasrara blossoms.
1145: Sakti Pervades All AdharasThe Spark that arose in triangular Chakra (Muladhara)Flew and spread in the rest of Adhara Chakras;And piercing Sahasrara shone bright;Thus She pervaded in Chakras all.
1146: As Prana Reaches Sakti in Ajna Ambrosial FlowsThere She was with faces ten (in Ajna)And in all directions the breath spread,And sought the pearly-white light of Her face,And then flowed ambrosial watersFrom Her downward looking face.
1147: Sakti Daily Prays to LordHer glances are unto arrows sharp,She is the Lady SupremeShe is ManonmaniHer waist is slender unto a tender vineHer tresses are bedecked with flower garlandsHer Form is red gold,Fragrant by farDaily She looks at Lord and prays.
1148: Sakti's PervasivenessShe utters the Vedas Four,The great Goddess, the Sakti;She dons robes fine,Her Feet compass world entire;She stands elatedPervading worlds and universes;She stands adornedWith three lights, Sun, Moon and Fire.
1149: Sakti's OmnipotenceShe holds in Her FormThe One Lord of Worlds all,She creates million, million universes vastIn Her Thought;She is draped in Cosmic Light,She beautifies all,Her I stood adoring.
1150: She Drives Away Death"Hail, to You"--thus I prayShe is the Mistress of Worlds all,She is my MotherShe is my ProwessShe is Lady of Tapas rareShe is bejewelled,Her countenance isOf passions dispelled;She is of soft fineryShe drives away fearsome death.
1151: She Uproots KarmasShe is of hands bedecked in jewellery,She is Fountain of Bliss Divine,She is Beautiful,She is Tiripurai of Loveliness Perfect,She is Mount KailasThat all Karma destroysShe for ever uproots KarmasOf Her devotees;She is the Primal One.
1152: She Dispels Illusory FameShe is damsel of sweet music,She is tender vine of Void Limitless,She is of fame infinite,She is fruit-laden green vineShe drove away MayaThat transitory fame gives,She of abiding fame,In my heart entered.
1153: She Created All LifeEternal existent is our Lord;When at the beginning the worlds were created,She Our Para Sakti followed Him,Through "Heaven and earth"And breathed life into creation all;That verily was Sakti's Work.
1154: 2Siva and Sakti Together Grant Grace and Liberation"This" and "That", they say, is God,They Know Him not, the True OneThey know not,Who ultimate liberation grants,They know notLady Great of honeyed-flower bedecked tresses,That Grace confers;Of muddled thinking they are.
1155: Sakti is the Support of AdharasKundalini in the four petalled MuladharaInto Six and ninety Tattvas blossomedThe Adharas four above have petals forty four in all;Beyond is the Adhara with sidereal petalsYet beyond (twine) Lotus blossom is Sakti seated;Herself unto a tender petalSupports them all.
1156: Sakti is Support-AllShe remained the Support-All,Looking aloft to Her own Divine Light,She spread Herself over Adharas six;She held the Vedic Truth in Her Thought;She centered on Her the Letters FiveShe, the Lady Benevolent.
1157: Follow Lady of Divine LightThe Lady Benevolent with Her Spouse remained,Sharing Her Half with Supreme GodFollow that Lady of Divine LightAnd gain Her support;All sorrows will see their end;And you become blemishless Pure.
1158: Siva Arises in SaktiThe Lord of Spaces VastAbides in loving heart of Lady,That bedecks honeyed-flowers in Her tresses;He shares Her in His Form;And He from Her arisesHimself thus a woman too!
1159: From Female Arises MaleWoman espousing WomanStrange indeed it is!From Woman arose Man;When you know the why of this,No more will there be talkOf Sakti from Sivam arising.
1160: As Siva-Sakti She is in My HeartShe is the goodly Truth of silentnessShe is graciousness high manifestShe is Pure LightShe is Manomani Sakti;The Blemishless Light espousing GodEntered in me and delighted me.
1161: Siva-Sakti is Support-AllShe is Virgin of DelightShe is Sakti, Manonmani,As Woman She pervades the worldAnd supports it,She is the Mistress of the Five ActsShe is the Fountainhead of VedasHer, the Lord in delight espoused.
1162: Siva Stood Entwined With SaktiWith Fore-head eye,Lord stood in delight;Lord stood in delightSeeking to enter our hearts;Lord stood in delightFor all worlds to delight;Lord stood in delight with SaktiHer shoulders in embrace entwined.
1163: She Entered My SentienceDagger-breasted She is,Supple-waisted She is,Spreading yellow-spotted is Her skin,*Of Pure speech She is,Soft-footed unto a feathery peacock She is,She in my sentience entered,How Shall I describe it?
1164: She is of Unconquerable PowersBeyond description is the fiery sphere that envelops Her,Beyond description it is even for bedazzled JnanisShe is Supreme Mistress of unconquerable actsShe is Manomani that is beyond grasp.
1165: He is AllHolding the worlds apart, as the Heavens high He spreads;Himself the scorching Fire, Sun and Moon,Himself the Mother that sends down the rains,Himself the mountains strong and oceans cold.
1166: The Humans Who Reach Her are Above GodsThey who reach Her, of Compassion DivineWell may they be here on earth belowYet regard them not as humans;Divine are their qualities;Serene is their composureHigher than Celestials are they.
1167: Omniscience and Omnipresence of SaktiShe is Virgin that oversees directions eight,She is One that pervades there,She is beginningless Parasakti that everywhere are;With fragrant flowers in hand,And songs in their tongue,The devotees pray and praise HerIn directions eight.
1168: Parasakti is in the CraniumThe moon within shines with virgin rays,Red in hue is the mansion where She is,It is in Cranium within the headFollow Her (Manomani),Beaming with Kalas ten and six;You shall reach Parasakti.
1069: She is Multiformed, Praised in Vyamala AgamaParasakti is Power that supports allAnd everywhere;She resides within head;She is Sakti of the Night;She is of Vyamala Agama expounded,She is Sakti that comes as GuruDiverse indeed Her Forms, I perceived.
1170: She is Kriya Sakti, Bhoga Sakti and ParasaktiShe conceives worlds seven;She is Yogini Sakti,She cognizes life and as its support stands;Of yore she joined Lord in creative unionAnd became Bhoga Sakti;And then She was Param Herself (Parasakti)Undifferentiated from Siva.
1171: Sakti's Union in Bhoga was YogaThis SaktiAnd that Our Lord GreatWhen together united,It was Yoga and Bhoga divine;Manonmani Sakti of fragrant tressesIn that union was verily in YogaThat in truth it is.
1172: Yoga Sakti DescribedThe goodly Yoga Sakti's pedestal is Light within;The goodly Yoga Sakti's visage is toward south;The goodly Yoga Sakti's navel is Cosmic center;The goodly Yoga Sakti's feet are sublime exceeding;--This may you realize.
1173: In Siva-Sakti Union Maya, Bindu and Nada AriseShe Siva high in CraniumUnites in Kundalini Fire,With MayaAnd finite Bindu and NadaSakti rises,She that is in bejewelled bangles bedecked.
1174: Further Evolutes of SaktiFrom Parasakti,Who thus evoluted,Arises the Eight Saktis;And of equal Kalas twice seven;And Bindu that manifests creation entire;Indeed Her Divine Mutations are,She remaining Param as ever.
1175: Worship of Vidya ChakraMount ParasaktiIn Vidya Chakra,And for seven and twenty days,Chant Rudra mantra again and again,The Eight Saktis will there appear,And the white hued Three-eyed Parasakti too,With mace, and Her Mudra of yore.
1176: She is Pervasive AllShe of Mudras triple, and Jnana perfect,She is the Tattvas, and the not-TattvasShe is pervasive-all,She is Paraparai that ParaParan holdsShe is Sakti and Ananda Sakti too,She indeed is of fragrance intoxicating.
1177: Universe is Her AbodeShe is unto fragrant tender vine,She is virgin with budding breastsShe is radiant kum-kum hued red,She holds Elephant-goad and nooseKnow that universe entire is that Virgin's abode.
1178: Sakti is Mother, Daughter and SpouseShe is Manonmani beyond word and thought,She is the Lady that has ghosts and Ganas for Her host,For Hara who all knowledge surpasses,She is Mother, Daughter and Spouse at once.
1179: She is Cause and CausedShe stands as Spouse,She stands as Tattvas,She is the CauseAnd the Caused at once,She is the AncientThat is enveloped by Bindu perfect,She possesses the directions ten of this world.
1180: She is EternalTen faces She has, our Parasakti,She revealed the four Vedas with the six Angas,She as One pervaded the Adharas sixShe as Eternal stood,Our Lovely bejewelled Lady,Know you this.
1181: She is Inseparate From SivaShe is virgin of arched eye-brows,She is Awesome One,In seven worlds She shone,She is Arya Devi, holyShe is of breasts ambrosial,She is Mistress of Over-Soul (Siva),She knows separateness noneFrom Her Lord.
1182: She is Jnana in JivaShe is the Great Lady inseparate stoodShe is the lovely vine in Muladhara unites,With senses centered, and in union absorbedShe in Jnana merging stoodIn the Jiva within.
1183: She Drew Me into Divine RaptureDeep in the core of my heart She stood,And there dispelled the falsity of senses five,And in me in union joined,And into the rapture of tapasvin wayEntranced, drew me;She, Lady of boundless Bounty.
1184: Bhoga Maha Sakti Confers Grace From WithinThe Bounteous Lady, Bhoga Maha SaktiHer Grace confers;The sweetness of that Grace,She from within grants,They know this not,The Cosmic Daughter in amity stood in me;In the Center, where Cranium Flower is,She in sweetness stood.
1185: She Entered in Union Wondrous and AbidingThe Lady invaded my heartAnd there residedIn union perfect intense,And in wonder abiding,And in that Cranium Center She was,That, indeed, is union true.
1186: Adore Her and Vanquish FateThis and that--thus your desire runsGet rid of it;Adore HerAnd through Sushumna upward lookWell may you even Fate conquer,She of the Flower in SahasraraIn the Spheres Three,Of Sun, Moon and Fire.
1187: She Ascends the Three SpheresThree the spheres the Mohini ascends toAt top She appearsIn Sphere of Sun of Kalas twelveWith Kalas fourteen She is Mamaya;And in Moon's SphereThe Bright One finite appears.
1188: Nada Arises in Moon's Sphere and Reaches the Heart CenterUnto the rays of the SunThe Nada from Moon Sphere arises,From there it travels to the root of tongue,And thence to throat the light goes,And then to region of heartWhence arises the articulate sound,For all this,The source is the Moon Sphere(Where Sakti is.)
1189: She Abides in Moon's Sphere, ChangelessThat is beginning and end of where She is--The Kalas twice-eight in the Moon Sphere--Changes indefinite it none has;It is of infinite beautyReached by Centered Mind,It is a Center that is fragrant denseThere was She born,And there in divinity abides.
1190: There She AbidesThere She abided, the bejewelled OneThere She abided in Center FiniteThere She abided as Holy WayThere She abided as Bliss Infinite,There She abidedAll worlds praising her,And yearning for Her;There She abided, the Goodly Lady.
1191: In Siva-Sakti Union Arose the Five GodsThe Lady and Her Handsome LoverTogether embracingLooked inward and out;The Maya and the Five SonsWith their Saktis arisingCommenced their tasks respective.
1192: Kundalini Subsides in SaktiWith rituals many, they tapas performLet them meditate on Her within their body vessel,The Kundalini light withinAscending through Sushumna cavityWill in Her Love subside.
1193: Piercing Chakras, Primal Mantra ArisesShe dwells in flowers of Six AdharasMake them unfold,And the Primal Mantra in radiance arises,Precious by far than pearl it is.
1194: Sakti's AttributesOf pearly white radiance is Her visage,Three the eyes She has in face each,She is Sakti, Sakiri, Sahali, JatadhariTen Her hands;She is the bejewelled LadyTo Paraparan belongs,Vithaki She is,In my heart She stood.
1195: She Pervades the Three SpheresShe has Spheres ThreeOf Fire, Moon and SunShe is Head of all three together,She abandons you notEven if you forget Her;She is Light within.
1196: She is the Vine from Visuddha to SahasraraThe Six Adharas lie concealed within,There with the white Light of Kundalini Fire,Siva-Sakti, of honeyed flower bedecked tresses,Stands, intimate mingled;She is vine from Visuddha ascendsTo ambrosia in Sahasrara.
1197: When Ambrosia FlowsWhen that vine from Visuddha AdharaReaches to the Mark the Guru showed,Ambrosia flows,That is Form of Siva of anklet-girt Feet,That is Bliss Divine;She spreads it over Adharas six,In order according,She, the bejewelled One.
1198: How Yoga Sakti was SeatedThe bejewelled One, KundaliniThe Gods that are ThreeThe Shining garland of Adhara six,The Kalas twice-eight,The Jnana Sakti in forehead seated,The Congregation of Manatreswaras,All arived to praise Her;Thus She was, the Yoga Sakti, seated.
1199: Yoga True Path to MuktiSakti is the Lady of Sadhaka (Yogi)She is the Mistress of MuktiThis they know not,And in vain, in other ways,Their devotion went;Wretches they are;Unto a beaten dog,They scream and wail.
1200: On Whom She Confers Her GraceWho shall behold the Feet of that Holy One?To them who seek Her PresenceAnd constant meditate,The Lady of cloud-dark tressesRevealed Her Holy Feet, Lotus-like,And placing them on their thoughts,Blessed them with Her Grace.
1201: Way to Enter SamadhiHold Her in your thoughts,Hold Her on your head,Hold Her in your presenceHold Her in MuladharaHold Her in meditationUndistracted by worldly thoughts,Hold Her in the mystic junction in cranium,And into Samadhi enter.
1202: In Samadhi, Sakti is in Moon's SphereShe stands as the goal ofThose who in Samadhi enter,She of the arched browsWho resides in Si, Va, and rest (of letters Five);Chant the Mantra in love endearingAs the First of Saktis NineShe in your Full Moon Sphere,Ever abides.
1203: Reach Siva Through Adhara SaktiAscend Adharas six in order,Where She resides,And daily approach Her,She of fragrant tresses,You shall in twinkle master the Vedas FourThat within Her concealed stand.
1204: Conquer Karmas By Devotion to SaktiYou shall conquer fruits of your twin Karmas,If you but with folded hands,And devotion pureThink of Her;Whose Form is tender unto a flower petalWho is Virgin Eternal, Kundalini,Whose eyes are painted in dark collyriumWho is Sweetness Surpassing.
1205: Worship Sakti and Attain Siva's AttributesThink of Her;Think of Her time and again;Train your mind toward Her and reach Her;Think of Her, deep in heartRealize Her;The Only One in this world;She will make you bide here below for everYou may attain eight attributes* of Siva too.
1206: In Loving Constancy Reach SaktiUnto a turtle, withdraw your senses;Unto a vassal devoted, be in loving constancy;Chant "Aum"And meet Her, of shining fragrant tressesIn your heart's Center She as Light stands,There She stood, bedecked with Flower,That is Crescent Moon.
1207: Meet Her Through SushumnaIn Her be-bangled hands beautiful,She holdsh elephant-goad and noose,She carries ascetic pitcher and conchShe seeks letters twain,That is the heart of Rudra mantraShe dances in rapture, in Holy Hall of HeartMeet Her through Sushumna,Your breath that way coursing.
1208: All Gods Beseech HerBrahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Mahesa and SadasivaAll, prayed at Her Feet,And their respective states attained;Kama, God of Love, and his brother Sama,And Sun, Fire and MoonAll, all, besought Her FeetAnd on their heads they bore them.
1209: She Dances as Jnana in SushumnaShe wears the crescent moon, the trident, and the skull,She is slender vine long,She is immaculate,She is bejewelled,She dances through Sushumna Nadi centralAs Jnana Luminous,She, Beginning of universe all.
1210: Pervasiveness of SivaSaktiFrom end to end of cosmic universe,Nothing there is but the Bejewelled Lady;It is all but Sakti and Siva conjointAs we see (in Her Form),Pitcher and serpent together.
1211: Sakti With Siva in SahasraraHe consumed poisonWhile He let Celestials consume ambrosia;Their immortal state shall reach you;The Joys of tapas shall yours be,Piercing ChakrasShe entered unopened flower above,With Lord, She there sat,High in Sahasrara.
1212: Worship Sakti in Yoga WayThat their tapas high may waxThey walk from place to placeAnd soon perish;There She is in four petalled MuladharaStand there and worship on top of Cranium,She is of Letter Exalted (Aum)And beauty surpassing possessed.
1213: Chant Na Ma Si VaThe Beauteous One is She,The Divine Swan (So-Ham) is She;There She was in Mantra Aum too;lWith those who chant,Syallble Na-Ma-Si-VaShe, Lady of Niyama,Constant stood to succour.
1214: She is Immanent as KalaA crystal statue She is,Of purest moon's rays,Of rich pearl's radiance She is,Of wavy tresses She is,She immanent stands in JivasAs Kala pervasive.
1215: She is Immanent in AllThe Virgin with Her Lover commingling stoodShe stood commingling in all Life and ThoughtShe stood commingling in all Learning and WisdomShe stood commingling as Time Eternal.
1216: She is Pervasive EverywhereShe is Eternal Time embodied;She pervades all thought and love;She united in Jiva inseparably;She is Malini (Uma); Makuli (Kundalini)Mantra Chandika(That blows away the troubles of Her devotees like a tornado)She is Protectress,She with Protector indivisible stands.
1217: She is Siva's HalfParasakti is the Half of Him,Who sports golden matted locks,Who peels the elephantAnd dances in triumph;One their heart,Ten the handsFive the bewitching facesThree the eyes on face each.
1218: She Stood Beyond Tattvas Thirty-SixThe Jiva and Tattvas four times nineAre there;Among them are the active group of Five (Senses);In the body so constitutedShe stands as Beginning and End,Praised by Brahma and the twice-nine Ganas.
1219: She Created Kala BeingsIn the BeginningFifty-one the Kala Beings createdShe stood as their life and soul;She stood in the ChakraOf fifty-one letters inscribed;And He the Lord stood thereBy the Jewelled One's side.
1220: She Dwells in AdharasTwo the Centers where the Primal Lord is,One the Jewelled OneThe other the Adharas six;As the mind the Adharas six reachesThere She in each is with Her presenceThus She, of the flowing tresses,In sweetness stood.
1221: The Adharas Get EnlivenedShe stood there for me to witnessThe seven Centers within meWere uplifted and enlivened;The ten breaths within meAs one Prana breath became;And there She stood,Chanting (Aum) and awareness imparting.
1222: Sakti BlessesThe Mantra Aum that Jnana imparts within,Is the way of union in God,Thus does Siva (contriver) and Sakti (consort of the contriver)Together in amity arise;She, the Beloved of Siva, (Sivakami) blesses you.
1223: Sakti Appears in Eye-Brow CenterShe is Fire, the Primal Being and IsaShe is Spheres Three,The Wind and the rest of elements;She fortifies Jiva,And renders him youthful,Flower bedecked She standsIn Jiva's Eye-brow Center.
1224: She is ParaparaiShe that stands in Eye-brow center is Manonmani,She one with Fifty Letters becomes;She is Para Parai and Parai too;She is of the Acts Five--Creation, Preservation, Dissolution, Obfuscation and Redemption.
1225: Her Blessing Leads to Union in SivaShe is vibrant Mohini,She is amiable Yogini,They who reach to HerStand at Her Feet adoring,Unite in Siva that in their life is;Para Siva, too, they ascend to become.
1226: Meditate on Aum in Cranium TopAt the far end of Cranium topShe abides, Ananda Mohini, the Golden Lady;Meditate on Her in Silentness chanting Aum,That way lies life's Redemption.
1227: She Appears as Wisdom SubtleShe gave birth to Faiths several,She is Manonmani, Mangali the Auspicious,Rare is She for any to know,To them that seek HerUnited in word and thought,She as Wisdom Subtle appears.
1228: Jnana Way is True WayShe is Wisdom SubtleOf those with intellect subtle,Behind it is Lord's WisdomThat is Jnana;That Way is the Holy Way,For those who seek Siva-State,The Way of Sanmarga (Jnana) is Way True.
1229: Sakti is Mistress of SanmargaThe (Jnana) Way becomes Sanmarga (Goodly) WayDrives away all evil ways,From that goodly Way,All goodly deeds arisesOf that Sanmarga,Sakti indeed the Mistress is.
1230: Source--Knowledge of Mukti FiniteNone except Sakti, Siva and (I) Jiva knowThe Source of Mukti Finite;When you meditate constant on SaktiThat as Aum ripens,That the Way sureTo enter the Center aloft Sahasrara.
1231: Seek Sakti and Conquer FateThink not of this and thatAnd waste not your lives;Those who reach to the Goodly LadyOf flower bedecked tressesIn the Moon's sphere whence ambrosia flowsAnd there pray,Well may they decreed Fate conquer.
1232: She is Conqueror SupremeWell may they decreed Fate conquer,Well may they Karmaic Pasa conquer,Well may they desire-ridden Senses conquer,Well may all these knowThe Lady that conquers all.
1233: Sakti and Siva are in Letters Fifty-OneIn letters Fifty and OneSakti and Siva as one stand;Thus was it through Time interminable;That the State howThe Lady of flower laden tresses and Her LordOf yore have been,Verily, verily is this true.
1234: Jnana Through Letters Fifty-OneWhen Sakti and Siva unitedAll creation, without seed, arose;And thus was it with the Fifty-one Letter-Beings,Acquiring Jnana, Jivas Perfection attained.
1235: She Stood as Ambrosia in SahasraraThe Perfect Siva and His Lady of Arched BrowWere there seated;And the Celestials stood prayingTo swill the ambrosia that flowed;And as Ambrosia there She stoodRadiant as Crescent Moon.
1236: She is Stellar BrillianceThey who reach to the Star EternalBecame one with Her,Of tresses, garland-festooned,With fragrant Ganga and Moon,And men of holy tapasSelf-realized praying;Thus She stood in stellar brilliance.
1237: Meet Sakti and Attain JnanaStanding face to faceWith Her that is bejewelled,With their inner light realizing Her,And uniting in Her,In the thoughts of Jivas thus reachedAll Jnana appears.
1238: She Appears in the Form Conceived by DevoteesShe appears in Form they conceiveShe grants the Pure WayAnd branches of Knowledge several,She of doe-like eyes,And He of handsome visageTogether appear;Her do you seek.
1239: She Transcends Human KnowledgeTranscending human knowledge,She stands as Vedic subtlety;She is Maya, She is Divine ProudShe is damsel red-hued.She is Sivananda Sundari (Siva-Bliss-Beauty),She stood as Pure Way,In Love endearing.
1240: Leave Her NotThe Lady of precious jewels is Pure WayLeave Her not,But with LordCenter Her in your thoughts,And there in JnanaYou shall absorbed be.
1241: You Will Attain Supreme StateThe states of Brahma, Vishnu, Hara, MaheswaraAll these but lead to Aum;If Aum pervaded, you reach to Centers nine withinYou shall honey-sweet divine become,You shall in rapture sing,You shall reach State of Greatness Surpassing.
1242: Worship Siva-Sakti and be Worshipped by CelestialsThe Celestials, Vanavas and Dhanavas*Will come to you and worship your feet,And Indra and other Gods too in direction eight;Seek therefore the way of worship to reachThe Lady of tresses, in flower clusters festooned,And Her Lord, too.
1243: Sakti Worship is Siva WorshipChant Her holy MantraWorship with flowers fragrantBurn the incense,Light the multi-flamed lamp,Thus perform worship of Parvati;The oblations that you in archana offerAre for the Lord of Divine Light as well.
1244: Adore Parasakti Who Holds ParaparaParapara that is immanent here belowAnd sustains all,Eternal and Indestructable is He;She of yore shared Her Form with Him,She who holds the lovely parrot in Her hand,And sports wavy tressesShe, ParasaktiDo adore Her!
1245: Goddess of Wealth Will BowShe is Uma of dark slender formShe is Supreme mistress of Siva's ardourShe is goodly vine that has eyes threeShe is Lady of arched brow;Do adore HerAnd be illumined,The very Golden Goddess (of Wealth) shallAt your feet be.
1246: Follow Her and Be Rid of AnavaDecked in garland of radiant gemsParasakti resplendent appears,Your Anava darkness to dispel;She sports in love's union intimateWith Lord that is blue-throated;Let Her be your heart's goal,And follow Her close.
1247: Siva is Contained in SaktiLord is the Light of the WorldHe is the consort of SaktiHe in me standsThat, my love's greatness is;He stands in Her tooAs one Form inseparate;With serpent and Ganga on Matted locksHe in Her is contained.
1248: Baffling Mystery of Siva-Sakti UnionLord NandiThat has form several,And permeates life several,Why does He in this Form (with Sakti)So open appear?That He thus sports in joyWith Her of bangled hands,And Form bejewelled,Is indeed a mystery, baffle!
1249: Siva-Sakti Union is for CreationThe Lord of peaked matted locksAnd Holy Feet,He conjoins in Maya;He the Pure OneThat holds Ganga on His headHe shares Sakti in Love;Him, the Great Sakti in bodily union embracedThat all creation in union to ariseShe, the Supreme source of Sex-Energy.
1250: Sakti's Grace from Siva WorshipAs I realized Him, our IsaI lost my self;As I united in HimI became one with Him;As I embraced the Lord of worlds all,I remained in divine fulfillment,As I entwined at the Primal One's FeetI received His Sakti's Grace.
1251: Lord's Feet are the RefugeThe great Manonmani is Greatness AllThe Holy Feet of Her Lord, the Goal True, they say;This the learned know;For those who this truth know,His Golden Feet exalted areLife's refuge unfailing.
1252: Accessibilty of SaktiMy heart seeks Lord in loveHe the Sweet One is in seven worlds beyond, they say;That the reason whyI adore MotherWith flowers fragrantAnd heart in melting love.
1253: Sakti Fashions Body-Home and Heavenly HomeShe is Mother of Heavenly HomeShe is Mistress Supreme,Manonmani;She fashions Holy HomeAnd stands as Lady Divine;She, Maya, fashioned this body,And in this Body Home too She abides.
1254: Adore and Be With Siva-SaktiMy Mother and Father in love united;Had they not,Will my Mother and Father know me ever?With my Mother and Father I sit,And my Mother and Father,I constant adore.
1255: From Nada in Muladhara Rises Eroli ChakraIn Muladhara Lotus of petals four,Are Nadas four*With radiant Bindu arise;When Nada's radiant Kala everywhere suffuses,Then does arise Radiant (Eroli) ChakraIn Central Kundalini Fire.
1256: Letters in the Chakra Have Great PowerLetters in Kundalini Fire are mighty greatLetters in Kundalini Fire arose to heavens,Letters in Kundalini Fire form a great ChakraThe Way Letters are placed,I shall now relate.
1257: How Chakta is FormedBindu aforesaid with Nadas four,In the four petals of that Adhara stand as Letters respectiveChant Letters a hundred and forty four times,They as Chakra form and lofty arise.
1258: Earth ChakraBindu letter conjoining Nada LetterTogether fill MuladharaWhen Conjoint Letters are thus repeatedThey form Earth Chakra.
1259: Cosmos Chakra Expanded into Five ElementsThe Earth Chakra expanded,When the Bindu and Nada conjoint becameThat Adhara (Muladhara) to immense distance lengthened,As Earth the letters thus expanded.
1260: Elements Earth and WaterThe Letters arose as Bindu and Nada,The Letters expanded as ChakraThe Letters lengthened into Element Earth,The Letters lengthened as Element Water beyond.
1261: Beyond Appeared Elements Fire, Wind and SkyAs Element Water, Chakra lengthened,Then further as Element Fire,Then still further as Element WindAnd further beyond as Element Sky.
1262: Letter for Sky is Ha(m)To speak of Astral Letter,In Astral Letter are all other letters contained,Astral letter is "Ha", that is Sivananda BlissThat the Astral letter, know this.
1263: Sun ChakraKnow this, thus it is the Chakra,Of five times five Bindu dot is it made;With Nada the Chakra commencesWith letters in the Chambers placedThus it is the Sun Chakra.
1264: Letters of Siva-Sakti and Kundalini"A", and Letters Five that follow*These six are Letters of Primal One;The six letters thus formed,Are Sakti's LettersThe middle Letter of the first Four (Va) aforesaidIs Letters of Element FireThus it is with these Letters holy.
1265: The 144 Letters of the Radiant ChakraThe Letters of Chakra radiant are a hundred and forty fourThe Letters are but the Six Letter MantraWhose Central Letter Va to Fire belongsThat Letter central as radiant Fire flamesThus are the Letters Six, first and last.
1266: Mystic Moon Sphere VisionedFor the birth and death to endThe finite position is for the Sixteen (Vishddhi) and Two (Ajna) to reachAnd so when Kundalini that was at baseAscends and crosses beyond the third center from it (Anahatha)Then is visioned the Mystic Sphere of the Moon.
1267: Time Measured by Sun Within and WithoutThere they are to the Goat's Group belongThe days three hundred and sixty;There they are in fortnights of days fifteen reckoned;There they come as in the Centers Sixteen are Two Kundalini ascendsThere they come as the 'Sphere of the Mystic Sun' within is reached.
1268: Duration of Day, Month and YearAcross the firmament vastThe Sun travels through Zodiac houses twelve,In time span reckonedAs thirty naligai's in the day,And in days reckoned as three hundred and sixtyIn the full year round.
1269: Group Distribution of Rasis in ZodiacThe Zodiac houses (Rasis) are in three clusters reckoned,With the Goat (Mesha)* comes its group of threeWith the Plough (Rishabha)* comes its group of threeWith the Veena (Mithuna)* comes its group of threeThus are the Rasis in Zodiac in clusters three reckoned.
1270: How Rasi Chakra is FormedWhen the Chakra fills the Zodiac,The Chakra is by Bindu filled,And when Nada too therein fillsThe Rasi Chakra is in Zodiac fixed.
1271: Formation of Taraka Stellar ChakraThe Bindu letters with Nada letters arise,When in each Adhara the appropriate lettersBindu and Nada carry out are placed,Then the Taraka (Stellar) Chakra appears!
1272: Taraka Chakra is the Support of SaktiWhen the Chakra as a Star its form thus assumes,On that Star does a divine light beam,When on to this Star, Moon and Sun comesThat Star for Sakti support becomes,Sakti that supports all.
1273: In That Chakra Arises Dark Smoky FlameIn Chakra, Bindu ascends,In Bindu, Nada ascends,In Nada, Flame of Fire ascends,Beyond, appears a Light that is Dark (smoky).
1274: That Flame Pervaded the Five ElementsThat Smoky Light enveloped universe all,It became light of earth, water, fire, wind and sky,Thus as it flamed and rose together,As One Divine Light it pervaded everywhere.
1275: From That Arose Universe Based on BinduThe universe as diverse worlds expanded,The universe as firm stood,The universe is unto Primal MalaThe universe rests on Bindu's strength.
1276: Bindu and Nada Produce BijaIf Bindu and Nada in equal proportions arise,Bindu and Nada together produced Bija (Seed) Balanced,If Bindu rises more and Nada less,The Bija becomes potent far,Eight times more than Bindu.
1277: Bija--Causal and CausedTwo the Bijas from Nada arise,One the Bija that ascends upward;And with Nada alike arises,The Seed behind as (Caused) Bindu expands.
1278: Bindu Drawn in Visuddha Becomes Seed of LiberationAs the Bindu rose higher and higher,The Bija (Seed) in vain went;When Bindu rises equal with Nada,And is drawn within to pervade the petals sixteen of the (Visuddha adhara)The Bindu that expands becomes the Seed of Liberation.
1279: From Bindu-Seed Bija Devoluted AllFrom the Bindu-Seed Bija arose all,From the Bindu-Seed arose all lifeFrom the Bindu-Seed arose this world,From Lord's Feet (Nada) arose Bindu-Seed.
1280: Fifty Letters Devoluted From Bindu and NadaFrom Bindu and Nada devoluted the lettersFrom the letters was Chakra formed,The letters and Chakras within the Body standThe letters verily are the mantras true.
1281: Pranava is the Mantra Supreme with its Seat in Eye-Brow CenterTo speak of mantras and ChakrasThere it is one unto the circle of fire,The Tantras glorify;Meditate on Pranava that is in the Eye-Brow CenterThrough the Tantras reached;No more thine bondage is.
1282: Pranava Vision is Obtained When Egoity Falls BackThe Mantra that arises in Muladhara ChakraLeaves not the Eye-Brow Center;When your egoity falls backThen may you vision that Mantra.
1283: Vision Pranava in the ChakraIn the Chakra that ends your PasaMay you vision Pranava,All your thoughts, it will protectAll directions, you shall perceiveWell shall you reach TruthThat is subtler than the subtle,If you but know, how to look for it.
1284: Siva's Letter and Sakti's Letter in Pranava ChakraFor the Chakra, thus said,First letter is "A" of SivaThe letter next is of Sakti, "U"The Chakra is the earth, fire and the rest of elements four,Of the Chakra thus formed, more can be said.
1285: Pranava Expands into Six Letter Mantra Aum Na Ma Si Va YaThe mantra in Chakra arisesExpands as Letters six;It is Vedic mantra that conjoint with Letters Five--Aum Nama Sivaya--arisesFor those who that way inclined are.
1286: Sakti is the Presiding Deity of Six Letter MantraThe Holy Sakti is the presiding deity of that MantraThe Holy Sakti in there is unto fire (Kundalini) are;If attainment of Her be Sadhaka's goal,The broiling Pasa nears not.
1287: Siddhis Come of Their Own AccordThe Sthambanam, Maranam and VasiyamAre powers there in the Chakra of themselves ariseIn the place where the Sadhaka is,No enemies come,Thus is for them who seek it within them.
1288: How to Meditate on the Six-Lettered ChakraVision the Chakra in Muladhara,Center the sound "A' thereinMeditate on benevolent Siva withinAnd upward course the Prana breath.
1289: How it is Meditated for Worldly PurposesAs a quarter, a half, a three-quarter and one fullThe mantra thus in measure composed ascends,And as it thus ascende,The obstacles internal perish.Thus it is for those who chant the mantra enchantingFor attainments worldly.
1290: Chant Nama in Love; You Shall be LightChant this mantraWhose letters to the Dancer Divine Belong,Inside uluva obstacles vanishingYou shall become the jewelled lamp in the Hall of Dance;Even now, do arise,And chant Nama with love in your heart's core.
1291: Days Appropriate for Bhairava Chakra WorshipTen days in the fortnightDo this Worship perform;The first six days of the fortnight,And then the eighth, tenth, twelveth and fourteenthThese the ten days appropriate(Leave out seventh, ninth eleventh and thirteenth)Then coursing breath through Right NostrilDo you worship.
1292: Bhairava Destroys Your EnemyAs you worship Bhairava thusThe God appears with trident and skull,He blinds the eyes of your enemyHe drinks his life,And with your enemy's body you may ball play.
1293: Bhairava's FormThe Primal God BhairavaThat comes to bless the JivaHolds the skull and trident in His hands,He holds the drum and the noose tooAnd the severed head and sword as well.
1294: Adore Bhairava SincerelySix His hands,Blessed His look,Ruddy Bright is Bhairava's FormHe appears in the hearts of the PureAs shining Truth;Do in devotion sincere adore Him.
1295: The Way of Bhairava WorshipWorship Him,Perform a thousand worshipsWith dance and drinkWith sandal paste, and fragrant incenseWith musk, civet scent and unguents severalWorship thus and prayHe your enemy fights.
1296: Wishes Fulfilled by Bhairava WorshipAs you pray, fight there shall beAs you the six adharas within ascendsPray for the ways things should beAnd all your wishes fulfilled shall be.
d chant Nama with love in thy heart's core.
1291: Days Appropriate for Bhairava Chakra WorshipTen days in the fortnightDo thou this Worship perform;The first six days of the fortnight,And then the eighth, tenth, twelveth and fourteenthThese the ten days appropriate(Leave out seventh, ninth eleventh and thirteenth)Then coursing breath through Right NostrilDo thou worship.
1292: Bhairava Destroys Your EnemyAs thou worship Bhairava thusThe God appears with trident and skull,He blinds the eyes of thine enemyHe drinks his life,And with thine enemy's body thou may ball play.
1293: Bhairava's FormThe Primal God BhairavaThat comes to bless the JivaHolds the skull and trident in His hands,He holds the drum and the noose tooAnd the severed head and sword as well.
1294: Adore Bhairava SincerelySix His hands,Blessed His look,Ruddy Bright is Bhairava's FormHe appears in the hearts of the PureAs shining Truth;Do thou in devotion sincere adore Him.
1295: The Way of Bhairava WorshipWorship Him,Perform a thousand worshipsWith dance and drinkWith sandal paste, and fragrant incenseWith musk, civet scent and unguents severalWorship thus and prayHe thine enemy fights.
1296: Wishes Fulfilled by Bhairava WorshipAs thou pray, fight there shalt beAs thou the six adharas within ascendsPray for the ways things should beAnd all thy wishes fulfilled shalt be.
1297: How to Form ItTo speak of Sambhavi Mandala ChakraIt is like this:Form Chambers eight,Within it is the Chamber CentralThat verily is the Eye of Tattvas Four(Sivam, Sakti, Nadam and Bindu)When we see this Holy State revealed,We know Worlds all.
1298: Formation of Sambhavi ChakraThe Mandala that is formed by lines twenty horizontal and twenty vertical,Form Bhupuras two inner and two outerThe innermost BhuparaFormed of Chambers six and ten.
1299: Sambhavi Chakra FormationThe Mandala is formed ofLines twenty by twenty,In Bhupuras four describe LingasAnd Lingas four in corner each tooAnd place flowers four there.
1300: Chant Five Letters as Form of Fifty-One LettersThe Letters Fifty and OneThere remained in form differentChant Si Va Ya Na Ma pure thereNothing will you lack then.
1301: Chant Aum Sivaya Nama and Conquer DeathNothing shall you want;The Holy Feet will be yours;Chant the Vedic mantra Aum;If steadfast you realize itDeath none, thus have they said.
1302: Blessings of SambhaviYou shall attain wealthYour favourite God you shall see,Great state, holy waters of pilgrimage,Delicious food, pleasant emotions,And sound sleep, and gold--All these of by themselves, yours beAs the Lady of the Chakra blesses you.
1303: Proceed the Way of Five LettersThe Five Holy letters yours shall bePersevere their Way,If you so proceed,You shall achieve all you wishNone the enemies,In the World here below.
1304: Blessings of Sambhavi WorshipFor those who bow low to Her,Enemies none be,None exalts in glee, over them,No more will Karma be,And its untoward manifestations too;Obstacles too will be noneAll things good daily flowCool as water you will be.
1305: Sambhavi's FormChanting the Letters FiveAll may worship the Chakra of Sambhavi,She is Bliss-Form that none has seen,She is the earth, the sky, the sun and moonShe is the sentience that pervades body and life.
1306: Sakti BlessesThe mantra Aum that Jnana imparts within,Is the way of union in God,Thus does Siva (Contriver) and Sakti (consort of the Contriver)Together in amity arise;She, the Beloved of Siva, (Sivakami) blesses you.
1307: Fifteen Letters of the ChakraThe five letters beginning with "Ka" are golden hued to beholdThe six letters beginning with "A" are red-huedThe four letters beginning with "Sa" are pure whiteThe mantras thus grouped leads to bliss belowAnd to liberation above.
1308: Meditate on the (Double) Triangular ChakraThis the truth if you but see,This the true God, none other there is;Listen, one thing I sayThis triangle is great unto the oceanCenter your thoughts on itBliss and Mukti shall yours be;You will Siva-form be.
1309: When Siva Becomes Yoga, Guru Parasakti Assumes Eight FormsThe One Parasakti belongs to Lord as His part,Her Form is ParavidyaShe grants Mukti and Siddhi;Though one the Parasakti is,When Siva assumes the form of Yoga Guru,Parasakti has forms eight indeed.
1310: The Eight Saktis Reunite in YogaThe eight Saktis belong to the eight-limbed yoga;When Nadanta is reached,The eight Saktis mingling one become, (Parasakti)The Bindu that stood apart disappeared,These experiences reach not the witless lowly ones.
1311: How to Prepare the Double-Triangle YantraThat Yantra you establish firmWorship at that Yantra Raja's feet,Chant the Mantra, Guru has taught you,Perform anga nyasas* and meditateAnd on copper plate describeThe six-pointed (double) triangleFor your birth to end.
1312: How to Place the Mantra Letters in the YantraOn the six-pointed diagramPlace Srim, Hrim lettersAbove place RimDescribe a circle the entire diagram to encompassAnd place the letters eight times two, inclusive Aum.
1313: More Mantra LettersIn the space above describe petals eight;Place letter Ha in spaces betwixt petals;Above Ha place letter U (Hum)Close to petals,Place letters Krom and SromAnd to the left of Chakra, place Am and Krom.
1314: With Further Mantra Letters Complete the YantraTo the right of the Chakra thus formed,Place Krom and Srom togetherSurround the Chakra by Hrim,Then do you worship the SaktiThat Bhuvanapathi is.
1315: Worship of YantraWhen you perform the Puja to Bhuvanapathi,Evoke Her in your heart in puritySurrender your life (symbolic)* at Her Feet, (Prana Prathishtai)And in glowing meditation sit.
1316: Evoke Bhuvaneswari's FormHer form, pure red; silky Her robe,In Her hands are the weapons, goad and noose,In protective pose She gestures,On the body are dazzling jewels,Her body shining as gem purestAnd radiant Her crownThus adorned, She appears.
1317: Puja RitualBaring the garment that covers your skinLand Her in endearmentOffer the milk-rice oblation with mantra chantingTurning in directions four, pronounce "Naradaya Suvaha"Remove the food thus offered and serve it.
1318: Pray to Yantra RajaBefore thus servingInvoke Her withinAnd place Her firm in the lotus of the heart,And then pray to Yantra RajaWho is beyond reachAnd hold Him fast within you,He will grant your wishes all.
1319: The Nine Letters of Navakkari Become Eighty-OneI shall speak of Navakkari (Nine-Lettered) Chakra,The One-lettered, becomes the Nine-letteredThe Nine-lettered expands into Eighty-one lettered;Navakkari are the nine letters from Klim to Saum.
1320: The Nine Mantras: 1) Srim 2) Hrim 3) Aim 4) Gaum 5) Krim 6) Haum 7) Aum 8) Saum 9) Klim Enumerated for the First RoteWith Klim as mantra-footSrim, Hrim, Aim, GaumKrim, Haum, Aum, and SaumThus in order is the mantraIn the end chant Sivayanama,At every rotation.
1321: Navakkari Mantra Gives All BlessingsNavakkari is the Chakra on which I practise,In Navakkari arises all that is goodly,When you chant the Navakkari MantraDeep within you,The Navakkari Sakti, all blessings, confers.
1322: Blessings of Navakkari MantraJnana and knowledge all, shall yours be;The Karmas hard will flee from you;No more will you evil deeds perform;All boons will be granted to you;The vision of Divine Light, yours shall be.
1323: Earthly Gifts of ChakraInscribe the Chakra on silver, gold or copper,Meditate on it,Your actions, all, will succeed;You shall triumph in the worldThe gifts of Chakra shall be as richAs your meditation on it is deep.
First Round
1324: Chant From Srim to Klim on ChakraChant it with Srim to commence and Klim to end,And thus as you continuous chant,The first syllable becomes the last syllableMeditate on the Chakra withinOffering rice grain and Kusa grass,Thus perform archanas,She shall appear before you.
1325: Srim Sakti Appears as a Golden Flower of Smoky HueThe Srim Sakti thus appearsOf Her hue, you shall learn;She is unto a golden flower of smoky hue;All your wishes She will fullfilDo adore, Her Grace to receive.
1326: Srim Sakti Confers Name, Fame and ImmortalityAll things will fare well with you here belowKala, God of Death, will bypass your days reckoned,your name and fame will spread like shafts of light,Close nearer and nearer to HerYou shall reach Her.
1327: Srim Sakti Confers Blessings SeveralGold, silver and precious stones shall yours be,Divine Grace and prosperity shall yours be,The heavenly Devas' celestial life shall yours be,That you may attain these, do meditate on Her.
1328: You Will Reach Siva by Worship of Srim SaktiThey meditate on Her,That they immortals become,The Lord of immortals shall bless you;He who wears the Ganga and contains Her,Him you persevere to reach.
Second Round
1329: Chant Hrim Commencing and Srim EndingThe letters in the Chakra you worshipWith Hrim commencing and Srim ending;Meditate on Her, the goodly famed one bedecked in garlands,You shall see HerAs the cloud-laden flower-garden.
1330: Seek Hrim Sakti Constant; Your Face Will GlowMeditate on the incomparable Sakti Hrim (Tani Nayaki)Your face shall glow in consuming attractionSeek Her constant,The One who in the Param of Divine Light reposesSeek Her, the Eternal One.
1331: Seek Hrim Sakti; the Rulers Will Be With YouMeditate on Her, who all blessings are;The earthly rulers will with you beThose against you will flourish not;Praise Her who the Lord's Form shares.
1332: Reach Holy Feet of Hrim SaktiChant Her name (Hrim)Who the mistress of directions eight is;Attain the life of celestial godsAnd so live;Abandon the way that to this world leads againReach the Holy Feet of Tani Nayaki SaktiAnd there flourish.
1333: Chant Hrim Sakti's Name in Silentness With FlowersThey flourish at Her Holy FeetWho chant Her name in silentness;Who adore Her Feet with flowersThey know the way to reach Her Feet.
Third Round
1334: Chant Aim to Hrim for Aim Sakti WorshipThe Chakra expands with Aim to beginFrom Aim beginning in Hrim it ends;She who is dear unto Primal LordHer, you meditate as Aim to begin.
1335: Aim Sakti (Vageswari) Will AppearThe Sakti you adore is Vageswari (Goddess of Logos)Whom all Vedas and Agamas praiseShe who is within the grasp of our tongue's chantShall reveal Herself to you, face to face.
1336: Hold the Chakra in the Tongue; Vageswari Lends Great PowersThis Chakra that before you appears,If you hold in your tongue,Its Mantra assumes the Dancer's Divine Form;If this Vidya that is in the Golden HallShall come within a human's reach,Then this man shall conquer all,The slender Sakti, Her grace conferring.
1337: Future Will Worship Aim Sakti; One of Unalloyed JoyShe of the slender Form is the Truth Divine;Chant Her mantra and constant meditate;Your days, in diverse ways rolled on,Will in steady prosperity ascend thereafter.
1338: You Will Master All LearningChant Aim mantra unceasingAll blessings shall follow;You shall gain the understandingThat is beyond words and meaning of words;With the blessing of Her, who is Queen of learning,You shall a master of all Learning be;No more enemies for you, here below.
Fourth Round
1339: Chant Gaum to Aim--Gaum Sakti WorshipNo more enemiesFor those who chant from Gaum to AimNo more malicious glees against youFor those who meditate the Vine (Gaum) on the Chakra,All creation shall bow to themWith exception none,No exaggeration this is.
1340: Adore Gaum Sakti and Be BlessedAdore Sakti who over all Tattvas rule,All goodly lives will bend before you;Lust, anger and ignorance with all in terror fleeYour actions all will shining be.
1341: Supreme Powers Conferred on the Gaum Sakti SadhakaHe alone speaks,And what he speaks is the final word;He alone can speakWhat he thinks is the right;He who meditates on Her,Who witnesses the Dance of Siva,Is verily the Master of all around.
1342: Gaum Sakti is Mother of AllShe is the Mother that all life isShe is the Lady that all life createdWorship at Her Feet, and all things will yours be;Your Karmas will vanish, you shall holy become.
1343: Remain Close to Gaum SaktiHoly you shall remain,Far and wide in this world;Honoured you shall there walk,Benevolent you shall be to one and all,Close to Her, you shall there tarry.
Fifth Round
1344: Chant Krim to GaumFrom Krim to GaumThat the Chakra, I know of;Those who meditate deep on itWill become dear unto that Parasakti,The Virgin of the sylvan glades;And they shall shine high in this world.
1345: Blessings of Prosperity by Krimsakti (Parasakti)When the luminous ParasaktiWithin you takes Her abode,Your heart dances in joy;Clear vision fills your thoughts;Rains copious fall,Wealth and prosperity smileThus shall it be for those who meditate on Her.
1346: Kings Shall Respect the Sadhaka of Krim SaktiMeditate on the Chakra, worship performingYour obstacles, all, overcome will be;Kings shall go to you and pay their respectYour thoughts will glow, no sorrows emanating.
1347: The Sadhaka Shines BrightSorrow's fumes will not be;A golden light will suffuse their body;Hell none will be, as killing there is none,Nothing else the refuge for all life on earth,Nothing else is their crown of gloryFor those who meditate on KrimIn Chakra Navakkari.
1348: Ignorance Dies by Worship of Krim SaktiThose who meditate on HerGlow in fame in directions all;They experience not the evils of searing Karma;Their inner light spreads far and wide;Their egotiy perished,The light of differentiated knowledgeForever snuffed out.
Sixth Round
1349: Chant From Hau(m) to KrimThe Chakra with mantras from Hau(m) to Krim is all light,Happiness it is to those who meditate on it,Pure Jnana and clear vision fills their thoughtsMeditating on it is meditating on Panchakshara.
1350: Sadasiva Sakti (Haum) Immanent in AllShe (Haum) is the Sadasiva SaktiShe is the light behind the Adho-mukha(Downward looking face of Lord-Maya;)She is the One emanating, taste, sight, feel, sound and smell;She that is immanent in lives all.
1351: Immanence of (Haum) Sakti Further ElaboratedWithin Herself She is,Without, in all World She is,Within me She is,Filling it entireWithin earth, water, fire, wind and sky She is;Within the eye, within the body tooMay you behold Her.
1352: Well May We See Haum SaktiWell may you see all that She does,Immanent in our lives;Well may you see Her,If in your thoughts you hold Her;Well may you see HerIf in the depths of your heart you make way for Her;Stand firm,Seeking Her in your thoughts constant.
1353: Haum Sakti's PervasivenessShe stands pervading the seven worlds at once;She stands immanent in all hearts everywhere;She stands bearing all goodly things of the worldShe stands as the Divine TruthThat dispells Karmas hard.
Seventh Round
1354: Chant Au(m) to Hau(m)Divine Truth it is,The Chakra from Au(m) to Hau(m) runs,She Aum is the meaning withinOf that Chakra;She is Amudeswari, the Self-createdAs goodly riches,She in Chakra's midst stood.
1355: Meditate on Amudheswari (Aum Sakti)That Amudheswari do hold in your heartRouse Kundalini with your breath coursing upward;Daily will you vision things newer and newer;Listen to this, your body perishes never.
1356: Consciousness of Time and Space LostHaving the rising Light in the Chakra visionedNo more the harm that comes to you;Having lost the sense of Time's beginning,No more the spatial consciousness will be;Having seen the Way of Her Grace,No more the differences in power and pelf will be;Having reached the Land of GoalNo more the forest of sorrow will be.
1357: Transcendental State of Consciousness of the Sadhaka in Aum SaktiAll the space you sojourn becomes desolate nothingnessAll the space you have learned to beBecomes an interminable Void;None other place there is;Not a wee-bit space there is;Stand unfaltering, where you are,Firm in Aum Sakti.
1358: Aum Sakti Appears as LightIn the seven seas, seven worlds will you be,All your wishes granted will be,If your heart in constancy stands,When you see Sakti in you firm standsShe appears as the Light Radiant High.
Eighth Round
1359: Ninth Rote--Chant From Saum to AumThe Chakra that extendsFrom Sau(m) to Au(m) is light that illumines,That Chakra luminous is the Truth Eternal;The Sakti that is unto a shaft of lightning,Do you meditate and luminous be.
1360: Saum Sakti is Supreme JnanaTo speak of the Eternal TruthThat high above beams,That verily is Sakti of Slender Form;Do seek Light that is Truth of Jnana;They who seek the LightWill themselves unto Light be.
1361: Saum Sakti is AllShe is spaces all, She filled spaces all;She is the space beyond spacesShe created all, She preserved all,She is universe all, and lives all.
1362 She is in the Throat Center TooImmeasurable She is, in universe immenseIn the body corporeal She vast spaces filled;Well may you see many goodly things in Muladhara,Yet may you not know that She standsIn the very center of your throat (Visuddha).
1363: The Ignorant Know Not Saum Sakti's GreatnessThey know not Her pervasiveness in the sea-girt world,They know not Her immanence in body and life,They know not Her Anklet, seeking other gods;Thus are they fated to be.
1364: How to Form the 81-Squared Navakkari ChakraTo speak of that Chakra, of its volition arose,Mark lines ten (horizontal and vertical)And thus form nine squares on each line,In all form squares eighty and one.
1365: Coloring the ChakraAs thou form the Chakra thus,Colour the outer circle in hues of gold,Mark the squares redAnd the mantra letters green.
1366: Worship of the ChakraInscribe the Sakti's letters on bark of treeFill Sakti in chambers eighty and one;Offer hot ghee and ricePerform homa,And Prana Oblations.
1367: Effect of the Chakra WorshipHold to the Sakti (Sri) Chakra in calmness;As you meditate on it day after dayYou shall in felicity be;And as your name and fame unto Brahma's soar,One with Siva you in loved union be.
1368: Smear Chakra With Nine PerfumesSandal, saffron flower, musk of deerFragrant paste, civet scent and gheeCamphor, bezoar, and rose waterThese nine you blend on the Chakra smear.
1369: Chant Mantra a Thousand Thousand TimesTo speak of the WorshipThat you should perform at Sri Chakra;That holds the Virgin Sakti as its nodal pullWorship the mantra with incantations a thousand thousandThus do you on it continuous meditate.
Ninth Round
1370: Chant Klim to Begin; Sakti AppearsShe beams as divine light in your thoughtsShe appears with hands sixShe holds in them weapons six--The torch, the trident, the goad, the noose, bow, and arrowChant the Mantra with Klim to begin,She before you appears.
1371: Klim Sakti's Appearance in ChakraThe Saktis sixty-four surrounding,The Virgins eight were there too,With bow and arrow in their hands twoThey seated were in the Chakra opposite.
1372*36Form of Klim Sakti in the ChakraBedecked in jewels of gold,With ear-rings, crown, and apparel fine,Unto the choicest pearl, and of crimson-hued form,And on lotus petals seated,There She is,For those who on the Chakra meditate.
1373: Sound and Light Appear in the ChakraIf with feeling intense you meditate on Her,She pervading all, showers Her Grace;You shall perceive enveloping sound (Nada) and light (Bindu);From within the Chakras She risesAnd blesses you.
1374: Klim Sakti Leads You to the Great WayShe is the Light DivineThat leads you to the Way Great;She grants you Tattva JnanaThrough the Guru Way,Having sundered your birth's reckoning.
1375: Klim Sakti; She is the Light of the WorldThe Luminous One, the dazzling Light,In soft radiance, Sakti emits Her brilliance divine;She is of the dark-golden hue of clouds,She stood as light through world entire.
1376: Klim Sakti's FormThe spreading hands two held lotus blooms,The blessing hands two in tender grace gestured,The lovely breasts two were in pearl and coral deckedThe comely garments in pure gems interlaced.
1377: Klim Sakti Alone Grants GraceOn the head She wears the jewelled crown,At the feet the lovely anklets,Thus does She adorn Herself;Without Her is Grace none;In the hearts of those in meekness prayShe appears as Divine Grace,She grants LiberationTo those in devotion seek Her.
Srim Sakti
1378: Srim Sakti is Surrounded by Sixty SaktisThe Saktis sixty are seated around Her,The Virgins eight in concealment around Her,She bears lotus blossoms in hands both;The Holy Ones in devotion meditate on Her;--She the treasure of Mantra Srim.
1379: Effect of One Year Meditation on Srim in the ChakraIf on Srim Sakti the treasure of ChakraYou intensely meditate a year,The burden of your worldly cares drops,Your thoughts soar high,Your heart, Sun's brilliance attains,--This the message of Chakra True.
1380: Srim Sakti is in MuladharaThe full flower that in Muladhara aroseBlossoms into Light EffulgentPervading adharas allThe Red Flame reached the Sphere of Fire.
1381: Hrim Sakti is Surrounded by Fifty-Six SaktisThere in the Sphere of Fire She sat;There She appears in forms fifty and six;There She is visioned by Saktis fifty and six;There She is by Saktis fifty and six surrounded.
1382: Hrim Sakti's FormAs One Light Effulgent She is,From Jewelled Crown to FeetLustrous unto pearls She wears Her Form,The two pendant hands hold parrot and Jnana Mudra,The two upraised hands bear noose and goad.
1383: Effect of Five Years Chanting Hrim SaktiSever your Pasa's roots,Adore Her in your heart's recesses,All evil will leave you;In five years you shall Siva be.
1384: Heavenly Light Arises From Hrim in ChakraIf on Chakra of the merciful Sakti you meditate,And if your chant in order done,The Heavenly light will appear,In that Chakra of the lordly SaktiWhere Mantra Hrim invoked is.
1385: Light Within Will AppearThe light that arises in the Chakra,Vision it and on it meditate;The Sakti as the light within will appear;Verily is She the support of Sushumna,Adharas and the rest within.
1386: Aim Sakti is Seated in Navel CenterIn the lotus sphere of navel centerIn the Kalas that riseImmanent She is, the Aim Sakti;Meditate,And there in Nada you firm shall beYour birth-cycle its end shall see.
1387: Aim Sakti is VageswariShe is Queen of Speech,She is decked in garland of gems pure,She is Queen of Songs,She is milk-hued,She is Queen of Jiva,There was She seated in Navel Center.
1388: Aim Sakti's FormThen, of yore, with hands twoShe Dharma measured,Now for nonce She holdsThe pitcher white of hermit,They who reach HerBy the Way to Hall of Dance,Verily beholdThe Primal Cause of all.
1389: Aim Sakti is Surrounded by Fifty-Two SaktisThe Causal Saktis are fifty and two,The Causal Virgins arr theyShe the Primal Causal Sakti of all,In the Chakra immanent stood;She the Primal Cause as Grace stood.
1390: Effect of Aim Sakti Worship for One YearIf firm-fixed,This Sakti in your thoughts stands;Within a year span,This Flame shall in you merge;If steadfast in devotion you stand,You shall vision the RubyThat dances in the Hall of Spaces Vast.
1391: Gaum (Tattva Nayaki) Sakti is Seated in Heart Center (Anahatha)That Sakti you visioned in Heart's lotusThis (Gaum) the Queen of Tattvas all,This day, She, in my thoughts, is sweet seatedThat my life's enemy--Death--destroyed be.
1392: Gaum Sakti's FormThe Sakti that was in my mind seated thusAppeared with hands eight;Holding flower, parrot, noose, battle-axe and sword;The shield, bow and the arrow too--She danced in rapture divine.
1393: How Gaum Sakti was AttiredIn rapture She stoodWearing crown of gold,Garland of pearls and corals,Dressed in richly silks,The rising breasts in gem-laid corset contained,There She was in glory,Her Form green-hued.
1394: Gaum Sakti is Surrounded by Forty-Eight Saktis and Eight Vestal VirginsThis green-hued Lady has serving companions six times eight,And vestal virgins eight that take up her train,Her breasts are in corset contained,Her hands pendant in blessing gesture,Thus the Sweet One appears,She of waist slender.
1395: Perform Kundalini Yoga Before Gaum SaktiThe Kundalini Fire in Muladhara resides,Course your breath to unite in Her in AnahathaAnd in devotion true the adhara above ascend,You shall into the heaven within rise,That is milky white pure (Solar Sphere).
1396: Krim Sakti is in Sun's SphereIn the mystic sphereBetween Centers, navel and heart,Is the Koopa (Krim) Sakti seated;There in the fiery Sphere of Sun;Unto the cool waters of a well was She.
1397: Krim Sakti's FormThe Sakti thus seatedHas benignant faces ten;There in Sun's Sphere She gently appears;She assumes protecting hands four times five,And to sunder Pasa holds the Trident.
1398: Weapons of Krim SaktiThe trident, mace, fiery sword, shining drumThe gleaming spear that is Jnana,The arrow, kettle-drum, parrot, the bow, these one side are;The bugle, flower, noose, battle-axe, knife, conch,The pendant hands in protecting gesture the other side are!--These meditate on.
1399: She is Surrounded by Forty-Four SaktisFour and Forty are Saktis surrounding HerFour and Forty Saktis that meditate on HerShe is seated within the lotusShe that transcends thoughts all.
1400: Krim Sakti as a Girlish NymphShe, that transcended thought all,Wears the diadem of goldHer corset is of gems, pearls and corals made,Her silken dress spreads below Her slender waistHer Feet hold the ankletsThus, adorned, as a girlish nymph,She stood before me.
1401: Effect of Worshipping Krim SaktiThis Sakti, there, as She stands constantAnima, Mahima, and the rest of Occult powers arise;The Pasas that bind the ancient Jiva are sundered;And the unitive Light of Jnana dawnsIn those who realize Her.
1402: Haum Sakti (Sadasiva Nayaki)--in Ajna CenterThe Sakti of the Sadasiva,Has faces five and hands ten,Of these, the downward looking face (Athomukha)Is divine far indeed.
1403: Haum Sakti's FormThe resounding bell, the trident, the skull and the parrotThe serpent that gems hold, the axe, the knife, the ballThe lotus that is lovely unto Her eyes,The kettle-drum that is held in Her handsThe gem-set garland that adorns Her body,With these She worship receives.
1404: Haum Sakti is Surrounded by Forty Saktis and Forty Vestal VirginsWith forty Saktis the worship offering,With forty Virgins making the retinueThe Beloved One is seated in the Chakra;And there in uninterrupted rapture,they are.
1405: Practise Kundalini Before Haum SaktiThe Fire that burns in the MuladharaTo rouse it and send it upward over adharas,Do center your mind on the root mantra (Aum)Your mind-force then lifts it up, heavenward,Like the clouds over terrestrial sphere.
1406: Aum Sakti Arose as SivayanamaThe Pranava Mantra composed of letters A and UFrom terrestrial sphere Muladhara aroseAscended upwardAnd as Sivayanama to eye appeared;Invisible it is not to the naked eye;Visible it rose, for us to see.
1407: Form of Amudeswari (Aum) Sakti in Moon SphereThus was She seated, Amudeswari,In the Moon Sphere of ambrosiaIn cranium within;There She was, the ambrosial milk breasted;Her throat and hands shine unto silver and goldIn Her Hand She held the hermit's pitcher of earth made,White-hued She is unto the ambrosia.
1408: Aum Sakti DescribedBeautious unto ambrosia is Her form,As crystal pure She rises in me,Unto a lily She is,Unto the pearl of deep cool waters She is,Unto ambrosia rich, immortal She is.
1409: Aum Sakti is Surrounded by 36 Saktis and 36 Vestal VirginsThe goodly Saktis six and thirtyThe vestal Virgins* six and thirtyThey seek Her that has her home in the lotus bloom,They seek Her, the Eternal One,From within the lotus of their bosom.*070Yoginis (female yogis)
1410: Practise Kundalini for a YearMy thoughts stood still in meditation,The Kundalini Fire filled the adharas,I beheld the Light above in Sahasrara,And as I held it in my heart,In a year Sakti appeared;The Sakti that is of luminous Aum.
1411: Effect of Worship of Aum SaktiLuminous indeed they becomeAll that are in High Heaven,Low they bowed before meAll the world, and all the creatures therein,Unto Narayana was I blessedWith all things goodly;How can I recountAll that comes of Aum Sakti.
1412: Saum Sakti in SahasraraAbove the downward looking face of Haum SaktiAbove the Aum Sakti in Lunar SphereIn Letter U FormIs the Celestial GardenThere unto the Wishing tree of Kalpaka is Saum Sakti;She of golden vine-like FormIs on lotus seated.
1413: Saum Sakti is Maiden InnocenceAs you worship that golden vineThe exulting I-ness leaves you;In the Chakra Sahasarara that represents the spaces vastYou shall see Her, close entwined,She, the Maiden Innocence.
1414: Saum Sakti is of Surpassing BeautyFor this Maiden InnocenceBeauty is woman's perfection embodied;For Her the Lord is the fatherThe world vast is Her tilak;Surrounded by maidens severalShe takes Her place,In the narrow crevice of Sahasrara.
1415: Saum Sakti is Surrounded by 32 Saktis and 32 Vestal VirginsSaktis thirty and two surrounding,Vestal Virgins thirty and two accompanying,In the spreading petalled lotus withinShe sat,She that has places several.
1416: Saum Sakti Appeared in MeThere they were, the Sadhakas, basking in the Light of the Dancer,There they were, the Sadhakas visioning Her, the Cause of AllThere they were, the Vedas, ancient, seeking Her everywhere,But this day,She in me as Her HomeReigns supreme.
1417: Lord Alone is the RefugeHe who has Her in the home of his heart,He lacks nothing;He who has Her in the home of his heart,He begs not;He who has Her in the home of his heartHe has peers none among Celestials even;He who has Her in the home of his heart,For Him is the Lord that nothing lacks.
1418: Jiva Chakra of 64 ChambersSixty and four are the instruments of enjoymentsThat tempt Jiva,Sixty and four are Kalas within Jiva,Sixty and four are the Chambers of Jiva's ChakraSixty and four, where Siva Sakti are.
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TANTRA FIVE (Verses1419-1572)4 SUDDHA SAIVAM1419: Four Paths of SaivamThe Lord created earth in wisdom infiniteAnd He made it abode of manHow shall I sing His Majesty!He is mighty as Mount Meru,*From whence He sways the three worlds;And He is the Four Paths of Saivam* too here below.
1420 School of Suddha Saivam Those who tread the path of Suddha SaivamStand aloft,Their hearts intent on Eternal Para;Transcending Worlds of Pure and Impure Maya,Where Pure Intelligence consorts not with Base Ignorance,And the lines that divide Real, Unreal and Real-UnrealAre discerned sharp.
1421 Suddha Saivam is Saiva Siddhanta Having learned all that learned must be,Having practised all Yoga that have to be,They, then, pursue the path of Jnana in gradation sure;And so pass into the world of Formless Sound beyond;And there, rid of all impurities,Envision the Supreme, the Self-created;They, forsooth, are the Saiva Siddhantins true.
1422 Suddha Siddhanta is Vedanta Suddha Siddhanta is Vedanta;They who have scaled the heights of Nada sphereHave verily had the Vision Unwavering;Comprehending Tattvas from world of elemental matterTo the Finite End of Jnana (Bhodanta)They become Perfection in Nadanta;They verily are the ardent seekers of Jnana.
1423 Path of Chariya-KriyaThey who walk the twin paths of Chariya and KriyaThey ever praise the twin Feet of Lord;On their limbs they wear holy emblemsThe twin rings in ear lobesThe twin rudraksha garland around the neck,And adopt the twin MudraAll, in amiable constancy.
1424 Path of Dvadasa Marga Saivam (Yoga)In the lobes of their ear,They wear the double ring of gold,Around their necksThey wear the double string of rudraksha;Their holy body thus adornedThey sit quiescent, chanting mantrasAnd feel their way inwardThrough the twelve steps in the ladderOf the Soul's ascension to SivaOf such are the peerless school of Saivas.
1425 Pure Suddha Saivam (Jnana)They who transcended the nine spiritual CentersVerily saw God,Whom the nine continents seek;They saw the Continent beyond all continentsThey, indeed, are the Pure Suddha Saivas.
1426 Characteristics of JnaniThe Jnani masters all sacred lore on earth,And the attainments sixty and fourAnd espies the Land of MaunaAnd all other land besides;He sees the goal of all VedasAnd sees Lord and himself in union one.
1427 Jnana Path is for Suddha SaivamThe golden emblems of Siva,And the holy smear of ashesApt are they the insigniaOf those in Saiva Path stand;But the path of JnaniIs the path that no evil ever crossesThat his emblem, the holy path of Sanmarga (Jnana)So beloved of Suddha Saiva.
1428 Greatness of Jnani in Suddha SaivamThe blemishless Jnani is king of Wisdom's realm,He is the Sun, whose beams pierce the massive lore of Vedanta-SiddhantaHis is salvation TrueHe, the immortal oneAnd devoted true to Suddha Saiva way.
1429 Conclusions of Suddha SaivamNine are the Agamas of yoreIn time expanded into twenty and eight,They then took divisions three*Into one truth of Vedanta-Siddhanta to accordThat is Suddha Saiva, rare and precious.
1430 Doctrine of Grace in Suddha SaivamShe transcends the worlds of Matter, Pure and Impure,And the seven states of Turiya awarenessAnd the categories of Real and Unreal,She is Paraparai;She grants the soul deliverance;She is ever within;She is the Lord's Divine Grace,The Arul Sakti that is all pervasive.
1431 Sakti's Grace for Jnani in Suddha SaivamThey transcended Categories Real and UnrealThat cognize neither Chit nor AchitThey attuned themselves to Sivoham meditation,And in Mukti, in the bliss of SaktiThey were immersed deep,And thereAll Siddhis abounded in surpassing prowess.
1432 Suddha Saiva StrategyThe Self, Para and the Sadasiva that is Lord,The categories threePati, Pasu and pasa,The Immaculate Ancient One,And the Tattvas that bind JivaAnd the goal of LiberationOn All these in accord contemplateThey, of the path of Suddha Saiva.
1433 Vision of Suddha Saivam PathThey fixed their thoughts on PerfectionAnd lost consciousness of Self's existenceThey have reached the End of Vedas;They followed the Twelve-Way routeTo divine raptureThat their vision is,Those of Suddha Saiva Way.
1434 Way of JnaniHe stills the incessant flow of thoughtThat even Yoga's severity stills not,With Jnana he effaces the SelfAnd in Bhava identifies with Siva;That in brief is worthy Jnani's story.
1435 Vedanta is Siddhantin's Finite GoalThe Vedantins envision BrahmanAdepts are they in Brahmaic art;They hold all phenomenon as illusion entire,Those who envision NadantaAre yogis unwavering;But Siddhanta that accords not with Vedanta,Is the common Saiva's lot.
1436 God is Beyond Reach of Pasu and Pasa KnowledgeHigh be the clouds that soarThey never shall touch the heaven's roof;Varied be the sights that loomThey never shall touch the eye's orbs;Even so,Neither Pasu nor Pasa shall reach Him,Whom contemplation scarce comprehends.
1437 Siddhanta is to Unite With SivaYou and He are not two separateYou and He are but one united;Thus do you stand,Freed of all sectarian shackles;Adore the Feet of ParaparaiAnd with Siva become One;That the way Siddhanta fulfills.
1438 Suddha Saivam DefinedThey are not for outward form and attire,They are not for pomp and ceremony,Uprooting all bond and desire,Abiding in the Immaculate Lord,They bring to dire destructionThe Soul's egoity and its bondage beginninglessThus they onward leapWith Siva's light suffusedThey, of Suddha Saiva Way.1439: Teachings of Siddhanta SchoolThe five Tattvas that constitute the body,The thirty more that together constitute themAnd the one Tattva that is yet beyond Pure Maya,All these they transcend;The thick layers of primal bondage they dissolveAnd of certain, realize the SelfThat the way of Siddhantins true.
1440: Goal of Suddha Saivas is to be One With SivaThey tarry not in the Pure Maya Sphere of Siva TattvasThere they but attain the status of Gods,But that as a spring boardTheir Soul reaches farther out to Siva Him-selfAnd merging in His union, Self-effacing,Themselves become Immaculate SivaThey, forsooth, are Suddha Saivas.
1441: I and You Difference EffacedI sought Him in terms of I and YouBut He that knows not I from YouTaught me the truth, "I" indeed is "You"And now I talk not of I and You.
1442: When This Truth Dawns Then is Union in SivaWhen this Truth, beyond words, you perceiveThe Siva Tattvas five bend below;The light of Supreme Jnana dawns,Illumines the Soul's pathTo the Finite goalOf Sayujya union in Lord.
1443: Chariya is Breath of Suddha Saivam"O! Kalangi! Kanja Malayaman! Kanduru!My loved disciples, this you understand;The practice of Chariya is basic to salvation,And verily is the breath of Suddha SaivaIn this world below"-Thus quotes-Mula,Master of penances many.
1444: Jnana, Yoga, Kriya and Chariya DefinedTo be one, Life within Life-that the luminous path of Jnana;To seek the Light within Life-that the mighty path of Yoga;To invest idol with Life-that the external way of KriyaTo adore Siva in love-that the basic worship of Chariya.
1445: Temple Worship Essential to ChariyaWander you through town and villaSeek Him through shrine and templeSing of Him as "Siva, Siva, my Lord"And thus do you offer worship meek,And the Lord will make your heart His temple.
1446: Ways of Those Who Follow Four PathsThey who follow path of Chariya are Bhaktas;In Kriya the devoted souls wear holy emblems,They who practise Iyama and the rest are Yogis;And they who reach Siva Jnana are Jnana Siddhas true.
1447: Goals of the Four PathsJnanis merge the I in You;Yogis attain Siddhi and Samadhi;Those in Kriya miss not daily worship;And in Chariya they perform pilgrimages many.
1448: Worship in the Four PathsKriya is worship of Siva in Form,Yoga of the Formless One,Jnana is the advanced path in ripeness of time,The adoration of the loving heart is Chariya,Exalted indeed it is.
1449: The Four Paths Were Revealed by NandiThe Four paths of worshipAnd the four states of realization they giveAnd the six schools of Vedanta-SiddhantaAll these are truthsThat Nandi from the Golden City descending revealedFor the doubting humanity to redeem.
1450: Ordination Rites for the Four PathsSamaya is the ordination rite for self-surrender in ChariyaVisesha, the rite for incantation of Siva Mantra in KriyaNirvana helps Kalas purification in YogaAnd Abhisheka for Grace to reach in Jnana.
1451: God is Everywhere-Seek HimThe One God there isHe pervades the ten directions around,In which direction can we say is He not?So, do take refuge under His Holy FeetThen shall you cross the roaring Sea of Karma,And safe reach the Shores of Beyond.
1452: True Worship is Worship WithinYou may adore Him with sandal, fragrance exceeding,That grows on peaks atop in forests interior,You may worship Him with flowers rare,That bloom in Heaven's gardensUnless you shed your fleshly attachmentsAnd realize Him in the depths of your heartYou shall never never reach His Holy FeetThat is unto flowers that shed honey dew.
1453: Bhakti Begets GraceThe Lord is your Guide,Seek His feet as does the yearning calf,He shall seat you amidst His children of Wisdom;The Devas, the Beings of Heaven, bow low before Him;Great is His love, as of the cow to her calf;And bounteous His Grace, beyond beyond count.
1454: Bhakti's End is Lord's AbodeShe fashioned this worldAnd all universe that fills space in directions eightHer-He consorts, sharing Himself with HerTo adore Him is the duty of humans here below;And that which fashions a place in Lord's AbodeIs Bhakti true.
1455: The Four Paths are the Steps in the Ladder to Siva UnionThe Bhakta to begin with practises Chariya and Kriya,Then blessed with grace takes to Yoga pure;And that way reaches the path of JnanaAnd in the end by Guru's grace becomes one with Siva.
1456: Daily I Beseech His GraceThe Lord is resplendent as pure goldHis Feet are unto the lotus bloomAt them I pray: "Lord, Grant me Your Grace!"And in love I melt and daily adore;And the Lord that is Light within my bonesHimself does reveal unto me.
1457: Yoga Way Leads to RealizationThey course Kundalini through centers six,To singleness of aim direct the mind,Unto a wooden stake they sit immobile,Impervious to tickle or to thrust,To the wise yogins who thus set their purpose high,Lord His Grace grants.
1458: God is Timeless EternityUnless you have realized Him as Timeless EternityYou know Him not, albeit through aeons and aeons of time;The Gods-Hari of the Ocean bed and Aya, the Creator-In vain have sought Him through countless vista of TimeHe is at the Pinnacle, beyond, beyond their reach.
1459: Yogi Realizes God WithinAs from within the flower,The hidden fragrance wakes to life,So, out of Jiva blossomsSiva's divine grace;Sitting unmoved like painted pictureThe yogi realizes Him withinUnto the planted pole is He,Which the musk-cat embraces, its fragrance to shed.
1460: Seek God Within YouYou say, "I have realized God"Yet you have not seen Him that is but within you;Nandi abides subtle as fragrance within flower;Seek Him in singleness of your thoughtThen shall your darkness of Impurities vanishThe darkness that is the seed of birth and rebirth interminable.
1461: Yoga Shows the WayNeither mantra, nor song, nor arts four and sixtyEver sunders birth and its accursed bonds;Then did I take to Yoga's way,And lo! I met the Sun, Moon and Fire on the way to CraniumAnd they showed the Supreme Way!
1462: Fruits of YogaDo in devotion practise yogaYou shall a true tapasvin become;You shall the True Word realize;And of certain, one with Heavenly Beings be;Yoga devoted is penance true.
1463: Do's and Don'ts in YogaDo with care practise yogaYou shall with Immortals be;Within you shall you glimpse Him;If you but waver,Then shall you reach the World of DarknessVerily, Kundalini Fire that Yoga kindles in theeIs the Gracious Lord HimSelf.
1464: Fall and Redemption Through YogaThe monarchs that swayed the sceptre righteous,The devout anchorites in unnumbered thousands,How many, how many, thy fell below;(For having wavered in Yoga practice)And yet, the myriad Siddhas, Devas and Supreme Beings Three,All redeemed adore HimSaying "You, Our Father!"
1465: Sub-divisions in YogaThe yogi has sub-divisions three in his path;The yoga-kriya that helps him be the yogi;The yoga-chariya that of desires deprives him,And yoga-in-yoga that centers thought on Sun within;This latter I fixed my heart on.
1466: Stages of Initiation in the Yoga PathSamaya Diksha in yoga is initiation for diverse yoga efforts;Visesha Diksha in yoga is for achievement of eight-limbed yoga;Nirvana Diksha in yoga aids yogi glimpse the Divine;And when he is granted Abhisheka OrdinationThen is he ripe for Siddha State.
8 JNANA1467: Jnana Path Most ExaltedThan Jnana,There is none better an ethical path, here below;None better a religious faith;Nothing else than Jnana can confer liberation true;They that are exalted in JnanaAre truly exalted among men.
1468: Jnani Transcends NadaOut of the primal Principle of Sound (Nada)The Mind springs;And out of the Mind-Intelligence, Egoity and Will;They who have mastered these three,And the Mind's cogitational activity as well,Verily have mastered NadaAnd have truly attained Jnana.
1469: Stages of Attainment Through JnanaThus they say:By devotion the Jiva first sojourns Lord's world;Then comes to dwell in Lord's proximity;Further on receives Lord's grace,And in the end attains JnanaIn Sivohamic I and You unionJiva shall himself Siva become.
1470: Unitive Attainment of JnaniBrahmam shall be his impregnable abode,Universe, his kith and kin;Diverse paths the world presentsAll, all shall be his;For, verily he has realizedThe pure Jnana, free of doubt.
1471: Jnana is LifeboatThe Lord is of Infinite Grace,In His Celestial City are Love, Light and Peace eternal,To them that seek to know His FormAnd understand His AttributesAnd attain His Holy FeetTo them, this is the PathThis, this the boat to cross Life's turbulent waters.
1472: Jnani Becomes Light DivineIn whose thoughts Jnana ripens and swells,In his path the Life-Boat appears and greets him;And thus does he reach the surging watersOf the Crescent Moon's sphere,And there, rid of Impurities,He himself the Effulgent Light becomes.
1473: Jnani's Attainments are UniqueFor JnaniAll four paths are;Not so for the Yogi until he becomes Mauni;For him is Kundalini Yoga in ardour performed,Chariya and Kriya too are his.
1474: Attainments at Four Jnana StagesThe Jnani attains all the four stages in Jnana;Jnana-in-Jnana is to transcend the "I" and "Mine"Yoga-in-Jnana is to envision the Light of Nadanta;Kriya-in-Jnana is to seek the liberation by good.
1475: Jnani Attains Unitive Wisdom in the AbsoluteHe who realizes Jnana in its four divisionsHe verily transcends the conflict of virtue and vice;He has reached the farthest shores of Truth;He has glimpsed the Mighty Object;He is the Immaculate, Siddha, Siva Mukta.
1476: Initiation Rites in JnanaIn Jnana are initiation rites four;Samaya initiates the search for the Self;Visesha, the search for the Divine;Nirvana for the descent of Lord's Grace;Abhisheka for the attainment of Divine Guru's Holy Feet.
1477: San MargaThey glimpsed the Light of Holy Scriptures,The revealed word of the Self-Existent Sivam.They lost the sense of ego,Became Siddhas of SivaYoga,And over Death triumphed;Only they that had thus evolvedKnew meaning inner of Sanmarga.
1478: Nandi Showed Sanmarga PathThe peerless Master NandiOf Saivam honoured high,He showed us a holy pathFor Souls' redemption trueIt is Siva's divine path, Sanmarga's pathFor all world to treadAnd for ever be free.
1479: Guru Adoration is SanmargaTo see him, to adore him, to meditate on himTo touch him, to sing of him,To bear his holy feet on humbled head,They that render devotion to GuruIn diverse ways thus,They indeed walk the Sanmarga pathThat to liberation leads.
1480: Sanmarga Gives the Vision TrueThey that have true Vision none,Shall never Siva know;Nor shall even Jivas be;Nor indeed Siva become;Never, never their birth's bondage broken be.
1481: Sanmarga Leads to Supreme Grace-BlissWhen you scorch Impurities fiveAnd listen to the Voice of SilenceYou become a pure Mukta;And I and You in one merge;And by the unsullied Grace Jnana grantsYou shall joy of the Bliss Divine;Verily, then by Sanmarga PathYou become He indeed .
1482: Greatness of SanmargisThe visage of Sanmargi is Pedestal of SaktiWhere Sanmargi is there God is,To see assemblage of Sanmargis is to vision Lord,This I proclaim,To whatsoever path you do incline.
1483: Sanmarga Path PurestAlone of all pathsSanmarga grants God-head through knowledge;The rest of paths are for un-illumined;Renouncing the ways of impuritiesAnd transcending limits of TuriyaIt merges I in You;Verily, Sanmarga is Path Purest.
1484: Other Three Paths Open of ThemselvesUnto that rare seeker in Sanmarga pathThe rest of three paths, of themselves open;That alone is True Path union with Siva seeks;Seek that PathAs Guiding Word scriptures proclaim.
1485: Sanmargi's VisionThe bondage that keeps Jiva an alien to God,The Karmas that flow from it,The avastas that the Self experiences,The Primordial Stuff that is Matter's nucleus,The Consciousness that entwines it,The million, million mutations that pervade the universe,They who see them all and their own SelvesVerily are they the Sanmargis true.
1486: Sanmarga Leads to Svarupa StateRending the Soul's bonds asunderConjoining him to the LordMelting the heart that knew no meltingMerging into the Primal Manifestness (Svarupa)That is Truth EternalSanmarga verily gives JivaThe rest that knows no commotion ever.
1487: Sanmarga is Only Path to Finite GoalThat alone is Path DivineThe Sanmargis for Goal ordain;Other Path there is none,Than this path to the One;They that straight reach it not,Through Yoga's Path may yet climb.
1488: Sahamarga Leads to Sanmarga*3Sahamarga (Yoga) blossoms into Sanmarga,ThThrough Siddhi it leads to Supreme Mukti;It is the Path lower to Sanmarga,Involving myriad birth and deathBut eventually landing in Jnana Finite.
1489: Without Sahamarga They Lost AllThey that follow not twelve-tiered Path of Sahamarga,Neither will they know Guru nor God, nor Faith True;The Goddess of Grace will frown at them;Salvation shall never their portion be;And they do lose both-Their stature and kith.
1490: Fruits of Yoga SamadhiIn Yoga Samadhi is Space Infinite;In Yoga Samadhi is Light Abiding;In Yoga Samadhi is Sakti Omnipotent;They that joy in Yoga SamadhiAre verily Siddhas great.
1491: Yoga Confers Blessings of Here and HereafterBoth yoga and bhoga, yogis may have;Through yoga is attained Siva's Form divine;Through bhoga all earthly blessings;Thus may he enjoy both-he, Yogi immortal.
1492: Yoga Leads to Supreme AwarenessThrough this path of SahamargaThe Yogis pierce the AdharasAnd the Nadis they purify;Envision the Kalas sixteen,And glimpse their heavenly radiance;And then are they merged in Awareness SupremeTheir organs of sense, internal and external,All atrophied.
1493: Siva is in Yogi's ThoughtHe harries and subdues the conflicting senses fiveWith the sharp sword of his determinate will;In his thought emerges LordWhom the eighteen Ganas seek;Verily, the yogi deserves our obeisance.
1494: Love Basis of YogaEven for the Yogi austereWho attains the glossy hue of the rich ripe fruitThe Lord is hard of shell unto the wood-apple fruit,But to them whose hearts ripe in love,And taste the sweets of divine rapture,He opens all of HimselfUnto a rich fruit mature.
11 SATPUTRA MARGA (PATH OF KRIYA)1495: Path of Filial Piety Leads to JnanaThe Path of Filial Piety is the Way of Kriya true;The Kriya Path leads to Yoga Path;Transcending both,And uniting in Sakti of Yoga StateIndeed is consummation of Sanmarga Path.
1496: What Constitutes Kriya PathTo perform Pujas, to read the scriptures holyTo praise the Lord, to chant His holy name,To practise Tapas, to be truthful,To bear no envy,Thyself to cook the offering for Lord with loving careThese and other acts of reverenceConstitute Pure Path of Filial Piety.
1497: All Nature Seeks Flowers; Why Not You?The humming bees roam unceasing from flower to flower;The snow-white swans float amidst lotus and blue-bells,They all, all, seek flowers fragrant;Yet, you who have beheld all this,Adore not the Lord with flowers for a while even.
1498: Lord is Our Defence and RefugeHis Holy Feet are our Rock of Refuge;His commandments, our defence's battlements;He is verily the finite ShoreFor the surging tide of Jivas on earth;He pervades thus, the seven worlds alike.
1499: Adore Lord in Diverse Ways; He Shall Be YoursRise high, bend low, kiss and embrace Lord;Praise Him, sing Him and pray at His Holy Feet;That shall your birth's fulfilment be;In trembling love do adore Him;He, indeed, shall be beloved unto you.
1500: Approach Lord Through Kriya PathIn reverence I stand and adore mine lord;In humility I prostrate and praise Him;And for ever and ever shall I worship the Divine Light of Beauty;You too shall seek Him with flowers fragrant,The more you adore HimThe fuller He reveals Himself unto you,He the Lord of Beings Heavenly.
1501: Kriya Comes of ChariyaHearken! You, worldly menThat stand in Chariya Path,It leads to the Kriya Path,That exalts you;Then shall your primordial Pasas lie prostrate,And you live in unending bliss for ever.
1502: Ways of DasamargaGently light the lamp,Gather flowers fragrant,Humbly ground the holy paste,Softly sweep,Sing Lord's Praise,Count the crystal beads,Anoint in many ways,And perform the diverse acts of temple service.
1503: Hold Fast to Chariya PathThis the Primal Being, that the Primal BeingThus in doubt tossed,Away they moved farther and farther from It;They know not this is the true Path,And worship not;Do pursue this appointed way,And seek the King of Kings;That, in truth, shall quellAll doubts within you swell.
1504: All Worship Began From Chariya"I meditate on the Moon Nadi on the left,I shift on to the Sun Nadi on the right"-The worship the yogins thusAt the Feet of the One performAnd the worship the Celestial BeingsDaily to Lord offer,All these but beginIn the Path of Chariya ultimate.
1505: Lord Appears in Love EntwinedThe Celestial Beings seek LordChanting His glory in names thousand;They that adore His Holy FeetIn abiding rapture of their hearts,And hold him as their eyes' appleUnto them is He sweet melody,To them He appears in divine love entwined.
1506: Be of Love and See the LordWhat avails itThat you read holy scriptures,Perform Pujas,Gather flowers in cluster?As long as your heart is unto a pebbleDropped into a dark poolOver-spread with moss of ignorance,You can never realize the Lord;Lord that is in your heart's love;Lord that is blue-throated;He, the Pure Light.
1507: Successive Stages to Finite BeatitudeThe four stages of attainmentSaloka, Samipa, Sarupa and SayujyaAre in gradation reached from Chariya;The path of Chariya leads to Saloka;And that in turn to Samipa;And Samipa shows the way to Sarupa;And ultimately to Para of Infinite Space (Sayujya)Beyond which there is state none.
1508: The Four Ordinations in Kriya WorshipIn Kriya worship are sacraments four;Samaya sacrament prepares heart to be a Tabernacle of God;Visesha sacrament installs the Faith firm;Nirvana helps realize the Truth of Faith;Abhisheka confereth the state of Samadhi Supreme.
1509: Transformation of World-KnowledgeIn Saloka Pasa Jnana (World knowledge) becomes Pasu Jnana (Spiritual knowledge)In Samipa it becomes Arul Jnana (Grace-knowledge)In Sarupa it is transformed into Pati Jnana (God-knowledge)In Sayujya it is for ever dissolved.
1510: Only Jnana-in-Yoga Leads to Sarupa StateThe State of Sarupa is, no doubt, reachedThrough the eight-pronged yoga way;But unless it be Sanmarga-in-Yoga,The Sarupa state cannot be;The yoga way but leads to bodily Siddhis diverse;But for the Sarupa state to realize,None these but the pure way of Jnana-in-Yoga.
1511: Sarupa State by Nearness to GodAll things, living and non-living,As they reach the Golden Mount of MeruAre themselves into gold transformed;Even so,They that reach the world of Master DivineAttain Form the Light DivineHis, of the King of Kailas.
16 SAYUJYAM (ONE IN GOD)1512: Stages in the Soul's PilgrimageIn the Soul's Pilgrimage towards GodThe Path of Saivam describes stages four;It is Saivam, when the Self forges a kindred tie with Siva (in Saloka)It is Saivam, when the Soul realizes itself and nears God (in Samipa)It is Saivam, when it leaves Samipa (and reaches Sarupa)It is Saivam when it enjoys the final bliss of Sivananda,The inextricable union in Sayujya.
1513: SayujyamSayujya is the state of Jagra-Atita-the Beyond-ConsciousnessSayujya is to abide for ever in Upasantha,The peace that knows no understandingSayujya is to become Siva Himself,Sayujya is to experience the infinite power of inward bliss,Forever and ever.
1514: Wooing of the Soul by the Lady of GraceIn the corner dark of the Chamber of Primal StuffThere She was-the Virgin Lady of Grace;Intent on consorting with the Blind Old Man-the Soul immortal,She rent his veil of night,Showered full many a favour,Wooed with temptations diverse,And lo! to Her bosom took him,In wedlock holy.
1515: The Infinite Ground of Sakti's DescentIf you meditate on the primal sourceWhence the evil senses sprangYou shall know it as Land of Becoming,The ambrosia of the Realized;They that have been given the clear vision, nectar sweet,Are verily the Infinite GroundOf Sakti's highest seeking.
1516: Arul Sakti Helps Attain LiberationThe Primal Sakti releases Jiva from enveloping gloom,Rows it across the sea of myriad births,Grants the Grace Abiding;And lands it on the shores of Truth's BlissUnited in the Lord of Heavenly Beings,-Themselves as yet unfreeFrom Impurity's obscuration.
1517: Grace IlluminesAs when groping in a chamber enveloped in thick gloom,A sudden shaft of light pierces and illumines,Unto it into the gloom of bewildering IgnoranceIs the Presence of Lord and Lady of Grace,Lord that is Nandi, worshipped in the blossom of heart.
1518: Grace Leads Soul Through Successive StagesShe tempted the Soul with guiles,Took him to Her bosom,Shook him from stupor,Dispelled his Karmaic hordes,Destroyed them to the roots,Filled him with raptureLifted the veil of his IgnoranceGranted many a favourAnd then, then, bestowed on him Her Grace that illumines.
1519: Descent of Grace Snaps Cycle of BirthsThey that have sported in the waters of Virgin Grace,No more shall wallow in the filthy waters of virgin's lust;If they but seek to sport in the Holy Virgin's Waters of Grace,No more births shall they in future take.
1520: Lord is Soul's RedeemerHe is the Red One (Destroyer)The Dark One (Preserver)The White One (Creator)The Green One (Redeemer)They who know Him thus, free of doubtOf a certain shall seek Him;Remember this;His are the sinewy armsThat skinned the dark massive elephantAnd donned it for a vesture;Do therefore, seek Him and adore Him.
1521: Siva and Sakti are One and SameInfinite the passage of Time's FloodYet they say, He and His Consort stand one;For them that adore Him daily in devotion,He is verily the unfailing proofOf labour readily rewarded.
1522: Vision of Sakti and Siva in UnionGiven unto me was to vision the LightThat shone from the Twain in unison;It was verily the Light Divine of the Ancient One,In whose matted locks festooned with flowers,The bees dance drunk with nectar;They that waited in patience and prayerThey indeed saw Him-their darkness dispelled.
1523: Fruit of GraceIn the garden of the Heavenly FatherIs that Damsel of Grace;She approaches you,Reveals the mystery of the births beyond count,And destroys their very seed;And then you vision the Primal One;That, indeed, is the fruit of Her Grace.
1524: They That Adore Sakti Shall Be Granted Things SpiritualShe is the Damsel of the montane regions;Of shapely breasts and delicate beauty;If you in devotion adore Her,She cuts the bonds of birth asunder;Grants the prowess of mighty tapas;Scorches the soul's forgetfulness;And leads you to liberation path.
1525: Light of Grace Illumines Path of DevoteeHe is the Lord of all Space in directions eight;Bear His holy Feet on your head,And He shall appear to youWith His Consort of GraceWreathed in clusters of fragrant bloomsIn Her twisted tresses;And for them who are thus made wiseThe Blue Flame of Her floating GraceShall, for ever, illumine the Path.
1526: Lord Draws Near When Grace VisitsSeek close,That soft Flame of Wisdom shall grant youThe peerless gift of Grace;When you adore HimDo so, showering blooms at His FeetAs I do,Then shall He draw near youWhom nothing can ever near;He is truly the life pervasive of worlds all.
1527: When Grace Descends as GuruWhen Jiva attains the state of NeutralityTo deeds, good and evil,Then does divine Grace in Guru form descend,Removes attributes all,Implants Jnana that is unto a heavenly cool shade;The Jiva thus rid of egoity,And other Impurities Three,Shall with Siva in union merge.
1528: How to Win Lady of GraceIn the Emptiness Vast where neither night nor day isThe Lady of Long Tresses dances in rapture;Think of Her, make no soundAnd in silence woo Her;In endearment allShe draws you unto Her bosom,And grants you Her favours;Verily, Verily, She is the Paraparai,The Power Supreme.
1529: Inner Light of GraceHe is the Sun and the MoonThat dispells darkness;He is the Light on the path,The Peerless Flame, the Supreme Lord;The Master that illumined the Light within me;He entered in me and lighted up the corporeal body;And then, aye, with me bided for ever and ever.
1530: The Six Faiths Avail NotThe Six faiths severally congregate,Yet, not one knows the God within;Deep into the pit of illusion, their adherents drop,And fastened hard by familial ties of bondage,They shake and tremble, in vain impotence.
1531: Formal Faiths Know not God WithinHe hides in your heartYet does He pervade all;He is the Munificient One;The Lord Supreme;Of austere penanceHe is seated on the lotus of our hearts;The cunning Master-ThiefIn stealth enters this hollow abode of human fleshAnd then leaves it;None knows His deep design.
1532: Existence of God is an Act of FaithSay, Lord is within you and without youThen sure my Lord is within you and without you;To them they say,He is neither within you or without youSure is He nowhere for them.
1533: God is Beyond All Formal FaithsThey founded the Six Faiths,Yet they found Him not;What the Six Faiths talk of is not He;Do you yourself in faith seek Him,And be resolved of doubts all;And then sure shall you enter your Father's Mansion.
1534: God Can Be Reached Only by DevotionProclaim you this:There is nothing except SivaNo tapas except it be for HimThe Six Faiths are nothing but a dreary waste;Do seek Nandi of mighty penance;You shall indeed be redeemed truly.
1535: The Six Faiths Sought not Freedom from PasasThey of the Six Faiths sought LordOnly for heavenly state to gain;They sought not to be rid of bondage thorns,And so know not to be rid of this world materiality.
1536: Path of Siva Leads to Final LiberationThe Path of Siva alone is Finite Path;The Other paths but lead to earthly sorrows;And sure birth in bondage returns to you;Do you walk in the Holy Path;And when the One appears,The triad Impurities that your destruction encompassesWill, of themselves, meet their own destruction.
1537: The False Paths Lead not to ParamForsooth,The Faiths here below are a hundred in number,In that swollen stream are the Six Faiths too;These Faiths take not to the goal they boast of;They are true Faiths never,They take you not to Path of Param.
1538: Contending Faiths Do Not HelpThe contending Paths are unto the braying asses:The Pure Siva is all-pervasive;They seek Him not by the right Path,And so free are not from Impurities;They shall grow insaneForever entangled in whirl of birth and death.
1539: To Attain Finite GoalThose who are assailed by doubtsAnd those who are freed from doubtsWhen together commingle,Drive the wild beasts of Karma twine to caves,And persevere in the pursuitThen shall Finite Goal be reached;They that are rid of the terrors of the wildShall see the Path that to Para leads.
1540: God is Distant and NearHe is far away,He is near at handHe is rid of ailments,He is of immortal name Nandi;Transparent to those that have unwavering vision;Elusive to those who are tossed in doubt;Such know not the mysterious purposeFor which the fleshly body is fashioned.
1541: The End of SeekingTo be born and to live again and again here below,Verily is the curse of all;It is the seed of Karma twain;If you but listen to Him that knowsThe origin of swirl that is birth and death,No more shall you seekThe ways of the perishing men.
1542: Lord and Nandi are OneAll the holy ones hail Him as Great God, the Supreme Lord,He that is Nada and bears the name Nandi;You too shall make no distinction,But in prayer lift your hands to Him as Being Supreme;And the Primal One shall as such reveal Himself.
1543: God is Within You; and Yet Far AwayHe is Hara, Holy Father, Primal LordAs implacable Truth He entered heart;But if hearts of devotees sought alien pathsThey know Him not;Then is He far, far away.
1544: Precious is Hara's PathThe Heavenly Lord, He knows our goalHe is tender hearted;He is the Effulgent Sun that guides the destinyOf Heavenly Beings of wisdom great;Do think of Him in thought unsullied;He is of crystal pure hue;Precious the path of VirtueHe for us has laid.
1545: God is Beyond All ReligionsThis the right path, that the right pathBe not tossed in such frail human doubts;Seek the Being that is beyond wilderness of doubtsHis is the Form that transcends fleshly imperfections.
1546: True and False FaithsThat Path they tookThe immortal Devas and the saintly tapasvins;And so reached Goal TrueAnd merged in one with Siva;But they that followed froward faithsReceived not His grace;They lost their way,And forever wander.
1547: Definition of True PathHe is Light within you;To know how to reach HimIs True Path of Becoming;If you know thus,You know contradiction none;That is Path Finite, your Goal's End;They are but folks poor in spiritThat know not merging in Light Divine.
1548: Worldly Path is not True PathThere is a True Path for the Journey;They that follow the swampy paths worldlySee but the mirage;They that avoid the sorrowful path of swirling KarmaCross evil safe;And shall sure worship at Lord's Feet.
1549: True Path Leads Straight to Lord's PresenceWalking in the True PathYour holiness consummates;The host of thine Karmaic deeds scattersAnd they flee away;Leave you the tortuous pathOf the Karmaic ridden men of worldOnward you journey, straight inside;Thou shall, for certain, standIn the Presence of the Lord of Heavenly Beings.
1550: Who Attained Divine TranquilityThe Heavenly Beings, immortal as the mountain Himalayas,Received the Darshanas that are Six;"We learned them all and attained the Other World"-Thus quote they;But, in sooth,The Primal Lord is in intimacy withinOf those that have Divine Tranquility attained.
1551: Worship Siva and Siva BecomeThey who bow their head at the Feet of LordOf spreading matted locks and Konrai bloom bedecked,They shall, like unto Him, become;But they that yearn not for Him in constant eagernessShall be in sorrow immersed,Sighing eternal here below.
1552: Worship Brings Immortal LifeDespair not!You that thus sit and bewailAnd you that have lost your better nature!Seek Lord in penance true,The Heavens' Lord shall wipe your tears away,And grant you Greatness;And you shall then know births no more.
1553: Lord is Unto Gentle RainWho seeks Finite TruthThey His friend are;Who does not seek HimThey but know the Worldly Men's Misery-Way,Enveloped in darkness of bondageIn vain shall they be born again and again;Who seeks Path TrueTo them, the Lord is unto richly laden cloudsThat drops gentle rain of Heavenly Grace.
1554: Lord Guides the Boat of LifeThe Boat of LifeBy Divine Wisdom guidedDischarges quick its cargoAt the City Ancient;Having seen that unerring prospectThese wretched men of ignoble deedsThink not of His Holy Feet,In devotion replete.
1555: Lord is Within YouThe Only Being, the Eternal BeingWithin you He dwells;When you say so,These ignorant men laugh low;Poor folk! if they but seek Him in prayer withinThen shall they meet Him-the Peerless One.
1556: Who Pursued False FaithsThey wake not to Inner Light of Aum within;And joy not in ego-effaced bliss ensuingThey wot not of approaching death,They seek not end of recurring birth,Lo! they pursued the unending path of contending faiths,And stood forlorn, for ever lost in faith false.
1557: Lord Pervades All Six Inner FaithsHe is the Ancient One,He created the beings of earth and heaven,In days of yore, in Order Divine;The Six Faiths seek the FeetBut of the One Primal Peerless God;And in them all He pervadesIn measure appropriate.
1558: All Faiths Lead but to LordOne, the Great City,Six, the roads that lead to it;Thus are Faiths Six;They that contend, "This true; That false"Are unto the dog that in ire barksTo its own echo at hilly side.
1559: Come, Stand Apart and Seek LordHe is the incomparable LordOf the magnificient path of Saivam;He is Nandi of Divine LustreThat breaths the eternal life of Grace;Beloved is He of the truly great;The Lord of all universe, the source of all Joy;Come, stand apart, seek, realize,And be redeemed.
1560: "You Are He"-Is the Teaching of True PathSiva laid the divine path ancientThat leads to the Home EternalSeek Him that way;And know you are HeYou shall duly find Him within yourself.
1561: The True Path is Through KundaliniThe Six Faiths that profess the means to BecomingAre by themselves but blind alleys all;No good comes by following them alone;The true path of Becoming for all life to pursueIs but the path of divine Kundalini Sakti,The blossom-vine that through Six centers courses.
1562: Lord Ever GuidesNow have I realized the Path of Hara;In the past I sought Him in narrow pathsAnd strayed;Lo! all the while He stood before meLike a beacon light in firmamentGuiding my voyageAcross the sea of my Soul's longing.
1563: Siva Path is Proven PathThe Path of Siva is the proven pathIt led them to Hara;It is the royal path that renowned Souls had walked;The Path DivineThat took the devout to Cosmic Space;That path, do seek,Enter and persevere.
1564: Vision of Light Effulgent in Saiva PathStill your wandering thoughts;Chant sacred syllable "Si"And so persevere in Path of HaraYou shall envision Primal Light Effulgent.
1565: Vision Through Saiva PathHe that belongs to the Lady of Lightning FormHe that belongs to the Vedic Fire of BrahminsHe that belongs to them that think of HimHe, the Primal LordHe, the tender shoot of Jnana,When you glimpse His loving signs,Then have you walked in Path of Siva.
1566: Adoration of Siva is BlissThey that discriminated notKnew not Hara's Path;Their souls in myriad machinations caught,The Truth saw not;They that followed Hara's PathOf a certain reached His Feet of Grace,And joyed the Bliss, all senses uplifted.
1567: Saiva Path was Laid by Holy NandiThe Holy Nandi, the acclaimed Master of Saiva FaithHas showed a Way-the Master's way of Redemption;That, divine Path of SaivaHe did chalk out for those here belowTo walk in Sanmarga's trailAnd be for ever free.
1568: Attune to InfinityThis the right Faith, that the true FaithWhen my Lord Nandi thus seesMad men in two contendHe smiles in pity;What though the form of Faith?What though the place of Birth?They with mind to infinity attunedSure enter the City of God.
1569: Siva is Inclusive of JivaSiva has faces fiveAnd with His downward looking visage for Jiva,He has faces six in all;The Lord by Himself AllSports the garland of headsThat verily is the Human AspectOf the Godly One.
1570: Lord is Beginning and EndThe Primal Lord spanned the worlds sevenHe stands as the sea and the myriad life here below,And with Parasakti pervades allIn Union that no separateness knowsVerily, God is the Beginning and End of All.
1571: The Path of Siva Leads to BlissThe immortal Beings, Devas and Vidyadaras,Sought after Him, but knew Him not;But pursuing the proven path of SivaI reached His Feet of Grace to adoreAnd so realized the bliss of Here and Hereafter.
1572: Macrocosm in Microcosm-A MysteryBaffling indeed is the mystery of Life's GoalBaffling it is, why into the six systems was it made;A baffling mystery far,How into the shedding sheaths of this body microcosmGot imprinted a veritable macrocosm.
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TANTRA SIX (Verses 1573-1703)
1573: The Holy Guru is God HimselfHe taught me the meekness of Spirit,Infused in me the light of devotion,Granted me the Grace of His Feet;And after interrogation holy, testing me entire,Revealed to me the Real, the Unreal and Real-Unreal;Of a certain is Siva-Guru Lord Himself.1574: Power of Guru PresenceGathering the strands of my fettersHe knotted them together;And then wrenched them off;Freeing me thus from my fond body,Straight to Mukti he led me-Behold, of such holy potentIs the Presence of the Guru Divine!
1575: Attainments Through Guru's GraceThe miraculous powers of Siddhis eight,The immaculate purity of Saktis eight,The baptismal act supreme that turns Jiva into Siva,The mystic powers of occult Yoga,Of Mantra, of Bhakti, and of Jnana,All these shall you attainIf the Guru but his grace confers.
1576: Guru-Siva ParallelismHe is beyond worlds allYet, here below, He bestows His grace abundantOn the good and the devout,And in love works for salvation of all;Thus is the Holy GuruWhose praise is beyond speechLike unto Siva, the Being Pure.
1577: Compassionate Acts of Holy GuruThe Holy Guru is truly a Deva;By his divine art he makes me perceiveAll things in categories three;By his sacred precepts sunders the bonds of Pasu-PasaAnd makes me drink of the milk of MuktiAll in benign compassion the Gurupara does.
1578: Discerning Holy GuruThe Guru comes, purifies and grants Godhood,They see this not,The witless ones of vision faulty;But the holy ones take to himIn endearment as unto kith and kin,And worship him as Lord Himself.
1579: All Good Attainable With Guru's GraceTo dissolve the false in the true,To derive the omnipotent might of Truth,To possess the bounty of splendorous Siva's Grace,To realize the fantasy of the famed Siddhis eightWho learns all theseBut with Guru's blessing?
1580: Siva Guru Like Siva Grants Finite LiberationSiva Jnani is none but Siva Himself;And they who seek his feet as Siva'sShall in sooth the wondrous Tattva mukti gain;They shall no more be in the cycle of births;Sure their reward, the Liberation Finite.
1581: Guru-God IdentityGuru is none but Siva-thus spoke Nandi;Guru is Siva Himself-this they realize not;Guru will to you Siva be,And your Guide too;Guru in truth is Lord,That surpasses speech and thought, all.
1582: Think of Siva and Be SivaLet all your thoughts be thoughts of Siva,And the Lord by His Grace shall reveal all;If your thoughts be Siva-saturatedIn you shall He then close abide.
1583: Nandi is Peerless LuminostyOf Himself He sought me in the Truth's WayHe the Blessed, the King of Kings,Nandi, mine Father,But they know not his intent;To them that rejoice in HimAs the Nandi of heavenly might,Verily is He the peerless luminosityOf crimson twilight fire.
1584: Things That Flow From Guru's GraceThe Siddhis that are a veritable treasure-trove,The Mukti that is salvation finite,The heavenly Grace that vanquishes doubts and fearsAnd the Jnana that is essence of VedasAll these,When the Guru himself imparts not,Never, never shall you learn.
1585: Jnana Easy With Sakti's GraceBhakti and Resoluteness Spiritual (Vairagya)Are the seeds of State Transcendental;In turn, these lead to Sivoham;And in Sivoham shoots the Jnana for Mukti,And that shoot yours easy shall beIf Sakti but Her Grace bestows.
1586: When God Reveals HimselfThis life of pleasures here belowThe Lord for you of yore ordainedThat you may the Greater Pleasure attain;Where your mind reaches to Him in resolve,Then of Himself, He reveals to you.
1587: Siva Jnana Leads to SivanandaWhen you realize the Jnana of SivaYou shall achieve the Siddhis luminousWhen you realize the Jnana of Siva,You shall attain the Mukti resplendent;When your Jnana of Siva reaches to Siva Supreme,Then shall it yield the Bliss of Sivananda.
1588: How Tirumular Ended Birth CycleAll this space infiniteI cognized and realized;Adoring with devotion repleteI received His Grace Divine;Now am I past all rememberance of Ignorance exceeding,For ever have I bidden adieu to birth recurring.
1589: How Tirumular Met the LordHe is the Lord of all living creationYet naught they know of His State Existent;I cut the tangle that separated Him from me,And lo! I met the Lord, the seed of all causal phenomenon.
1590: Guru Blesses With His Hand on My HeadRise in loving praise of LordAnd having risen, in piety melt for Him;Then the godly Guru comes-He who had scorned Pasa's fetters-And lays his hand on your head,And lo! in you wells upThe rapturous Grace of His Holy Feet.
1591: Grace of Feet is Kingdom WonEven as mine Master granted me the Grace of His Feet,He had made me the head of all;And investing me with the regalia-might of Jnana-sword,He placed on my head the Crown of Grace Abounding,And thus proclaimed:"May you forever hold sway over this Land of Deliverance"-All these He did, descending on earth, here below.
1592: Guru is God in Human FormHe assumed human form,Discarding divine forms four,*And Himself as exalted Guru came,Signifying the Mudra of Jnana;He, Nandi, my goodly SaviourBlessed me;It was He who of yorePlanted His Feet of Grace on me.
1593: Guru United Me in SivamThere was neither speech, nor feelingNeither self, nor Over-self;Like unto a sea where no wave lashes,He made me unite in Sivam;And he granted me the Boundless FormThat transcends the states four, Nada and rest,And lo! it was beyond all words.
1594: Gurupara Worked for My RedemptionMy divine preceptor NandiSeized life's forms all three;He assumed the Mudra of JnanaAnd drew me to his Feet so godly;Bereft of speech, I melted in blissThus did He work my redemption eternal.
1595: How Guru Transformed Jiva Into SivaHe cleansed me of my blemishes,Transformed me into Sivam Supreme,And immersed me into His bliss infinite;Bliss that is beyond, beyond words!The fire of His Grace scorches notYet drank dry the three seas of mine impurities;And annihilating my primal ego to its tracesHe granted me His Feet of Grace;And there does he abide, forever, in me.
1596: Guru's Acts of Grace Beyond DescriptionInto my bosom, on my eyes, over my headHe gently planted His loving FeetNandi, my Lord Supreme;He laid me the Path,He showed me the Truth,He settled the course of my DestinyTruly, truly, all that I can not describe.
1597: Master Nandi Ended My Birth-CycleHe placed his haloed Feet on my headHe fixed his benign gaze on meAnd he granted me the Form Mighty,He, mine Nandi Great;I saw him, my monarch, in Guru Form,And saw the end of all births to come.
1598: Greatness of Jnana of Holy FeetJnana of Holy Feet makes you Siva,Jnana of Holy Feet takes you to world of Siva,Jnana of Holy Feet free you from imprisoned impurities,Jnana of Holy Feet is Siddhi and Mukti too.
1599: When True Enlightenment ComesWhen the Master blesses you not thusWith the grace of His Feet on your crown,The Karma of yore shall distort your thoughts;Only when the resplendent Lord of milk-white browPlaces his blessed Feet on you,Only then, arr you truly instructed.
1600: Grace of Feet Granted Soul's LiberationI reached the cool umbrage of His triumphant lotus Feet,That standing as a crimson pillar of flame,Defied the grasp even of godly Mal;And there, the Primal One sawThe eternal denoument of the fleshly cageThat held my soul a hoary captive.
1601: Grace of Feet Exceeds Kingly GreatnessThe crowned monarchs at best may sway the worlds three;But they who reached His Holy FeetTheir joy no bounds shall know;Know this:The heavenly beings attired in kingly diademsBut turned his vassals;And thus became for ever blemishless free.
1602: Truth of Hallowed Feet is End of VedasI treasured His hallowed FeetIn the depths of my heart;And so, shunned the deceitful course of scorching senses,I swam past the dangerous swirls of twin Karma,And I tasted the nectar of Truth-The end of all Vedas.
1603: Lord's Feet is Goal of the PureThe sages of yore bore full on their crownThe Lord's Feet twain;They are blissful and hoaryThis earth has known;And the goal of the Pure OnesThat walk the Path of Truth;May you reach those Feet.
1604: Lord's Feet is AllVerily are they, all mantra and all medicine;All tantra and all giving;All beauty and all pure way;Mine Holy Father's Feet Twain.
1605: Goal of Sivananda is Ambrosial BlissDo incessant seek the goal of Sivananda,There the Primordial Pasa enmeshes you not;When it ever envelops you,You but throw your egoity out and stand firm;Yours shall then be the ambrosial bliss eternal.
1606: Knower-Knowledge-Known RelationshipTo them that pursue the Object of KnowledgeShall be vouchsafed Knowledge and its attributes;The Subject that seeks the Object shall in the Object merge;They that have cognised the Object of KnowledgeThrough KnowledgeHave the Knowledge of union with the Object.
1607: You and HeThe two categories-You and HeSee them both in you and He;Offer the flower "you" at the Feet of He;Then no more be it proper to say: "You and He."
1608: Nandi Redeemed Me in JneyaHe rid me of Tattvas six and thirty,He elevated me;And enveloped me in the infiniteExpanse of the Spirit;He imparted me the State of PermanenceHe transformed me into Siva Divine;And through the Subject-Object identityDispelled my ignoranceThus He redeemed meHe, Nandi of blessed memory.
1609: Knowledge and IgnoranceEven unto the witless here belowThat know not knowledge from ignorance,Was I; He taught the distinction between the twoAnd made me know my Self;He transformed me into ParaAnd intimated me into very Siva;He, Nandi of hallowed name.
1610: Wonders Nandi Showed"May you have," He said:"The vision that eye has seen not,The message that ear has heard not,The rapture that cloys not,The union that had been not,The Nada that ceases not,The Bodha that arises at Nada's End,All these, may you have," He said,He, the Nandi of immortal fame.
1611: Mauna's EmanationsThey that have mastered the Divine (Silentness) MaunaShall reach the very bliss of Mukti;And all Siddhis of themselves seek themInto the Silent Word would in perfection evolve;Mastering Mauna thus,They shall gain the powerFor the five divine acts to performCreation, Preservation, Dissolution,Obfuscation and Grant of Grace.
1612: Sunder Bonds of Birth at Feet of GuruHaving achieved divine Mudras* three,Directed breath into the Centers three,*And coursed its rhythm in finger-measure four,-They who sat thus in yoga,Joyous at lumniscent Guru Feet,Have for ever sundered bonds all,And never be born and dead again.
1613: In Jneya is the Primal Form of the SpiritAs he holds Mudras three of divine potentThe Jnani Supreme attains Higher Forms Three;And in rapturous dance he enters JneyaAnd himself the Primal Form of Spirit becomes;The Jiva that is Jnathru (Knower).
1614: God is Reached by RenunciationBeyond birth and death,Reached by renunciate tapasIs He, my Lord of resplendent glory!Sing His praise! Incessant pray!The Heaven's Lord shall show you the Dharma's Land.
1615: Renunciation Leads to LightA myriad times are they born and dead,In a million folly they forget this;And in the darkness of Mala are close enveloped;When at last the hidden Grace of Siva bursts forth,And chases the Night away,Then is the moment for the soul to renounce;When it does then, a radiant Light it becomes.
1616: The Renunciate Lord Sunders Birth BondsHe is Dharma, He is birthless, kinless;In the wilds he abides, by alms he lives;Know you, He has renounced all;And to all those who renounce,He sunders their bonds of birthYou insensate ones! Know thus.
1617: The Renunciate Shall Walk in the Straight PathHe laid the path, and planted the thorns along;When you from the path deviateThe thorns of temptation shall prick you;They that deviate not,Them the thorns prick not.
1618: Stand Steadfast in the Goal of TapasSpotting my failings, demanding tribute of me,The five senses in ambush held me;That indeed is not of my seeking;Firm in tapas, I stand;Seeking the hallowed Feet of the dancing Lord,That on the sacred bull rides.
1619: When Grace Blossoms, Tapas CeasesThe ploughman ploughed; the heavens poured;And by the ploughman's ploughing, in time it flowered;The ploughman then to the ploughwoman left,As unto her eyes the flowers are,To watch, and guard and tender;The ploughman thus for ever ceasedAll efforts at ploughing further.
1620: Liberation is for the Renunciate AloneThe Lord renounced all;He is the Shining Light above;He is the Friend of all,Who have surmounted Death's days;He is devoid of desires;The guiding light of all thoseWho Darkness renounced;Only to those who abandoned this world,Will His Feet within reach be.
1621: When Distractions of Senses CeaseOne the serpent (Jiva), Five its hoods (Senses)The Four (Antakaranas) fill the thorny hole of enjoyment;In its twain body, subtle and grossIt raised its hoods and danced away;Then into a single hood it merged (Kundalini)Into the very body within.
1622: None Knows How He ComesThe Primal Lord is the first of Renunciates;In that thought is little comfortNot that easy may He come by;Many, many lives may it takeFor Siva's Feet to reach;Who knows how and whenThe Loved One comes?
1623: The Yogi Espied the Mystic Flower in the CraniumThe Mystic Exit opened,And the nine orifices were sheathed in armourOf Sakti of lily-wreathed tresses;The Captain that is the breath of lifeClimbed the mast of Negation Bitter,And looked atop from the cranium roof;And lo! beheld the budded vine bloom,As in temple lofty and sacred.
1624: Blessings of the Placid MindThe heart of the holy trembles not in fear,All passions stilled, it enjoys calm unruffled;Neither is there deathNor pain, nor night nor day,Nor fruits of Karma to experience;That truly is the state of the desire-renounced.
1625: Only the Blessed Know Greatness of TapasThe mystery of life, the origin of earth,The might of pure deeds of tapasWho knows them allBut they that receive Lord's Grace?The rest know naught of tapas supreme.
1626: Tapasvin Ends BirthThe Tapasvins many that live by almsHave no life hereafter;On them shall be showeredAll blessings of Spiritual wealth;They that perform tapas incessantAttain the power to endAll births to be.
1627: Tapasvins Remain Impervious to TemptationsTransfixed in mind and tortured in bodyStout of heart, they perform tapas splendorous;Even though the Celestial KingAnd others, however mighty, descend to them,And tempt them,Their determined thought on Siva firm remains.
1628: Only Tapasvins Can Approach LordHe hides and yet hides not;He appears not to the naked eye;He of the spreading matted locks;The gold-hued;None but they of hard tapas may near Him;Do hasten and Him adore,He, the mighty one of the white moon crest.
1629: When Mind Reaches Lord, He RevealsThe life of bliss hereafter to beHe made me reach now and here,He-the Primal One:When the mind transfixed reaches God,He of Himself reveals, sure.
1630: Tapas Alone is Imperishable WealthAmidst the tumult of raging hatred, they perished,The kings, their ministers and their elephantine hordes;But fixing their sights on divine Jnana and universal love,The tapasvins immortals became, their eyelids batting not.
1631: Inward Look of Tapas Ends BirthCome apart from the clever argumentation of contending theology,And for a brief brief while, look inward;That one look shall drive the nail into the coffin of birthAnd forever end its cycle recurring.
1632: When Tapas is NeededTapas you need, if Jnana you aspire;Tapas you need not, when Jnana Samadhi you attain;Tapas you need not, when you are in Sahamarga of Yoga;Tapas they seek not, who the Self to transformKnow not.
1633: When You Need not RenounceYou need not pray, if the Soul of Souls enters in you;You need not adore, if Siva abides true in you;You need not die, if Samadhi you attain,You need not renounce, if you go not the way of senses.
1634: To Reach the Actionless State is Above AllYou need no shoutingWhen in understanding you withdraw,You need no speakingWhen in Samadhi you are seated;You need no baptismal ritesWhen you stand detached;You need no meditation,When you have reached actionless state.
1635: Fruit of TapasThey who perform tapas trueShall know the fruit thereofThey who speak truth pureShall know its fruit thereofThey who stand in righteous wayShall enjoy the fruit thereofThey who are great on earthShall reap heaven's fruit.
1636: Tapas is the Yearning of HeartIn oneness of mind I did tapasAnd witnessed Lord's triumphant Feet;In eagerness of quest I did tapasAnd witnessed Siva-State;That alone is tapasThat you perform in the yearning of heart;What avails the tapas of those,Who thus perform not?
1637: Follow Tapasvins and Meet GodSwimming across the seven seas of the mindThe tapasvins true their heaven reached;Let them that are tossed in the sea of births aboutListen but to their Commandments holy,Then can they see Nandi, face to face, for sure.
1638: Light of Tapas is Light of SelfUnsheath your sword of Jnana from mind's scabbard,Flash it across the bonds of pasa, hacking them twain;And watch your Self, lest senses five run wild;Then, shall light that is of tapas bornBecome light of the Self.
1639: Tapas Gives Bhakti and MuktiIn intimacy He stands within us;Pray that He grant you Bhakti;Prostrate that He grant you Mukti;Truly, it is tapas that makes Munis divine.
1640: Tapas is the Supreme MeansI gathered the tender leaves and flowers variegatedI wove a garlandAll for my Father;Yet I saw not the gushing waters of Grace;I scanned the lofty lores of scripturesAnd my heart ebbed low;But I stood in tapasAnd touched Cranium heightsLo! met mine Lord.
1641: Tapas is Single-mindednessTo the devout tapasvins, who in dishevelled locks sitLord lets no harm happen,He His Grace lends;And you look at tapasOf those that all trials overcame,Know you, it is by their oneness of mind in tapasThey blocked the births to come.
1642: They That Shun Tapas Hunger ForeverIn fear they ran from the croc' in the riverAnd on the bank they fell into the embrace of the bearThus are they the ignorant of scriptures,Who from austere tapas run awayFor food and in hunger roam for ever.
1643: Tapas is Control of SensesInside the body-sackThe tiny calf of senses jumps aboutFor the fruit to ripe and for the ripened fruit to eat;They that can tether the lusty legged calf to the yardShall no more have pulls within;Their thoughts will in oneness center.
1644: Tapas is Thought Becoming SivaIf your thoughts be all of SivaYou need no more penance perform;If your thoughts find a kinWith those that have Siva Bliss tasted,Then shall you be one with Siva;Then is truly Siddhi and Mukti;But your thoughts shall be of all SivaOnly by tapas intense.
1645: Fruits of Lord's GraceIf you have Lord's Grace, you have all riches;If you have Lord's Grace, you have true Jnana;If you have Lord's Grace, you have greatness too;If you have Lord's Grace, you shall be the great God Himself.
1646: Jnana is Beyond Five Siva TattvasThey go about the worldExuding Jnana that is beyond Tamil mandalas; FiveTamil mandalas are but Siva Tattvas;There it is the blossoming mindAnd attainment of Lord's Jnana.
1647: Jnana is Knowledge of Good and EvilGood and evil, they are two in this worldAs they seek God, some Jnanis know them;As you cognize them two and uproot themThen shall you perceive Lord's Abode Beyond.
1648: God Grants His Grace of HimselfAt the hour ripe He of Himself appearsAnd blesses you with His Grace;A Benevolent Force, He stands as life-center of worldStill standing by you, He ends your birth to be,Lo! He stood before me, and bestowed Mukti on me.
1649: Things That Come of Siva's GraceBy Siva's Grace some become DevasBy Siva's Grace some equal GodsBy Siva's Grace Karmas near not;When you have Siva's Grace,You shall enter His Kingdom, indeed.
1650: Grace Decides Your Birth To-BeThe Holy One, the Immaculate One, Mine Father!I sought His matchless FeetAnd lo! Jnana shone forth as a beacon light;You remain an earthly beingOr a Heavenly Being become;All, as my Lord's Grace dawns.
1651 Grace Unites Soul in God They mount the Body-ChariotAnd Mind, the Charioteer takes the rein;It is Illusion's-ChariotThat strange fantasies produces;And they realize it,And mount the Chariot of Love insteadAnd receive Grace of the Pure One,They shall sure be drawnIn the triumphant Chariot of UnityAnd be one in God, obliterating I and He.
1652 Tapasvins Will Receive Grace Even Hereafter If born in body in the Other WorldTapasvins will pursue tapas there;And will there reach Lord's FeetAnd receive His Grace for sure.
1653 God is Beauty Form within Sun-Stone is red hot ember,Form within Moon-Stone is pearly drop of water,Form within Fire-Stone is crackling fire,Form of Lord that holds fire aloftIs Beauty Surpassing.
1654 I shall hold fast unto Nandi With love and yearning, I seek my Nandi,Seeking Him, as Siva the Supreme, I will meet Him;And then will I seize hold of His valorous FeetAnd for ever hold to them,Until He liberation grants.
1655 Men of false robes know not SivaYou fools! With false robes you deceive peopleYour pretension but helps you gorge yourself fast with food;Well may you sing and dance and weep and wailAnd thus may Siva seek,Yet never, never shall you glimpse His Feet.
1656 Men of false robes bring famineWhen those that have not acquired JnanaDon the holy robesAnd go about the land begging,And evil ways pursuing,The rains fail and famine strikes the land;Better by far, these evil men are de-robed straight.
1657 Let Government lead people in the way of VirtueA land's weal and woe are in its peopleOut of good deeds and evil do they spring;And so,If the ruler unceasing leads the multitude in virtue's way,That land in prosperity waxes ever.
1658 Why they don the Holy RobesThe lowly-born don the robeThat they may the high become;The high-born don the robeThat they may the Gods become;To infamy-born are the knaves in robesThat they be disrobed and cast away.
1659 Tapas--True and FalseThey who perform false tapas enter hellThey shall not become the holy ones;False tapas is deceit and vain effortA ruse for worldly enjoyment;Only by Truth of Jnana can tapas firm abide.
1660 Discerning eyes see through false robeThey don the false robe their bellies to fill;They don the true robe and receive exalted oblations above;Even if false robes are donned to simulate the true,The discerning see through, and make themselves free.
1661 True robe befits only true TapasvinsThe true tapasvins are the truly robed;The sinful are but murderous hunters;These are not for holy robe entitled;None but tapasvins true deserve robe true.
1662 The insignia of Siva YoginsTo smear holy ashes is first step to tapas;Rings of copper in ears, and garland of rudraksha beads around neck--These too are other emblems to Siva reach;Thus do the blemishless Siva Yogins for tapas prepare.
1663 Other insignia of Siva YoginA waist strip for an under-vest,A long tunic for body's wrap,A matted hair lock done in peacock style,Ashes smeared all over,A begging bowl of human skull shapeA cowl staff of hard cane--Thus is Siva Yogi accoutred.
1664 Ten appurtenances of Siva YoginsKundala the ears to adorn,Kamandala the water to hold,Kandika the neck to fillA conch to blow, a bowl to begAnd a Kappara to hold the ashesThe correct sandals and Yogic seatThe Yoga sash and Yogic staff--These ten consist Siva Yogi's appurtenances.
1665 Chant "Aum" and unite in ParamFools know not what thread and tuft are;Thread is but Vedanta, and tuft is Jnana;Brahmins true who live in accord thus,Shall see Jiva in Siva uniting;Chant sacred mantra "Aum"And lo! the Two merge forever in One.
1666 Power of Holy AshesThe sacred ashes of SivaWho has bones for His garlandAre an armour indeed impregnable;For them who in joy smear itKarmas take flight,And Siva-state comes seeking;And they shall reach His handsome Feet.
1667 Holy Ashes elevate to Brahma StatusThe holy ash shall make you a kingAnd all regalia shall you have;They that are in its fire purifiedShall in truth be transformed divine;Reaching the Feet of the Eternal, the ImmaculateThey shall attain Brahma's formAnd ever be of Order Divine.
1668 Jnana is All; not robesSans Jnana, robe but leads to hellSans robe, Jnana yet leads to Mukti;When they seek Jnana,They shall seek Lord and pray,Their hearts robed in Jnana way.
1669 Perfect Jnanis speak notThey of lowly Jnana in vain assume robes;Filled with Grace, they of true Jnana covet it not;The bigots of faiths are of evil Jnana;The perfect of Jnana speak not.
1670 They Need No PathsNeither for Siva Jnanis, nor for Siva YoginsIs it meet superfluous ways to adopt;In sooth, needless indeed are the sadhanas Four* for them,When they can see the Peerless OneWithin themselves full.
1671 Siva Jnanis are QuiescentThey howl about unto dogs at foot of gallows;They peck about like vultures at carrion;They frisk about like monkeys in merrimentThey of false Jnana;But quiescent are the Siva Jnanis true,Dead to the world, though living in body and senses.
1672 Siva Jnanis alone are of the Holy OrderThey truly are of Holy OrderWho have attained Sivajnana;They truly are of Holy Order,The rest are not;Nor their robes holy;They are never, never by reckoning any.
1673 All becomes the JnaniEven the gayest attire becomes the Jnani,Albeit his own robe is of Siva Yogin;Whatever robe he adopts, that shall aid him to Jnana,Nothing is becoming him, and not-becoming him.
1674 Jnani is a class apartThe Siva Jnani that seeks deliverance through JnanaIs a shrine unto himself, unique of status;He observes mauna, and so is a Mukta and Siddha;How can other tapasvins be like unto him?
1675 Stages in Liberation processThe annihilating of the SelfThe Self becoming HeThe identity in SivaThe Mudra setting the state ultra,All these and the rest they had,They who received deliverance at Feet of Nandi.
1676 Liege-robe of SivaBy Hara's Grace they become His liege-men;Within the body mansion, they seek His golden throne;Darkness dispelled, they know of deeds none, good and bad;Thus they stand steadfast in the liege-robe of Siva.
1677 The robe is not for SoulThe robe is for the body; not for the SoulWhen the body falls, the garb with it falls;Those that know not that the Soul within the body is real,Are tossed about like a log caught in wavy sea.
1678 They of Siva-Robe are action-lessSans illusions, sans ignorance, sans intelligence,Sans the embraces of fish-eyed damsels and their attachmentThemselves as themselves, in solitude remain one in Siva-Sakti;Thus are they, the Holy ones in Siva's robe.
1679 Why the robe? Seek Nandi Yoga WayWhat avails thee, vain men, these holy robes?Rein fast the fleeting mare of the twin breath;And seek Nandi, Our Lord Beloved,You shall attain sure the Bliss you crave.
1680 Blind leading the BlindThey seek not the Guru that blindness curesThey seek the Guru that cures not blindness;The blind and the blind in a blind dance shuffledAnd the blind and the blind in a deep pit together fell.
1681 They seek Worldly PleasuresFrom out of mind, mirror of illusion risesThink of it, even its shadows they see notAnd nothing they do for the fruits of Karma to drop;The temptations of the backyard drain, they go after.
1682 They know not the Mystery of BodyYou beckon them, but they hearken notThe ignorant multitude they are;The mother's milk flows sweet in the mouth,But even the dear and near know notHow the mother's breast becomes so;Verily, it is the Formless Being that shapes this body-form.
1683 Realize Lord in Purity of thought, word and deedThe lips utter one thing;The mind thinks another;And the deed does a third,Thus you behave not;Gracious Lord! You Rock of Ages!I know You as the Fire-hued Lord,And having known thatNone dares know me as creature insensate.
1684 Banish False DisciplesThese reprobates of the five deadly sinsFull deserve the pious ruler's punishment severe;When he fails and banishes them notThe land to fell famine a prey falls.
1685 Tapas consumes KarmaThey who stand in tapasConsume away all KarmaIn Siva they stand;Even Celestials know this not;They who know not Siva in tapas-standing,Stood in tangle of births to endless sorrow condemned.
1686 Qualities unbecoming TapasvinsFeeling, thinking, doingEating, tasting, hurtingFalling, rising, boastingThese come notTo those who walk in God.
1687 Inner Vision ends BirthsThey glimpse not the Dawn,Nor the Spaces Vast;Nor the Vision in Spaces;Close your inner eyes hardAnd then see;Behold, there is the LightThat brings not another day!
1688 No Grace for false DiscipleHe thinks not of sundering soul's fetters,Nor of annihilating world's desires;He strives not to Mukti attain,Nor aught of Tattvas and the way ahead;But takes a wayward course,A disciple exceeding mad;To him is not the gift of Grace granted.
1689 Other blemishes of false DisciplesHe thinks not of ending Fetters FiveNor of deliverance from incessant lust immersed;A mean liar, fears neither birth nor deathVerily, a stranger to Grace shall be He, the disciple false.
1690 They who find the PathScriptures to guide them,The Disciples FitFind the blemishless Guru;They know their job and so find the Path;The rest are to destruction destined.
1691 Lord! Grant me Your GraceYou, Supreme Lord!Seeking You, I lost all sense of fear;Now I wander not,And seek not another's company;Shatter, Lord, my KarmasUproot them from my very thoughtsAnd kick them off;Grant me Your Grace.Own me,And make me Your slave forever.
1692 Grace comes to those who contain their Thoughts in GodEven as your frame still pulsates with life,You envision highPara the Seed of seeds;And rally your thoughts to onenessAnd stand thus in love and accord;To such that do, He grants His Grace.
1693 Seek a proper GuruWhen you seek a GuruSeek you one, holy and pure;And then give him your all--Your body, life and wealth;And in constancy learn clear,Not a moment distracting,You shall sure reach Siva's State.
1694 Auspicious Days for receiving InstructionIn the asterisms of Swati and VisakhaIn the conjunction of Lagnas Vrischika and Kataka,Of the Guru, the holy precepts you receive;Except it be them who stand in the path of virtueThe Primal One knows none.
1695 Pure thoughts lead to GraceWhen your discipline perfect be,Your thoughts crystal pure be;And there the beauteous Lord reside be;Then shall Karmas allRooted deep unto undying weeds,Disappear;And you shall glimpse the GraceOf the valorous Feet of Lord Holy.
1696 Attributes of Good DiscipleA sattvic he is;His thoughts centered on Finite Truth;His vision clear through conflicting faiths;Abhorrent of recurring cycle of births;Straight in Dharma's path he easy walks;He, sure, is disciple good and true.
1697 Yet other qualities of Good DiscipleHe scans that which divides the Real and the UnrealHe melts in the soul of his beingAnd with Siva's Grace to guide,He receives Jnana in devotion true;And he humbles himself before LordAnd seeks the bliss of His Sakti;He is the fit one, the disciple good and true.
1698 The Power of Guru's Feet"Oh! my Holy Master!Do grace me with your feet on my head,"--Thus, I prayed, this day;And as he placed his feetAll births to vanish;This body that was blessed thusReceived Grace of Arul SaktiAnd I became a Jnani ripe,Forever, blemish devoid.
1699 What comes of touch of Guru's FeetHe is the master of the difficult paths four;He is the seeker incessant of Jnana divine;And as he placed his feet on my head,Higher and higher, my ardour in Jnana soared,Higher and higher, my love for Gurupara welled up.
1700 Rules of InstructionImpart divine knowledge only to those fully ripe to receive it,Taking the disciple gently to the limits of the Infinite Vast;You facing east or south, your disciple facing west or northThus instruct, the Sakti of Lord centered in mind.1701 How the Jnana Guru InstructsHe humbles before Divine GuruIn postures five ordained;He bewails his faults,Praises Master's virtues;Guru then shows the way of deliverance from mortal prisonAnd imparts Siva JnanaHe is truly the Guru that is of Sanmarga (Jnana Guru).
1702 True Disciple humbles before the Renunciate VedantinVedanta is the way of renouncing desires;And so, divert your life's courseAnd take to Siddhanta-Vedanta WayAnd humble your head at the feet of GuruThat has renounced all in the Vedanta way.Then verily are you disciple true.
1703 Good Disciple follows Guru like a shadowO! disciple true!In virtue, truth, compassion, discrimination and loveYou pursue the Holy Feet of Guru trueConstant as unto a shadow;You then gain the nectar of Finite Jnana in its crystal clarity,And witness the many miracles it brings in train.
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TANTRA SEVEN (Verses 1704-2121)
1704 The Six Adharas and their petalsPiercing the Chakras that are petalledFour, Six, Ten and TwelveAnd the Six and Ten still above;Lo! Behold then the Twin petalled Center finale;You have indeed beheld the Holy Feet of the Timeless One.
1705 The Spheres of the upper AdharasIn the Nada sphere is the Twelve petalled CenterIn the Nadanta sphere is the Ten and Six petalled CenterBeyond the Nadanta is the Two-petalled Medha CenterWhere Parasakti enshrined is;Enter there in Consciousness Undifferentiated Bodha;There, above the Medha Center, is the Truth Finale.1706 Parapara pervades all the Six AdharasWhen thus through AdharasYou course Prana breathNeither Up nor Down do you knowNeither He nor I do you cogniseThe mighty Parapara that pervades allEnvelops you,Bounteous as the celestial Kalpaka tree.
1707 Experience is Adhara YogaAscend Adharas step by step,Your Nadis purified thus,You shall have ascendedInto the heavenly effulgence of MedhaWhose twin petals into Kalanta sphere rise;And then you reach the state of Bodha,Of Awareness Unitive, senses petrified;That verily is Yoga--the Saha Marga.1708 Ascending further above Six AdharasThere you stop not--at Medha's Center--But evoke Aum,And beyond Adharas now proceedAnd ascend the Adhvas with Prana for supportWhen thus you practise, to perfection's end,Your body becomes a doughty receptacleOf Joy Eternal.
1709 The One Letter "Aum" is beyond the Fifty Letters distributed over the AdharasIn the body where the Centers Six are,Do seek the Adharas and above,Over the letters five times tenRises the one Letter (Aum) that is basic to all.
1710 The Letters Fifty the subtle in Adharas, and Adharas subtle are in BodyAs the Gross body that decaysAnd the Subtle body that escapesAre in union unseen,So are the subtle letters fifty to tattvas that are gross,So are the Centers Six to the body corporeal.
1711 The Sixteen-Petalled Lotus in Visuddhi Adhara Leads to Knowledge-BlissAbove the discriminating heart's lotusIs that jewelled flowerOf ten and six petals;There, Awareness Pure, turns into Bliss of SivaAnd to Jnana (Light of Knowledge) that is Reality Supreme.
1712 Linga or Sadasiva is World manifestThey know not what Linga isLinga is directions eightLinga is Kalas, eight times eightIt is as Linga the world emerged.
1713 Sakti in Sadasiva manifested as WorldIn the World His Sakti He manifested first,In the World as His Sakti's Form He pervadedIn the World His Sakti's Powers He filledBut He who this World's creation conceivedWas Sadasiva (the Linga).
1714 Sadasiva is the Adhvas tooWorldly joys and heavenly pleasuresWisdom and miraculous powersThe body and the state beyondThe Tattvas six and thirtyAll these Sadasiva granted;The Adhvas six, too, of Agamas sacredAre all but He--Sadasiva.
1715 Lord (Sadasiva) protects the Celestials from afarThe countless Devas gloried My Lord"O! Southern Breeze, fragrant cool" they praised,"O! Bounteous One," they adored,But they know not this:From beyond the Spaces VastHe His protection granted.
1716 Lord (Sadasiva) is the Light of Life of GodsThe resplendent Brahma, Vishnu, PrajapatiThe luminous Sun and IndraThe bright-eyed Devas swarming celestial SpheresHe, indeed, is their Light of Life--He the Being Uncreated.
1717 Lord is the Golden support of HeartPervading all Nature, Siva blesses all;But they know not the Truth and adore Him not;To them that adore Him that is immanentHe is the golden stalk of the heart's lotus within.
1718 Sadasiva (Linga)'s Form, manifest and subtleThe Vimana pure is the Sthula LingaThe Sadasiva enshrined is Sukshma LingaThe Bali-peeta is Bhadra LingaThus it is for those who Siva's Form seek.
1719 How to fix LingaPearls, gems, corals and emeraldWood of sandal, granite hard, and ashes holySiva's Agama, and rice in grain and cookedWhen you pour in these and fix the LingaHaunting indeed is His flavoury fragrance.
1720 How Linga is shapedCurd, ghee, milk and wax pureCopper, mercury, fire and conchBricks hard, Bilva shapelyAnd Konrai bloom of golden hueFrom these do you shapeThe Linga's Form Divine.
1721 Lingas for the Four VarnasOf crystal made is Linga, Brahmins worshipOf gold, the Kings worshipOf emerald, the Vaisyas worshipOf stone is Linga, Sudras worship.
1722 No one way of worshipThey who sought Him in one Special WayKnew Him not in any way;And thus it is the LordThat the eight universes pervades;Of my heart, too, a temple made.
1723 God is PervasiveIn the Spaces Vast, unknown He pervades,In the fleshly body He rapturous resides,He dispells sin and Wisdom's Sunlight spreadsHe, the Holy One, that our Refuge is.
1724 Siva's Pervasive FormThe Earth is His flower-bedecked feetThe Heavens, His Ganga-girt crownHis Body fills the Spaces VastIn continuity unbroken;Thus did Lord His Form assumeFrom Time's Eternity, Beginningless First.
1725 Siva's Cosmic FormThe Earth is His Sakti Peeta,The Heavens the Linga Pure,The billowing seas His bathing ghat,The cascading streams on mountain topsTheir cool water laves His crown heavenly,The countless stars, His garland;The Eight Directions His limitless raiment.
1726 Human form is Siva LingaThe Human Form is unto Siva LingamThe Human Form is unto ChidambaramThe Human Form is unto SadasivamThe Human Form is unto the Holy Dance, forsooth.1727 Desire for Births persistsTired they are not;Still they want to liveIn this fleshly body,Of earth, water and other matter made;They seek not to adore LordWhom the Elements FiveTogether in prayer beseech.
1728 Lord is Master of the sense gates of bodyThe day the Lord entered this body tabernacleThe Five Senses who their places had takenOpened the gates;And showed you the way of redemption;As unto the mother's homeHe in me entered;And taking charge of the gates, Master became.
1729 Lord opens the sense gatesAt the Feet of the LordWho this body as His temple choseLies the forest of Vedas;At the Feet of the LordWho these gates made His ownLie the Nadis ten;He who, our adoration receivedSubduing our senses fiveIn me entered operating the gates wide;He, My Lord, the Nandi Great.
1730 Sadasiva form with Five FacesHis twin Feet are planted on earth below;The ten hands, the holy in praise sing,In directions all spread;Five His Faces that are sought,Five times three his eyes fiery;Thus is Sadasiva that you seekThe Pearl that is lustrous, beyond, beyond compare.1731 Sadasiva comprehends all Nine God-FormsBrahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Mahesa,And the Five-faced Lord above,Bindu, Nada, Sakti Primal, and Siva--All these are but Sadasiva in general.
1732 When Sakti EvolutesWithin the Becoming Sakti the Kalas reposeWithin the Becoming Sakti their rays emanateWithin the Becoming Sakti the Lord His seat takesWithin the Becoming Sakti the directions ten as Space appears.
1733 When Sakti further DevolutesIn that Space thus opened upThe Six Vedangas took their place;In that Space thus opened upThe Four Vedas took their place;In that Space thus opened upThe Four Paths beginning with ChariyaTook their place;In that Space thus opened upThe Saiva Truth the Four Paths comprehendedTook its place.
1734 Sakti Devolutes still furtherIn that Truth arose the Avastas (States of Awareness) twice five;In that Truth arose the Rasis (Zodiacal houses) twice sixIn that Truth arose the Tattvas (Body Constituents) twice forty-eight;In that Truth arose the Sadasiva Supreme.
1735 The Five Faces of Sadasiva and their HuesCentral, East, South, North and WestThese the Five Faces of Sadasiva;The Central Face is of crystal hue;The Eastward Face is crimson unto Kum-KumThe Southward Face is dark unto thick pitchThe Northward Face is red unto Aratham flowerThe Westward Face is white unto milky hue;Thus did He reveal unto me,His lowly vassal.1736 Sadasiva's FormFive His Faces; thrice five His eyes;Twice Five His hands number,Five and Five Weapons He holds;Thus my dear Lord, my heart enteredAnd in fullness pervaded.
1737 Sakti is the Kinetic and Siva the potential Aspects of God-headSakti is this wide worldSakti is this universe vastSakti-Siva conjoint is the Kinetic and PotentialSakti is the Formed;Siva the Formless;Sakti-Siva Tattvas are six and thirty true.
1738 Sadasiva is Tattva (Truth) RealFormless is the Tattva primalFormed, it is the world, animate and inanimate;A source of pleasure then indeed it is;Tattva is all and pervasive,Sadasiva is Tattva (Truth) Real.
1739 Sadasiva is Our Lord"Sadasiva is our Lord"--Say this times hundred;Anything else you try to say,He will still be beyond it;He suffers not those GodsWho themselves exalt;He, who my heart entered.
1740 Muse on Sadasiva's FormThe dark throat, the up-lifted axe,The matted red locks, the radiant crescent moon,The Primal Lord that is Grace abounding,Him I mused, all dark doubts dispelled.
1741 Names of the Five Faces of SadasivaTo recount the Five Faces where His Grace aboundsThus it is:The Northward Face is VamaThe Westward Face is SatyojataThe Eastward Face is TatpurushaThe Southward Face is AghoraThe Upward Face is Isana.1742 How Sakti dwells in the Five faces of SadasivaIn the shining Isana face is Sakti's Crown;In the Tatpurusha face is Her VisageIn the Aghora is Her Heart and Waist;In the Vama face are Her Feet blessed.
1743 Form of Sakti in SadasivaThe breast, the head, the tresses long,The eyes, the fore-head mark, the armourThese the Sakti's areOf growing green hueAs lightning is She, the dazzling crowning SaktiFiery bright, Her ten Weapons.
1744 The Five Saktis are seated in Sadasiva The heart is the divine Jnana SaktiThe head the heavenly Para SaktiThe tresses the Adi SaktiThe colorful armour is Icchha SaktiIn the eyes is the active Kriya Sakti.
1745 Sakti in the First Three AdharasIn the quadrilateral Adhara (Muladhara)Sakti in firmness stands;In the hexagonal Adhara (Svadhishana)Sakti is in sleep;In the circular Adhara (Manipuraka)Sakti is in agitation;Of Sakti's Form is Sadasiva.
1746 Sadasiva is seated in SahasraraWhatso be the time you seek the great Nandi,He stands unique,His Five Faces glowing unto the evening sun;Rousing the Kundalini through Yogic breathingWhen you upward course through centers nineUpon the lotus top, He aloft stands.
1747 Sadasiva abides within bodyIn union inseparableHe ever abides in this fleshly bodyThat is His nature divine;His Perfection's Feet upon my head I bore,And in my heart's deep, I prayed.1748 Sadasiva is realized in the BodyThe shining Truth He isHim I realized in this world below;Into my heart's temple here on earthI brought Him, lo!Him in union I embraced and prayedTruth it is, pure and simple;To Him, the Sun Resplendent, I sangTo music and to measure appropriate.
1749 The Lord is the Source of Light and Energy for Sun, Moon and FireTo Sun, Moon and FireHe lends His fiery rays;The seven worlds twice he supports;And in the Center of Spaces VastHe stands,He is the Beginning, He is the End,His own Form, cool as moon.
1750 The Lord is uncreatedHe standesHis Form as Uncreated Siva LingaHis Form as Sadasiva DivineHis Form as Sivananda, bliss unalloyedHis Form as Tat-Para Eternal Supreme.
1751 The Lord is the Cosmic sound "Aum"None knows He is Ahara, the letter "A"And the pervasive Sakti is Uhara, the letter "U"The two sounds swelling alternateFill the world as Aum in unrelieved entirety.
1752 Linga is AumThe Linga's Holy Pedestal is the humming Omkara (Aum)The Linga's Center part is filled with Ahara (A)The Linga's inner round is with Uhara replete (U)Linga is Bindu-Nada, Makaram (M) pervaded.
1753 In the Beginning was AumAharam (A) as beginning, all existUharam (U) as beginning, all life existsIf Aharam Uharam are together knownAharam Uharam is but Linga divine.
1754 Bindu is the Support and Nada the SupportedBindu is the Support FiniteNada in Medha as the Supported expanded;Bindu that is Support is the PedestalNada on to it is conjoint,That verily is Linga's union.
1755 Siva-Sakti (Linga) is Static, Kinetic, Sadasiva and Unborn BeingLinga that is Sakti-Siva is Static allLinga that is Sakti-Siva is Kinetic allLinga that is Sakti-Siva is SadasivaSakti-Siva is Tatpara, the Being Unborn.
1756 Lord is Light and SupportUpon the heavenly letters five times tenWell may you behold the self-illumined Light (Aum);That which thus arises with His Sakti (U)Like a golden vine that blooms prettyIs but He that is Ahara (A)--the Support Finite.
1757 Linga Comprises both Bindu and NadaBindu and Nada together form LingaBindu is the Pedestal, Nada the LingaWith them two as support divineThe Five gods arose, their Five functions to perform.
1758 All the Tattvas are in LingaThe goodly pedestal of Sakti holds the Atma TattvasThe central part of Sakti holds the Vidya Tattvas;The Linga of Sakti, the Siva TattvasSadasiva is Sakti's Soul Divine.
1759 Seek Lord within and be BlessedIn my heart He entered,In my life's being He entered,He poured His blessing to my heart's fill;Do with me the Lord seekHe enters your home, and blesses you.1760 Lord is Sovereign SupremeThe Supreme Parapara is He;My Father Divine;He sports the crescent moon;He rules the universe;Into the heart's temple of His devotees too he reignsHe the Hara to whom the Immortals in worship bowHe in my heart resides firm.
1761 Lord is tender as Mother-Cow"He is not the Lord, I am the one"If you this conceit have,The world will call you a fool;Tender as the yearning mother cow,He in me is enshrined,With serpent, fire and water in His matted lockHe, in amity, stands,He the Holy One.
1762 Hold Lord in Heart of Heart"There He stood," "There He lay"--Thus the Immortals in directions eightAdore Him;But how shall I praise my LordWho in my heart's heart ever resides.
1763 Lord is BounteousAs Form, the Formless and Form-FormlessThus is Parasiva in all life immanent;As Guru, too, He stands;Unto the Kalpaka tree His bounties bestowsHe, the Sadasiva.
1764 Sadasiva is Form-FormlessIn the Center He is, Sadasiva,The Four below are the Formed,(Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Mahesa)The Four above are the Formless(Bindu, Nada, Sakti, Siva)Thus are His partsHe, the Parasiva.1765 Seek SadasivaHe is the Lord of the Immortals,He is the Lord with Faces in directions all,He is the Lord of Four (Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and Mahesa)He is Nandi that central stands;They who adore Him as their LordThemselves His ways attain;Do you, so, seek the Lord's Holy Feet.
1766 Sadasiva Dispels KarmasHim I prayed,My Karma to dispel and destroy;He measures out Time's EternityAs year, month and day;Worthy is He of your visioning;And with His virgin Sakti seek Him;Even when your folded hands unfoldThe One is He to you.
1767 Sadasiva dispenses Divine JusticeThe Primal Lord is He,The God of the Universe is He;God is He whom the illumined devotees praise;Great God is He of Justice Divine;The Pure is He my Lord;As half-and-half in Para Sakti He is.
1768 Truth of Supreme SivaBeyond Sakti, inside Para SaktiIs the Pure Siva State, as Light undimmedStill beyond and beyond are the Lord's Feet;This the Truth of the Lord Supreme.
1769 See Siva and Sakti and see AllSee that Tender FlameYou will have seen all universe;Rise and see His WorldThere you shall forever remain;See the Expanses VastYou shall have seen the Lord with Sakti entwined;The Lord that in your thought resides.
1770 Worship Siva-Sakti and Realize JnanaThe Lord, my FatherHis Sakti-Cluster, my MotherChant their name in order accordingThat verily is Jnana Divine;Above the navel, in my heart,There with Her He residesIn rapture unceasing.1771 The Play of Sakti--Sakti activates JivaInto the Maya Group--Suddha and AsuddhaThey induct the Jiva;From Pure Turiya State disentangling him,They his thoughts enter;And inside him, Siva His habitation takes;--This the play of Sakti-Siva.
1772 All Creation is Sakti-Siva PlayAll the Universe is the play of Sakti-SivaSakti is Siva, and Siva is SaktiWithout Sakti and Siva is no manifest creationIt is Sakti and Siva that forever Form assume.
1773 Siva is Immanent and TranscendentHe pervades the roaring waters of the seasHe permeates the spreading winds and flaming fireThus is He immanent in all NatureYet I know Him not, adore Him not.
1774 Only Way of Knowing Siva is WorshipThere is but one way hereOf knowing Him and adoring HimThey who with water and flower chant His nameThey shall know Him;And from them He of the matted lockSeparates not.
1775 Worship Him as the One BeingAs the One and Only BeingI saw the Lord,And full well I adored His Holy Feet,Subduing my senses five;And He His blessings granted,The gracious One, the Lord Primal.
1776 Linga's Nine AspectsBrahma, Vishnu, Rudra, MahesaThe five-faced Sadasiva, Bindu and NadaSakti and Siva--All these as Linga His blessings grants,He is but Nandi that is Para Supreme.1777 Rouse Kundalini and reach Supreme StateRouse with the flaming KundaliniAnd upward your Prana course;Halting within the bodyThe acts of inhalation and exhalationThis, if you, through practice accomplishYou indeed have reachedThe Supreme State Divine.
1778 Lord appears as Siva Guru and Baptises the SoulMy body, wealth and life,He took from me as sacrificial offering,Through ritual appropriate;He directed his spiritual glance at meAnd dispelled my Karma's network to destruction;And then He laid His hands on meAnd planting His Feet on my headIn a trice imparted Spiritual AwarenessAnd thus my birth's cycle He endedHe, the Nandi,Through these acts of Diksha, successive.
1779 Guru works for Disciple's RedemptionLife and body, and Prana breath that fleets after,Siva the mighty and Chit Sakti that consortsAnd Param the Truth Supreme--All these to attain,Gurupara my redemption worked.
1780 Guru imparts the Secret DivineTo His west (right), He seated me"Daily on me meditate"--said He,"That it is but the Truth that lies seatedBetween the crown of the head and the palate of the mouthThis the Word True,Cherish it as secret divine."
1781 Siva makes Jiva Pure as HimselfIndulging in talk indiscriminateAimless I wandered;--Me, He made pure,All my impurities cleansedMe and He, to balance brought--A barter, all to perfection indeed!1782 Siva Extricates Jiva from MayaHe is the Lord of all life existent,His true nature they know not,He extricated me from Maya that separates,Lo! then I beheld the Lord that is seed of all.
1783 Siva takes Jiva into HimselfIntent on redemption of my body, wealth and lifeHe sought me and planted His Feet on my headAnd with the Grace of Sakti divine He exorcisedMy love for the body fleshly;And He and I as one He madeIntermingling in union inseparate.
1784 Siva by taking all, Gives AllHe marked me out his vassal to-beMy life, possessions and body He took as His own;But as he it was that all my sustenance gaveHow dare I say, He took anything from me?
1785 Ghosts do not know the Truth of LifeThis body, the Lord within,The Prana that is breath,And the Soul that dwells insideThe truth of all theseThat to the perishable body pertainsThey who know not,Unto ghosts of the dead they are.
1786 Know the Finite TruthThey the Awareness have, see worlds all,They the Awareness have, know sorrows none,When they that Awareness have truly realized,They indeed have the Truth Finite seen.
1787 Woken from the Primordial Turiya State,Wandering in the Bodily State--Active in the Sakala StateWith Tattvas six times six,On them whose souls have thus roamed,Nandi His Grace bestowed;What shall I say of His greatness infinite!
1788 Siva and Jiva are inseparableThere is approach none as I and You;Like body and life inseparate are We;Together are We like the heavens and the heavenly beings;Like the honey and its sweetness that I do savour.1789 Knower becomes the KnownHe and he knows Him not;If he knows Him, then Knower is he not;If he knows HimThen he the Knower and He the KnownBecome but one.
1790 Lord's Infinite BountyAs life and body alike feelHe in me stood in identity full;Bounteous as He is unto the rains from heavens,I with the heavenly Lord, one became.
1791 Lord wrought Me to PerfectionHimself as Being SupremeHe stood not apart from me;That the Lord Knows;Unto the body and life are We;This the truth;He to perfection wrought meHe the Lord of Immortals.
1792 Truth is IndivisibleDarkness (ignorance) and Light (knowledge)Are the states two;Life and body are the forms two;Dharma and penance are the graces two;Truth is but the blessing within.
1793 Pray and receive Divine LightElusive is He for us to see;Beyond our Thoughts is He, the Nandi,Distant is He to touch and feel,Pray long in the light of your heart,The darkness that envelops you dispelled stands.
1794 God's Grace Leads to illuminationIn the hint of His grace,All universe shall be revealed to you;When the darkness of ignorance lifts,The Great one stands revealed;When you seek Him,Your swarming thoughts on Him centered,You shall see the light of Jnana,And thus immortal become.1795 Lord Knows His Devotees in TimeIn ignorance my time rolled on;Yet my Lord will in time know me;By their light of Knowledge and love intenseHe will know them,He the Bounteous One.
1796 Lord, of Himself, will Know YouHimself will know me,When my Karmas perish;I know not when; but Nandi will;Do melt in pietyAnd reach divine Consciousness;Sweet unto honey is our Lord of Immortals.
1797 If I do not Know Lord who else shall?I have known the Lord from days bygoneBut the Celestials knew Him not,Doubt-tossed were they;The Lord is the LightIn my fleshly body as Prana pulsatesIf I know Him not, who else will?
1798 Grace is AllThey know not the measure of GraceThat is pervasive all;They know not the ambrosial sweetnessThat from Grace flows;They think not of the Five ActsThat Grace subtle performs;Who knows how all-pervasive is Grace, indeed!
1799 Various Acts of Lord's GraceTo seek the Divine LightHe grants the light of knowledge;He infuses the organs of senseWith desireAnd leads you to enlightenment;He then seats youIn the midst of the devout and holy;They who His Grace thus received,Verily became Siva themselves.
1800 From Birth to Liberation--All Acts of GraceIn His Grace was I born,In His Grace I grew up;In His Grace I rested in death;In His Grace I was in obfuscation;In His Grace I tasted of ambrosial bliss;In His Grace, Nandi, my heart entered.
1801 More Acts of GraceBy His Grace was I bathed in the ocean of nectar;By His Grace He rested His Feet on meBy His grace He granted the fervour of devotionBy His Grace He fed me the bliss that is ambrosialBy His Grace, Nandi my heart entered.
1802 Grace Grants Mukti and BeyondIt was His grace that led me into PasaIt was His Grace that freed me from that PasaIt was His grace that in divine love granted MuktiIt was His Grace that granted me the loveFor the State beyond Mukti.
1803 Lord is of Infinite GraceOf infinite Grace is the LordWho my birth's bonds sundered;Of the holiest of holy is NandiHe is the Dharmic sea;The Pure One;The Primal LordIn amity my heart entered.
1804 Nandi entered my Heart and made me SivamIn my heart He entered, grace abounding;Even if He is in there,Those devoid of Grace know Him not;Entering the heart,He filled me with bliss;As Sivam, he made meAs Nandi my heart entered,And I blissful became.
1805 Bounties of Lord's GraceHe gave me the intelligence that reasonsHe gave me the senses that Maya inscrutable fashionsHe gave the five elementsAnd the diverse sense organsAnd the Five Acts of Grace--All these are but the bounties of His Grace.
1806 All Phenomenon is manifestations of GraceAll manifestations of Nature are His GraceAll animate and inanimate are His Pure GraceAs darkness, as light, the Lord's Grace pervades,All, all are but the Grace of His Form manifest.1807 The Nine God Forms are of SivaSiva, Sakti, the luminous Nada and BinduThe five-faced Sadasiva holy,Mahesa, Rudra, Mal and the lotus-seated Brahma--All these forms nineHe assumes.
1808 Grace Gives Divine VisionThey whose eyes are blindSee not the sun even;They that have vision divineSee the light everywhere;They who have not the vision of GraceSee not the Lord that is Truth Subtle;They that have the vision of GraceSee Hara face to face.
1809 Lord Alone Performs the Five ActsHimself creates; Himself preservesHimself destroys; Himself obscuresHimself, all these He doesAnd grants Mukti after;Himself the all-immanent Lord.
1810 The Form, Formless and Form-Formless Aspects of SivaThe first four (Siva, Sakti, Nada, Bindu) are His Form-less ones;The un-moving Form-Formless is the Sadasiva;The abiding last four (Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Mahesa)Are the Formed ones;All these and the One beyond too are He.
1811 God is Immanent and TranscendentOne Being is He, immanent in all lifeIndestructible He is;In them He is; but He is not they;He indwells them as Friend DivineThis His play, He of my heart's desire.
1812 Nadam and Bindu are Devoluted when Siva Activates Pure Maya SaktiThe Immaculate One who in my heart dwellsThe Kudilai (Pure Maya) Sakti He activates;And from that act is Nadam born;That emanating Kala rays diverseAs seed the imperishable Bindu produces.1813 The Devolutes of BinduThe Bindu that thus arose pervades everywhere;From it rises the Maya per se and the MahamayaAnd from them emanate the immortals and their clansThe Mantras and the Vedas too,And the countless countless worlds swarming in the spread.
1814 Be Born in Grace and Receive GraceThose who do not take their firm stand on GraceAnd in conscious determination steep in it not,Will never Grace receive;Nor be freed of Pasas Five;They will not know greatness that Grace gives;They will not resolute be;They alone know Grace who to Grace are born.
1815 Nandi Grants Unending GraceNandi the great, Nandi the famed,Nandi that barred the way of my future birth;He gave me the ambrosial bliss that never cloys;He the Lord of a thousand names;In one word He said, "Bathe eternallyIn the unending sea of Grace."
1816 Imparting Grace Siva Grants His Form to JivaI danced and sang and wept and lamentedThus I sought Him, and Siva's greatness saw,And as I with Him unitedHe, His indefinable Form grantedAnd in me pervaded, His Grace imparting.
1817 Nandi Planted His Feet on me and imparted GraceThe birth I took,The impurities (malas) I boreHe dispelled as but Maya's cloud;"You are of these rid"--so sayingHe planted His Feet on me--He the Nandi famed;All unworthy knowledge I gave up,I prostrated and at His feet prayed.1818 Light the Lamps of God by Inner LightLight the Lamp, and see the VoidBefore the Lamp all pangs ceaseThey that have the Light to light the LampAre but the Light, in the Divine Lamp shine.
1819 By Inner Light Unite One in SivaInterminable are light and darknessOnly to those who have light, will darkness cease;To the eyes that see light, darkness is not;So, too, when the inner light dispells darknessThe Jive with Siva one becomes.
1820 Lord is GraciousAimless I wandered,On me He planted His golden Feet,In purity He entered, and made me pureIn charity He entered, and gave me the bliss of ambrosiaWhat ho! this gracious act!In wonder limitless, I stand bedazed.
1821 Grace is the RefugeThere is a Space Vast that is GraceThere is a Refuge Safe that is LordIn me He entered, my darkness to dispel;Know Him fully; then indeed, is Siva-State.
1822 Save the SoulIf other gods be born, live and dieAre they the True Ones? Speak;Let us this body leave, to vultures a preyAnd save our Soul--this you should proclaim.
1823 Soul is Siva LingaFor the Bounteous LordThis heart is the sanctum holy,The fleshly body is temple vastThe mouth is the tower gate;To them that discern,Jiva is Sivalinga;The deceptive senses but the lights that illume.
1824 Prayer is True SacrificeTo Nandi of the spreading matted locksThat the sacrificial oblations takes,We nothing offer;The sacrifice that we morn and even can giveAre songs of praise that melt His heart;Let us that sacrifice offer;Verily, that is sacrifice, milk that is sweet.
1825 Worship Sadasiva and Become SivaThe Lord that with Lady of milky speech consortsIs the Para Para Supreme;In Him enshrine SadasivaHis upward looking Face as Isana considerAnd thus your worship performYou shall Siva Himself become.
1826 Adore the Lord and Behold HimYou can think of Him, you can speak of His TruthBut rare indeed to see the Lord of the Holy Feet;They can but see the Lord of the Holy FeetWho adore Him with flower and water.
1827 Celestials Worship Lord with ArchanaWhy is it the Lord has taken His seatIn the heart of Beings CelestialThat consecrated water and garland of flowers bear?With offerings five of dishes sweetAnd with upachara* rituals two times eightThey humbly prostrating, in archana, worship. evocative
1828 Pray and Receive GraceThe devout are they with flower and water prayThe Lord seeing that bestows His Grace on themCountless are the sinners that know not how our Lord to approachThus they slip by in ignorance deep.1829 Anoint Feet of Holy is Unto Bathing in Holy WatersKnow the reward of bathingIn the nine waters of the Lord;Mukti indeed for thoseThat anoint the feet of holy menWho in Jnana are upraised;Thus does Mula proclaim.
1830 My Prayer is to Worship Lord with ArchanaEven if in thoughtlessnessI world's ways pursue,Do grant me this:That I with water and flowerUnceasing adore You;This my prayer;O! Lord of immortals!
1831 Chant the Thousand Names of LordThe Immortals swarm in hordes seeking Him;The seas and lands unending,All that yours shall be,When you chant unceasingThe thousand names of the Primal Lord,And the One Sacred name Special.
1832 Lord is in Our HeartBathing Him in the five products of cow (Pancha Kavya)The Celestial beings in hordes seek the LordWho knows end none;Within the honeyed flower that is heartHis Grace stands revealed;He who the five elements and their attributes created.
1833 Celestials Pray and Receive Lord's GraceBearing choicest flowers and waterThe heavenly Beings over clouds traverse;And with Pasa subdued, stand and prayAnd unfailing, My Lord's Grace receive.
1834 Enter the Sea of Heart's FaithIn the expanse of waters (Ganga),With spreading matted locks is Nandi;Renounce the sea of unbelief;Enter the sea of heart's faith;They who adore Him not thusWith hands laden with flowersWill in the sea of sorrow fall,And forever immersed be.1835 Break the Banks of the Sea of SorrowBreaking the marshy banks of the sea of sorrowThey adore Him with buds and blossoms;They who know this not, into error great fall;But those who know it, will see the LordIn the crown of their head, seated within.
1836 Adoration is the Way to Reach LordThere is one way to reach HimAdore Him with flowers many;To them that do this,The Lord by Himself stands revealed;This the way to the Holy Feet of the three-eyed God;Adoring Him thus, He fails never to stand before you.
1837 Seek Him In Prayer"My Lord, the Primal One, the Timeless Eternity,The Holy One,"--Thus they adore Him with flowers diverse,And in love endearing at His Feet worship,His Grace to receive;How then do you in prayer seek Him not?
1838 Siva is the Primal One of Plural ThreeLaden with flower and waterThe Celestial beings seek the earthAnd sing the praise of the Pure One;Who who thinks of His bounteous GraceHim He blesses,He, the Primal One of the Plural Three.
1839 Pray and ProsperYou that labour hardGather flowers and carry water pure;Adore the Lord in unfailing pietyAnd at His shining Feet lay the flowers;And stand and prayAnd unto the rain-laden cloudsForever prosperous you shall be.
1840 Lord Receives WorshipTo perform Lord's worship in manner appropriateSenses subdue, hasten, and quick at His Feet fall;And offering water and flower daily worshipHe will accet you, thus I said, even in days of yore.1841 Way to Goal SupremeAdorn Him with garland of flowersPlace them at His feetPraise Him as the Lord Primal;Those that have daily prayed to HimAnd yet have known Him notLet them adore Him with Athi flower, so dear to HimAnd pray, their base nature be cleansed of impurities;--That the way to Goal Supreme.
1842 Nandi is WithinAbove the lotus of the heart, beyondIn Bliss abides,Nandi of the spreading matted locks;Yet they know not the mantra to muse and chantThat will to Him lead and there abide.
1843 Lord is a Gem-Set JewelHe is the gem that lies embedded in the cubit of the heartUntil they see Him, they think not of Him;Into them who cherish and muse on Him over and overAs a gem-set Jewel He shines.
1844 Nandi Dispels DarknessNandi of gracious qualitiesIs the Chakra (discus) that cuts the Darkness (of impurities)He takes his abiding seat in my heart,While the Celestial Beings to whom He bestows His giftsCome in prayer, beseeching Him from afar.
1845 The Four Dikshas or Ordination RitesBy Samaya Diksha, the Primal Malas their potency lose;By Vishesha Diksha, the Mantra purification insures;By Nirvana Diksha, the Kalas purification is effected;The Abhisheka Diksha is for thoseWho the Jnani State has attained.
1846 Seek Him Incessantly--He is Timeless EternityUnless they have adored Him through aeons and aeonsThey will not have become the Jiva that is Karma devoid;Hari on the sea, and Aya besides,Seek Him through ages after ages;Yet is He beyond reach;He that shines atop of Time.
1847 Nandi Imparts UpadesaGrasping the lotus feet of Nandi that blesses me,I shall relate the way of Upadesa, (imparting divine knowledge)That to redemption leads;Of Puja that is performed;And of the Way to transcend Adharas sixAnd to ascend beyond.
1848 Rid Fleshly Desires and Know HimWith the sweet scented sandalThat in the forest recesses grows,And with flowers rareThat heavenward blossomYou may adore Him;But unless you know Him,Your fleshly desires ridYou cannot reach His FeetThat are with honeyed flowers bedecked.
1849 Path of Jnana is Supreme ArchanaWhen you excell in the Path of JnanaThat leads unto the Para Supreme,The Path of Jnana is all Archana;Great indeed is constant worship within;To reach the Lord's Feet is to still actions all.
1850 Pray Thrice a DayMorn, noon and eventideAdore the Lord;Adoring chant the word "Nama"--(I worship)Chanting, invoke Him in luminaries three--the Sun, Moon, and Fire;The famed Nandi is the Lord Supreme.
1851 To Feed Jnani is to be Supremely BlessedA hundred times blessedIs to perform puja in places holy;A ten hundred times blessedIs to worship His Presence;A hundred, hundred times blessedIs to feed those their thoughts have stilled;Blessed, blessed far indeed is to seeThat a Jnani is to contentment fed.1852 Perform Pujas, Nadis QuelledThe Pujas that you performWhen Nadis, sun and moon, active beatAre for Asuras meet;The Pujas that you performWhen Nadis sun and moon are quelledAre alone for Holy Nandi appropriate.
1853 Worship Nandi Beyond the Spheres of Sun and MoonWhen beyond the Spheres of Sun and Moon you ascendThere Bindu and Nada are;Ascending (through Adharas) thus,Your Awareness crossesThe frontiers of Waking State;There when you continuous worship Nandi,That verily is worship Divine.
1854 Cross the Gates of Awareness and TattvasCourse the Sakti Kundalini,Transcend the successive gates of Awareness;Reduce the perishable body to its elemental (tattva) constituentsAnd then discard them;Then do you enter the Grace of the Holy OneAnd there you abide and adoreThat indeed is the worship meet for Sadasiva.
1855 Practise Worship where neither Night nor Day isThe worship that you performBy day and nightIs to the Lord an offering of flower twain;The worship that you performWhere neither day nor night isIs to Him of the flowing matted locksAcceptance full and replete indeed.
1856 Where Neither Day Nor Night is, there No Maya isSeated in the sphere where neither day nor night isThe supreme honeyed bliss I imbibed;Lost in thought to events outsideAt the holy Feet of LordWhere neither day nor night is,I dispelled the Maya twain,That with day and night compare.
1857 Devotees are Walking TemplesThe offering you giveTo the Lord in the temple steepled highReaches not His devotees,Who the walking temples noble are;When you offer thingsTo the walking temples noble,That sure reaches the LordIn the temple steepled high.
1858 Feed Tapasvins, Feed All WorldsThe food, Tapasvins of blemishless thought tookIs food, all three worlds took;The offerings they cheerfully receivedAre offerings the three worlds received;--Thus He proclaimed, Nandi the Great.
1859 Offering to Tapasvins is Oblation to Gods and AncestorsThe things you gave His dear devotee,Who in Him is seated,Are verily oblations meet for the Gods Three;And for ancestors too,Through generations three times seven;This for certain shall you know.
1860 Feeding the Tapasvin is superior to feeding Brahmins and GodsThough you a thousand abodes to holy Brahmins giveThough you a thousand temples for the gods build;None, none is of merit compareTo a day's feed to a holy devotee given;This be of certain.
1861 Even the Thought of Feeding Siva Jnanis is most EfficaciousWell may you feed a hundred hundred thousand BrahminsThat the holy thread wear and goodly sacrifices perform;But holier far is the desire to feed in endearment greatA morsel albeit, toThe Lord's devotee trueWho the holy ashes wears.1862 Siva Jnanis are Gods on Earth"You, the Divine Bull ride,My Lord, My God"--Those who wear the holy ashes saying thus;Verily are unto Devas on earth;They that worship them as the Lord Himself,--Who the Ganga on His russet matted locks wears,Will have their Karmas end consummated.
1863 Call Nandi until He AppearsOf resplendent beauty is His FaceOf glowing sheen is His matted locksHe the Nandi famed;In intense anguish I call His NameAnd until He appears before meI shall not cease to clamour, "My Nandi! My Nandi!"
1864 Worship Siva's Devotee and the World will RejoiceIn this world worshipSiva's devotees, who no death know;The hanging darkness of ignorance forever disappears.Unfailing seek the devotee pureAnd your obeisance make;Of a certain will the world rejoice.
1865 Worship without Love for Siva Jnanis Leads NowhereWith endearment none for holy onesWith pride brimming to fullThey Pujas perform;Thus through ages and ages they tried and perished,Their faces turned unto agitating churns hard,Their hearts with egoity extreme filled.
1866 Food for Holy Men is Food for GodsThe food the holy men partakeIs verily food for the gods,Siva, Vishnu and Brahma;To partake of the leavingsOf holy men that have realized TruthIs the way sure to Mukti;--Thus affirms our Mula in meaning unmistakable.
1867 Give to the Holy Ones and Reach the Golden LandDepressed are they not;In holy Tapas they persevere still;To them giveYour Karmas away to hasten;You shall that Golden Land reach,Where Karmas three, past, present and future, exist none.
1868 That Land Prospers where Holy Men areWhere there is a holy man of divine worthWho pursues the Lord,--That all space embraces--There enemies none are;Rains in abundance fall;Full the people's contentmentEvil none befalls that land.
1869 The Land of the HolyThere in that Land are they born;There in that Land in that body they Tapas perform;There in that Land they reach the Feet of LordThere in that Land will they His Grace receive.
1870 I am Redeemed when I reach the Goal of Union in SivaThe goal I sought (of union in Siva)The peaks of mountain high in there, (Sahasrara)The denizens of heavens,The immortals celestial,The hordes of humans from quarters eightAnd the Primal One, too,--If toward me they come,And in my hands I hold them,Redeemed am I, forever and ever.
1871 Then I engross All CreationThe universes seven,The cosmic space beyond,The life--animate and inanimate--The gunas three,The Vedas ancient,The Gods that create and preserveAnd their Primal Lord that is Siva--All they are but in me.
1872 Lord Can be seen only with Inner LightNeither male, nor female, nor hermaphrodite,The light that is within ignorance concealedNever, never can cognise Him;Without eyes He sees,Without ears He hears,Only those in Knowledge ripeHave for sure, seen Him.1873 Lord's Devotees Rule the High HeavensIn the world existentThe Lord's devotees pursue the sure path;They will rule in the heavens high;They Siva become;Whose arms stretch embracing directions eight;In the nether world are His Feet;In the peaks of the cosmic universe,The Crown of His Head rises.
1874 Muse on the Lord and Know no SorrowMuse on the Lord;He resides in your heart;They who see Him residing withinKnow sorrows none;The heart that knows Him enter in,Loses its ego,Well may that be destroyed too;Do strive that state to reach.
1875 Renounce: God ploughs your Life for a Rich HarvestHe is the Beginning Finite,He is companion endearing;He causes dissolution too,--He, the Lord Primal;I gave up blame and praise,And possessions entire;Then my life, He ploughedFor a harvest abundant.
1876 My Life willed to SivaHe is my mother and father in oneMy births seven fold seven are to Siva willed;--This the document drawn up even in days of yore;Brahma who this world created wrote it thus;And Vishnu the cloud-hued witnessed it.
1877 Devotees treasure Lord as Heart's JewelIn the hearts of the resolute He firm abides;In the hearts of those who adore, He in accord comportsThose who held the Primal Lord as their heart's JewelAnd so reckoned HimHow can they part from Him, ever?
1878 Lord lifted me to perform His Holy WorkThe Celestial Beings bore on their headsThe Nandi of the flowing matted locks;He on earth raised me highHis holy work to perform;Higher still will He lift me,Unto the Golden Kingdom of Purity to rule,--He of the spreading matted locks.1879 How Tapasvins LookIn the days of childhood innocenceBy their insignia externalI marked out the Holy Ones;And becoming their devotee, I rejoiced;Their matted locks tied in signal knot,Caring not for this worldThe Holy ones wander;They return not to here below;Immersed are they in the waters of Contemplation Divine--This their tapas intense.
1880 Seek Devotees; Seek SivaThey who seek the devotees holy in love endearingCan in depth Siva seek and be near;The devotees who the Holy One seekWill in Siva's greatness merged be.
1881 Celestials Seek the JnanisSeeking the Holy onesThe eight clans of Celestial BeingsSwarm the earth in endearment surpassing;The earth seems unto a crowded heavenFor twelve leagues, in directions eight.
1882 Land of Siva Jnanis is BlessedWhere Siva Yoga Jnanis flourishMisfortunes will not be;New ways of prosperity dawn;All things good befall;A very heaven that land will be;With rebirths none for its denizens.
1883 Greatness of Siva Yoga JnanisThey who the Higher Knowledge attained,Can even create this world;They who the Higher Knowledge attained,Can transcend worlds several;They who the Divine Light perceivedAre verily immortals here below;They indeed are Siva's devotees true.
1884 Lord cares for Siva JnanisWherever it beThe food that is to them offered,The Lord's devotees receive as sweet ambrosia;Even as those who own a lone plot of landWill unhappy be,If that land uncared for lies.1885 Jnanis accept alms to sustain the Body-TempleThe holy ones who have tasted of Lord's inner graceWill at noon-tide accept almsTo sustain the body temple where the Lord resides;Of differences they think not;All desires extinguished,They in solitude are seated.
1886 Jnanis harvest the Body-fieldIn the body-field is the seed;The field has a fence;In the crown of the headThe crop ripened;If without fear they harvest not,And feed themselves not,They are but thoseWho beg for hunger's sake.
1887 Why Lord BeggedThe Lord begged in Brahma's skull,The Lord begged for Dharma to perpetuate;The Lord begged in Brahma's skull,That Brahma to Brahmam become.1888 Why Devotees BegThe Lord who the seven worlds createdA beggar they call Him?Why, though, He begs?That the holy devoteesWho constant think of Him,Beg and reach His Feet.
1889 Lord Waits for His DevoteesThe Lord stands waitingFor them that come seeking Him;For the holy ones He waitsHis bliss to bestow;He stands waiting, them to enter;Can you say "He knows me not."
1890 Devotees Constant Seek SivaGnawing hunger, greed and angerThese bodily evilsSiva's devotees possess not;Neither in this world below,Nor in the blessed world aboveWill they remain;Seeking Siva and Siva aloneWill they engrossed ever be.
1891 World Seeks to feed; Tapasvins do not Beg for a LivingThough they received the clear light of Jnana,Yet they perforce seek portals of the bounteous for alms;To these Tapasvins that beg not for a living,All the world in reverence repairs.
1892 Significance of MudraThe Mudra is to transcend avastas eleven,Fix awareness on Silent Letter Pranava (Aum)That the Way is;And reach the Holy Feet of Nandi;And all desires worldly quelledYou attain Mukti divine.
1893 Mudras--Sambhavi and KecariIn the palatal place where the three Turiya states of awareness subsume,Insert your tongue inward, and there contain it;Thus practise the Mudras, Sambhavi and KecariDivine Jnana's light to flood.1894 Sambhavi Mudra brings Grace and Kecari JnanaSambhavi Mudra brings Nandi's glanceIn Grace abounding and birth ending;Kecari true where Aum is in silence chantedIs the Mudra that divine Jnana brings;That the one I practise, as Natha (Guru) divine.
1895 Mauna Mudra Leads to Mukti FinalHe who appears in Adharas is Sadasiva;He who appears in Jnana is the goodly Siva;In the silence of Mauna Mudra, Siva's form disappears;That verily is the Mukti Finale, the Ultima Thule.
1896 Mauna is Stillness of Both Thought and SpeechTo attain stillness of Speech and Thought at once is maunaMauna sans Speech aloneIs but state of dumbness;Only when Speech and Thought are alike in maunaAre you in State Suddha (Perfection)Who but knowsThat Suddha state to bring about?
1897 Yoga Mudra and Jnana MudraSambhavi is the lion among Yoga MudrasThat leads certain to Siddhis eight;When Jnana Mudra you seekAppropriate indeed is KecariThat by Vedas lauded high.
1898 Yogi attains Nada StateYogi attains siddhis eightHe experiences the divine Nada State;He is of Karma ridHe is of calm mindHe pursues the Four Ends of Human Goal,He courses the Sakti KundaliniThrough centres six within the body;That way he reaches the OneAnd union in Him attains.
1899 Yoga is the Pure Way of Siddhanta-VedantaThe Yogic way of DvadasaBut leads to Sodasa Kala PrasadaIt sunders desires;This the pure way of Vedanta-Siddhanta;To meditate on the Mantra that begins with "Na" (Nama Sivaya)That verily is Suddha (pure) Saivam.1900 All Mudras firm up breathThe Mudra that is MaunaIs the Mudra for those Mukti seek;The Mudra that is Jnana (Kecari)Is the Mudra for those who Gurus be;Mudra that draws nectar of Grace is the MudraThat is Siddhanta (Sambhave)Mudras all firm up breath,That Siva Truth, of yore revealed.
1901 Pure Vision inside CraniumIn the Sushumna Nadi CentralThe Lord's Holy Feet will appear;The lotus center (Sahasrara),Within a Golden Sphere is;Beyond, the upward course (of Kundalini) lifts youTo the Moon's Sphere that is white;And there you vision the Pure One.
1902 Soul's Journey after Yoga-Samadhi AttainedWhen the Yogi his mortal coil shuffles,During the phase the Crescent moon waxesHe (the soul) shall reach the world of Devas;There for a while abiding,Into the Sphere of Sun he subsides;Thence He reaches the SphereWhere the Souls of Ancestors dwell;And from there, finally in the Sphere of Moon, he abides.
1903 When Samadhi is not ReachedAll these of the Yogi,This life in Samadhi ended;When that does happen not,He will in this world take refuge again,And by Lord's GraceResume Yoga in practice continualAnd thus complete the undertaking, unfinished.1904 Siddha-HoodThus in the world they will beAnd in Siva Yoga again be;And as Siva Yogin in Bindu merge,Many miraculous powers attain,The Siddha-hood their fleshly body reaching.
1905 Continuity of Yoga through livesWhile in the pursuit of YogaIf Siva Yogins, holy, die,They reach the World of TapasOnly to this world returnAnd to Yoga repair;Blessed indeed are they,Whom the Beings Celestial praise high.
1906 Mauna Samadhi Leads to the Unitive StateIf Sivayogi gives up life,In mauna Samadhi he entersTo seek the state unitive;He will not in another body be born,Nor as Jivan Mukta returnConscious of here below;But with Lord get united in one.
1907 Siddhas even when Dead in Body are Alive in AwarenessBlessed indeed are those who dieIf in death they unite one with Lord;Then, even dead, alive are they;They who are dead unto the Impurities ThreeAre Siddhas true.Siva they become.
1908 Jnani Shapes Disciple towards God-hoodWho intense seek the Grace of Lord ExaltedTheir birth to sunder,He himself draws themInto the fold of His devotees dear;Unto it, the Jnani draws unto himHis disciples, in love abounding,In his own way subtle,Toward Godhood, He shapes them.
1909 Jnani Exists in Siva's PervasivenessThe heart of Siva Jnani overflows in Grace;He sees Siva everywhere;He feels His presence pervasive;Fragmented may be the sky you see;But all space it engulfs;Unto it, the Jnani,Though rid of consciousness here,One with Siva pervasive exists.
1910 Do not Consign Siva Jnani's Body to Fire; Nor Neglect itIf the body of Siva Jnani is to fire consigned,The people entire will in burning fever suffer;If his body a prey to dogs and jackals left,Tumultous war the land will see,And the people a prey to dogs and jackals be.1911 Disasters Follow if Jnani's Body is Consigned To FireIf to fire the Jnani's body is consignedThat will be unto fire the Lord's temple consigned;No more will rains fall on the land,Famine shall ravish the world,Countless kings will their kingdoms lose.
1912 Bury Jnani's Body in Proper WayProper indeed is to bury them;If to fire they are consignedDestruction dogs the land;If left to perish, uncared for,The world its prosperity loses,A fell prey to devastating fire falls.
1913 Bury Jnani's Body in an Underground SepulchreLet the body of Jnani,When Lord's Grace receives,Be in a cave seated,Appropriate in earth's bowel dug;Then stately rulers and people in landReceive blessings,Of Grace infinite.
1914 Samadhi RitualsWell dig the sepulchre,Heap the earth five cubits around,Shape it into a triangleThree cubits on sides;And there in Padmasana,Seat the body.1915 Samadhi Cave LocationsOne's own homestead, roadside, tank bund, riverbed,Flowery grove, city's commonForest dense, and mountain valley high--These the sites appropriate,For the sepulchre to shape.
1916 Dimension For the Sepulchre CaveFive feet on four sides all,Nine feet straight deep,Three feet each on the triangle's sides--These the dimensionsAppropriate for the sepulchre to shape.
1917 Samadhi RitualsIn abundance spread the five metals preciousAnd the nine gems rare;Upon them place the seat,Scatter the Kusha grass,And shower the holy ashes white;Above that scatterTurmeric powder that is of color goldAnd incenses richly mixed.
1918 Samadhi Rituals (Cont.)Shape the cave inside into a square,Upon that lay garlands of honey-dew flowers;Sandal, musk, civet, and unguents diverse;And pouring rose's waterLight the ritual lamp, in devotion ecstatic.
1919 Samadhi Rituals (Cont.)Smear the body entire with ashes white and holyTo form a shroud protective;Place the body on an Asana (seat) appropriate,Spangle bright with incenses several and ashes holy;And thus seated, cover the cave with earth.
1920 Samadhi Rituals (Cont.)Having covered thus, level the four sides;Place his sandals and ear rings,And an image with face and eyesDecked in dress appropriate;Offer parched rice, food, and tender coconut.1921 Samadhi Rituals (Cont.)Then pour the ashes white and powdered incense,Shower flowers diverse, Kusha grass and Bilva leaves,Sprinkle water holy,And raise a platform three feet by three.
1922 Samadhi PujasUpon the platform plantThe sapling of peepal tree, or a Lingam holy,Arrange the Sannidhi (face) toward north or eastAnd perform pujas with rituals sixteen,In devotion endearing.
1923 Devolutes of BinduWhen Creation commenced,From Para Bindu arose KundaliniAnd from Kudilai the Vaindavam in the firmament vastAnd the nine gods Brahma and the restAnd their SaktisAnd in order correspondingThe Karanas, the Kalas and the sound Vaikari (Nada).
1924 Thirty Six Tattvas DevoluteBindu attains modification five times five (twenty-five)Nada attains modification four and six (ten)The rest two--Sakti and Siva--attain not modificationBut activate the other two--Bindu and Nada.
1925 Saktis Devolute from BinduOut of the MamayaPara Bindu gives rise to--All these manifestationsVagesi, Tatparai, Kudilai and Kundalini;These Saktis four ultimate from Bindu evolute.
1926 Kalas Nada and Karanas DevolutedThe Kalas Nivirti and the rest,In which repose sounds "A", "U" and "M" composedThere in Nadanta Bindu entersAnd into the Karanas that include the MindAnd the internal organs intellectualDevolute manifesting theseThe Bindu its act of creation ceases.1927 Bindu is the Causal Seed of Five Acts The Parapara that is the End and the BeginningImmanent, He expands thus;As Cause and Effect, too, well He is;And as BijaThe Five Acts performs.
1928 Bija is the Macro and Micro Causal SeedBy the power of Bija that from Bindu emanatedThe world and the cosmic universe aroseFrom out of Casual (Asuddha) Maya (Stuff of matter)Arose the elements five--the sky and the rest;And this Bindu, micro and macro, is.
1929 Bindu is White and Nada RedThe Bindu that shinesWithin the body and without (in all Nature)Is white in hue;Red is vibrant Nada;As Sakti and Siva embedded withinWell can they Mukti grant,If in wisdom activated.
1930 Bindu is Cause-EffectAll-pervasive unto the ParamThe Bindu stands;Veiling all unto a filament vast;And filling everywhere as the space in pots all;As Mamaya that is Cause and EffectIt all cosmos pervades.
1931 Bindu is the Seed in the body and Divine Swan in CosmosThere in the Bindu,Nandi stands His Grace to bestow;That it is in their Bija within, they know not;That Seed as scented flower in the (body) into microcosm blossomsAs a Divine Swan So-ham in the macrocosm it is;He the Blessed One that is the Causal Seed of all.
1932 Siva is Seed, Bindu is EmbryoWithout seed is embryo none,Except from seed the embryo appears not;The seed and the embryo are but one, separate never;Thus are the Bindu and Siva too;This you should know.1933 How Food Builds Body, Blood and MindThe food you partake in divisions three goTo the body, to the mind and to the excreta;The parts that to the body and the mind goVerily become the blood, first.
1934 How Bindu is Formed From FoodOut of the seven constituents food breaks into,(Blood, lymph, bone, skin, flesh, brain and semen)The Bindu forms in days threeUnto the tiny dew drop on a blade of grass;And full matures in days three times seven.
1935 Bindu is Transformed into Mind and KalasWhen in the body for three days it remains thus,It becomes a part of the Mind;As Kala Bright--Intelligence illumined;For those immersed in thoughts holy, it is there retained;For those who in sex intercourse indulge,It will depart, their mental powers deteriorated.
1936 Waste Bindu, the Body PerishesThey know not the destruction that wasting of Bindu results in;They resolve not their decay to prevent by will power determined;They who thus perish in this perishing bodyKnow not the way they perish;And give it up not.
1937 Siva Yogi Sublimates BinduDo not look at womenWho intent on lust look at you;Away from them;Light the fire of Kundalini;Melt your heart in divine love;Uproot the evil desire that sight kindles;Fix it on the source of Primal EnergyHe who does it is verily the Siva Yogi.
1938 Waste Not BinduHe to lust a slave becomes,Will in constant fear be;His body deteriorates,And his life ebbs away;He will not Grace receive,And in Siva Yoga lasts not.
1939 Regulation Days for Sexual UnionThose who wish to sleep with womenLet them observe the periodicity thus:Of the two phases of the moon,The first eight days of the waxing moonFor union appropriate are not;In the six days that remain,And in the first six days of the waning moonCan they in union be.
1940 Regulation Days for Practising YogisLet those that Yoga practiseAvoid the fifth, the sixth and the eleventh daysAfter the woman menstruates;The rest, who the pleasure seek,Take the six days, in the middleOf the three weeks that follow.
1941 Duration of Sexual Union and Rules for Release of BinduWhen on union they decide on,Let it be for muhurtas* four,Following the injunctions of Kama Sastras,Let them the sexual act perform;When the Moon's Kalas (Left Nadi) shine bright,And breath in Sun Nadi's low runsEmit Bindu, the breath holding,Breathing through nostril right, quelling left.1942 Sublimate Sex ActEmbrace the damsel,Your five sense organs with her five conjoining;But, detached your passion for the woman be;Like the senses that are Godward sublimatedBe calm; excited be not;Control your breath, senses and mind,Concentrated be your thought,Thus emit your Bindu.
1943 Direct your senses InwardGoodly amour, beauty and youthShapely form and coral lipsAnd breasts that swell,--When in union with damsel such as she--You the Bindu emit,Emit, your senses inward directed.
1944 Determine the Results of the ActHaving emitted,Examine the laws of conceptionThe time of union, of pregnancy and deliveryThe baby's length of life, and death;Its character, good and bad,These you in detail determine.
1945 Seek not Further UnionHaving examined these,Abstain from worldly concerns,And leave the maiden of shapely breasts;And further union seek not;Within months twoWill the baby its form take,And all the rest you have reckoned follow.
1946 Know the Seed of Seed and Preserve BodyExcept for those who plant the seed,Harvest there be none, future;Except for those who plant the seed,Wisdom great there be none;If they know the Seed of seed for certainPreserved their body beUnto the mango fruit kept in vessel suspended.1947 Lord Settles Fate and longevity of Embryo With ConcernThe Lord has concern greatFor the seed in womb;Even in the seed with forethoughtHe settles its fate and span of life;Thus, when the Seed itself is the Causal Thought,To attribute Cause and Effect to factors outsideIs but imagination's figment.
1948 Conserve Bindu and Attain SiddhisIf Bindu stands retained in bodyLife ebbs not;Great strength, energy, intelligence alert,Tapas, contemplation and Maunam (silent-ness)And siddhis enduring,--All these are attained,--If Bindu be conserved true.
1949 Conservation of Sex Energy Vital for Yoga PracticeThus conserved, they light the Fire of Kundalini,And forcing it upward through Nadi SushumnaReach the state of illumination;There they partake of the ambrosiaFrom the Moon within flows;Those who do this in unbroken continuity,Are verily Siva Yogins true.
1950 Conserve Sex Energy and Become HeroesThe Yogi, the Jnani, and the Siddha highThe Bhoga Yogi who is yet the king of Jnanis,All these, though troubled by passionsYet savour the ambrosia within; (in the Yogic way)Heroes, all, they are indeed,Who the Bindu had conserved.
1951 Burn Bindu in Fire of KundaliniThe fiery Bindu above is Lord's Body (macrocosmic)The Bindu wasted here below is vital Prana (microcosmic)If mixing the two, they burn it in the Fire of KundaliniThen they consume the very ambrosia--This, the wisdom of Yogis true.
1952 In Yoga Bindu is Divinely AssimilatedIn ignorance the folks waste it daily,And destroyed by senses, in pain weep;If in wisdom, they conscious perform Yoga supreme,The Bindu disppears, divinely assimilated.1953 Lust is Death's MessengerIf you hold women as Death's messengers,Love's passion vanishes away;Death there is none;For ages innumerable will you in Divine Light be,Your Impurities forever totally rid.
1954 Conquer Bindu and Conquer TimeHe that has conquered Bindu has conquered Time;He that has wasted Bindu has perished before his time;They know not that Bindu that has been preservedIn time becomes one with Kundalini,Their breath controlled in the Yogic way.
1955 Embrace Woman after Cleansing HerIf you desire woman's love, intense to excite,The day before you in sexual union indulge,Cleanse the woman of her bowel, phlegm and bile,Then in union embrace her.
1956 Bindu is Assimilated in Body Through YogaDirect Prana breath to Bindu and NadaThat in cranium Sphere arises,Upward through Sushumna NadiBy devices appropriate;Thus you reach to the nectar divine;Hold on to it,That Bindu in you indissolubly dissolves,Your illusions to disappear.
1957 Conquest of Bindu Leads to NadaThe ripening of Bindu,The result full of that ripening,The dire consequences of wasting it,And the blessings of retaining it,The Nada that ensuesAnd the transformation that Nada effects,--Those who all these realizeHave verily conquered the Bindu.
1958 Fry Bindu in Kundalini FireThe Bindu that is Bija (Seed)Burn it agreeably,In the Fire that is Kundalini,That from Muladhara flames;Course it upward into the Solar Sphere withinAnd touch the Lunar Sphere beyond;There, indeed, is the nectar divine.1959 Bindu Sublimated by Kundalini Yoga Leads to Ambrosial FlowWhen the Bindu of the bodyThus perishes (by Yoga)It is into Divine Bindu transformedOf the ambrosial Lunar Sphere within;When the Bindu of the bodyPerishes in the fire of Kundalini,The ambrosial waters flow and fill the body;Then indeed is Siva Bhoga that is ambrosial sweet;And thus bathed in divine waters of ambrosiaThe Yogi attains Siddhis rare.
1960 In Yoga Way Bindu is not ReleasedTwo bodies in union may unite,Yet if he emits not BinduThat union is Yoga way;That Bhoga is Siva Bhoga;That the true BhogaWhere the Yogi emits notTo quell the witless woman's passion.
1961 Bindu is not EmittedThey who stand in Yoga wayEven though with women unite,Their Bindu, in passion, they emit not;And the women their life's passion unquenchedWill verily pine and droop,Yearning still for love,As lovers new forever do.
1962 Bodily Bindu Becomes Cosmic BinduBy Kundalini Sakti, Bindu conquer;Kindle that Fire in MuladharaCourse it upward straightThrough central Nadi, Sushumna;Reach Nada,And swill ambrosia there flows;Your Bindu the Divine Bindu becomes.
1963 Union of Bindu and NadaWhen Bindu and Nada unite,And Kundalini Fire each minute hair root permeates,All thought devoid,Siva Himself you Become;And the Bindu then dies in the Primal BinduOf the Body Divine.1964 Yogi Sublimates BinduHe who pounds seed and consumes itKnows not good that of harvest comes;Different is he,Who fries it (in Kundalini Fire) and in body absorbs;The latter, of the seed a meal does not make,But the Seed of Birth he ends.
1965 Merging of Bodily Bindu in Cosmic BinduCoursing upward, Bindu that is Prana vitalMerging it in Divine BinduThat the "Swan" in cranium (Sahasrara) is,There, uniting in Nadanta,The luminous Bindu is in body absorbed.
1966 Absorb Bindu in Body and Become ImmortalThe Swan (the macrocosmic), and Prana (the microcosmic)--Bindu is thus two for all;Those who realize thisAnd absorb one in Other--The Prana (Individual) in the Swan (Cosmic)--Will eight siddhis attain;Their body as gold glitters;They immortal become.
1967 Secret Way of Bindu ConquestIntone sound "Si" (the first sound of Panchakshara)In your Prana (life breath)'s silent thoughtMerge in "Aum"--the sound cluster of "A, U, M"Thus ParaSakti reach;That indeed is the way of Bindu Conquest--This the Mystic Secret (upadesa)--you hold.
1968 Conquer Bindu and Attain Siva StateThis the Mystic SecretThere is none--but thisHe alone is; nothing else there is;The Bindu heavenward ascends,The Organs Fourteen(Jnanandriyas five, Karmendriyas five and Antakaranas four)Their action cease;Then does Jnana follow;That verily is Siva State.1969 Sivoham when Bindu SubsidesIn union of Bindu and NadaWas born this creation vast;It is beginning and end of all life,Of great mantras too,When Bindu subsides,Then is Sivoham.*
1970 Fry Bindu and End BirthFry the Bindu, Mind its balance winning;Raise it high, to mount of Sushumna;That way, your interminable Karmas are scorched;Then the day you pluck awayThe Fruit of Fig that holdsThe seeds of birth, innumerable.
1971 When Bindu Merges Ambrosia WellsWhen Bindu and Nada uniting in oneEnter the Sphere of Moon within,The heavenly ambrosia wells and flows;The Mantra (Aum) that arises thereIs the sacrificial offering to Lord Supreme.
1972 Merge Mind in Bindu, Away From LustWhen the Mind in the Bindu merges,Then the Mind, the ears and all organs besidesWill together rise the Divine Goal to seek;But when thought and sound and wordsThat in the Mind ariseSeek lust,As fluid thick it transformed be.
1973 Jnanis Know Lord's SeatThe Sound (Nada), and the Mind that perceives Sound,And the place where Mind undistracted discerns Truth,--These they know not;That place the Jnanis truly knowThat verily is Lord's Seat.
1974 Regions of Five Elements in the bodyEarth is, where the legs are (Muladhara);In the navel (Svatisthana) is the Region of Water;Below the breast (Manipura) is the Fire;Above the breast (Anahatha) and below the shoulder (Visuddhi) is Air;And around the neck and beyond (Ajna) is the Region of Space.
1975 Sun and Other Gods Adore Lord to Receive IlluminationThe fiery Sun and the Celestials restCircumnambulate the snow-clad Mountain Meru;And adore the luminous Lord's Holy Feet in Tapas,That they might, themselves illumined be.
1976 Sun is the Primal EnergyThe Sun is Vishnu;He is Siva Holy too,Who as refuge of all creation stands;He brings prosperity to the seven worlds in accord;He, the Beginning of lives all.
1977 Worship Sun, Primal Lord BlessesChant in love the thousand names of Sun,He in you as spark divine glows;The Vedic brahmins pray,The Celestial immortals his name chant;It is the Lord Primal verilyWho blesses all.
1978 Primal Lord is Source of AllHe stands as the Tattvas for the world,He stands as Sakti for the world,He alone is the Being Uncreated (Sambhu),He for the world is the Moon too,Of soft light divine.
1979 Position of Sun in the BodyAbove the triangle of Muladhara Center,Above the hexagonal Center of Svadishtana,Above the twin-circle of Manipura Center,In the moving Center of sixteen petalled Visuddhi,There indeed rises the Sun within.
1980 The Sun Confers the Kalas in AdharasThe Sun is within;When his beams beatOn Muladhara trianguleThat receives Kalas four;When on Visuddhi his shafts fall,That with Kalas sixteen shines.1981 Experiences in the Sphere of Sun WithinWhen you reach the Sphere of SunYour worldly thoughts fade into darkness;The cognitive organs four no more contend--The Sakti in the light within revealsThe truth of VedasBut alas! You seek not to understand!
1982 Sun's Route InsideBelow the Earth Center that is MuladharaThe Sun its route takes;Invisible indeed is he,Between the Fiery Center (Manipura)And the Watery Center (Svatishtana) within.
1983 Sun's Course in the Higher AdharasBreaking through the Earth (Muladhara)He penetrates beyond into the Adharas thatAre Sky (Visuddhi) and Space (Ajna) within;He is the very source of joy that dazzles the eye;He indeed responds to contemplation sweet.
1984 Sun Circumambulates SahasraraThe sun that penetrates Earth (Muladhara)His route none knows,That are but versed in worldly lore;He circumambulates Mount of Meru, (Sahasrara)Of the Lord Unconquerable;--Thus they say;Only those who have realized TruthKnow His abode real.
1985 Vision Sun Within Through Spinal WayStaning, sitting, walking and lying prostrateNandi the benevolent in my thoughts incessant stood;Destroy your Malas (Impurities)And ascend the AdharasThrough Sushumna Central;There shall you vision the SunThat within shines in brightness nonpareil.
1986 The Self-Realized Reach SunThey who by Adhara-ascendingReach and see where the Sun within reposesThey indeed are the self-realized ones;They who differ from thisAnd say aught they like,Are in darkness enveloped,As when the Sun here, below horizon dips.
1987 Those Who Know the Sun Within is Worthy of AdorationThey penetrate not the Adharas,Search not the world within,And know not where in its midst Sun is;Those who know where he furtive liesTo them my heartIn love melts.
1988 Life's Full Moon WithinThe luminous Sun dewy cool becomesWhen Moon spreads its contending rays;In the luminosity that commingling emanates,My yearning Prana as a ray beams,That verily is my life's Full Moon.
1989 To See the Blending of the Rays of Sun and Moon is DivineWhen on Sun, Moon's rays afore fall,That in order is;When on Sun, Moon's rays beat,Divine indeed;In that mystic landWhere the two shafts mingleThey who the Light see,Have Siva Himself become.1990 Full Moon WithinWith Kalas three of Sun, Moon and FireArises the Kala from intermingling of their raysThus are they, Kalas Four;When Sun, Moon and Fire mingle their rays,Then is Full Moon within, know this.
1991*36The Vision of Ethereal Light WithinThe Light that shone beyond the orbs two,Is a Light that none in any realm can perceive;It is a Light that shone piercing the Cosmic Universe;Who can near it, who can perceive it!
1992 The Nine Planets Lacking Grace Whirl in DarknessThe nine orbs (planets) go round the earth,But none of nine, knows Lord;Well may the nine orbs, Him, propitiate;Yet His Grace they receive not;Devoid of bliss, in darkness surrounded they are.
1993 Sun's Para Kalas evoluted from Bindu Through Para NadaThe Bindu expand into two Apara and ParaThe Apara becomes the Para NadaFrom Para Nada arises the Para KalasWith those Kalas the Jnana Sun within dawns.
1994 In the Five Kalas Arise the Five Sound FormsThe Sound that arisesWhen Sun within dawnsIs emanation from Para Nada;The Sounds Five, Vaikhari and restThat to Para Bindu belongArise in Kalas Five, one in each.
1995 Sadasiva is the Finite Source of Formless and Formed SoundsHe is the Lord of Devas;He creates the directions ten;Of yore they hailed Him as Lord of Three;He is the Lord of the Four too;In them He stands as Being Central,Thus verily, the Immortal Celestials say.1996 Siva Dispels DarknessHe is the Truth,Unreal He is not;He is the Lord of the Universe;My Father;He is the Sun, Moon and Fire that darkness dispel;He dispels too the darkness of Karma,He, the Nandi Holy, to me appearedThe darkness of my low desires to dispel.
1997 Siva is the Light ResplendentWith His peerless raysHe dispelled my darkness;And the divine fruit's honey within flowed;Beaming with benevolent raysAs Lord of Kailas, He stood;Within me too He stood aloftAs Light Resplendent.
1998 He is Supreme LightHis dazzling Light as Wisdom True spreads;Unhindered, it invades worlds all;It is the light pervasive, none can fathom;Who does know it as the Light Supreme!
1999 The Jnana Sun is Within and WithoutThe Sun that rises in firmament vastStands within too shedding rays divine;In directions eight he traverses constant;Yet in them that Truth knowHe stands for ever fixed within.
2000 Five Centers where the Light of Lord isIn the navel, eye and nose tip,In the center of eyebrows, and within crown of headIn these five places, Lord resides as Light Divine;He is the One LordThe Devas saw as Three,Brahma, Vishnu and Isa.
2001 Siva is Sun of JnanaThe darkness of contending Pasa,And the Ignorance vastThese flee fast,Before the Jnana Light of Siva,Even as when the luminous Sun rises,The murky darkness, before him, flees.
2002 Sivaditya is Immanent and TranscendentIn pot to pot the sun appears,Well may you the pots close,Yet in them you contain him not;So, too, when Lord that poison swallowedThis body enters,There can you contain Him notHe pervades all.
2003 Sivaditya is Space, Light and DarknessHimself as the Three Lights (Sun, Moon and Fire) in one stands;Himself as Brahma and Vishnu stands established;Himself as life and body indistinguishably standsHimself Space, Light, and Darkness too.
2004 Nine Abodes of SivadityaThe divine Fire, Sun and Moon,The earth, water, fire, wind and spaceAnd the creation countlessThese the abodes ancient of Siva are;The Five Gods, (Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Mahesa, Sadasiva)Are in the Vedas that has Angas six.
2005 He is Para-BinduThe One whom I in contemplation realize,The One Param whom Vedas praise,The Undying Light in me shines,Him I beheld, as Divine Swan (Para Bindu).
2006 Cosmic Bindu and Micro-Cosmic Bindu Are InseparateTwo the swans on the river bank (of life)The two swans separation know not,If one Jiva says he is by himself,Then that foolish swan, Grace receives not.428PURUSHA*5
2007 Lord Creates Activating Saktis Jnana and KriyaVaikhari and rest of Sounds,Maya and rest of Impurities,Purusha and rest of Tattvas illusory--All these,Acting on Saktis, Jnana and Kriya,The Lord True from time immemorial made.2008 Lord is Atom-Within-AtomThe Lord is the Beginning of all,He is the Atom-within-the-atom;Divide an atom within the atom,Into parts one thousand,They who can thus divideThat atom within the atomMay well near the Lord,He, indeed, is the Atom-within-the-atom.
2009 Seek the Jnana Way of LordTiny unto the seedOf the spreading banyan treeIs the atom that is Jiva;If by fire of JnanaYour way purifies,The dark Pasas that malign youMay well driven away be;Seek the Divine way,The Dancing Lord shows you.
2010 Jiva and Siva Commingling StandHe within the atom (Jiva),And the atom (Jiva) within HimCommingling stand,They know this not;The peerless Lord pervades allUnintermittent, in creation entire.
2011 Size of SoulTo speak of the size of JivaIt is like this:Split a cow's hair softInto a hundred tiny parts;And each part into a thousand parts divide;The size of Jiva is that one of partOf the one hundred thousand.
2012 Siva's Infinite SizeInfinite great is my Lord,Yet within the littleness of this bodyHe dwells permeating;He is the Lord SupremeWhom the Celestials cannot know;As much as your Tapas isSo much also is He known.
2013 Practise Yoga in PerserverenceYou may not for Yoga inclined be,But if your Guru Illumined teaches you,You may yet accomplish it;And so perservereIn lives several;And seeing you thus practise,Sivva's Form will in your thought arise.
2014 Guru Illumines YouHarassed are youBy Maya's manifestations;But when the Guru IlluminedBy His grace lights you upYour troubles entire cease;The Jiva illumined in JnanaWill Turiya State reach.
2015 Jnani is the Mature JivaThe learned cows(Jivas) may wander bellowing,The power-giddy cows may strut about,Their insignia displaying;But precious is a pot's milk (Jnana),The goodly mature cows (Jnani's) yield;The rest are but barren cows indeed.
2016 Jivas Graze in the Backwood of Worldly PleasuresWhat to do with those cowsIn the backwoods of desires graze?Take them beyond,And lead them to Feet of Lord;Discipline them in ways superior;Thus manage the herd;Until then, their thoughts turn notFrom the backwoods of worldly pleasures.
2017 Jiva and Siva are OneJiva and SivaSeparate are not;Jiva knows not Siva;When Jiva knows Siva;Jiva becomes Siva.
2018 Lord is LightThe Dancing Lord is the Light Benevolent,He is the Joyous Light for Creation all;He adorns the many hooded serpent with gemlike shining eyesHe is the Cluster of Lights that oversees all.
2019 Lord is Knowledge and KnowerHe is all Knowledge, immune from Ignorance,Without aid of sensory organs, He is self-Illumined,Himself as Knowledge and Himself as the Knower tooHe is the Jiva as well,He stands pervasive all.
2020 He is Beyond Tattvas Thirty-SixTo me that knew not the truth of Tattvas six times six,He taught the truth of Tattvas six times sixHe, Nandi Famed;And when by His Grace I learned the truth of Tattvas six times sixHe stood beyond the Tattvas six times six.2021 Lord is TruthThey know Him not as Grace that is Siva,They know not the Malas (Impurities) Five to rid of,They perform penance diverse,And are in distraction lost,They seek not the Tattva (Truth),That is ever New.
2022 Lord Bestows His Grace on the GoodThey think not of divine acts, Lord daily performsThey think not of the ministering acts, Lord daily performs;The Lord daily bestows His Grace on the good,They who know this not, daily seek Him not--Entangled in their work-a-day Karmas interminable.
2023 Do Not Delay to Control SensesFive are the elephants (Senses)That are in MASTTheir MAST increasingThey do not to the (Divine) Post remain tied;As the mahout (Jiva) tires,And the elephants (Senses) too, get their energy exhausted,Then they turn to Yoga;Why this way (they delayed) we know not!
2024 Difficulty of Training SensesAttentively learning holy loreAnd coursing breath in Yogic way,Unless the rider (Jiva) thus trains,The restless steed (Senses),Its wayward course it takes;Firm may the rider on its neck sitAnd hard the punishment he administers,Yet the animal forward moves not.
2025 Harassing Senses Bring SorrowFive the Sense Organs,Five the Sense-birds, (Jnanendriyas)Five the Fields (Tanmatras)The Sense-birds seek to feed,Five the waters (Kanmendriyas),Five their functions,Yet are they of one lineage;And one the hunter (Jiva)That herds them together;Nine the exits of bodyWhere he in sorrow wanders.2026 Senses are Like Roaming LionsFive the lions, that roam the forestThe Five seeking their prey, get filled;And to their caves the Five return;If the claws and teeth of the Five you pull,You shall sure the Lord reach.
2027 Senses are Like Ministers that Seek to Usurp the Body-KingdomFive are the ministers,Ninety six (Tattvas) are within they,The Five and their brood of sons withinSeek you to rule;If the Five in their fiery passion stand,Endless indeed is the tributeThat to the Five we are to pay.
2028 Without Sense Control Jiva is Like a Murderous SteedI praise not dailyThe Holy Light;I speak not of SaktiThat is within there;I conquer not the senses Five;Unto a murderous steed headlong that racesVerily, am I.
2029 Control Desires, and Attain BlissCountless the holesIn this body's chamber dark;If with the countless holes (desires) I run,Faulty will my lot be;If you run notWith the countless holes of desires,Countless indeed the bliss you attain.
2030 Strength of Wisdom Leads to Higher LifeOf their Karma's strength is life here below,Of their prayers' strength is life in heaven above,Of their wisdom's strength is men's higher life;Verily, of their strength of GraceIs their way of life.
2031 Lord is a Fisher of DesiresOne cubit its depth,Half cubit its diameter,Thus shaped round is the body pond;The Fisherman (Lord) His net spreads;Many the fish (of desires) He caught;No more--the troubles I encounter.
2032 Control Senses and Become ImmortalThe stirring Indriyas within the body dwell,He who controls them is immortal verily;If your thoughts seek the pleasure twain--Food and sex,Only that far will they last,Until your breath lasts.
2033 Not Control But Sublimation of Senses is Wisdom's Way"Control, control the senses Five,"--Thus say those who know not;None, not even the ImmortalsThe senses Five control;When you the senses Five controlVerily are you an inert mass;(There is a way alternate open)Sublimate them toward the LordThat Wisdom's Way, I learned.
2034 Mere Control Does Not Avail7Loud they roar, the elephants in MAST triple, (Pasas)I applied the goad of knowledge to them control;But they romped about and in fury escaped,They fat became, causing destruction in their train,And sweet fields of sugarcane (goodly qualities) devastating.2035 Sublimation is the Way to GraceIf the senses Five you sublimateThen all worlds are yours;That is tapas rare;That is the Lord's Feet too;That indeed is the way to Grace receive.
2036 Control of Thought is the Key to Control of SensesWhy drivel at length?Why the mirage think of?The thought is the seedOf things all;Expand your thoughtThe things too expand;Contract your thought;That is all there is to it,For those who think about it.
2037 Control the Serpentine Thought in the Yoga Way of KundaliniKnowing well how spent away you areThe Lord comes to dwell in the bodyFor the soul to lean on;And He of blemishless fameTo aubdue the five-headed serpentThat in Pasa coiled lay,Provides the fluted SushumnaThat central stands.
2038 Control Senses By Jnana YogaTie the prancing senses fiveTo the post of Jnana that illumines;Thus you attain Grace that is Bliss;This the Way of Yore, high and true.
2039 Control Thought and Make it a TempleDaily think of the Living NandiGently control your thoughts distracting,Course your thoughts through Muladhara,Then your thoughts a temple become,From north to south extending.
2040 Control Senses and Bear Your Troubles GentlyThe hours sped,The days many passed away;Unto the writing on the waterTransitory your possessions are;Conquer the senses,Quickly give them up;Then even if as mountain,Your troubles roll on youWell may you bear them, gently indeed.2041 Redeem the Senses By Intelligence and PrayerPraise the Holy FormOf the Pure One;Praise Him,The Senses redeeming by intelligence;In your heart welling up in love,You shall become one with Him,--He the Lord of directions fourAnd of beings, in others all.
2042 Senses Are Very PowerfulNone knows that the senses Five,Within body thoughts engrossing,Slowly eat you away;Do not take them lightlyAnd talk away;They are verily unto a mountain rangeThat are by dark clouds capped.
2043 Give Up Nothing; But Sublimate Your Thought Towards GodThere is nothing, you need give up;The Five senses are organs falseThat the five cravings to meet arose;Reach to Him in your thoughtsAnd praise Him in songs sweet.
2044 The Unholy Guru Has Virtues NoneA fool he is,Wisdom none he has;Truth he has realized not;Versed is he not in the wayOf Vedas and Agamas;Humility he has none;Of God he speaks ill;Worldly life is his sole concern;He, verily, is the Guru unholy.2045 The Unholy is only in Search of FoodMantra, Tantra, Mahayoga and Jnana,Bondage, and Mukti--These they seek to know, the holy ones;The Gurus unholyThem, they seek not;Doubts they clear not;Food are they in search of,Verily blind are they.
2046 The Unholy Guru is Bereft of KnowledgeFool is he,A big fool is he;The Way of Becoming he knows not;A vile fellow that is not of passions rid,To vile men he teaches things vile;Bereft of knowledge,He no teacher exalted is;--The Guru unholy.
2047 The False Guru is an Enemy to Himself and WorldIf without driving awayThe illusory thoughtsThat imagination breeds,A teacher teaches,He will in divinity lose faith;Unto his own self an enemy be;For the king and the kingdom an evil be;--Thus has Nandi of yore declared.
2048 The Blind Leading the Blind Together FallThe blind (the unholy Guru), who lead the blind (foolish disciples)Will into the eternal pit first fall;Then the foolish disciples too fall;And in the end in disorder together they fall,--The blind that lead and the blind that are led--Indistinguishably, jumbled in one.435WAYS OF HOLY GURU*5
2049 Holy Guru Leads Disciple to TruthPlacing his feet on my headThe Master blesses me;He is Guru Holy;He, my self-realization, works;He takes the Jiva to the State beyond Tattvas;He subdues my Pasas,All these he performs--He that is Truth itself.2050 What the Holy Guru does for His DisciplesFrom their Karmas, he extricated his disciplesBlessing them with his feet on their head,He drove away their evil stars;The messengers of DeathHe kept at bay from them;The miseries of unending birthHe ended for them.
2051 He Takes Them to the Bourne From Which They Return NotThe black iron, transmuted into gold,To black iron returns not;Even unto it,He who once the Guru's grace receivedDoes not to birth return.
2052 Holy Guru Does not Exult in Vain ContentionsHe liberates you from Pasas;He removes your Malas, entire;He makes you seek the Lord in love;--Such are the Gurus Holy, blemishless;They who in contention exultAre no Gurus enlightened.
2053 Holy Guru Assesses Worth of His DisciplesHe is a pure beingHe is so endearing;He can give you love,That is from Malas free;He is immortal,He is holy;He assesses the worth of his disciples;And on those who are impurity rid,He bestows his grace;He, the Master High.2054 By His Alchemic Touch Jiva Becomes SivaAll that the alchemist touchesTurns into gold;Even, unto it,The Jivas blessed by GuruSiva become,Freed from Malas Triple.
2055 Holy Guru is Siva in FleshThe Holy GuruAs Siva Himself stands;In his presenceJiva, his self-realization attainsIf you, your self-realization seek,Think of him, within,As Siva in fleshly body.
2056 Follow Holy Guru and Reach the Great WayThe Way of birth,The Way of death,The Way of Maya;The Way they have not seenWho the birth's Way saw;The Great Way that Nandi speaks ofThat Way you can reachIf your Holy Guru you follow.
2057 Holy Guru Leads to LordHe is Guru Holy,Who, entranced in blissThe Vedas and Agamas speaks of,Enters into Siva Yoga;And all thoughts stilled,Removes the bondage of PasaAnd leads you to Lord.
2058 Holy Guru Imparts Nature of TruthHe reveals the Real (Sat), the Unreal (Asat) and the Real-Unreal (Sat-Asat);He takes Chit (Jiva) and Achit (Tattvas) into Siva-Para;The words the blessed Guru speakAre blissful,Beyond Pure (Suddha) and (Asuddha) Impure.2059 True Disciples Adore Holy GuruBy Pasa's sensations, the Five Malas arise;Adoring feet of Guru in love intense,Purified in Turiya Awareness ThreeThey the Supreme State attain;They alone are Sadhakas true.
2060 Jiva Subsiding in Silentness in Self Ascends to Siva-StatePowerful are the senses,From them arise pleasure sensations;If Jiva, in silence, subsides in SelfAnd ascends high,It shall reach Siva-State;All, but play of Siva and Sakti.
2061 From Jiva's Birth to its Final Emancipation--It is All Lord's WorkConsigning Jiva to birth's sorrows,Rescuing it by ministrations gentle,Assigning it positions appropriate,Baptising it in Jnana,Redeeming it,And in Mukti establishing it,And in the end,Placing it in Mystic Silentness (Mauna)--All these are but Lord's work.
2062 Lord's Play in the Arena of Jiva's BodyThe fleshly body is arena of Lord's Play,He imparts to Jiva,Knowledge clear of Chit and Achit,Purifies him,Wipes off the MalasAnd consigns him to the Sat (Real),Unto Himself the Five Acts to perform;--These the Play of Lord's Grace.
2063 Love for Lord Takes You to Siva StateBeyond the state of Isatva (Siva State)Nothing there is;Realizing this,Continue ever, in love intense, for Lord;My Lord is the Pure OneWho in love abides;He it is,Who illumined directions all.2064 Divine State Ends Birth's CycleIn the sphere (of cranium)Where the garland of scarlet rubies glows,He the unalloyed Gold,There stood;The divine nectar welled up there;They who swilled it,Ended their birth's cycle;They who did notRemained but to gormandize.
2065 Lord Attaches Mayas to Jiva for Attainment of True KnowledgeThe Sat, Asat, and the Sat-Asat to free,The Pasa's bonds here to sunder,He activated Mayas Two--Suddha and Asuddha--And to Jiva, He them attached,And imparted the peerless Light of Knowledge, too,He, the Lord.
2066 Siva is the Supreme GuruThe way of Adhara ascending scorches Malas,The endless chanting of His name dispells Darkness (of Ignorance)Harass the Pasa, Jiva a heir to,Thus do you liberation seek;The Lord, forsooth, is the Guru Supreme.
2067 God is OmniscientThinking there is none that overseesThey many evil deeds perform;None the place, in fact,Where the over-seer is not;The Lord pervades all, overseeing all;They who the Over-seer saw,Abandoned evil deeds all.2068 Speak TruthHe who this sea-girt world createdHe knows all;Men falsehoods many utter,Let them the Truth speak;He will make Celestials revere them--He, that is of the lustrous dark throat.
2069 Conserve BinduThey sell the Love of God,They make a daily business of it;Pride-filled are they,They in birth's whirl will be;They who pound the Seed (Bindu) and consumeLay waste the body-land;But, verily, for the God-mad,Forever no birth will be.
2070 Acquire True Jnana"North, North" they say;Nothing there in the north is;Northward they walk,Of Jnana bereft;All the world in the north,Is in their heart contained,For those that knowledge truly possess.
2071 Look InwardHe who made this body-mix,He who this body land holds,He who within this body shines,He is Nandi;Him they seek and search in lands all;They know notHe within the body stands.
20723*6Lord Oversees From Within YouVisible to your eyes,He rises in your very palm;Over-seeing All,He in your thoughts stands;As light within the eyes,He guides your way;He is Love Embodied,That Oversees you ever.2073 How the Lord is SeatedThe Virgin Sakti on one sideThe learned ones on one side,The Tapasvins steadfast on one side,The Self-Realized beings on one side,Thus is the Lord seated;How is it they know not His nature true!
2074 Lord is the Light of Our EyesThe eye that sees notIs by cataract (ignorance) covered;The Lord is the Light Unseen,Even for thoseWhose eye no sight has;He is the Eye Divine,Even for thoseWho have seen Him not;They who have seen HimIn the inward eyeHave verily the Truth seenAll illusion rid.
2075 By His Grace Our Thoughts Become SereneEven asThe lunatic by medicine administeredLucid becomes,And his true self realizes;Even as,The eye its sight regains,So, too,Nandi bestowing His Grace on meSerene my thoughts became,To actionless state heightened.
2076 Unholy Men Do Not Think of Attaining DivinityThe directions eight moved,The Lord pervading them all;Of this, His Omnipresence, they think not;From their stupor they wake not;Drunk are they in their Karmas inebriate;Lo! all thoughts of Divinity-BecomingThey, forever, abandoned.
2077 They Think of I and You as TwoThe two, I and You, in union one stood,Undifferentiated as One Becoming;For them is there no more Two, I and You;They who speak of I and You as twoTo them He is I and You, forever two;He, the Being, One and One above.2078 They Do Not Know the Inter-Relation of Body and LifeWhen life ebbs away,Where the sensations are?Sentience lost,The body drops;Life and body as one flourishThat state, they know not.
2079 Lord is in Awareness, not in PranaPrana is from pervasive Awareness apart;When you know what Prana is,You shall know what Awareness is,Awareness is Knowledge, (not Prana),That pervades the body;He within that AwarenessIs the Lord Great;That they know not.
2080 Realize the SelfHe is the world's axle-pin;The Light Resplendent;The Siddha True;He pervades the elements five,The earth, sky and the rest;He is the Lord of DevasHe with Sakti stands;To praise Him in Words highIs your Self to realize.
2081 Give Up Worldly PleasuresHe is the peerless LightHe is the end of all;He is the resplendent Light;He is the goal of fleshly bodyAnd worlds all,And the worldly pleasuresTo you honey-sweet;Give them up;The Lord of limitless goodnessOn you His Grace bestows.
2082 Efface the EgoHe is your Beginning;He is the life in your fleshly body;He is the God in Mountain KailasNone knows His design;When the Primal One sways you,And your ego entire effaced,Then shall you reach the Lord,Above Tattvas all.2083 Unborn Being Above TattvasHe is not Indriyas (external sense organs);Nor the Antakaranas (internal sense organs);Nor the the Subtle body that life carries;Out of the mighty MaanArose the Maya Inscrutable,And the Tattvas thirty and six;Above them all, high at the apex standsThe Being uncreated, the Eternal and the Everlasting.437IN COMPASSION FOR MEN'S EVIL LOT*5
2084 Ungodly Ones do not Think of Soul's LiberationThey germinate the seed;They plant the seedlings;They think not of their own fleeting life;Poor are they in spirit;They know nothing of Karmaic sorrows;They perish in the blazing fire,Verily are they such.2085 What do they get, Who do not Adore LordWell do they seeLife in a trice fleets away;Yet do they in contention stand;What though these men get?They stand not in ways righteous,They adore not His Holy FeetThey know not the Primal OneIn love endearing.
2086 They Care Not for Soul's Well-BeingThey borrow grain;They pound it hard,Feed the base (senses),And nourish the body;Thus they wanderTheir lives to live;But in the valley broadA prey to raging flamesThe body finally lies;This they realize not.2087 They Stand in Wait for the Burial HeapIn days of yore, the Sages FourSought the Holy One in Kailas;There, under the wild banyan treeThe Supreme One His teachings imparted;They are of evil speechWho think not of Him;Ready to march to the burial heapThey stand in wait.
2088 They Are Distracted by DoubtsImperishable fame,And truthful fruit of Tapas full,The Lord ever bestowsOnly on those who endear Him;Yet the world think"This the God, That the God;"Thus distractedBruised they fall, hands hitting on rocks.
2089 They Pursue not the Way of BlissBorn in bliss, grown in blissSteeped in thoughts of blissThis way, they forget;Instead,Hankering after food and raimentIn sorrow steeped they are;And in sorrow steeped, they insensible slumber.
2090 Human Birth is Rare; Yet They Seek Not Lord's FeetRare is human birth,Yet they seek not Lord's Feet,So rare to reach;They attained the rare human birth,Yet missed this Treasure Rare,They are but crawling creatures, indeed.
2091 They Think Not of Heavenly PleasuresArdour of mind, ever fresh youth, and endearment of heartThese considering good,They in pleasure indulged,And in acts of love diverse sported;Lo! They forgot the heavenly blissThe Lord bestowsAnd for ever, for ever missed it.2092 They Sought Not LordThus He is,Unto the rising sun, His Form;That He is,Within the Fire Kundalini resides;There He is,In the Lotus of Heart seated;The True He is,The Lord, we sought not.
2093 They Dance and Waste Away Their LivesThey unite in Him not,The Way Guru showed;They seek Him not,In aimless talk indulging;They sing Him not,His benevolent deeds realizing;What will they get,They who dance and wastes away?
2094 They Fall a Prey to SensesHe is the Great LightThat fills my heart;Melting in loveDaily adore Him,Unto the end of your days;If you adore not,The Five senses havoc causeUnto the elephants that roam loose.
2095 They Care Not for the Fruit of This BirthThe birds, beasts, and the humans several,They all, all, in endearment seek Him not;They who in Tapas intense realized HimDrink and run in rapture surpassing;They indeed are the beingsWho have reaped the fruit of their birth here below.
2096 They Seek Not LightThey seek not His LightIn unbroken continuity;They are unto thoseWho cherish not Him that is gold,The Unrighteous they are;"O! Lord, the Primal One!You the Fruit of Wisdom!The Lord of Celestial Beings!My Sole Refuge!"Thus I seek Him, ever and ever.2097 They Seek Not the Divine HoneyThe bees flit from flower to flowerAnd in rapture incessant gatherThe honey sweet;Of this they think not;There is a Honey Pure sweeter farThat in their mouth wells up (in Yoga)None knows that Honey Rare.
2098 They Slip Low DownSeeking Him not,I wasted my life away;In my loveIs the Lord of Celestial Beings;He is the One Being,For the worlds all;Yet in their thoughtsThey praise Him not,Low down they slip.
2099 Death Nears; Yet They Seek Not PeaceThe God of Death leaps forward,Agreeable to himThe fated days too roll away;You tremble and shake,What, though, that comes of it?If Peace you seek,Dip the ladle of your heartIn the boiling broth of love.
2100 Seek Lord Before Floods of Age SwellAlong the banks of the river (of Life)The field ripened;Before the floods (of age) swell,Seek the Bliss Divine;Practise YogaThat takes you to the Mountain topWhere the ambrosial waters flow;Then no more does greying age seize you.
2101 Their Thoughts Do Not Reach to the LordHe who knows the Origin of all,He who knows the Night (end)That envelops worlds all,The Luminous Light that self-rises,He whom the Enlightened held aloftAs the One God Supreme,Him they know not;And thus on this world their thoughts still stand.438SALUTARY INSTRUCTION*5
2102 Think of Siva's Holy WayAway forget,This transient life here below;Even unto the day your life passes awayThink of Lord;Flying He comes to you,And your distracting sorrows end;Do, therefore, thinkOf Siva's Holy Way.2103 Seek the Holy Path of HaraThink of HimAs far as your thoughts go;Speak His truthAs far as you can;"Lord," they may say, "He is not."Very much He is, everywhere;Seek the Holy PathOf Hara that is good ever.
2104 One the Family, One the GodOne the family,One the God;Thus intense hold,No more will death be;None Other is Refuge,With confidence you can seek;Think of Him and be redeemed,In your thoughts, holding Him steadfast.
2105 Praise Lord and Spurn DeathPraise the benevolent Lord,He of Mount Kailas;He as central stood,In cardinal directions four, our Lord;With the precious bodyThat Prana's vital breath holdsPraise the Lord and be redeemed,The Lord,Who with His Feet the God of Death spurned.2106 Seek Lord; No More Births Will BeSeek the WayThat when this body leaves,Another body, you enter not;"When did this human body come to me?"Of that time you think of;Verily will you His Grace receive.
2107 Lord is Your RedemptionThe Lord who enters into youAnd walks with you in the lifeKnows sure when you in holiness ripen;Seek the LordEven on the eve of your death;He will your Redemption beFor the life to be.
2108 Think of Lord unto Your Last DaysIf your fleeting lifeIs its goodly goal to attain,Even on death-bedThink of Lord;Then will follow Siva's grace,No more birth will be;The heavenly world will yours be.
2109 Lord Yearns After DevoteesPraise Our LordIn devotion congregational;Sing His praise within,And at His Feet adore;Dance within and know Him;Then He yearns after you,Like the cow after its calf.
2110 Attaining Celestial StatusWhen in deathYour life breath upward ascendsCourse it through central SushumnaAnd seek the Feet of Lord;Your evil Karmas dire perish;He of the blemishless fameSeats you among Beings Immortal.2111 Devotees Become Celestials"O! Lord on the bull mounted,O! God, My Lord--"The devotees who thus praisingHis holy ashes wear,Celestial Beings, indeed, become;For them who adore the Feet of Lord,Who the Ganga on His matted lock wears,No more Karma further is.
2112 Know Lord and Be in BlissKnow Our Lord,And in bliss be;Be filled with love;Perform Tapas;Perfect Jnana True;You, who has laboured hard,In worldly pursuits,Of miserable Pasa entangled.
2113 Ways to Seek the Higher GoalThere is a Tapas HighThat you should seek;There are Feet TrueThat you should adore;There is a Way TrueThat you should adopt;For all thoseThat the Higher Goal in earnest seek.
2114 Seek Lord and Be BlessedOn them who seek HimHe, His blessings bestows;To them, who do notHe sorrows of birth gives;To those who intense adore Him,He reveals the Grace of His Holy Feet;Joining the horde of DevasThey seek and realize Him,Him, the Fire-hued Lord.
2115 Lord Stands as Ghee in MilkHe is Mukti, Jnana and NadaThat in the three branches of Tamil resound,Thus they praise LordThrough time unending;As the ghee within milkThe Pure One within them stands;That Light they seek not, and love not.2116 Cascade of BirthsThe Pure One, as Creator of allMany aeons, allotted;How many they are,None knows;Into the cascade of births they leap;Beyond that,Of Siva they nothing clear know.
2117 Pray in Pure HeartFilled with miseryIs life here below;When to sleep in deathYou near,Praise the Pure One,Of gem-hued Form;Unless you in melting heart hail HimAs "Oh, Lord, who in Light Divine abides"You realize Him not.
2118 Fate of Knaves who Seek the Holy GuruSome, who, knaves in real are,Seek the Holy Guru;If such be there,Famine strikes the land;At them even the Lord is appalled;And to bottomless hell He consigns them;To meet themWho the righteous path tread,That is Siddhi, verily.
2119 Holy Guru Shows the WayThe countless Devas worshipped Siva;What becomes themBy worshipping Him?Far better it be,That you worship the Holy Guru--Who, having himself worshipped LordShows the Way of Becoming, too;Sure, indeed, is your Mukti finite.
2120 Hold on to GuruThe humans and CelestialsInveighed by PasasIn Karma perish;Seeing this,Why not hold to GuruThat is Jnani,And blemishless PureAs Param Supreme itself?No more then to speak of.2121 Guru is Lord Siva HimselfThe Guru who admitted him into his loving Grace,Is Lord Himself;He works day by dayFor the disciple's Karma to perish;In the form of LordOf flowing russet locksThat wears the dripping GangaThe Guru appearsAnd our sorrows ends.
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TANTRA EIGHT (Verses 2122-2648)
2122 Body Bag and Maya BagThe body is a bagMany the ingredients it holds;There is yet another bag within;It is the Maya bag;When the Thief (Jiva)The body bag leaves,The Maya bagUnto dust becomes.
2123 Subtle BodyOf the body thus God shaped,In parts two,Sukshma (Subtle) is One;That a body of constituents eight is;--Sound, touch, shape, taste and smellBuddhi (Intellect), Man (Mind) and Ahankhara (Egoity)That the Puriashta body is (subtle).2124 Five Indriyas and Three KaranasOf the organs eight thus stated,First Five are Indriyas (External Sense Organs)The rest three are Karanas (Internal Sense Organs)To these attached is primordial Pasa's sentience,Thus He binds themAnd unbinds them,He, the Lord of Forehead-Eye.
2125 Gross BodyLymph, blood, flesh, skin, and tendons,Bones, marrow, fat, brain and semen,--Of these into one shape madeIs the body gross,By sorrow harassed.
2126 God is Within the BodyWho knows the greatness of His Holy FeetWho knowsThere within the body He stood!Who knows this bodyOf Tattvas six and ten and eight!Who knows thatHe is its Yeoman Guard!
2127 Twenty-Four Bodily Tattvas (Universals)The body eight spans* measuresWith eyes, legs and handsThat serve to cover it;In that body of pores and soresHe conjoins Tattvas twenty and fourIn love divine;Thus this body He fashions,That has four more to speak of.
2128 Jiva Has Five ExperiencesThe Jiva that as experient spirit stood (in Avastas)In all bodies, this and four rest (Jagra, Swapna, Sushupti, Turiya and Turiyatita)Will in Para merge;Who knows the way it mergesInto Param that pervades allAs unto space in every pot,Inside and out!2129 Kala Body Holds LifeIf through Adharas sixYou unite through central Sushumna,The nine orifices tightly controlled will be;The body within of Kalas eighteen formed* will be;That the body of Jiva will be.
2130 Bodies--Gross, Subtle and Causal Merge In ParaThe Gross body with presence prominent,The Subtle body that invisible takes shape,And the Causal body that by inference is,--All these bodies areThat in Lord's Feet merge.
2131 Jiva Incarnates in Many BodiesAs unto the prancing steedThat forward leapsThe Jiva, too, traverses near and far;As unto those who doff one garmentAnd anotherThe Jiva, too, from one to the other body moves.
2132 In the Waking State Dreams are Forgotten;So it is Through Successive LivesEven as the snake sloughs off its skinAnd another assumes;Even as the bird its shell leavesAnd another life pursues;In its waking state the Jiva forgetsHappenings of the dream state;Thus does Jiva from one body to another migrate;Until with Grace of HaraIt reaches where it is destined to be;And there experiencesThe Karmas two, good and evil.
2133 Cycle of Births and DeathsHaving experienced hell and heaven,Jiva leaves Subtle body;Entering Causal body its course continues;And unto the Yogi that transmigratesEnters yet another body;Thus entangled in cycle of birth and death.2134 The Birth Cycle ends only when Jiva Unites in GodThe Jiva that realized"I" and "You" are one,Is in Tatpara state;Its course inherent divertingWill reach Param;The rest of JivasReaching their destined abodesIn heaven and earthWill in sorrow wallow.
2135 Body Substrates of Evolved BeingsSiva is the ground (Dhanu) of Jnani's body,Jnani's body is Siva's body,Yogi's body is Nada and Bindu,Mauni's body is MuktiBeyond Voids Three.
2136 Body Substrates of Jivas in Three Stages of EvolutionAnava (Egoity) is the (Dhanu) ground of VijnanisMaya is the ground of PralayakalasKarma is the ground of SakalasSiva is the ground of Jnanis True.
2137 Lord is in Body, do not Despise itDumb fools are theyWho as Mala (Impurity) despise the body;Other places as holyThey go about seeking;They who consider "Good this is"And in it seek the Lord,Shall experience macrocosm entire,In their body tenacious(That microcosm is.)
2138 God Rejoices in the Body of the GoodThose who areOf goodly speech, deed and thought,In their heartsThe Pure One gently sports;Those who areOf evil ears, speech, and mindEmaciated they live, their faces in hunger drawn.42GIVING UP BODY*5
2139 Sublimate Speech and Thought GodwardThe sweet speech, love intonesThe loud sound, airy prana articulatesThe mind within fleshly body dwells--All these you upward course (in Yogic way),No more, the thoughts of body be.2140 When Body Perishes, Nothing There IsThe body perishes;With it, ears and eyes;Speech and pulse;Fasts and gifts;Nothing left, for dying flesh to lean on.
2141 The Pure Will Reach GodThe heart that lusts afterSlender-waisted damsels,Will in distress immersed be;They, with hearts pure,Body glowing as lightningAnd Will made of ironAre for Siva's presence destined.
2142 Where Tattvas Stand in the Four States of Jiva AwarenessIn the Waking State (Jagra)The Tattvas twenty and fiveIn Eye-Brow Center their position take;In the Dream State (Swapna)Tattvas ten and fourIn Throat Center their hold take;In Deep Sleep state (Sushupti)The Purusha (Soul) standsAlone in Heart Center;In Turiya State (Fourth)He (Purusha) standsIn Center that is Navel.2143 Siva the Beginning and End of Five AvastasOf the Five Avastas Jagra commencingThat to Tattvas six and thirty pertain,The Fourth is the luminous Turiya;Passing beyond to TuriyatitaThe Two in One inseparate mergeThe Jiva himself Siva becoming;This the Order do know,The Siva that stands in the BeginningBecomes verily in End of Experience all.
2144 Instruments of ExperienceIndriyas ten (five sensory organs and five motor organs)Their Tanmatras ten (Subtle potent elements of Indriyas)The Vayus ten (winds) that secret work,The Antakaranas four (inner seats of thought)And Purusha, the Experient Jiva,--All these (instruments of experience)Are again and again entangledIn the cycle of life's awareness.
2145 The Five Elements Also Are Within BodyEarth is of color, gold pure;Water is white;Fire red;Wind dark;Space smoky;Thus the five elements concealed stand within.
2146 Ninety-Six TattvasThe elements five, too,To sense organs additional function;The five permeating each of Malas three,Gunas three, and Adharas six;Together with Tattvas thirty and six,The organs of AvastasAre six and ninety, in all.2147 In Waking State Jiva is With Twenty-Four TattvasIn Jagra StateThe Jiva of Tattvas five and twentyIts position takesIn Eye-Brow center;With elephants Five, (sensory organs)Infantry Five (motor organs)Cavalry Five (internal sense potencies)And Elements Five,Inside Soldiery Four (the Antakaranas)He with Tattvas twenty and fourStands at the Gate of Waking (Jagra) state;Thus, Tattvas stand in centers respective.
2148 Know the Relationship Between Body and JivaThe bodies (Causal, Subtle and Gross) embrace one another,But the Jiva within body stood,They know not;They who the kinship between body and JivaUnderstood not,Are verily bewilderedUnto the dog that into a kitchen abrupt strays.
2149 Meet God in the Body By the Yoga WayThey know not how To-Be;Poor are they in Spirit;Those, who,Course upward the vital Ajapa*(Through breathing in Yoga way)And sublimate the Bindu,They meet the LordThat destroyed Kama, the God of Love;Comely their body becomesAnd indestructible here remains.
2150 Lord Placed in Concealment the Sixteen Kalasand the Fourteen Inner TattvasThe Tattvas four and ten*That in me lay concealed,The Pure One appearedAnd in bounty revealed;The Kalas six and tenThat to me lend grace,He placed, to none beknown,My thoughts in Him to center.2151 Conquer the Five Elements and the Four KaranasThe Earth and Water expanses;The Fire that blazes in color gold,The Wind and SpaceThe Mind, Will, Intellect and EgoityOn their quintessence,You in succession contemplate;Then victorious you stand, the elements vanquishing.
2152 Out of the Five Elements are Born the Five SensesOne the child for Space--SoundTwo for Wind--Sound and TouchThree for Fire--Sound, Touch and LightFour for Water--Sound, Touch, Light and TasteFive for Earth--Sound, Touch, Light, Taste and SmellThis was not of yore there, before creation beganBefore the Virgin Sakti (Spirit), the Virgin Maya (Matter) loved.
2153 Fourteen Tattvas in Dream StateIn Dream StateThe Senses Five experienced;The Tanmatras Five too;And Antakaranas Four as well;Having experienced thus in Dream StateThe Jiva returned to Jagra State to experience;There he stood in full knowledge of world.
2154 But Only the Four Intelligence Organs are Involved in Dream VisionThus it is, Jiva with Tattvas four and tenIn Dream State stands;But with the ten sense organs uninvolvedWith Antahkaranas Four alone,And aided by the memoryOf earthly life here below,He (Jiva) in the Throat-Center,Dreams visioned.
2155 Deep Sleep in Heart-CenterLeaving the Throat Center there,Alone, he (Jiva) enters the Heart's-CenterThere, Egoity (Ahamkara) lost, Intellect (Buddhi) lost,Cognition (Mind) lostIn the State that discerns not world,Consciousness of body bereft,He (Jiva) reached the Deep Sleep State of Sushupti.2156 Tattvas in Deep SleepHaving reached Deep Sleep State of Sushupti,He with three there remains;--Chitta (Will), Prana (Vital Breath) and Sentience of Self,Thus into the Herat-Center Jiva entersThere one with the Subtle Object he stands(In the state of Sushupti Deep.)
2157 Nada Peaks in Turiya or Fourth StateFrom Sushupti Center,He further moves continuing,Into Turiya ExpanseLeaving thoughts of world below;On to peaks of Nada (in navel center) he ascends;There rid of primordial ignorance,He remains in Mauna (Silentless).
2158 Turiyatita ExperienceWhen with silent letter "M"The articulate letters "A" and "U" conjoins,The Five Senses are withdrawn,As limbs within the tortoise;Then Jiva is by "Aum" pervaded;The light Divine beams from within;The Self its sentience loses;--This we know not.
2159 State Beyond Turiya--(Turiyatita)Turiya is in Jagrat experienced;The foxes fourteen* (Indriyas etc.) of themselves die;The swiftly steed of Prana flees,How that State beyond Turiya (Turiyatita) is,Impossible to state, indeed.
2160 All Jivas Experience These States of AwarenessContaminated by Primordial Mala (Impurities) Five,Jivas, all, the Five States of Awareness experience;Endless indeed are the bodies and organsThat Maya endows;All Souls, caught in birth and death,Are by Karma alike struck.2161 Maya Gives States of Experience For God's Grace to Attain;Jnanis Reach Mukti DirectMaya feeds Jiva with Avasta experiences unbroken,For the Jiva by Lord's GraceTo attain Mukti;But the Jivas in Jnana bornThem Maya nears not;And contemplating in JnanaThey direct attain Mukti.
2162 Consciousness Begins With EgoityIn the Primordial Slumber State of Jivas (Kevala State)Devoid of Awareness,Egoity is activated;Then Consciousness springs,And actions diverse Jiva pursues;From the State of KevalaThus passing out,He the Five States (Avastas) experiences,Until he becomes Para Supreme.
2163 Maya Awakens Soul From Primordial (Kevala) SlumberAs with his staff the teacher rouses the pupilWho in his presence slumbers,Even unto it,The benevolent Lord with Maya awakensThe Soul that in prolonged Egoity slumbers.
2164 Life After Death IsThey who say: "After death nothing left;The Jiva the five states experiencedForever fled;"They are verily unenlightened surpassing;They might as well say:"The heavenly Ganga MandakiniThat from clouds aloft streams forthEnds as an empty pot."
2165 In Turiyatita State Tattvas Remain Behind In BodyWhen the Earthly King, that is Jiva,Mounting the steeds swift (of consciousness),At the Lovely City (of Turiyatita) arrives,The Senses FiveAnd Tattvas rest that remained behind,But slept in the body,That vibrant once was.2166 Be Freed of Malas to Reach GodIn the States Five,In purity, vision Malas FiveThat pure are not;See, in the Waking StateThey trouble you not;Straight confront them;Then shall you with Para direct,Forever and ever be.44MID-JAGRAT-AVASTA*5
2167 Maya's Manifestations in the Four States of ConsciousnessIn the Waking State--Within the Waking StateIs Tirodayi (obfuscation Sakti) active;In the Dream State--Within the Waking StateIs Mamaya (Impure);In the State of Deep Sleep--Within the Waking StateIs Kamya (of self delusion);In the Fourth Turiya StateWithin the Waking StateIs Maya (Pure).2168 In Turiya, Kalas and Raga AriseIn that Turiya StateWithin the Waking State (of Jiva)Maya rouses the Kalas and Ragas,Then passing back through the StatesOf Sushupti, Dream and WakingThe Jiva to Sakala State returns.2
2169 Jivas Grope Their Way Back to Sakala Jagra StateThe blind one,Eyes he has; but vision none;And so gropes for the steps,He made of yore;Having found them,He seizes a stickAnd with its aidFinds the Way;Even unto itDo the Jivas with avastas threeSeek to march back their way.2170 Seated in the Body, Jiva ExperiencesThe SpiderStanding at the web's center,Catches prey and feeds;Even unto it,The Jiva standing within the body stage,Where the senses in merriment danceExperiences the sensations five,Sound and the rest four.
2171 God Placed the Twenty-Five Tattvas for JivaOne there is,Who placed Tattvas five and twenty,With them in my body I abide;"Mad is He, Great is He, Birthless is He"--Thus in endearment I sought Him;And by the Grace He granted,Redeemed am I.
2172 Vedanta School Reckons Tattvas Differently As Twenty-EightWith Tattvas four and twenty,And Purusha Tattva to add,Thus are Tattvas five and twenty;Differently reckoned as five and twenty,And with PurushaAnd the Void (Vyoma) which is not Para,And ParaAre Tattvas as eight and twenty reckoned,In the school of Vedanta.
2173 Practise YogaCourse the breath in ways appropriateThrough Nadis, Idakala and Pingala,Seat yourself in Asanas (postures) comely,And agreeably direct the breath within;Through Muladhara, that is triangle shapedUpward ascend;Verily may you see the FeetOf Lord, that is Timeless Eternity.
2174 Yoga Brings RaptureThe ten Nadis (pulsating nerves invisible)And the ten Vayus (winds)Will in ascending breath subside;Rapturous your state shall be;Agreeable your taste shall be;Perfect your mind shall be;In the your goodly body.2175 Nandi Guides and Witnesses AllLet them be that are to be;Let them die that are to die;Let them leave that are to leave;Let them enter that are to enter;The Kingly Nandi makes us see allAnd Himself, witnesses all;All things appropriate He does;He, of tender love.
2176 Tattvas Are Reckoned As Twenty-Eight In Yet Another WayThe sense organs ten and ten,The intellectual organs one and three,The Turiya State,Time subjectively cognised,The undifferentiated VoidAnd the Turiyatita above--Thus it is as eight and twenty, tooThe Tattvas reckoned are.
2177 Breath Control For Ridding MalasIf ten times three hundred and thirtyThe breath twelve finger-lengthAs Prana ascends upward,The Malas Five subdued are;So do the Tattvas, according.
2178 By Breath Control Tattvas Subside Within BodyIf breath appropriate spiratedTimes, four crores and forty eight thousand five hundred,*Then cessation there shall be for Prana's movement;It in the ninety-six (Tattvas) subsides;The ninety-six in turnIn Tattvas five and twenty merge.
2179 Tattvas Differently Counted By Different Schools of PhilosophyTattvas six and ninety are the over-all;Out of them, six and thirty are the Tattvas for Saivas;Eight and twenty for Vedantins;Four and twenty for Vainavas;Five and twenty for Mayavadins.
2180 Letter-Sound "A" is Primal Tattva (Truth)If Jiva can make Tattvas function his way,He a wise one shall be;Illumined in Knowledge Divine,False devotion no more shall be;The Tattva Supreme is the primal letter-sound.*2181 Jiva Alone is the Sentient BeingTattvas Thirty and SixAre insentient verily (devoid of knowledge)I am the sentient one;Yet I knew not Myself;"You shall know yourself"--Thus in Grace, Nandi declared;That I am the Knower,I have now known.
2182 Transcend Five States of Consciousness and Thirty-Six Tattvas;Beyond is Union in GodIn the Waking StateAre States of experiences fiveMalas create;Disentangling from these states five,And from Tattvas unreal, thirty and six,In the holy way Jiva stood,And one with Him union attained.
2183 Number of Malas for the Five GodsFive are the MalasFor Brahma on the Lotus Bloom,Anava (Egoity) and the rest; (Anava, Maya, Karma, Mayeyam and Tirodayi)Four are the Malas for Vishnu;Anava and others (Mayeyam devoid)Three for Rudra,Anava and Others (Mayeyam and Tirodayi devoid);Two for MahesaAnava and Karma;One alone for Sadasiva--Anava.
2184 The Six Higher StepsSix times six are the Tattvas;Seven Crores are the Mantras;Fifty and one are the Varnas (letter-sounds);Two hundred and twenty four are the Bhuvanas; global constellations;Eighty and one are the Padas Primal,Five, the Kalas rare.2185 Ascend Beyond the Three SpheresThe three Spheres within (Sun, Moon, and Fire)They ascend and traverse, (in yogic way)Having traversed,They with Tattvas five and twentyIn one unite;Further coursing the breathUpward through SushumnaThey search;And having sought,Self-Consciousness lost,They there remain.
2186 The Fifth State of TuriyatitaWaking within the Waking State,And experiencing the rest of States,The body and breath appropriate trained,They reach the Turiyatita;There they witness the felicitous Dance of Lord;Drinking the fill of blissThey Siva Become;All these five, the Grace-fruits of Siva are.46SUDDHA JAGRA AND OTHER STATES*5
2187 Bindu Power Permeates TattvasThe gross body of Waking State,The subtle body of Dream State,Together of Tattvas five and twentyAre of Bindu's Power verily;That Power permeating JivaPenetrates, the Waking and Dream States.
2188 Progression of the States of Consciousness Towards Siva-GoalThey who reach the TuriyatitaWithin the Waking StateActionless lie;They who reach the TuriyaWithin the Waking StateCrawl (towards the Goal);They who experience the Sushupti (Deep Sleep)Within the Waking StateAre Jivas yet developing;They who dreamWithin the Waking StateAre Jivas hastening towards goodly Goal.2189 Chariya, Kriya, Yoga and Jnana--Where They Lead ToThe acts of Kriya lead to Siva Tattva;The practice of prolonged YogaLeads to Divine Grace and Knowledge;Contemplation of Lord's Form, (in Chariya)Confers blessings many;In Jnana is comprehendedAll Cosmic creation at once.
2190 Devolutes of ParaparamThe Beginningless ParamThus the order brought about:Siva, Sakti, and Sadasiva,The Isa Pure, and the goodly Vidya TattvasBodha, Kalas, Time, Niyati and Mamaya (Impure Maya)--These devolutes in gradation appropriateHe established,In wonder surpassing indeed!
2191 Jiva Ascends These Devolutes to Reach ParaparamThe luminous Siva, Sakti and Sadasivam,The Maheswara, the Pure Vidya, and Ragas,Kalas, Time (Kala), Knowledge (Bodha), Niyati, and MahamayaThe Purusha (soul),Together these twelve(Art for the Jiva to ascend.)
2192*36Malas Inherent to JivaAnava (Egoity), Maya (Ignorance) and Karma (Action)These the Malas (Impurities) are;They are like the embryo, the bran and the huskAre unto the grain of rice;They touch not the Lord, but apart stand;Be rid of your Pasas one by one,And adore the Lord.
2193 Lord is the Cow-Herd (Pasupati); Jiva the Cow (Pasu)Many the color of cows,But one the color of milk;And of peerless hueIs Lord, the cowherd;When the cowherdWho tends the cowsHis guiding staff shows,The cows will not their Master leave.2194 Jiva a Prey to Tattvas and PasasThe body, indriyas, mindThe intellect, will, egoity and ignoranceTo these the Soul a prey falls;If the Pasas further sprout in him,To hell, he speeds fast.
2195 Limitations of Experiences in the Five States of AwarenessIn Turiyatita StateThe Consciousness of the Self is not;In Turiya StateThe Consciousness of the SelfThrough spoken word comprehendedStill burns;In the Sushupti State that is Maya bound,The Desire-potency to speak afterward exists;In the Waking State and the Dream StateExperiences in ways diverse.
2196 Turiyatita State Inner Divisions--Jagra and Sushupti;But No Dream StateIn the five states of Consciousness,In the Waking State of Turiyatita no dream,The Subtle body sees;In the Sushupti State there,The self experiences the Self (Consciousness withdrawn);In the Jagra State of TuriyatitaMaya still is.
2197 Tattvas Acting in Waking, Dream and Deep Sleep StatesIn the Waking State within the Waking StateAre Tattvas, five times fiveOut of six times six;When six out of Tattvas in Waking State leave,Then is Dream State in Waking;When further beyond five Tattvas leave,Then ensues SushuptiWhere the Maya functions.
2198 In Turiya Maya Leaves and Jiva Merges in BinduThe Purusha (Experient Soul) of SushuptiWhen reaches Turiya StateThe Maya too leaves,And if one with Kevala (Primordial) Bindu comes;Then no more the body its uses has.2199 In Turiyatita Jiva Becomes Knower and Passes Beyondto Luminous Siva Turiya StateIn that Turiyatita State,The Soul is the Knower verily;When he passes beyondFrom that Turiyatita StateWhere Jiva the Knower isHe merges into Luminous Turiya (Siva Turiya)That the ultimate state is.
2200 Tattvas and Their Centers of ActionDuring the Five States of ConsciousnessTattvas five and twenty and ten to add,Are the instruments thirty and fiveIn Jagra;With instruments five and twentyIn the Throat-CenterIs Dream State;With threeThe Purusha is in Sushupti;When the two (Purusha and Prana)The Navel-Center reachesThen is the Turiya State true.
2201 Tattvas of the Subtle Body in the Five States of ConsciousnessIn Jagra StateAll the eight TattvasOf the Puriyashta (Subtle) body are;In Dream StateThe three TattvasOf the Subtle Body are;In Sushupti State,Two of the Subtle Body remain;In Turiya State,Only one is behind left,With Purusha.
2202 Experiences in the Five States of Consciousness Within JagraJagra in JagraPertains to Senses;Svapna in JagraIs of thinking and forgetting;Sushupti in JagraIs seeking inward;Turiya in JagraIs abstaining from seeking;In the state of TuriyatitaIs Nandi verily.2203 Four Inner States of the Dream StateTo vision in dreamAs in Jagra,Is Jagra-in-Dream State;To vision and forgetIn DreamIs Dream-in-Dream State.To vision and non-visionIs Sushupti-in-Dream StateTo infer eventsIs Turiya in Dream State.
2204 Sushupti and Its Inner DivisionsJagra-in-SushuptiIs to vision it as non-vision;Dream-in-SushuptiIs to know it as dream;Sushupti-in-SushuptiIs to know that there is no knowledge of it;Turiya in SushuptiIs inexplicable Void.
2205 Turiya and Its Inner Divisions7Jagra-in-TuriyaIs (God) Consciousness, external;Svapna-in-TuriyaIs (God) Consciousness internal;Sushupti-in-TuriyaIs Void inexplicable;Turiya-in-TuriyaIs to vision Param Supreme.2206 Jiva-Knowledge in Relation to Para-Knowledge in the Four StatesJiva-knowledge cognising Para-Knowledge is JagratJiva-knowledge cognising-ceasing is Dream;Jiva-knowledge cognising,Yet knowing it not, is Sushupti;Jiva-knowledge merging in Para-KnowledgeIs Turiya verily.
2207 Jiva's Experiences in Turiya StateHe (Jiva) then pervasive becomes;Shedding Malas five,He takes the Form of Jnana;Experiencing that,Abandoning his pervasiveness,He ascends higher,The Subtle Form of Pranava (Aum)To assume.
2208 Tattvas in the Inner Divisions of Turiya StateThirty and Six are TattvasIn Jagra-in-Turiya;In Svapna in that Turiya;And in Sushupti-in-TuriyaIn Turiya-in-TuriyaThe Body Gross and the Body SubtleTo the Suddha Maya belong;He who that Turiya-in-Turiya State attainsMaster, indeed, Becomes.
2209 New KnowledgeThis I knew not,All these days;This when I know,Nothing else I knew;When I knew,This the TruthThen I Knew I am It.2210 Immanence of Sakti and SivaAs Life of Life,As Form and Formless,As Jiva-Sentience and Knowledge-DivineAll pervasive, He stands;If Sakti and SivaIn world immanent are not,Verily, verily, all is inert darkness,In ignorance entire steeped.
2211 Raison D'Etre of CreationIn endearment wondrousThe Lord moved Sakti into Creative activity;And to primordial Pasas five,Conjoined Tattvas thirty and sixAnd fashioned the body organs too,--That your Malas sundered be.
2212 Jagrat-atita State Leads to Turiya-In-Turiya (Para Turiya)In Jagrat-atita StateAnava (Egoity), forsooth, is;Even when the Soul entersThe Turiya state in Jagrat-atita (Turiya-in-Turiya State)Anava still is of Jagrat-atita state;Jagrat-atita is,Where Truth of Para is.
2213 Mala-Contamination is Root of All EvilBy Mala-ContaminationWas Sakti obscured;By Mala-ContaminationWas Jnana obscured;By Mala-ContaminationWas Param obscured;He who is freedOf Mala-ContaminationIs verily the Enlightened One.
2214 Enemies of Thought For GodIn their bewildered thoughtsAre the lions three (lust, anger and ignorance);In their bouncing thoughtsAre the jackals four (mind, intellect, will and egoity)In their sensory thoughtsAre the elephants five (taste, sight, touch, sound, smell)These the foes (internal and external)Of the contending mind.2215 Give Up Distractions and Take to the True WayWith streaming eyes eighteenYour thoughts in distraction wander;Before you tremble in death,Take to the True Way;You shall indeed meetThe mighty Lord of your soul.
2216 Jiva Devoid of Thought in SushuptiOf the Tattvas in Waking StateFour times five are behind left;The Tattvas four that Antahkaranas formIn Dream State are;--These you shake offAnd into yourself enter;Then thoughts devoidThe Soul in Sushupti Stands.
2217 Evolution of Jiva to Para StateThe Soul who thus stoodHas verily a Master become;He enters the Turiya StateAnd remains in the Eight-fold Yoga;He then attains Turiyatita State;And further a while afterHe becomes Para the Pure.
2218 Further Evolution to Primal LightHe who thus Isa BecameReaching Turiyatita State,As Pure Jnana comprehends worlds all;Then He further attains the Five Forms,Sadasiva, Mahesvara, Rudra, Hari and Brahma;Having experienced those stages,Jiva becomes Siva;Then, further attaining Mauna (Divine Silentless) State,He merges in the Primal Light.
2219 Lord is WithinHe is the Lord of Maya Land,Where the Spheres Three within are;He is the One whom I see withinAnd pine incessant for;He is the Lotus that blooms in the cranium,With its stalk stemming deep in my heart.2220 The Dawn of Light Within in YogaThe birds (Malas) shrilledUnaware of the shimmering dawn;Bewildered were they,Their mother (Sakti) unrecognising;Beyond Vedas stood He my Lord;They who knew the Mystic Way (of Yoga)Reached to Him inside their very head.
2221 I Saw Him Within In the Nine CentresIn contemplation deep I soughtThe Lord of worlds all,In the Nine Centres within;Distinct I saw Him,He, the Lord of Celestials all;Intense I sought Him,And He in my thoughts unfailing stood.
2222 Kundalini Yoga ExperienceAs one that kindles the lamp's flame,So do you,The Lamp's Flame in Muladhara kindle;That Lamp in Muladhara lighted,Encompassing the Sphere of Moon, glows.
2223 God is Inward Where the Five Sense Controlled MeetIf you ask,How the Heavenly Space within the cranium is,Where the inward looking Five abide,Verily it is,Unto gazing upward into a mirror(Seeing the self-reflected in crystal purity)At a junctionWhere the Five, in control, meet.
2224 Lord is the Knower; He makes the Jiva Experiencethe Five States of AwarenessThe knower he is,Who things unknown knows;The knower,Who the Self knows not,Is knower none;The Jiva the Five Avastas knows not;He, Lord, makes him knowTo none beknown;Who indeed does Him know?2225 Turiya in Turiya is Para Turiya; Beyond is TuriyatitaThe visioning of Turiya StateWe thus far spoke of;The Void of Turiya StateIs state rare;Unimportant indeed,Are the states Jagra and the rest;Great, great, by farIs the Timeless Para Turiya;Transcending it is Turiyatita;Rarer even far that State is.
2226 Seek Para Turiya and Reach Siva's StateThe World of Maya (Prakriti)Belongs to Jiva;To leave that MayaIs to reach Kevala Maya State;To be born again and againAs diverse life forms,Is the State--Sakala;In Para Turiya is Siva State.47KEVALA, SAKALA, SUDDHA*5
2227 Sat, Asat and Sat-Asat Nature of Suddha, Kevala, Sakala StatesHe who cognises the SelfIs in Suddha State;He who is notIs in Kevala;He who cognises in distracting differencesIs in Sakala;In Sat (Real), Asat (Unreal) and Sat-Asat (Real-Unreal)They respective conjoin;Each according to his cognising state.
2228 Importance of Self-Cognition-Suddha StateHimself unto himselfIs foe and friend;Himself unto himselfIs the here and hereafter;Himself his KarmasHe experiences;Himself unto himselfHis master be.2229 Evolution of the Sakala State of the SoulThe Soul in Kevala StateInert reposes;On it the Mamaya (Asuddha Maya) acts;By the actionThe Soul receives powers of cognition;And then mixing with Desire (Kamiyam)And the Objects of Desire (Mayeyam)In Pasa it full enters;That the State of Sakala is.
2230 Who Are the Sakalas?Sakalas are thoseWho in Sakala State are;Steeped they are in Pasas three;The peerless Brahma, Hari,The Celestials numerous,The humans here belowAnd all lives unto the tiny worm,All, all, are Sakalas verily.
2231 Who Are the PralayakalasPralayakalas in Maya (Asuddha) world abide;Of Maya their bodies are in main;Of comeliness eternal are they;The SrikantaAnd the eight and hundred Rudras;--(These the Pralayakalas are.)
2232 Who Are the VijnanakalasVijnanakalas are souls, other numerous,They reside in the State of Kevala;They are possessed of Anava (mala)--alone;The eight Vidyesvaras beginning with AnantaThe (Maha) Mantraresvaras that seven crore number,--(These the Vijnanakalas are.)
2233 Suddha or Pure StateOf them,Those who receive Siva's GraceFrom Anava mala get liberated;Transcending the states of Bindu (light) and Nada (sound)As Aum (Pranava) they become;And in Siva Pure they merge;That verily is the Suddha (Pure) State (Avasta).2234 Four Divisions of VijnanakalasWhen you think of it,Of these Souls in gradation three,Vijnanakalas have divisions four.They are shrouded in Kevala (Asuddha) Maya;Inclined are they to be gripped by Desire,Yet, of themselves they leave all;When the Lord His Grace bestows;And together the Malas sunders.
2235 When is Suddha State Reached?Abandoning the illusory TattvasSix times six;Rid of ignoranceThe Jiva becomes Siva Himself;And pervading all CreationHe enters the Void true;This the Suddha State,That of himself the Jiva reaches.
2236 How Suddha State is ReachedEternal is he, Jiva; pervasive too is he;Immersing him in Eternal Malas five,The Lord lifts himFrom the Primordial Kevala StateAnd consigns to Sakala State;Thence,Freed from unceasing whirl of birthThe Jiva, Suddha State reaches.
2237 Knowledge of Self in Turiya Leads to Suddha StateThe Suddha State is the ultimate;The Jiva that passes through KevalaWhen it reachs TuriyaReceives knowledge of Tatpara,--Who beyond States, Kevala and Suddha, exists--Thus realizing the Self within.
2238 Involution of Tattvas After Jiva Reaches Suddha StateThe Tattvas five times fiveWill into the Soul involute;The Soul, having realized Suddha State,Will in Suddha Vidya Tattva merge;The first three of this category(Suddha Vidya, Isvaram and Sadakyam)Will in Sakti involute;Beyond the Sakti is Siva(Of the Siva Tattva)Thus involuting, the Soul returns to the Beginning;This the order (in reverse) of evoluting too.2239 Involution of Tattvas Further ExplainedThe Tattvvas five times five of PurushaInto the Six (Vidya Tattvas) involute;They into the three Siva Tattvas higher above involute,Who in turn merges into Sakti BinduWho with Siva (Nada) stands;--Thus is the ultimate of involution reachedInto Tattvas four and seven.
2240 Souls are Ranked as Vijnanakalas, Pralayakalas, and SakalasAccording to the Number of Malas They PossessThe Kevalas (Vijnanakalas) are inertWith Anava alone possessed;The Pralayakalas have MayaIn addition;They see with form unseen;The Sakalas are SoulsIn all three Malas steeped.
2241 Further explainedThe Vijnanakalas possess Anava mala alone;The Pralayakalas have Maya too;Anava, Maya, and Karma--All three the Sakalas haveThese their Malas are.
2242 Sakalas in VijnanakalasThe VijnanakalasWho stand in Kevala (inert State)By the power of Bindu,That in Kevala is,Become activated as Sakalas within Kevala;And so attain the truth of MamayaWho the power of Mantra holds.
2243 Pralayakalas--108 RudrasThe Pralayakalas in Maya (Suddha) reside;Yet that Maya affects them not;They stand with Anava;With Mamaya's (Asuddha) Kamya desires that Sakalas possess;They verily are the Rudras One Hundred and Eight.2244 Sakalas Have All Three MalasThey who in Malas three envelopedIn worldly life wallow,Are the Sakalas per se;Thus are the Devas, the humans,And the rest of Brahma's creation numerousUnto the very wormThat life's womb enters;--All these are Sakalas that crowd the world.
2245 Rid of Malas, Souls Become SuddhasThey who Suddha State reach,By luminous Grace of SivaStand dispelled of Malas triple,That Sat-Asat are;And of dark Pasas, one by one;Having thus rid them entire,They become Suddhas ever.
2246 Gradations of Suddha States--Suddha-Kevala, Suddha-Sakala,Suddha-Jagra, and Suddha-SuddhaIn Suddha-Kevala-Mukti StateThe Jiva stands alone;When afterwardThe Kalas leave,Then is Suddha-Sakala-Mukti;When in sound AumThe Soul as one stands,Then is Suddha (Kevala) Jagra Mukti;Still beyond,The Soul Itself within Itself standsThen is Suddha-within-Suddha-Mukti State.
2247 Suddha-Kevala-Mukti State DescribedInert without knowledge,Unaffected by desires,Goal-less, everlasting,Unattached to Kalas,Actionless,Incapable of daily experiences,By Malas deceitful infused,--Thus is Jiva in Kevala-Mukti State.
2248 Pralayakalas That Are Suddhas Among SakalasBindu, Maya and KriyaThey possess;The power of interminable Jnana SaktiIs their substrate (Dhanu);In Bindu they attain Divine Knowledge;Thus are the Pralayakalas of this world;Albeit Sakalas,They are Suddhas here below.2249 Nine Subtle Divisions For the Soul in the Three States Kevala, Sakala and SuddhaTo speak of the subtle divisionsIn the three States--Kevala, Sakala and SuddhaIt is like this:Kevala-Kevala, Kevala-Sakala, and Kevala-Suddha,Sakala-Kevala, Sakala-Sakala, and Sakala-Suddha,Suddha-Kevala, Suddha-Sakala, and Suddha-Suddha--Thus are the combinations nine in allFor those in depth see.
2250 Kevala State Subdivisions for JivaKevala-in-Kevala is atita-atita state,Kevala-Sakala is the Vaindava manifestations in Suddha Maya State;Kevala-Suddha is the State of holy Vijanankalas,That State leads Soul to Grace Embodied.
2251 Sakala State Subdivisions for JivaSakala-Kevala is the Jagrat-atita State;Sakala-Sakala is the Jagrat-within-Jagrat StateSakala-Suddha is the State of Tat-para (self-illumined)All these in the state of Sakala occur.
2252 Suddha State Subdivisions for JivaSuddha-Kevala is State of UpasanthaSuddha-Sakala is Turiya expansive state;Suddha-Suddha is State of Siva-Becoming;These three belong to Suddha State.
2253 Bliss of Jagratatita StateJagrat-In-Jagrat, Dream-in-Jagrat;Sushupti-in-Jagrat and the Turiya-in-Jagrat,Transcending these states all,Is Jagratatita that confers Bliss Divine;The Malas primordial that five are,Away vanish ever and ever.
2254 In Jagratatita State is UpasanthaIn the state of JagratatitaAnava is rooted entire;Jagratatita, Para-Avasta (Siva) state is not;But sure it confers UpasanthaThat by Para caused;Will Jiva, thereafter,Ever look at Malas and Gunas?2255 All Higher Experiences Come to Jiva By God's GraceThe states of Bondage (Boddha), of Liberation (Mukti)Of Turiya, and Suddha-atita--All these, the Jiva will subtle experience;By Lord's Grace they come;And when that knowledge by Grace dawns,Neither thought nor actionThe Jiva any more has.
2256 Lord's Play Takes Jiva To God-KnowledgeThe states of Bondage and LiberationOf Hara's Grace, they comeIt is His playTo take Jiva to Suddha goal;That it might God-Knowledge receive.
2257 Sakalas Can Attain God-KnowledgeThey of Five Malas are Sakalas,They of Five Malas are Pasa boundThey of Five Malas ruleThe Celestial world of SvargaThey of Five Malas can (ultimate) attain God-Knowledge.
2258 Experiences in the Five States of ConsciousnessIn Jiva's Atita StateAnava is;In Turiya StateMaya permeates;In Sushupti State,Are desires for Maya experiences planted;In Dream StateFunctions the Subtle Body with Tattvas eight;In the Waking StateActivated is the Body Gross.
2259 Malas for Jiva in Different States of ConsciousnessIn (Kevala) Atita StateAnava is;In Turiya StateMaya too is;In Sushupti StateSeed of Karma,Kamya; an addition is;In Dream StateMamaya (Illusory perception) also is;In Waking StateTirodayi joins (Obfuscations);Thus are the Five MalasTo Jiva in Sakala State attached.2260 Malas RestatedThe Jiva in Atita State,Realizes Primal Para;The Jiva in Turiya stands in Maya (Suddha),That has its beginning in Hara;In Sushupti Karma Mala comes in;In Dream State Mamaya (Asuddha) envelops,In Waking State comes Tirodayi, that obfuscatesThus the Jiva in Sakala State stands.
2261 Condition of Sakala StateThey get body-formAnd experience enjoyments diverse;They are by elements pervadedAnd conjoined to Mind and rest of cognitive organs;They get attached to KarmasThey abide in TanmatrasThus are they born--These Jivas in Sakala State.
2262 Sakala Jiva'a Journey to Suddha StateThey reach the StateWhen deeds good and badEquable become (Iruvinai Oppu);When Sakti's GraceOn them descends (Sathini Padam);When on the pedestal of GraceThey thus get seated,Then with the aid of Guru HolyThey reach the Presence of Sakti's Grace;Finally rid of the Primordial Mala (Anava)They reach the State of SuddhaThat no birth thereafter gives.
2263 Turiyatita is the State UltimateWith Tattvas six times sixAnd Avastas of ten statesHe, Jiva, enters the final stateOf Turiyatita,Then will the Divine Gift be (Mukti);And Jiva merges into the Light Resplendent;Which the Five Gods reach;There, the Siva of Holy Ashes,Jiva's Refuge Final are.2264 Self-Realization Only in Turiya State--It Is Not UltimateKnowing not the Self,Jiva deemed body as the Self;When he saw the Real Self;He attained Turiya State;But even in that Turiya State,If he, Jiva, with Lord united not,He will again born be, here below.
2265 Only With Turiyatita State Birth Cycle EndsIf in Waking StateThe Jiva realizes the Atita StateThe Vaindavas (the Tattvas) that Maya causedWill their malevolence shed;The birth's whirl will cease;Goodly Mukti and Siddhi then attained;Speech and thought cease to be.
2266 Beyond Turiyatita is VoidIn the void beyond the Atita State,Sakti (Water) and Siva (Fire) will appear,Water and Fire do not together in space appear,How then does Water and Fire in Void appear?That way are they mingledSakti (Water) and Siva (Fire), there.
2267 36 Tattvas Reckoned as (5) Pure, (7) Pure-Impure and (24) ImpureOf Tattvas,Six times four are Asuddha (Impure)Seven are Suddha-Asuddha (Misra or Pure-Impure)Five with Pure Maya are Suddha (Pure)These in three divisions are thus partedAs Suddha (Pure), Suddha-Asuddha (Pure-Impure), and Asuddha (Impure)All these with Jiva at appropriate stages stand.
22683*6The Journey from Kevala to Suddha Through Sakala States Helped bySiva as Father, Maya (Pure) as Mother and Mamaya (Impure) as NurseParasiva for father;Maya (Pure) for mother;Mamaya (Impure) for nurse;Thus does JivaIts birth take,And journeying the states of Kevala, and SakalaFinal reaches the Suddha State.48PARA-AVASTA*5
2269 Mystery of Parting Life From BodyThe Lord is the Para;He is beginningless;He is beyond five states of experience,He is the Pure One,Seated within the heart;He is birthless;Why this lovely body and lifeHe parts--That mystery, I knew.2270*36Saktis are Dynamic Aspects of Static ParaparaSakti in Parapara is Para Sakti;Sakti in Santhi is Chit Sakti;Sakti in Paranand is Icca Sakti;Sakti in luminous Bindu is Jnana Sakti;Sakti in Maya is Kriya Sakti;When Jiva these Saktis receive,Then it reposes integral in the Divine.
2271 Beyond Tattvas is Divine BlissThey who know HimBeyond the Tattvas six times sixTruly know Him;Beyond the Tattvas six times sixThey receive His Grace;They who have Knowledge TrueBeyond the Tattvas six times sixOnly to them, is He the Divine Bliss;He the HaraThat is beyond the Tattvas,Six times six.
2272 When Jiva is Rid of Malas by Siva-SaktiTranscending the organs five (external)And the four (internal),In the (union) within of five (states) avastas,The Jiva slumbers;Then does the wondrous LordAppearing with Sakti of slender FormRid the Jiva of its poisons (Malas),Forever to rejoice.2273 Beyond Turiya is Turiya-Turiya or Para Turiya; and Para-atita Turiyais Further BeyondIn Jagra-Turiya StateThe Jiva realizes Self;Then beyond are StatesTuriya-Jagrat, Turiya Svapna, Turiya Sushupti, and Turiya-TuriyaIn that Para Turiya State the Jiva is Para;In the Turiya State still beyond, (Para-Turiya-atita)Jiva becomes Siva.
2274 In Para-atita Turiya State Jiva Becomes Beyond-ParamIn desire bereft of desires,As Jiva aspires to Para-atita-turiya StateAnd steadfast perseveres in it,He becomes Beyond-Param (Siva);The tapasvins who practise notWill never Param become;They are forever fetteredIn Pasas several.
2275 Freed of Maya, Jnana Dawns and Bliss EnsuesThe Maya we seek to understandEnvelops Soul, inside and out;The hypnosis it creates baffles thought and word;When you are freed from it,Your knowledge becomes purified;It is transmuted into SivanandaAnd becomes a protective roof over you.
2276 From Turiya to TuriyatitaThe Jiva was in Turiya State;Unto a swift steedWas into the Turiyatita Jagra State led;The MasterThus had the (Karmic) jackals chased away;And the Karmas stood howling,Disappointed sore.
2277 In Turiyatita State Jiva Becomes SivaIn this Turiyatita Jagrat StateThe Lord of Dance with Jiva in union standsWhen that union takes placeMaya vanishes away;That very day Jiva attains Siva Form.2278 Maya Lights the Path to Turiyya and There RemainsIf in Jagra StateWhere Jiva is,He upward, ascends,Well may Maya serveA lamp to light his path;Then, when he reaches Turiya State,He his Self realizes;Albeit in that Turiya StateMaya will still be.(The Soul should further ascend to the Turiyatita State.)
2279 Self-Realization in Turiya State is not the EndKnowing not your SelfYou deemed body as Self;When in Turiya you entered,You realized the Self;Even though you realized Self,Birth's cycle will leave you not;(Therefore, ascend further upwardInto the Turiyatita State)And unite in Lord,Pervasive and Pure.
2280 Beyond Turiya State is Union in Siva7This body is to birth subject,Turiya State belongs to body and Jiva alike;These subject to birth and death are;When on them Grace of Holy Guru descends,Two there is none,Jiva in Siva unites one.
2281 Beyond Four States in Turiya is Para TuriyaIf Jiva in Turiya StateHaving experienced in successionJagra, Svapna, Sushupti states within,Perseveres further,Then he enters Para Turiya;There verily Jiva becomes Para.
2282 End of Para Turiya is Siva TuriyaSucceeding Para Turiya Jagra StateIs the Para Turiya Svapna StateThat engrosses the universe entire;Then is Para Turiya Sushupti StateWhere Upasantha (Peace beyond understanding) is;That transcending, Jiva reaches Siva Turiya State.2283 *End of Para Turiya is Siva TuriyaSucceeding Para Turiya Jagra StateIs the Para Turiya Svapna StateThat engrosses the universe entire;Then is Para Turiya Sushupti StateWhere Upasantha (Peace beyond understanding) is;That transcending, Jiva reaches Siva Turiya State.
2284 Beyond the Ten Avastas in Jiva Turiya, Para Turiya andSiva Turiya is the Eleventh State of Consciousness of Para Nandi (Siva)Thus Jiva, who has Para become,From Jiva Turiya onwardUp to Siva Turiya,Ten avastas (States) experiences;Then enters the State EleventhWhere he merges into Truth of Para Nandi (Siva)And finally goes beyond,All eleven States thus ensured.
2285 Further Beyond Para Siva State is Paramam (Brahmam),Paramparam and Para Maha SivamBeyond Para Siva is Paramam (Brahmam);Beyond Paramam is Paramparam (Para Brahmam);Thus are states ascending;From Para Siva Jagra, to Para Siva Svapna, and to Para Siva SushuptiThe Jiva that has Para Siva become reachesThe Finite Truth that is Para Nandi.
2286 Nine Manifestations of Para SivaPertaining to Para SivaAre the (Para) Sakti,Para Nada and Para Bindu;And Sadasiva, Brahma, and Hari;Rudra the Lord of Devas,And Mahesvara to count.
2287 True KnowledgeKnowing that notThey rule not the (Spiritual) Kingdom;In pomp and vanity they indulge;That indeed is sorrow;They know not, He pervades all;They know notThe sea-girt seven WorldsWill a shamble be;They know notThat Siva with Jiva and BodyCommingling stands.2288 End Ego-Awareness; Self is Realized;Perform penances trueThat your Future holds;Know thyself,And the merciful LordHis Grace confers;When my ego awareness ended,Then I knew my Self;And bliss am I.
2289 Way of Self-Realization Through Thought ProcessThink of gold jewellery,Thought of gold metal is not;Think of gold metalThought of jewellery is not;Think of sense organs, Self is not;Think of Self, sense organs are not.
2290 Sublimation of ThoughtThink of woodImage of toy-elephant recedes;Think of toy-elephantImage of wood recedes;Think of elements fiveThought of Param recedesThink of Param,Thought of elements recedes.
2291 Knowledge of Siva, Sakti and Jiva (Si-Va-Ya) is LiberationTranscending TattvasSix times six,AbandoningThe letters "Na" and "Ma"Knowledge Becoming,Jiva thus liberated rises,As letter "Ya;"Merging in letter "Va" denoting SaktiAnd in letter "Si" denoting SivaJiva ("Ya") becomes Si Va YaThat Mukti is.2292 Experiences in Para TuriyaThe Turiya State holdsThe Letters-Five (Panchakshara);In the Para Turiya Jagra StateAre the letters Fifty and One;In the Para Turiya Svapna StateIs Nada;In the Para Turiya Sushupti StateIs Bodha;Beyond appears Paramam (Brahmam).In Para Turiya-Turiya State.
2293 Pure (Suddha) Experience and Supreme (Para) Experience Beyond Jiva ExperiencesIn Sakala condition of Jiva,These five experiences are by Grace attained;Then follows the Suddha Avasta (Pure Experience) State;That in intensity experiencing,The Para Avasta (Supreme Experience) of Nandi is attained;Then, as before light darkness flees;The Five Malas for ever vanish.
2294 State of Suddha Avasta (Pure Experience)The limited sphere of TattvasFive times Five,And Maya Impure,--Unreal are they;Leaving them,Let Jiva ascendInto the Sphere of Mamaya (Pure-Impure);Penetrating it,Further beyondIn the State of Para-Avasta, (Pure Experience)That is Pure (Suddha);There the Soul is All-ExistenceAnd Non-Existence at once.
2295 Lord As Guru Guides the Soul's JourneyAs Grace, He stoodAs Param, He stoodAs Love, He stood;As one Form merged,He stood;He transcended experiences all,But abandoned me notHe, the Lordly Guru, the Natha,Of Divine Jnana.49TRIPLE GUNAS AND NIRGUNA (SANS GUNA)*5
2296 Gunas experiences in States of ConsciousnessSattvic is Guna in the Waking State,Rajas in Dream State,Tamas in Deep Sleep State,Nirguna, that other three Gunas destroys,Is attribute of Turiya State Pure.410COSMIC DIVISIONS*5
2297 Cosmic Space is God's Seat of ThroneIn the vast spaces of CosmosAre universes numberlessThat evolved and separated;Countless are theyUnto the sands that areOn the shores of seven seas;Sparkling as a jewel of goldThat dazzlesThey form His Seat of Throne--For Him, the Lord of Celestials.2298 God is Principle of Bliss Beyond TattvasOn that Seat of ThroneHe sits as Bliss-Principle (Tattva)Five, His FormsThirty-six the Tattvas He pervades;Nay,The Tattvas He pervadesAre eight times by far as numerousAs universes in spaces Vast,Himself beyond Tattvas' end.
2299 Attainments in Higher Experience (Para Avasta)In the Fifth State (Jiva Turiyatita) is Ambrosia;In the Seventh State (ParaTuriya-Jagrat) is Bliss;Above in Ninth State (ParaTuriya-Sushupti) is Aum;In the Eleventh State (Siva Turiya)Illumined the Jiva standeth;Abiding there He the (Divine) Body, attains;Listen damsel that is red-mouthed as parrot!--These the attainments of the Higher States (of Jiva) are.2300 Tattvas Fade in the Finite StageEven in the Atita Turiya StateSix Tattvas formless abide--The Purusha cum Chitta, and Five formless Tattvas;In the Sushupti State of Atita Turiya,The rest eight are;Only in the Eleventh State, nothing of Tattvas is.
2301 There Nandi Alone IsWhen the eleven States are thus cognised,And the Jiva fixes firm in the Jnana BodyThere is none but Nandi;That Being ImmutableContemplate in order;Sure believe, you can the Goal reach.412UNITING AND EXITING*5
2302 Beyond Kevala, Sakala and Self-Realization States is Suddha AvastaThe Jiva in its primal conditionIs in the Kevala State;When it mixes with TattvasIt departs and enters the Sakala State;Released from there,It realizes the Self;When it transcends all the states three,It enters the Jagratatita State;There it is Pure (Suddha).
2303 Vision of VoidGive up anger (Egoity)As far as you can;Direct your thoughts (Godward)As far as it goes;If with Lord's GraceYou slumber (in contemplation)Day and night,Even mountains will break;And you shall vision the Void interminable.413PURE AVASTA (DEVOID OF MALAS)*5
2304 Merge in Silentness, Senses WithdrawnDeep in the Well of Silentness (Mauna)Is a turtle--Jiva--(with Malas Five withdrawn)If from Truth you deviate not,And in (It) merge entire,You shall indeed liveA thousand years beyond the turtle.2305 Experience of Higher States Brings ImmortalityAir, fire, water, earth and space,Hari, Rudra, Mahesvara, Brahma and Sadasiva,They who transcend these elements and Gods fiveAnd into Higher States enter,Will never death see;Thoughts none other will they haveExcept be of God.
2306 Jiva Son of SivaJiva is the son,All the hoary scriptures thus say;That they know notThe Jiva indeed is the Son of Hara;For, without Jiva,None the Tattvas five times five be.
2307 In Turiya is bliss ExceedingUnto being born, living, and dyingAre the experiences threeOf Waking, Dreaming and Deep Sleep States;When Jiva reaches Turiya State,And there abides,Exceeding Pure he becomes,And infinite bliss he enjoys.
2308 From Turiya State No Return to TattvasAll within him (Jiva),And he in all without;Thus if JivaThe Turiya State experiences,No more shall it returnTo Tattvas six times six;Divine Knowledge (Bodha)It will attain;And so reach Siva-State.2309 Yet in Turiya, Karmic Effects AreWell may you ironFrom fire remove;The iron still retainsThe effect of fire (experience);So too,Even if sense organsAre in Turiya State extinguishedThe impure effect of Karmic actsWill still there be.
2310 In Turiyatita State All Malas Disappear EntireIn the burning state of Jagra avastaDiverse are the (Jiva's) experiences;Give them up, give them up entire;And with Grace of NandiThat is Veda embodied,You shall reach the Atita StateBereft of Malas;Then shall you the very Para be.
2311 Relapse Into Sakala State and Redemption by GraceThose who have reachedThe Suddha Atita-StateIf to the Sakala State relapse,Lord's Grace, them leave not;Still standing close to Lord,They enjoy not pleasures of world;And at the end, Samadhi entering,They in Lord as one unite;--All these by Grace ultimate.
2312 All Are Acts of GraceHe parted HimselfIn halves two;He created the cluster of TattvasThat to body pertain;He let me be into births and places several;He took me into inert Arul Kevala State,And there left me,The Lord in me uniting.2313 Power of GraceThe toy whirl of leaves madeThe fire wheel of torches made,The billowy waves of the blue sea,The curd that stands with the churn--All these are by some other force moved;So too, the Jiva pushed by Malas,Enter hell, heaven and earthAnd stand sore troubled;--All these away vanishedWhen Grace does descend.
2314 In Jiva-Siva Union All FadeWhen that State is attained,Where the Self becomes Siva,The Malas, the Pasas diverse,Gunas and experiencesThat arose for the estranged Jiva,Will all, all, fade,Even as does the beams of the moonIn the presence of the rising sun.
2315 When Jiva Becomes Pervasive as SivaWithin them,(Who have attained Siva-State,)There is fire, water and air;The sun and the moon are there seated;Hari, Brahma and RudraAre also in their heart.
2316 Attain Jnana and Enter Heavenly HomeHe who, the elephants of senses five subdues,Lights the lamp of JnanaAnd entering its radiance,Drives the darkness within;For himIt is easyTo ascend the Heavenly Home (Siva Loka).
2317 Dance of Siva Seen WithinThe moving breezeThat the Dancing Feet wafts;The vibrant soundThat the Damaruka drum emitts;The celestial music,That the chanting Vedas and Agamas produces;All these in nadis within I experienced.2318 Self-Knowledge is True KnowledgeThe effect of goodly tapasIn past performed,Can with knowledgeIn present be discerned;Self-knowledge is knowledge true,The rest is but knowledge demented.
2319 In Actionless Contemplation Divine Message ComesTo be actionless is Siva's bliss;They who are actionlessSeek not Siva Yoga;They who are actionlessWill not in world merge;Only to them who are actionlessIs the Divine message to be.
2320 In Samadhi Jiva Unites in SivaThey who attain SamadhiThey and He one become;Sundered will be Malas,Vanished the Jiva-State;Their body (as Divine Light)Will in Siva's World be;They in Siva uniteDevoid of blemishes eight.
2321*36Pedda or Jiva MuktiAt the eternal Feet of Hara,The Sakti appears;And as it appearsThe interminable darknessOf Jiva disappears,And Light dawns;And Jiva perserveres incessantIn the way of time-honoured JnanaAnd thus reaches the State of Pedda (Jiva) Mukti.
2322 Jiva Knowledge is Doubt-Tossed; Siva Knowledge is Light DivineAs the Sakti aids the JivaIn Boddha as well as MuktiJiva that is doubt-tossed in the first,Becomes doubt-free in the second;And in that conditionSakti grants its divine instrumentOf Jnana to Jiva;That verily is the abiding LightThat transcends Jiva's flickering light.2323 By Grace Jiva Becomes KnowerDevoid of knowledgeAre Tattvas thirty and six;The Self that knowsI know not;"You shall know"Thus blessed Nandi;Then I knewThat I am the Knower.
2324 Jnana Siva and Jnana Sakti AppearedHe who transformed me into Himself,He, the Lord of Jnana,The First of Celestials,The peerless gem'sLight Resplendent;And She, Sakti-GraceOf Jnana Pure,She, the Immaculate--Them I saw in this fleshly body.
2325 Love, Jnana, and Bliss of Siva-SaktiLight and DarknessAre Parai (Sakti), and the Love within Parai;Transcend the Self;Beyond is Love that is Grace,Transcend the Mala DarknessBeyond is Light that is Jnana;Transcend them too;Then is the Gift that is Siva's-Bliss.
2326 Mahavakyam--Samadhi Jnana Finite7In the Bliss of GraceThat Siva-Sakti confers,Let JivaIn final Samadhi enter;If thus as the end of fleshly bodyJiva realizes the inner awareness,It shall attain the finite Lordly (Siva) State;--This, the Word Exalted (Mahavakyam).2327 Tell Them, Who Know and Yet Know NotNo use tellingThose who are in ignorance steeped;No use tellingThose who are in Jnana filled;Tell only themWho know and yet know not;Then will they knowAnd Self-realize.
2328 Suddhas Reach Mauna StateEspousing,The Sat, Asat, and Sat-Asat,The Jiva becomesThe Chit, Achit, and Siva-Chit;Those that reach that Turiya StateWhere neither Suddha (Pure) or Asuddha (Impure) Maya is,They verily are the Suddhas (Pure ones);Transcending the States three,(Sat, Asat and Sat-Asat)They reach Silentness, surpassing.
2329 Higher Knowledge is Beyond Self-KnowledgeBy himself Jiva knows not;Yet is he not without (Higher) knowledge;The knowledge he himself hasIs Sat-Asat;When the two as Grace descendThen he knows himself,And with Siva one becomes.
2330 Master Tattva-Knowledge and Attain God-KnowledgeOnly for them who masterThe knowledge of Tattvas, (Tattva-Jnana)Will the Higher Knowledge (God-Knowledge) be;In that Higher Knowledge,The Self with Siva one becomes;Then has begun the Bliss of God-Knowledge.
2331 Self-Knowledge Leads to Jnana-MudraWhen Jiva attains Self-Knowledge,Then he one with Siva becomes;The Malas perish;Birth's cycle ends;Then will goodly Mukti be;The lustrous light of Jnana;And the Impress of Divine Knowledge too (Chin Mudra).2332 Maunis Receive Jnana MudraJnana (Knowledge) is His Form;Kriya (Action) is His middle part;Ichcha (Desire) is His life beat;--Thus is His AspectOf the Uncreated Being (Tatpara);He is as the seed ofThe five acts He performs(Of creation, preservation, dissolution, obfuscation and redemption)And so,The Maunis (in silentness seated) receivedThe Mudra (Impress of God-Knowledge) that is Jnana.
2333 Lord Acts From Within JivaFor Jiva,Jnana Sakti gives KnowledgeIchcha Sakti gives DesireKriya Sakti gives ActionAll these are subtle;He who grants these to JivaIs Lord Himself,And not Jiva;It is Lord that acts from within Jiva.
2334 Siva Acting Through Mayas is Eternal and BeyondAction, Desire and Jnana of JivasWith Siva acting withinAre work of Mamaya and Maya (Impure and Pure);But beyond the Void of Cause-Effect,Is Siva,Eternal and of Peace Exceeding (Santa-atita).
2335 Lord Who is Beyond-Beyond is Yet Life of LifeImmanent is HeIn Real, the Unreal and all;He is LordThat is the Real, Unreal and Real-Unreal;Beyond, beyond speech is He;Hasten and realize,He will be the Life of your life.
2336 Scorch Desires WorldlySakti (Ichcha) infuses desiresAnd haresses Jiva;Jnana (Sakti) scorches themAnd destroys them;As She who infuses desires into JivaIs within,Do you scorch your worldly desires,And attain the State Exalted.2337 Rid of MalasThey who with Siva uniteAre of Malas Five rid;They who do not unite thusAre of dark Malas Five possessed;Destined are they to be bornOn Earth, Heaven and Hell;None know,All these from His Grace results.
2338 All Acts Are of Lord's GraceThey who are caughtBy forces of Maya twine (Pure and Impure)Do things according;They who are caughtBy forces of JnanaAct appropriate;They who are caughtBy forces of world desiresBehave that way;--All these they doAre acts of Lord's Grace.
2339 Wealth of Holiness Leads to Union in SivaThey that are possessed of wealth of HolinessAre not for dark Hell destined;They that are possessed of wealth of HolinessAre not for delicious heaven too;They that are possessed of wealth of HolinessDepart from Mala's huddle;They that are possessed of wealth of HolinessDepart from all things unworthy;And so Siva become.
2340 Knowledge of What is God's, What is World's Comes from GraceIgnorant are theyWho do not knowWhat is God'sAnd what is World's;Only they are wiseWho both these know;When both these they know,By His Grace,They shall of His Grace know;Both these are.2341 Grace of Sakti Leads to SivaAs fire and heatAre Siva and Sakti;With Him as SubstanceShe, Jiva's awareness espouses;Darkness and Light She is;She pervades too Malas Three;And then by Light of GraceShe makes Jiva the very Siva.
2342 States of Grace-Receiving Differ7As the sun rises,The lotuses wake;But some bloom,And some do not;That happensAs their differing conditions are;Even though sun's beamsAlike strike them,The differing effectsAre result ofDiffering states of Grace.
2343 All Forms of Knowledge Proceed From GraceBheda (Difference), Abheda (Non-difference)And Bheda-Abheda (Difference-Non-difference),Knowledge native,Knowledge that comes of learning,And God-Knowledge;Nada, (Sound)And the Nada-Beyond-Nada, (the Nadanta that is Beyond-Beyond Sound)All these come by Grace of the Holy One.
2344 Play of Hara's GraceUnto the artificial elephantOn stilt played,Is the play of Hara's Grace;With the aid of elements (Tattvas), it sways Jiva,And makes it dance this way and that,And consigning it to life and worldly ways,Infuses the Light of JnanaAnd finally plants it (Jiva) in Life of Grace;All, all, the work of Grace.2345 When Tattvas Are Transcended, Grace Descends and Union in Siva Takes PlaceHe, Jiva,Abandoning Tattvas six times sixRealized the Self;He the Finite becameAnd pervaded,He (Jiva) in them (Tattvas) and they in him;Yet transcending themHe passed into the Beyond;And as Grace descends on himHe doubt-free Jnana attainedAnd Siva became.
2346 Mount the Steed of Sivajnana and Reach GodThe love of Holy FeetThat is beyond reach,By Grace he reaches;Then by way appropriate journeying,He rouses the mighty steed of SivajnanaAnd mounting it passes beyond,And so reaching Siva Himself.
2347 The Evolved Souls Who Reached Siva's GraceThose who reached SivaAre the Charanars, Siddhas, and Samadhi YogisThe Jnanis who in God-Truth stood,The Anandas who in love adored,And Nathas--all, blessed of Grace Divine.
2348 Suddha State Knows No "I" and "He" DifferenceThey speak of States two,"I" and "He"But there is a StateWhere "I" and "He" are undifferentiated;Those who are in the Higher Kevala (inert) StateWill not the difference cognise;Effacing Self,And He and Self as one uniting,Is the State of Suddha (Pure).
2349 Seek Siva Within the SelfThe Great souls that realize SivaThat is Self within,Will seek forth Siva in the Self;They who do not reach Siva in the Self,Will reach Siva never.2350 Go and Seek Siva in the Proper WayLament notThat you know Him not;Go the proper wayAnd you shall meet Him;He who as Lights twine (Sakti and Siva)Creates all,As one Light in my heart is united.
2351 God is Immanent and Yet Jiva Sees notOne the clay,Many the pots made of it;One the Lord,Immanent in Creation all;The eyes see things diverse,But they see not the eyes;So too is Lord to Jiva.
2352 Think of Siva and Draw Unto HimStanding within,He protects the worlds seven;The goodly one who in love praises Him,Close upon Him;They who think not of SivaLoud sob in distress;How can thoseWho center not their thoughts in HimEver,ever reach Him?
2353 Divine Swan BecomingThey who see not the Self withinWill see not the Goal without;They who see not the Self withinWill incarnate bodies several;Unite in Lord,the Self effacing;And in knowledge undifferentiatedYou the "Divine Swan" (I-and-He united) became.
2354 Limits of Human KnowledgeWhen the Lady of Celestials (Sakti)In Maya stands,Is it body or soulThat joys in the bliss?The men who think they know all,Know not why they are born, and why they die.414DAWN OF JNANA*5
2355 Importance of Self-KnowledgeWith knowledge of SelfNo harm there be;Without knowledge of SelfHimself His (Jiva) harm be;When knowledgeThat knows the Self dawns,Yourself Siva becomes,Worshipped high.2356 Lord on His Celestial ThroneThere on the Throne leonine,Adored by the mighty Celestials,Was Siva Seated;And the Lady of tresses exuberant,With bangles of conch-shellAnd anklets resoundingSang "Hail My Lord."
2357 Siva's Form is JnanaI knew not,Siva's Form is Jnana;Nandi by His Grace taught meSiva's Form is Jnana,I sought Jnana's FormAnd in that knowledgeI remained.
2358 Jnana Alone Knows JnanaJnana has no death, nor birth;Jnana has ground none but Jnana;It is Jnana that knows JnanaThus they conclude, in the ultimate, Vedas all.ej7h;Jnana has ground none but Jnana;It is Jnana tha
2359:Seat of Jnana WithinAbove the flower of the heart, (Visuddha Adhara) Is a flower of petal sixteen, There is Jnana Pure, Sivananda (Siva-Bliss) it is; When jnana of Self In it merged Jiva united in Siva And as one remained.2360: Lord Blessed MeTo them that firm-fixed Him in thought As Grace of Sakti He hastened; I praised Him; The Lord too appeared His Golden Form revealing; I held fast to Him knowing Jiva Jnana, Then are Anima and other Siddhis (eight); Nandi thus knew Jiva Jnana as Siva Jnana.
2362 Dividing Line Between Knowledge and Ignorance"Jnana, Jnana," thus laments this world, They know not, Jnana of Jiva is Jnana none; but ignorance; When Divine Jnana overlays Jiva Jnana, They both Pure Jnana are; Thus much is it after all, Between Knowledge and Ignorance.
2363 Transcend Knowledge and Ignorance and Reach Siva JnanaKnowledge and Ignorance Both transcending, Abandoning senses five, And immanent becoming, Himself as Jnana, And Jnana's pervasiveness Jiva stands.
2364 Heart of JnaniThe heart of Jnani is Expanse Vast; The heart of Jnani is Tapas rare; The heart of Jnani is Lord's abode; There He stood, in the heart of Jnanis.2365 Siva Stands Close to JivaThe Lord He is Hari, Brahma and Rudra; He is the Seed Of the corporeal world; Distant, and near is He; He is sugar cane-sweet and ambrosia divine; Thus He stands close to Jiva.
2366*36Know Self and Be With GodAll these days, I knew not the Self; When I knew the Self, Nothing else I knew; When I knew the Self, He left me not And within me He enquires Of my welfare in loving care.
2367 Seek Pure LampThe Maya's Lamp is flickering, It burns and dies; The Pure Lamp steadily burning; The body's Lamp within heats; The Distant Lamp I seek.
2368 Seek GodI seek in directions eight and two, I seek, in goodness, the Feet of Lord I sing, "Param is my Refuge" I unite in Him, in mind's fulness.
2369 Jiva's Journey to Liberation is Lord's PlayIn the Primal Play of Lord Were Jivas created; Enveloped in mighty Malas were they; Discarding them, They realized the Self, And besought the Feet Of their hoary Lord; Thus, they Siva became With birth no more to be.
415THE SIX ENDS*52370 Six Ends UltimateThe End of Veda (Vedanta) The End of Siddhanta Exalted, The End of Nada (Nadanta), The End of Bodha (Bodhanta) The End of Yoga (Yoganta) Of branches eight, The End of Kalas (Kalanta) --These the Ends Six, the Ultimates Finale.2371 Souls Rid of Malas Will Know the Six EndsThe Pure ones of Malas rid Will the Ends six know; The Impure ones in Malas bound Will the Ends Six know not; They who know not the Ends Six Will not know Lord, He that is End and Beginning.
2372 Ends of Vedanta and Siddhanta"I am the Supreme One," says Vedanta, "I shall become the Supreme One," says Siddhanta; In Turiya State they realize the Self And in Siva Yoga they unite in Parapara Sweet; Rid of Malas They the Rare Goal attain.
2373 Truth of SiddhantaDaily living in Para's thought, Freed from Tattvas Beginning with the Five (Sound, taste, smell, touch and sight); Contemplating beyond Where the Suddha and Asuddha (Mayas) pursue not, Reaching thus Para that is Lord, That, verily, is the Truth of Siddhanta.
2374 The Ultimate State in Jiva's JourneyBeyond Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra, Beyond Maheswara and Sadasiva, Beyond Para Bindu and Para Nada, Beyond Tattvas Thirty and Six, When all these are transcended, The Jiva is left alone with Siva.
2375 Nadanta Bodhanta StatesJiva transcending The tribulations of Tattvas Six times six, Reaches the Nadanta; Ascending still beyond, It encounters darkness of Anava; When that is dispelled, The peerless Divine Jnana dawns; That indeed is Jnana (Bodha) That Nadanta beyond reached.2376 Yoganta StateSeeking Iyama and Niyama And then going beyond Enter into Samadhi; There Jiva reaches Para Siva; And Param becoming All desires abandoned, Realizes Upasantha That verily is the Truth of Yoganta.
2377 Kalanta StateWhen the goal is Truth of Kalanta, This then is the way: Ascend Kalas (five) Nivritti, and the rest And Medha and the rest ten and six; There encounter Bindu; In it do merge and vivid know The Truth of Kalanta.
2378 Five Other Ways Dear to SivaThese paths apart, There are five other, That lead to the Light For them who seek; Dear unto Siva are the Five --Mantra, Tantra, Serenity (Samadhi Yoga), Upadesa and Jnana.
2379 Tantra, Mantra UpadesaBeginningless are AgamaVedas Tantra is to act their way, Mantras are of the mind and beyond the body; Upadesa is the teaching of Siva-Jnana.
2380 JnanaThe way of Self-Jnana Is to be one with Siva; In the Kalanta Devotional love disappears; Sans speech, sans sentience Jiva becomes Being Great Unto Nandi Himself, That is beyond speech and thought.2381 Serenity in SamadhiIn Samadhi Jiva with Siva One becomes; In Kalanta, in Nadanta, in Yoganta And in Bodhanta and Siddhanta Is Jnana reached Of Knowledge, the Known and the Knower One uniting.
2382 The Six Ends Merge in JnanaIn that Jnana, (Divine Knowledge) The Six Antas (ends) merge; That Jnana (Knowledge) in the Knower (Jnani) merges; When Knowledge in the Knower merges; Then dawns Mauna (Divine Silentness) That is Siva-Bliss.
2383 Of the Kalai SixteenUnmanai Kala ends in the Sixteenth, Unmanai Kalanta ends beyond in the Seventeenth; When Unmanai Kala is reached Then is Nadanta; Unmanai Kala is verily a goal great.
2384 Lord Revealed Truth of Vedanta-SiddhantaHaving been blessed by Grace of Sakti, That Siva espoused, The Holy Nandi, that is Lord of Celestials, Granted His Feet; Beckoning me to Him He revealed the Truth Exalted Of Vedanta-Siddhanta, --Him, the Lord, meditate on.
2385 The Truth of Vedanta-Siddhanta is the Truth of AgamasTo each according to his understanding The Lord reveals Truth of His Agamas; Beyond and penetrating The Prakriti Maya (impure) and Mamaya (pure-impure) --Is the doctrinal Truth of Vedanta-Siddhanta.
2386 Vedanta and Siddhanta Know No DifferencesIn the imprint of Vedanta and Siddhanta, There is difference none; Bodhanta is Jnana (Divine Knowledge); Yoganta is Jneya (the Known) Nadanta is Dawning of Bliss The finale imprint Is in Silentness (Mauna) Immersed-to-be.2387 Tvampada, Tatpada, Asipada GoalsVedanta goal transcends The seven Upathis (experiences) (That are the Caused (Kariya);) Nadanta goal rids of Pasa And reaches to Thompatha State (Tvam-Pada); Beyond are Causal (Karana) Upathis seven; Above which is Tatpada of Para Real, That Bodha leads to; Beyond still is Asipada.
2388 Transcendental Nature of SivaTranscending Universes Seven And the Beyond Is the Great Light; Lord is Light of that Light, Of yore, He with Parasakti stood; There He stands lofty, all by Himself, He, Our Lord.
2389 Lord Engrosses All ExistenceCenter on Kundalini in Muladhara That Guru by his power taught, Perform acts That lead to God, Sing in full His holy praise, Thus worship Him, Then shall you meet the Being One Who, existence interminable, engrosses.
2390 God is One Formless BeingThey think not of the Being One, They think not of the Jiva, They think not of Karmas two, (Good and Bad) They think not of Mayas two, (Pure and Impure) The One Being within Stands as Sentience and fosters, Formless is He, He supports all.
2391 Siva's Concern For His DevoteesIn His devotees is Siva seated Into them He brings in The Saktis that are of Siva Then in His mighty Presence they (Saktis) act; There the devotees remain ever Immersed in Siva Bliss.2392 Tvam Pada, Tat Pada, Asi Pada (Sayujya)In the Vedanta Way The Jiva (Pasu) reaches Tvam Pada State (The Two--I and He--together are) Then follows Nadanta the goodly State Where Pasa is rid; Then follows Bodhanta that reaches to Tatpada State Where I and He in one union is; Siva Sayujya is the Goal Beyond That follows.
2393 Of the Six Ends Vedanta and Siddhanta Alone Show the Path to Siva-BecomingSiva-Becoming Is the goal of Vedanta and Siddhanta The rest four Ends lead not to Siva-Becoming, --Siva that is Sadasiva-- And so it is that Vedanta and Siddhanta Are wondrous Ways indeed.
2394 Jivan Mukti in SiddhantaIn Siddhanta is attained Jivan Mukti (Liberation in this body); Those who stood in Siddhanta Have verily reached the Mukti State; As Siddhanta-Vedanta Leads to the Goal of Siva-Becoming, Siddhanta-Vedanta Is the Path Exalted.
2395 Beyond Jiva Turiya and Para Turiya is Siva TuriyaIn the Vedanta-Siddhanta Way Beyond Siva aspects in Param and in Jiva Arises the Jnana In Pure State of Experience (Turiyatita) That verily is Siva State ultimate Only those who in Tapas stood Realized Siva Truth (Tattva).
2396 All States Are Tattvas or Steps Only to Siva-SayujyaThe Form and Formless States Are alike Tattvas; The Bindu, Nada and Sadasiva too Are Tattvas verily; So too is Jiva's (Tvam Pada and Tat Pada); Tattva truly is where Tatpara is in Siva-Sayujya.2397 Veda and Agama Alike Revealed by GodVeda and Agama alike Are revelations of God, That is Truth; The one is general The other special; Their goals two, they say; Search them both, For the truly learned, There is difference none.
2398 Beyond Bliss of Voids is the Bliss of Siva DanceAll transcendental states of bliss That Jiva experiences Are, alike, Siva-bliss (Sivanandam); The Three Higher States of Transcendental Bliss Are States that come out of the three Voids; The Bliss that comes of Mudras appropriate Is the Bliss of Siva's Dance within; It is the State that fills Soul in rapture.
2399 Kalanta Leads to Siva as PanchantakaKalanta and Nadanta Are Ends (goals) two; As they are reached The five Kalas (of Siva Tattva) are attained; So the Lord that arises there Is as Panchantaka known Thus He spake in Vedas and Agamas.
2400 Beyond Kalanta Vedanta-Siddhanta Leads to Yoganta and to Dance-BlissWait not for the day To vision the Five Kalantas; Take to the Way of Vedanta-Siddhanta, that one are; Then will you reach the Yoganta, And there will you envision the Feet Of the Eternal Dancer, That is Siva.
2401 Truth of Vedanta is Jiva Mingling in SivaJiva that is eternal Freed of Malas Five Passes beyond Tattvas; There it realizes the Self Eternal; Then the Primal Mala of Anava Withers away, And with that the Tattva-atita State ensues There one with Siva becoming is Like water with milk indistinguishably intermingled; That, verily, is the Truth of Vedanta.2402 Tvam-Tat-Asi State is Goal of Vedanta-SiddhantaJiva, Para and Siva--the States Exalted Continuous know; You then reach the State, Tvam-Tat-Asi; There, actionless are you; All Jnana are you; Thus be merged; --So says Vedanta-Siddhanta.
2403 Siddhanta Agamas Are Filled With Vedic WisdomThe mantram "Soham" That Vedantins intone Is but Siva Yoga That is exalted; Thus said Siddhanta; Verily is it apparent That Agamas are scriptures With Vedic Wisdom filled.
2404 Out of Vedas and Agamas Evolved Vedanta-SiddhantaTwo are the scriptures That Lord Siva In the Beginning revealed, --The Primal Vedas and the Perfect Agamas; The Vedas and Agamas, In gradualness appropriate Evolved Vedanta-Siddhanta That is great, great indeed.
416PATI-PASU-PASAM NON-DIFFERENCE*52405 Pati, Pasu, and Pasam--All Three EternalBeginningless is Jiva that of Knowledge speak Beginningless is Lord, the source of all Knowledge, Beginningless is Pasam, that binds knowledge When God-Knowledge dawns, No more will birth be.2406 When Pasas LeaveCountless are Jivas (Pasu) From Brahma downward; Three are the Pasas (bonds) That bind Jivas; When bonds of Pasa are sundered, And Jiva-nature altered, Jivas will cling to Lord And never leave Him.
2407 Prayer Takes Jiva to States Beyond Three PasasEven with Pasas (three), Attainments three can be; Daily contemplate on Jnana That moves you to the goal ultimate, Unintermittent do pray; Praying thus, Yours will be a Light that shall beam As from a hill-top high.
2408 Why Pasas--To Seek GodHe who the bonds made (you bind), He, Nandi, of spreading matted locks, In love endearing they (Jnanis) think of; Thinking, they shrink from Pasas And Godward seek; Lo! for this it is why He placed them (Jivas) in Pasas.
2409 After Pasas Atita PlaneAs the poison that has been extracted No longer ascends the body, He who the truth of Pasu-Pasa saw and shed them Will not in them again be, He stands apart; He scorches them In the states of Primal Kevala (inertness) And living Sakala; Then enters the Atita Jagrat plane.
2410 To Freedom Eternal From Bondage EternalThe Lord you seek is Eternal So too is Jiva and Pasa; None know the nature of Lord Eternal; He it is, Nandi, That granted knowledge Of Freedom Eternal From Bondage Eternal To Saiva Siddhantins that seek Him true.
2411 Pati-Pasu-Pasam Relationship Symbolised in TempleThe Pati (Lord) is the blessed Siva Linga, The Pasu (Jiva) is the mighty bull in front stands, The Pasa (Bond) is the altar; Thus in the temple The Lord stands For them that searching see.
2412 Lord Teaches Truth of Pasu-PasamThe Lord daily teaches you The truth of Pasu-Pasam; The Lord leads the Way; To those who realize truth of Pasu-Pasam The Lord removes entire The bonds of Pasu-Pasam, --But Himself stands untouched by Pasu-Pasam.
2413 Lord Placed Pati-Pasu-Pasam Truth in Suddha Saiva ThoughtThe truth of Pati, Pasu and Pasam, The beatitude of Mukti, The Way of Liberation From bonds of Pasu-Pasam, --All these the Great Nandi of Bliss That wears the crescent moon Placed in Suddha Saiva thought, In praise worthiness surpassing.
2414 The Three Classes of Jivas Created According to Degrees of KnowledgeEverywhere are the three Jivas, Of knowledge possessed; The timeless Lord of Divine Knowledge, too, Is everywhere, Pervading Jivas three; And so to each according to his desert, He created them, three.
2415 How Pasas Arise in the Order of CreationThis the way The Primal Creation was; Para, Acting on Siva-Sakti Puts Jivas to Kevala Slumber Then, the Unborn Being Acting on Sukshma (Subtle) Maya Rouses them to activity; Finally, the Para Acting on Pure Maya Conjoins Malas to Jivas.2416 Creation ContinuesThe act of Creation continues; With the Suksma Maya that from Para arose The Five High; Bindu, Nada, Sakti, and Siva In the Sukshma also arose the five-faced God That the Five Acts perform, (Creation, Preservation, Dissolution, Obfuscation and Redemption) --He, the Isanan Pure.
2417 Creation Further ContinuedPara Siva, Sakti and Nada Para Bindu, the Five-faced Sadasiva And Mahesa And Rudra, Mal and Brahma --Thus in order were they created, All by Hara.
2418 Five Acts EternalCreation, Preservation, and Dissolution, (That for Jivas grant rest from birth-and-death whirl) Obfuscation and Grace (That redeem Jiva after life below) These, for Sakala souls He filled; All these acts Five, Beginningless His are.
2419 Creation of Tattvas7Tattvas six into six, He placed in Kundalini And divided the Maya into categories three And with the last of them (Prakriti Maya) Forged the (Tattvic) instruments; Then were let in the Pasas to Jiva belong He, the Pati (Lord), who apart is.
2420 Creation of Experiences for JivaThe Pasu-Pasam thus released, When it overcomes Jiva Pati works out his redemption; And receives him into His Grace, Having made him experience Karmas two, He consigns him into hell and heaven; And as days pass, Jiva acquires love of God--(Pati-Pasam) In which am I steeped.2421 Anava Gives Longing for Pleasures and Maya Supplies ThemIn Pasam that binds, Anava is I-ness; And possessed of it, The Jiva longs for Mayaic pleasure experiences; Then on him descends heavenly Grace; That indeed the Way His Holy Feet to reach.
2422 Grace Works Out PurityNot only is Grace The means to Lord's Feet, It is the source too For desires to end, And purification to attain; Even as the cloth's dirt is removed By earth-dirt (saline earth), Pati-Pasam Grace works out Jiva's purity.
2423 Pati-Pasam Leads to Pasu-PatiJivas that in Pati-Pasam (Arul Pasam) stand, Reaches the Para State; Jivas that in Pasu-Pasam stand, Are but Pasus (in worldly ways); As Jivas in Pati-Pasam stand, Attain Para State, Jivas in Pati-Pasam continous standing Verily become Pasu-Pati (Lord of Jivas).
2424 Siva-Guru Teaches the Four RishisThe Tapasvins (four) sought of yore The Way (of Truth) from the Lord; He, the Gracious One, Gave them answer by Divine Gesture (Chin mudra); And as with their hands they held fast to His feet, They reached the Way of Truth, their Self-realizing.
417HEAD-AND-FOOT KNOWLEDGE*52425 Feet are Grace; Head is JnanaNeither head nor foot they know Miscreants they are; The Feet the Holy say Are the Grace of Sakti; The Head the Holy say Is Jnana That with First Cause unites; When to Jiva the Feet of Grace Shows the Head of Jnana Then shall Liberation be.2426 Head and Feet Are WithinThey know not The Head and Foot (of Lord) is within body, The Head is in Sahasrara (Cranium) The Foot in Muladhara; Those who visioned thus in the Yogic way, Remained in Prayer Their heads bowed at Lord's feet.
2427 Greatness of FeetHe stood, heaven and earth encompassing, That the mighty Asuras and Devas May redemption know; He who created this world Is the Great Nandi; His Feet, on my head, I bore.
2428 Only By God's Grace Jiva Can Know HimWithin my thoughts Are my Father's Holy Feet; At my Father's Holy Feet; Are my thoughts centered If my Father knows me not, Neither will I my Father know.
2429 Lord Gave Jnana and MantraBeyond, beyond the Light That defies description, Is the place where My loving Lord abides; He showed me the Light (Jnana) That is beyond thought; He taught me the Mantra That is beyond words; His Holy Feet, adoring I stood.2430 Wait and Pray; Lord Will Come to YouThe Lord's Holy Feet In your thoughts hold; His flower-like Feet In wisdom adore; The Lord who carries Sakti on His body With Ganga muffled in his russet matted locks Will in time your salvation grant; Do wait and pray.
2431 Grace is Granted According to Degree of DevotionIn the thoughts of those Who hold Him steadfast, Firm He stood, His Feet planted; --He, the Lord of Celestials; Those who thought not of Him, He shunned; To each according to his devotion He His Grace grants.
2432 Go the Intense Way and Behold Lord's Feet Even TodayOne the heart's lotus Three the radiant flowers Two the Father's Feet within; Those who can discipline the body In Yogic Kundalini Way May well behold Him, Even this day.
2433 Grace Leads to Holy StateFirm He planted His Feet on my head; My fetters into fragments broke; My heart's impurities were entire cleansed; Milky-white pure it became; The Lord then sought To take me into His Fold; What more can I say Of my Holy State?
2434 God's Love For Man7The Lord loves Jivas as His children; Well may they wallow in dirt and blemish; He removes them and mends their ways; Thus is God's love for Man; To each according to his deeds In compassion He bestows His care. 418THREE BLEMISHES*52435 The Truly LiberatedThree the blemishes That harass Jiva alike, And in darkness enveloped He lies in stupor; They who are from them liberated Are the truly liberated; Others, entangled in them, Surely perish.2436 Experiences in LiberationLust, anger and ignorance I subdued; And I waxed strong; An ethereal bliss suffused me; As though I was within the sound of "Aum" Of a chiming bell, swinging struck. 419THREE STATES (PADAS) OF REALIZATION*52437 The Three States Lead to Siva-BecomingTvam-Padam, Tat-Padam and Asi-Padam He who has these three states of liberation attained, Has verily become Para-Para Himself; No more birth shall be for him; And when he departs He shall indeed Siva be.
2438 Tvam-Pada is Beyond Nadanta StateAim at Bodha State; Discard elements and their diversities (That Tattvas are composed of;) And the ninety and six instruments of experience; Transcend Nadanta State of glory; Ascend beyond; There indeed is the Tvam-Pada State, The Truth Vedas speak of.2439 Siva is Beyond the Three PadasBeyond the States of Tvam-Pada and Tat-Pada In the state of Asipada, Sakti wondrous stands; But Siva remains still beyond, Beyond the reach of speech In unimaginable immanence In all, in all.
2440 Asi-Pada ExperienceWhen Jiva and Para Reach Asi-Pada State And in pervasive Siva merge, Then as sweetness compounded Of milk, honey, and ambrosia Will He in the Silentness agreeable appear.
2441 Tvam-Tat-AsiIn States, Tvam-Pada, Tat-Pada and Asi-Pada Jiva stands as Jiva, Para and Siva In order respective; Beyond them is the Svarupa Mahavakya (Supreme Word Manifest) (Tvam-Tat-Asi); Revealing that Truth, Nandi accepted me in His Grace.
2442 Yoga Way Also Leads to the Three StatesEven some who know not the letters Fifty Reach the States three above said; They did by (directing) their breath in Yogic Way Into Para; Thus with Siva they one became.
2443 Turiyatita ExperienceTranscending even thought of God Is Atita State; The sense organs (Indriyas) no more cognise The Sound and the rest; Pervasive Jiva becomes; The Malas three, the Karmas two, the Jiva one, The experiences (Avasthais) Five, All these subside; Thus subsiding, the Beginningless One wakes Into the Turiyatita Jagra State.2444 Experiences in Para TuriyaBeyond the Jagra (waking) in Paraturiya State Is the Dream State within That leads to Upasantha; In the Sushupti State (of Para Turiya) And in Turiya within Para Turiya Is Siva reached; Then indeed is Asi-Pada attained. 420THREE PARAS*52445 Parallel Yoga WayIn the encircling Spheres Three within me, The Primal Lord appears; I reached Him and was in bliss immersed; I clung to the tender vine of Kundalini Sakti That she, Her Grace may shower.
2446 Lord Appears in love in Para TuriyaThe Expanse vast of Para As divine dance arena extended Nandi there appeared And stood and filled; When He came in tender love As cow that yearns for calf, Beaming was Jiva, As lamp upon hill-top placed.
2447 Beyond Para is ParasivaBeyond Tattvas six times six Is that Para; When the unarticulated mantra Is in Silentness chanted, Then appears Siva Para, That is still above; He is the God Of whom Vedas speak; Then shall Divine Rapture well up in you; Do foster it, and enlarge.2448 Seek Lord in Intense Divine Desire and Become SivaShedding desires (worldly) In intense (Divine) desire seek Him; Yours shall be the Heavenly Kingdom of God (Param); When you in intense (Divine) desire seek Him, Shorn of desires (worldly), Then shall the Knowledge of God be; Only those who in intense (Divine) desire seek Him, Bereft of desires (worldly), Will (Param Param) Siva become.
2449 Pati-Pasam Leads to Para, Para Siva and Para Siva-AnandaCherish Pati-Pasam (God-love) That is holy beyond holiness; Then shall the transcendental Para be; And then beyond Parasiva reached be; Then shall the transcendental Siva Bliss (Parasivananda) be; Jiva Becoming Siva is indeed Knowledge Divine.
2450 Beyond Kalanta is Tat-Para State (God-Union and Not God-Becoming Yet)Transcend Kalas Five In the Waking State (of Turiya) appear; Reach the lonely State of Higher Kevala (inertness) And there solitary be; Bereft of sentience, Ardent enter the (Turiya) atita State; Then shall you the very Tat-Para be.
2451 In Tat-Para Union is AumThe Purity State That Self-Realization brought, The Expansive State within it, The Malas that affected Jiva before All these passing, Seek the Para-atita State Where the Tatpara and the time-bound Jiva that Para became Commingle into one letter That with "A" begins; "Aum."
421ATTRIBUTES OF PARA*52452 Para Jiva that Had Become Tat-Para, Jiva, Now Merges in Siva HimselfHe, Nandi, is within Atita And Beyond it; He, Jiva that had Para-Jiva become Is within Atita Yet Jnana (Full) without; The Para Jiva attaining Jnana And rid of dark Ignorance Will with God (Pati) One be.2453 Nature of PatiThe Pati (Lord) has Neither Beginning nor End; He is Divine Light Resplendent; He is seen and yet unseen; Those who attain Jnana Of that Para Are Holy indeed.
2454 He Dances in Void and Lurks Inside the Deep Well of PranavaTranscending Turiya And entering Turiyatita, Is the endless Void; There vision the mighty Lord That dances eternal; They who can peer Into the deep well of Pranava (Aum) within, And glimpse Him Will no more birth have.
2455 Jiva's PurificationIn contact with color red White, too, becomes red; Unto it it is, When Jiva purified (white) Reaches Siva (that is red); In Jnana's Void That absorbs universes so unreal, Siva stands high aloft As a flag planted on Meru Mountain top.
2456 Lord Accepts Jiva in His GraceFaded have they, Kalas and other Tattvas (below); Sundered were they, The Mayas two, left behind; And after taking me into the baptismal font of Jnana, He made me in Him unite; Dispelling my fears He accepted me in His Grace, He, Nandi Holy.2457 After Self-Realization is the Light Where No Self is"Realize the Self," --So taught my Nandi; When I realized the Self, He placed me in place where the Self is unknown; There the Light-Form arose, And He granted me Himself, Tat-Para I became.
2458 Siva's Immanence and TranscendenceExpanding and contracting, Earth, water, space and wind, Sun and Moon, Pervasive and immanent, Hara stood; Supporting the firmament vast.
2459 Sakti ManifestationsFrom Sat (Siva) arose of Herself, Sakti, In that State She as Tat-Parai stands; In the Ichcha (Desire) State She Para's Form materiality is; Then Jnana Sakti and other forms She assumes; Thus acting in love surpassing She daily, daily moves this world.
2460 Bindu Sakti Imparts Power to Cognitive OrgansFrom within Parai Expanded Bindu Sakti; From above descending, to here below, It imparted sentience to the cognitive Organs four, --This the story of Jivas, That inherent no sentience has.
2461 Maya, Little Light Leading to Great LightThen separate arose Maya from Parai And the Caused Tattvas and experiences six The body is an heir to; Feeling, breathing, eating, and sleeping Are all enjoyments that Maya gives; She is the little light within, That kindles the Great Light to reach.2462 Lord is Splendorous Light in the Void BeyondThe Primal Lord that is Tat-Para Is Light Resplendent He is Chit-Para, (Divine Jnana filled) He is the Divine Sentience That engrosses universe; Enter in the Splendorous Light, In the Void that is beyond words, No more is there anything to compare.
2463 Risk to Suddha State Even in TuriyatitaThe hoary scriptures say, The expanding Space is His Body; He wears the crescent moon; Even after reaching the Turiyatita State, If Jiva a victim to Causal Experiences (of Suddha Maya) falls. He will Suddha (Pure) per se not be, When you ask me.
2464 Pervasive Sakti is Pervasive Siva's FormSpace, air, fire, water and earth He pervasive fills He is Tat-Para of love infinite; Sakti that is manifested In space, air, fire, water and earth Is but of His Form Divine.
2465 Contemplate in Yogic WayTo the Yogis of intense Tapas, Contemplating on Mystic Meru Mount In the radiant Sphere within, In their rare Tapas Siva's Grace, of itself, appears; Move not from this way; There is none other too.
422THREE TURIYAS*52466 Three Turiyas--Jiva, Para and Siva; and Their Respective Reaches Tvam Pada, Tat Pada and Asi PadaThe Turiya beyond (in Jagrat) Waking, Dreaming and Deep Sleep States Is Jiva Turiya; The Turiya beyond The Waking, Dreaming and Deep Sleep States (in the Jiva Turiya State) In Para Turiya; The Turiya further beyond (in the Para Turiya State) Is Siva Turiya; In these are reached Tvam, Tat and Asi States respective.2467 States of Consciousness in the Three TuriyasIn Jiva Turiya of Waking State Is Tvam-Pada; The end of Jiva Turiya is the beginning of Para Turiya Jagrat; At the end of Para Turiya Is Para Pada (Tat-Pada) Three steps beyond, In the fourth, is Siva Turiya (Asi Pada).
2468 Ten States of Consciousness in All--In the Three TuriyasThe four states of Jiva Turiya And the four states of Para Turiya And the four states of Siva Turiya As the end of one Turiya is the beginning state of next They really are states Ten.
2469 At the End of Ten is Union in Para ParaThe Ten States are in the Turiyas Three; Them as Ends, you proceed; At the Final End is identity with Para Para Connecting the States in the middle two each (Jiva Turiya and Para Turiya Jagrat into one And Para Turiya Turiya and Siva Turiya Jagrat into one.)
2470 If You Cannot Reach Turiya Land, Persevere StillReach the Turiya Land, and be there; If you cannot reach it Think of Lord in the Way scriptures speak of, You shall reach the Truth That is beyond beyond words.
2471 The Holy WayBecome Knowledge; Away with Tattvas six times six That Asat (unreal) are; Crush the crowding Maya With Lord's Grace; Then will be the Divine Grace abiding; That way, the holy ones knew.2472 From Jiva Turiya to Para TuriyaThe Fourth States of Jagrat Is Turiya (Jiva Turiya); There Jiva attains Tvam-Pada; The Karmas end; Again, commencing from Jiva Turiya Is the Jagrat State in Para Turiya; Reach Turiya in Para Turiya State, There indeed is Tat-Pada State.
2473 On to the Third TuriyaAs you reached Tvam-Pada and Tat-Pada, So now enter the third Turiya State (Siva Turiya) At its end is the Divine Light (Asi-Pada) The Super-Subtlety (Suksma) that words can conceive not; Beyond is Siva Who as Nandi accepted me into His Grace. 423THREE MUKTIS*52474 The Three Muktis Are Direct Experiences With Siva-FormJiva-Mukti is the Atita (Beyond Consciousness State); Para-Mukti is Upasanta (Divine Peace); Siva-Mukti is Ananda (Divine Bliss); All three are Svarupa Muktis That from Nadanta branchs Where Pranava (Aum) as letters Three (A,U,M) are.
2475 Mukti is the Goal of Being One With SivaThey know not the goal of birth, The Jiva who knows it Will in Grace be; Nothing here to be in home or outside, Thus renouncing all, Be one with Siva That verily is Mukti.
2476 Way of So-HamSiva Becoming, The Malas triple perishing, The Gunas triple perishing, The Muktis triple attaining, One with Tattvas uniting That the way of "So-ham" is; Unto those who follow this Way The Immaculate Siva Himself reveals.2477 All Attainments, Work of LordSiddhi and Mukti, And Suddhi that is Siva Pure, And Sakti of Pure Bliss, That extinguishes the Fires Three; And the Samadhi Exalted --All these the work of Divine Lord Who thine bonds sunders. 424TRIPLE SVARUPA*52478 Beyond Triple Muktis is GodAs you ascend, Attenuate Malas Five And espouse "So-ham" That is Jnana filled; And be liberated Attaining Svarupa Mukti triple; And in the End, Vision Truth of Para (Siva) Eternal.
2479 Light in the Three MansionsThree the Mansions Three that reside there In the Three merge the thirty-six (Tattvas) The Light that rises from within the Three May well the Jiva vision; Then ended will birth's cycle be That endless was.
2480 Lord's VastnessThe worlds tumbled, The aeons passed, The three Lights, Sun, Moon and Fire One became; All in Benevolent Lord merged; Who knows His vastness and greatness!
2481 God's Multiple FormsThe Primal One, the indivisible Great Himself into several divided; As Form, Formless and Form-Formless, And as Guru, and as Sakti-Lord In Forms numerous He immanent in Jivas became And transcendent too.2482 Jiva Shines in Triple MuktiIn Triple Mukti Jiva receives Light Divine With light and brillance infused, The crystal as a gem shines; Unto it is Jiva When he attains Muktis Three And Grace of Sakti Divine; Hold to the Feet of Nandi Who all these Graces ordained.
2483 Beyond Triple Mukti is Mudra of JnanaWith crystalline hue and radiant brilliance, The Lord stands as a gem of purest ray serene; Seek Him and reach the Mukti State Three; Beyond is Void that defies speech, There contemplate on Aum in Silentness In that Mudra of Jnana The final Grace is.
2484 Kundalini YogaHe is the Light within the heart's crimson lotus; If the Crimson Lotus within, Nada you reached, You shall wake Kundalini Sakti; And closing Muladhara where She imprisoned is, Ascend upward (through Sushumna in Yogic breathing) And open wide the gate above at cranium top. 425MUKKARANAM*52485 Jiva, Para and Siva Are One in Three PlacesOne person in places three functions Yet may be as three different appear; Unto this Are Jiva, Para and Siva; One are they But in different places appear.
2486 How to Reach Siva StateBrighten the light within To merge in the Light (without); Through Sound potency in "Aum" Rouse Prana breath within To merge in the breath without (Cosmic Life); Coursing it appropriate upward, Merge the space within into Space without; Clear shall you the Siva-State vision.2487 Unmai Sakti Takes OverHe ended the pulsations of Karanas By a sleight of hand, as it were--My Nandi As the lovely Manonmani (Sakti) left, Unmani (Sakti) no less lovely entered, Do take to Her in Samadhi inward. 426THREE VOIDS AND TVAM-TAT-ASI*52488 Tvam-Tat-AsiTvam-Pada, Tat-Pada and Asi-Pada All three states in Turiya arose; In all three states one of Three stands --Jiva, Para and Siva in order respective-- Together are they known By the expression compounded, That is, Tvam-Tat-Asi (Maha Vakiyam).
2489 Siva Appears Beyond Tvam-Tat-AsiIn the Three States Tvam Tat and Asi Are the time-honored Malas Three--Kamiya and the rest In the Three States Tvam Tat and Asi Are the time-honored Gunas Three--Tamas and the rest When these Malas and Gunas are seared, Siva appears; And as He appears, they fleet away, As does darkness before moon's beam.
2490*2Tvam-Tat-Asi Becomes Tat-Tvam-AsiAttain the State of Tvam-Tat-Asi Through coursing breath (in Yogic Way) Consider it as the Tenth State of (Turiya) experience; Endless is that Experience; Alter that expression so That Siva (Tat) stands first (That is Tat-Tvam-Asi, or Tatvamasi) Thus meditate on it and ascend.
2491 As Tatvamasi, Practise YogaThus altering the expression Into Tatvamasi with Siva (Tat) first Fix your thought on bliss of Svarupa; And gently hold to your heart The Pranava mantra (that is "Aum"); When Jiva thus practises Yoga He realizes Truth And stands, in Grace accepted.2492 Thom-Tat-Asi is Celestisl VakyaTvam-Pada arises in Maya (Sakti) Tat-Pada in comely Parai (Sakti) Asi-Pada leads to Santhi (Kala) That Vakya (expression) is verily of Celestials, Thom-Tat-Asi by Yogic breathing attained.
2493 Jiva in Different Places and TimesDeva Datta is one and same person; But through time and place he different appears; Unto it, If Jiva transcends time and place, He and Siva one becomes (So-ham) In Thom-Tat-Asi, Jiva in body one with Primal Cause is; Attaining True Jnana Jiva becomes Para Siva.
2494 The Three Turiyas in the Three Letters A, U, M (Aum)The Gunas Three, Tamas and the rest, The Malas Three, Kamiya and the rest, No more are; A, U and the consonant M, In those letters Three are Turiya Three All these are of Thom-Tat-Asi, forsooth. 427THREE VOIDS*52495 Beyond Three Voids--Maya, Bodha and UpasantaExperiencing the seven Caused States The Maya Void is left behind; Experiencing the seven Causal States The Bodha Void is left behind; Experiencing and sundering the Cause-Caused States (above) The Upasanta Void is left behind; Then alone is End Finale.
2496 Tat-Tvam-Asi End of Voids ThreeThe Maya Void is of Jiva; The Bodha (Vyoma) Void is of Para; The Upasanta Void (Vyapta) is Where Jiva one with Siva-Sakti is; All three Voids are of Pure Manifestness (Svarupa) --The End of Tvam-Tat-Asi that is Tat-Tvam-Asi.2497 Lord is in the Void Beyond the Three VoidsOf Himself, daily, Nandi that rides the bull Blesses you, With impediment none; And when I reach His Feet, I cross the Void, And in that Void That imagination transcends I merge.
2498 Paraparam is a Wondrous LandThat Void where Turiyas merge Defies description They call it Paramparam; Thus they say who know not; As Paramparam they worship it; Who knows, what wondrous Land it is!
2499 Import of Si-Va-Ya-Na-MaThe Tattvas six times six left, And Malas, Anava and Maya devoid, Denoted by letters "Na" and "Ma"-- Parai to Jiva ("Ya") Her Grace granting, Into Paran ("Va" Sakti and "Si" Siva) makes it merge, That indeed is "Si Va Ya Na Ma" (the Five-letter mantra).
2500 Beyond Thought and Form is TruthFor them who realized Truth That Thought is Form and Form is Thought, For them is no descent, no ascent, no Void. Neither Thought, nor Form. 428CAUSED-CAUSAL EXPERIENCES*52501 Transcend All Experiences, Caused and CausalWhen Caused Experiences Seven of Jiva And Causal Experiences Seven of Para Leave, Cause and Caused Difference vanish, Then Jiva becomes Siva for sure.2502 Final Goal is in Sushupti--Beyond ExperiencesWithout Caused Experiences six times six leaving, Without Jagrat, Svapna and other states of Turiya Jagrat Waking leaving, Without entering that Sushupti State That is beyond Tattvas six times six, What avails it If of Thom Pada Jiva speaks? He on earth will never, never, The Final Goal reach.
2503 Interpretation of A-U-M (Aum) and Si-Va-YaLetter A is Jiva; U is Para; M is Siva; In the three States of Mukti; Si is Siva, Va is Para; Ya is Jiva Thus the Mantras "Aum" and "Sivaya" are as one interpreted.
2504 Anava (I-ness) leaves only By GraceAs Life of life, Interminable and imperishable Beyond travails of Causal Experiences And Caused Experience opposite, Is Isa (Siva) vibrant; Without His Grace abounding, Anava that makes Jiva tremble Never, never, leaves.
2505 Paraparan is in Void Beyond ExperiencesImmanent is Jiva in Caused Experiences Seven, Immanent is Parasiva in Causal Experiences Seven; In the Void that defies Cause-Caused description, Beyond Thought and Word, Is Paraparan.
429UPASANTAM*52506 Seeds FourSeed of Mukti is Knowledge of Primal One; Seed of Bhakti is intense adoration meek; Seed of Siddhi is Self, Siva-Para Becoming; Seed of Sakti is State of Upasanta.2507 When Upasanta isThe Seven Caused Experiences lie latent in Maya; The Seven Causal Experiences lie latent in Void; When Cause-Caused experiences disappear, Then is pervasive Upasanta.
2508 Upasanta in Siva TuriyaIn (Jagrat) Turiya is Jiva's purification of Self (Atma Suddhi) In Turiya of the Jagratatita (Para Turiya) Is Vision of Param; That extending into Siva Turiya Is Upasanta pervasive.
2509 Beyond Jiva Turiya and Para Turiya is UpasantaRemoving Anava within, Entwined with Tattvas six times six, And realizing Self-knowledge, --These acts of purification To Jagrat-Turiya (Jiva Turiya) State belongs; The Grace of Guru Param dawns In the Jagratatita Turiya (Para Turiya) That defies speech; When that is crossed and Siva Turya is reached, Then is Upasanta pervasive.
2510 Upasanta State--The Tenth StateEntering into Upasanta experience, Jiva becomes Siva; There immersed in Siva-Bliss Jiva into Siva merges; Enjoying that Bliss experience It abides constant there; That Experience engrosses All the ten of Jiva (From Jagrat Upwards to Siva Turiya.)
2511 Shore BeyondMerged in One with Sakti and Siva, As cool waters into wavy sea And realizing Truth of Holy Word, That is ambrosial sweet Jiva reaches the Shore Beyond That indeed defies speech. 430REFRAINING FROM VAIN SPEECH*52512 You Can See Lord Only if You Hold Him in Your Heart"I shall smite the hare in the moon" Thus saying A man unsheaths his jewelled sword; Unto him are they Who say, "We the blue-throated Lord will see, We know the Way;" Such shall never see, As in their hearts they hold Him not.2513 Lord is Remote and NearThe black-footed Garuda bird Across the sky passes; The black-hued serpent in deep well dies; Stop bragging of your greatness, O heart! Be unto the river That into the wavy ocean merges.
2514 Perform TapasIf you seek your enemies (Malas) to perish, Why fight at the Gate of Birth? Silly heroism indeed! If suitable the Tapas of holy ones are, He, who all gifts gives, Will with Celestials seat them.
2515*36Seek and Be in BlissBe not in contentions lost; Our Lord pervades worlds all He is Siva-- Thus you hold; Then the very Heavenly Hosts Eighteen Will worship at your feet; Seek Him, seek Him; You shall in bliss be.
2516 Contemplate on HimThe Lord who is dearer than dearest life in me, The Pure One who is brighter than purest gold The Great One, in all life, unvarying glows, On Him contemplate, in ways appropriate.2517 Adore Him in All WaysStanding, sitting and prostrating Well may you, the Pure One adore; Though learned you be, Do conquer your Senses Five, And quick sunder contending Pasas; Thus seek Him and know Him, He in you one will be.
2518 He is Pervasive KnowledgeMy Father, My Lord As subtle Knowledge He stood; As pervasive Knowledge, engrossing The Seven Worlds, too, He stood; He knows melodies all; Sing His praise, The Celestials will you in endearment hold.
2519 Think of Him ContinuouslyHe whom even Celestials know not, Think of Him, in the waking dawn, Continuous think of Him morn, noon and eventide If thus you perservere, You shall become the very Paraparam.
2520 He is of Infinite GraceAs One He pervades the seven worlds all, He, of yore, His Grace on Jiva conferred; He, Lord of Grace Infinite; Goodly is He in Jnana Of the holy ones of constant heart; He who is festooned in flower unfading, He, the Famed One.
2521 Witness Dance of Siva"Hail, my Father! Hail His golden Feet!" Thus I praised; And as I praised, The radiant lamp Of life within sparkled; And then I heard the bewitching sound, That my body in rapture immersed; And lo! there was His Dance!
2522 God Vision in Yoga WayI sought my Nandi within And there I met Him; They seek Him not within their hearts, And so know Him not; In yogic way I entered within And ascended Adharas; And eyes closed in trance I saw His Form Divine; And the Seven Worlds too.2523 Vision of Lord WithinI behold the Little Mount within In it was Divine Glory, Abiding Jnana and nectar sweet For them that realize Him in (love) unfaltering, He creates the very Heaven within; He, the Compassionate One.
2524 State of QuiescenceOf Wisdom infinite, The Tapasvins great in wisdom stood, Pure as moon's rays they beam; In Transcendental bliss they are; Themselves Divine Jnana becoming, They encompassed in Consciousness The Universe Cosmic; And entering Upasanta They freed themselves of Malas, And State of Quiescence reached.
2525 Siva Siddha StateThey abandoned Muktis three as vain; They dispelled enticing darkness of Pasa, They rid themselves of Anava, They transcended "I" and "mine" consciousness, They in constancy remained, They, verily, are Siva Siddhas.
2526 Siddhas Are Like Sadasiva HimselfSiddhas are those who Siva saw; Soaked in Suddha-Asuddha, Yet soaked are not; Muktas are they, And source of Mukti, too, are they; Possessed are they of Muladhara prowess Alike are they unto Sadasiva.
431EXPERIENCE IN THE EIGHT-PETALLED SPHERE*52527 Gods in the Eight Cardinal Points of EarthIndra, Agni, Yama and Nrudi Varuna, Vayu, Kubera, and Isanana They (gods) in order according Filled the cardinal directions eight.2528 The Eight Petalled Lotus in SahasraraIn the Maya-Land of body Is the Flower of petals eight (pointing to directions eight) Through the lean stalk of Sushumna, Contemplate on its radiance, And ascend upward; Redeemed are you then.
2529 How the Eight Petalled Lotus OpensThree the lotus buds there; Into the three He sends His rays That Light spreading, The eight-petalled bloom within opens; Into them If the rays of Petals Two (Ajna) penetrates, This body, into a (heavenly) dream blossoms.
2530 Siva-Sakti in Eight-Petalled LotusThe six streams (of Adharas) Into one Pond flow; Thus in Way subtle Into Siva-State penetrate; There indeed is the Precious Truth, Himself with Sakti stands, --She of bouncing breasts and tender vine form.
2531 He Blooms Within Petals EightThe Primal One stood, As directions eight, Mountains eight, Gods eight And Forms eight; Reach Him, Who fills within From eight to four petalled center; He Who blooms within petals eight.
2532 Centers Beyond Seventh are Formless States (Niradhara)The Centers Seven are of Form (Svarupa) possessed; Transcend them; And beyond in Eighth is Param; In Ninth is Paraparam, that is Void; The exalted Tenth is State of Oneness Where Anava is finally shed.2533 God is Timeless EternityHe lasts through aeons countless; He is the Sun; He is the Lord; Within the five Major Aeons Were many aeons minor The universe through several aeons passed; In the aeon above aeons countless, Was (God) Bhagava, unique.
2534 Seek Him Wherever He isHe is in this world Yet if He is beyond reach, Seek Him in Heaven, Where the elephants roam And the Celestials wander, Where fire, rain and wind abide; In that Space seek Him.
2535 The Eight-Petalled Bloom is Dear to SivaThere on the lofty top of Mount (Meru) within Is a pond no stream feeds; And there is a lotus bloom From no soil mud springs; Without that bloom, He decks not Himself He of matted locks.
2536 Holy Jivas Ever Think of GodWhen the One and Two (Siva and Jiva) intermingle, Standing and sitting Or in worldly talk indulging, The holy Jivas their senses conquer And seek Lord; Remaining or leaving They blessed ever are.
432NINE AVASTAS AND NINE ASPIRANTS*52537 Souls in the Three Mukti StatesVisvan, Dhaisathan and Prajnan They are in Tvampada State; Virattan, Hranya Garbhan, Avyakritan They are in Tat-Pada State; Idayan, Prajapathyan and Santan of Golden World They are in Asi-Pada State; Yet are they all but Abhimanis, Souls that are aspirants still.2538 Beyond Ninth StateAs nine states beginning with Jagrat are experienced, Attachment to Malas and Gunas, That emanate birth, vanish; In Transcendental Turiya State Then Void (Satya-Jnana-Podu) succeeds, Truth and Jnana filled Where Jiva and Siva one are; In Turiyas rest Jiva and Siva are two, That now in Void is one Manifestness (Svarupa).
2539 Dawn of SivajnanaAs in the thought of Siva Jiva merges, The Malas Three, That to birth gives rise, Flee away; At the end of avastas nine Is Siva-bodha (Awareness or Jnana); Jiva attains that And Himself no more is.
2540 Nine Avasta Cluster BeyondBeyond the nine states aforesaid Are nine that defy thought; Of these shall be said in detail below; Great indeed is the Lord Who these twice-nine States made.
2541 Lord Spoke of Nine StatesThe nine states from the five (states of Jiva) evolved Of them Lord spoke And world rejoiced; "My Lord, My Lord"-- Thus I prayed day and night; And He severed my fetters strong.2542 Many Paths to GodMany the paths they laid In Time's Corridor long; Many the sects That sought Him to reach; Think of Him constant, day and night; He diverse stood in lands many.
2543 Nine Super Tattva ClusterThe Primal Paraparam, Paraparai Param the Light, Jiva and Tattvas, The Kala, the Mayas Two and Mukti These are categories nine To the Primal One belong.
2544 Grace AboundingMy inconstant thoughts He constant made, Clear vision gave; He created hell and heaven And endless births too In Grace Abounding; Those who these perceive not Are in Karma's wheel forever caught.
2545 Goal of Siddhanta PhilosophyIn the nine states of experience Jiva as aspirant (abhimani) stands; The nine categories afterward stated That to the Primal Lord belong; When Jiva that stands in states nine Reaches the Turiya States Three, Then shall he Siva become; This the goal of Siddhanta (Philosophy).
433SUDDHA-ASUDDHAM*52546 Mystery of Lord's AbodeAt the tip of nose (Ajna Center) Is the breath, twelve finger-breadth long, That Lord's abode is; None knows this; The Vedas that in expansiveness truths expound, Of this was hesitant to speak; Such indeed is Lord's greatness.2547 Away From KarmasThe Karmas, The thoughts rights and deeds of Karmas Are alike the seeds of births to be; Seeing that, Away from them; Will what you do ever after Reach the Karma Pond?
2548 Make Maya VanishWhen Maya veils Jiva, The Truth of Vedas remains hidden; When Maya leaves, The Truth of Himself reveals; Those who can make Maya vanish Merge in God; No more is body; no more is mind.
2549 Kecari Mudra in Kundalini YogaCoursing the Prana Stream into the Eye-brow Center And opening the uvula cavity Where phlegm gathers, Stilling the breath there In the way Yoga Guru taught, And warming it in the Fire (Kundalini) within And restraining it to a measure low Is to attain divine strength indeed.
2550 Lord is Within; Seek Him not ElsewhereHe who is in the Body-mix He who rules the Body-Land, He who within the body beams He, the Nandi, Him they seek in lands all; They know not, He within the body stands.
2551 Mystery of Muladhara"Unclean, unclean," the ignorant say They know not the place "unclean" is, When they know the (Yogic) mysteries Of that place "unclean" Then shall they find, The human birth itself is unclean.2552 Muladhara is not UncleanUncleanness none is for those Who ritual discipline observe; Uncleanness none is for those Who Hara worship; Uncleanness none is for those Who the sacred Fire tend; Uncleanness none is for those Who in Vedic Jnana versed are.
2553 When Purity Real BeginsFor them that in Yogic Way stand, Purity in Cranium top begins; They who are sunk in pit of lust Will Purity's goal reach not; Only those who have sent Muladhara Fire Up into Central Nadi of Sushumna Will see Purity Real; Others cannot.
2554 Lord is Real PureHe is crystal pure, He is fire pure, He emanates rays of Purity; Where His source is, they know not, They who know the Source, Themselves, Crystal pure and fire pure become.
2555 Purity in SilentnessPurity in Silentness is the Way of Purity Purity in Silentness is Lord's name; Purity in Silentness are Siddhis eight; Purity in Silentness are the Holy Feet.
2556 Adore Lord and Receive GraceThe Quintessence of Truth is my Holy Father Only they who adore Him Are in His Grace accepted; The rest, Caught in whirl of misery, In dark stupor lie.
2557 Renounce Karma and Be LiberatedThey know not evil fruits Karma brings, They choose not to find Jnana For liberation from Karma; "Renounce Karma and be liberated" --This Vedic teaching they know not; They who wallow in Karma Will never the Rich Harvest reap. 434SCORN OF MUKTI*52558 Deny Not GodThose who say, "There is no Para State to be" Are for hell state destined; All world knows this; They shall begging go from door to door; With horse's speed, In search of food they run.2559 Follow GuruThey follow not the Way Guru taught; They seek not the Holy One; Indulging in frivolous talk, they wander; They sing not His holy deeds; They who thus dance about What will their desert be?
2560 God Responds to Devotion7Into my thoughts He comes and goes; In the constancy of my thoughts I held Him as God; "You my Holy Lord!" Thus I besought Him; And in my heart I held Him close; "What is this here?" He asks.
12561 Lord is the Haven for Soul's ShipAs water from upland Downward flows, Truth in body remains not; That Truth He in me showed; As the ship in the seas That seeks the shores, To my trouble-tossed soul The Fire-Hued Lord As sure goal stood.2562 They Seek Him Not--The Witless OnesContinuous as thread within lotus stalk Is Param within; Yet they seek Him not there; But wander about everywhere; Though the Way to reach Him shown They see it not; Fools are they; They roam about, Only evil destiny action to reach.
2563 They See Him NotThe light within unkindled They, their lives, end; These men gather in crowds And seek Him not; In fields, forests and hills Nandi who is immanent in them, They see not.
2564 Seek God Within Through Kundalini YogaNorth and South, men wander about seeking Him East and West, Celestials go about looking for Him, But fix divine Mantra (Aum) On to Muladhara, And rouse (Kundalini) Fire, upward to stream; There shall you as Radiant Light be.2565 Men of Evil Fate do not Practise DevotionEven if men of Tapas great, With gracious looks entreat The men of Evil Fate Do not holy Dharana practise They indulge in angry speech always; All, all, their intractable Karma, Themselves have they to undergo. 435LAKSANATRIYAM*52566 Jiva State Beyond the Ninth Defies ExpressionJiva reaches the Void, Upasanta and Nadanta They say, That is but to speak in grammatical convention triple--Laksana Traya; When Jiva reaches Void, Its state is of total renunciation of attributes all, When Jiva reaches Upasanta Its state is of renunciation and adherence yet When Jiva reaches Nadanta Its state is of renunciation and non-renunciation at once The State of Jiva, in Finite Manifestness (Svarupa) Transcends grammatical conventions all.
2567 Reaching the Goal in One ShotJiva strung the bow Took aim And with one arrow Five deadly elephants shot; He who thus shot Will behold the Radiant Light Beaming unto gems several in splendor set. 436TATTVAMASI VAKYAM*52568 Tat-Tvam-Asi is Beyond the Three MuktisIn Jiva Turiya Jiva attains Tvam-Pada; In Para Turiya beyond is Tat-Pada; In Siva Turiya still beyond Asi-Pada true; Further beyond is Truth that is Tat-Tvam-Asi.2569 Beyond Experiences in the Three Suddha StatesTvam-Pada transcends Tattvas six times six; That is State Suddha; Then is Tat-Pada; That leads to Upasanta; Then is Asi-Pada where Siva is; Ultimate is the blessed State Of Tvam-Tat-Asi that is Tat-Tvam-Asi.
2570 Confluence of Three States Jiva, Para and SivaThe Jiva (Deva Datta) becomes So-Ham And by the speech of grammatical convention triple Is in Tvam-Tat-Asi With attributes thus transferred There Jiva is Jiva, Para and Siva, All in one.
2571 Tat-Tvam-Asi of Vedanta is the Same as Thom-Tat-Asi of Siddhanta-VedantaTvam-Tat-Asi is the same as Thomtatasi The one comes conjoined as the other The holy concept of (You-being-I) Tat-Tvam-Asi belongs to Vedanta; The concept of I-Siva-becoming (Thomtatasi) is Siddhanta-Vedanta.
2572 Param-Param State Beyond Triple TuriyaThe inexplicable Void that is at Turiya end They call it Param, they who know not; Nay, that is not so; There is the Wondrous Land of Param-Param That rises beyond (the Three Turiya States) Who knows about that!
2573 Beyond Jiva, Para and Siva StatesTranscend beyond Tvam-Pada, Tat-Pada and Asi-Pada And seek beyond the triple Turiyas Then is the State-beyond-all-states The (One) Truth beyond Jiva, Para and Siva.2574 Supreme Awareness Beyond Siva Turiya StateAt the end of Siva Turiya State Is the Bliss of Manifestness (Svarupa) There chant within your heart The Mantra that is Pranava (Aum) Then appears Siva the Awareness Supreme.
2575 Beyond Suddha Upasanta and Siva StatesMerge the experiences five in Nada; Drop the lowly Malas behind; Then enter the Suddha State Thus the onward course pursue; Beyond the Upasanta State (Para Turiya) Is the Siva State Further beyond the reach of thought and word Is the Lord Param-Param; Do Him seek.
2576 Nature of Confluent State in Tat-Tvam-AsiCompleteness it has none, Limit it has none, Speech it has none; Attachment it has none, Possession it has none; Uncaused, of itself It reveals-- This It's nature is.
2577 Mahavakyam: You Become That"You Become That"-- Thus the Great Expression (Mahavakyam) stood; And I became That; Thus to Siva Becoming Nandi blessed me; And as I became That In Infinite Bliss I was immersed.
2578 From Jiva to "Aum"--Five StagesJiva becomes Para; And that Para-Jiva becomes Siva; And from that Vedic Lamp of Siva Arose the light of Paraparan; And in turn fills as Aum That no speech could describe.
2579 The Five Lights in the Body in YogaWhen from nose-tip to cranium the Prana breath Through Mother-Nadi (Sushumna) passes, To the Fivonce are; They of Knowledge True Know Siva Who stands as Fire and Water (Siva-Sakti) commingled; Unless the Knower within Makeonce are; They of Knowledge True Know Siva Who stands as Fire and Water (Siva-Sakti) commingled; Unless the Knower within Make Para and then SivaHe, Nandi, is within Atita And Beyond it; He, Jiva, Jnana bereft of, And enters Atita; And attains Jnana And rid of Ignorance dark, Para becomes; Then will with God (Pati) one be. 2582: Jiva Becomes Para and then Siva
He, Nandi, is within AtitaAnd Beyond it;He, Jiva, Jnana bereft of,And enters Atita;And attains JnanaAnd rid of Ignorance dark, Para becomes;Then will with God (Pati) one be.2583: Result of Prayer and Penance
Head bowed low,I worshipped at the FeetOf the Lord of Celestials;Lo! the Lord stepped forward and said:"You shall now see the resultOf all your prayer and penance,Of yore performed"And so blessed me,He the Lord of Fore-head Eye.2584: Acceptance in Grace
Of Form Pure, Holy, Birthless,He in me came and said:"You are in My Grace received;Be Pure"Thus He blessed me,And my blemishes removed;He of Golden Form,Heavenly Lord whom Celestials praise.2585: Immortality Conferred
Renouncing all, I inward enteredAnd beheld the Light within;My heart trembled;I prostrated low;But Him I forgot never;And the Lord of CelestialsFreeing me from whirl of birthsImmortal made me, here below.2586: Pervasive Truth Form
The five sense organs externalThe four cognitive organs internalThe worlds all, and lives allAll, all, are by Lord swayed;He is the pervasive Truth FormThat neither hand nor mouth has.
2587: Absolute Union
Even as shadow disappears with body,Even as bubble returns into water,Even as flame of camphor leaves traces none,So is it when Jiva into Param unites.12588: Total Merging
When body and JivaAs unbroken unite (in Yoga)Then shall Grace of Siva Sakti be;Then does Jiva, Param become;Jiva that leaves this body,Pervasive then becomes;With beginning and end noneIn Siva forever it merges.2589: Tattva Involutes Into Maya
The Tattvas that confuse sense organs five,And cognitive organs internalExpanding unintermittentFinally (in Maya) merge;This the fate of universe,Inevitable it is.2590: When Jiva Becomes Para
Jiva becomes Para;That Para pervasive stands;Immanent too in all creation it is;A mighty Power it is,That can dissolve and create universes vast;This was the boon granted to me;And thus is my state exalted.2591: When Para Becomes Parasiva
Attaining Divine Knowledge-Form of Turiya State;And omniscient experience of phenomenal universeIf Para can reach Para-Siva,Then He belongs to Void,That is Light.2592: Three Voids
He absorbed me in totalityAs hot iron absorbs water;Transcending Param-Para State;He stands engulfing the Three Voids LuminousThere He is, NandiThat in my heart resides.2593: Beyond Siva Turiya
As unto the wood-appleBy "elephant" disease consumed,So are Jiva and Para before Siva;In the rare state beyond Siva TuriyaIs Supreme SivaThat engrosses worlds all.2594: No More Knower and Known in Parapara
Paraparan is the end and beginning,He is Parapara for each and every one;He absorbed Para and us Jivas;And at end of Jnana-Jneya relationshipAs Jnathru, He, Nandi was;This, indeed, is our comprehension-beyond.438 VAYMAI (TRUTH)
2595: When Jiva Becomes Radiant
By holy instructions are impurities rid;Jiva shines unto gold in fire purified;Having been of impurities rid,If Jiva constant thinks of Siva,Then he becomes a Radiant Flame,That has passions burnt away.2596: Knowledge That Knows All
What avails youIf you know all,But not the Knowledge that knows all?When you can say,"I am the Knowledge that knows all"Then can you well say,"I am God."2597: I Met the "Thief"
Tapas I performedIn the montane valley within my head;Lo! I beheld Lord with his consort Sakti,I crossed the river of birth in this fleshly body;And met the "Thief" hiding in Kailas.2598: Melt in Love of God
He will be Lord of worlds all,He will be Tattvas for worlds all,The heavens will rain because of him,Whose flesh melts in love of God;-Thus say the Vedas.2599: How to Receive Grace
How is it they received Lord's Grace? you ask;(Well it is thus:)In the battle of life,Their bewildered thought wandered;They trained its course;And freed of darkness,They sought Lord,And adored His Holy Feet.2600: The Truthful Are Beloved of God
Into them that are TruthfulHe in Truth merged;Before them that are untruthfulHe never His appearance makes;At time's End He stands as Lord,To work redemption of souls all;True ones sport in True Joy.2601: Lord Abides in Hearts of the Truthful
He united in thoseWho in Truth united,He the Pure OneWho entered not false hearts;When Prana upward ascends in Sushumna,And you meet the Lord,Then shall verily,He in your thoughts abide.2602: When Lord Reveals to the Truthful
When thus He in your thoughts abides,Meditate on Him day and night;Then will He in cranium above appear;And if you give up falsehood and fleshly desires,The Lord in truth reveals to you.2603: How to Mount Steed of Truth
Whether you reach Yogic climax or notIs God's Grace;That is the Way of Redemption,Goodly Nandi taught;If the deceptive senses nine* you subdue,Well may you mount the steed of Truth.2604: Lord is the Refuge only of the Truthful
He who entered my Sushumna Nadi,He who is in my thoughts ever-NandiHe who is in my body,He the source of Vedas allHe the Holy One,That reveals not to men untrue;He who is the Refuge,Of only those who their falsehood shed.2605: Give Up Deceptive Bodily Thoughts
Nandi imprintedHis Holy Feet on my heart;None have drawn the bolt of His doorAnd glimpsed Him in;Give up unreserved,Thoughts of this deceptive body;Sorrow's receptacle it is;Then unbolt the Sushumna doorRich, indeed, shall your reward be.2606: Lord Abides in the Heart of the Faithful
Seeking the Way of RedemptionAdore Lord with feeling intense;Sure, sure, Hara's Grace yours shall be;In the heart of those who untruth utter notHe shines;In their midst He abiding stood.2607: Lord is a Delicious Fruit Within
There is a Fruit Delicious,From fragrant flower within it ripens;The birds within the SelfHinder you from reaching it;Shoot your arrow,And drive them away;Then can you reach Siva StateLustrous as Pure Red Gold.2608: Follow Lord and Be Redeemed
Control the senses that tempt,Sunder the Pasas that corrupt,Follow Lord,Who your confusion ends;If you do so,Unhesitating my Siva says,"Be you redeemed;"And makes your thoughtsCenter on Him.2609: Constant Think of Him and Receive Grace
They who constant think of HimWill reach into a body,Glorious and strong;There, if they adore LordIn ways appropriate,They reach the World of Jnana,Receiving Grace of the Holy One.439 WAYS OF JNANI
2610: How They Deal With Karma
If Karma from pastOvertakes them,They exterminate them,Patiently experiencing them;But they see,Future Karma is created not;They realize the Self,They are Jnanis,That have Tattvas cognised;They train senses five,In ways goodly.2611: Tattva Jnanis Crush Karma
The Tattva Jnanis realize the Self;The Gordian knot of Karma PastThey cut asunder;Future Karmas they seize and crush,By Grace of Siva,Whom they hold,High on their heads.2612: No Karma, if Thought and Word are Consistent
Through thought, word and deedKarmas accumulate;If thought and word consistent standKarma bides not;Thought and word conquering,They experience Karmas,And alter their course,They the great Jnanis are.
2613: Conquer Desires
No use prattling ofBreath and Sushumna;Sunder your desires and passions;Having sundered,The Lord's place, easy be.2614: Lord is in the Desire-Abnegated
In stony houses and stately halls, He is not;In parlors deep and temples massive, He is not;In holy garbs He is not;In the thoughts of those,Who have desires abnegated, is He,Fleshly body, though therein be;He, their liberation granted.2615: Sunder Desires
Sunder your desires, sunder your desiresSunder your desires even unto Lord;The more the desires, the more your sorrows;The more you give up, the more your bliss shall be.2616: Jnana Way
The five senses burn you up;They lead you to destruction's way;Give up desires and scatter them away;Reach to the Truth of Jnana;That the Way to reach Lord.2617: Perish not in the Flood of Pleasure and Pain
Unto the ocean that foams and ragesAt full-moon tide,Many, many, floods rose and passed awayThrough passage of Time;Caught in floods of pleasure and pain,Celestials numberless perished;Caught in the floods of desiresThe humans countless sank;God alone forever stoodIn the Ocean of Bliss Eternal.2618: Jnani's Purified Way
Emancipated from Karmas of past,Rid of disease of Pasa,Prolonged activity suspended;They, the Suddha State reach;Then transcending the five acts of God(Of creation, preservation, dissolution, obfuscation and Grace-granting)His direct Grace, they receiveThere they forever immersed areThese, Jnanis, purified ways are.2619: Jnanis Remain Immortal in God-Love
Realizing Truth in full,Luminous Siddhi and Mukti they attained;Sex desire entire devoid,They achieved mighty Siddhis eight;As Siva Jnani leaves behind this body,Divine Grace descends on him;And then in God-Love, forever, he remains.2620: Realize the Truth that Jiva is Siva
That this Jiva to become SivaThey in love sought not;That this Jiva is SivaThat truth they know not;Knowing not this Jiva is Siva,They diverse births take,And into worlds several wanderWhen Truth they realize not.2621: Jnanis are not for Becoming Performing Gods
The Five Gods consign Jiva to broiling miseries,And then cooling him,Again consign him to fresh birth;Thus in the whirl of creation endless they them ordain;The status of these Five GodsThe Jnanis seek not;But within the fleshly body itselfThrough the mystic thread of SushumnaThey enter into union,One wih the Lord.2622: Seek Nandi Within
You say, redeemed you are;But you have not seen the Way appropriate;Nandi merges in fragrant flower within;Hold Him in your thoughts in vision clear,Then have you sown the seedOf birthlessness-to-be.
2623: He is Lord of All
He confers Mukti;He is Jnana and Mantra;He is the Father;He is the Lord of Celestials immortal;He is the Pure One;He is the Light that is the Holy Way;He is the Pasu-Pati (Lord of Jivas)Whom the devotees in ardour adore.2624: Be a Devotee of Devotees
To devotees of devotees of LordIn succession continuous,I a devotee became;Giving myself thus,Into their vassalage I entered;With the Grace of devoteesI reached His Feet;Then saying, "He my devotee is"He accepted me in His vassalage (of Grace).2625: Lord is Righteous and Bounteous
Cooler than water is He;Hotter than fire is He;Who this Ocean of Nandi is-Who knows?By far righteous is He;Than all bounteous beings in world;Within the heart He stood,As Umapati (Sakti's Lord) He stood.2626: Where is That Peerless Pearl?
Well may denizens of seven worlds, all,Entire try,They cannot know Him;Who can say where Lord is?Unless He of Himself appearsIn devotion of His devotees,Who dares say,Where that peerless Pearl is!2627: Year for Lord
As the calf that searches,And calls for mother-cow,I, in yearning, sought and cried for my Lord;He is Hidden Truth of VedasWho beyond heavens eternal stood;In endearness tender,He entered into me,In this body fleshly.2628: Birth and Release are God's Giving
The Jivas in born-conditionHave tasks none to perform,As of itself their birth comes;The Jivas in Mukti State too(By the very condition of that state)Have nothing to perform;Lord by His Grace grants states both;What then is there for devotees to do(But to hold Lord in their thoughts?)2629: Reach God the Kundalini Yoga Way
With Prana breath for Seed-Energy,And the serpent (Kundalini) for body,To the resounding music of Nada,Upward I climb to the cool mountain within;And with fragrant flower there blooms,I adore Nandi;None else the God to adore,My mind I let.2630: God Grants Protection
Nandi is my Protector in need;He is Lord of Celestials;Seek His protection;And ending birth cycle, be redeemed;Think constant of Siva's Feet,He, Divine protection grants,He, who as Fire stood.2631: He Protects Good Against Evil
The Dhanavas (of Dark World)Held the Vanavas (of Luminous World)In fief;He the Lord destroyed,The Three Forts of the Evil Ones;Him the devotees worshipped,As Lord of Forests;And of Mountains Black;Thus adoring Him in fleshly body,They in Him united.2632: Seek Him Within and Without
This birth is a lasting curse to me;And so, I seek Him in drooping heartIn Mountain and SkyWithin and without;And in Fire within too;Thus in holy thought immersed,I stood.
2633: Jiva's Task is to Seek Him
Receiving in full the Grace of Lord in Mukti State,Purified of Tattvas, the Suddha State attaining,To perform Tapas thus is Jiva's task;And so rid of Karmas, in devotion true they stand;They indeed the JnanisIn transcendental bliss immersed.2634: Jiva-Bird Seeks Siva-Fruit
The Jiva-Bird,With its feet planted firm (on Muladhara),Seeks the Rich Fruit (that is Siva);When within the heart that Fruit it seeks,Lighting the Sushumna lampIn the Flaming Fire of Kundalini within,It reaches its goodly goal;Its four cognitive organs,Ever seek Him thereafter.
2635: Divine Experiment
The Mighty Lord, the Great Nandi,Granted me His Feet of indescribable Bliss;And in Ocean of Grace immersed me;Freeing me from illusions all,And secretly guarding me in safety,He bore me to the holy banks of SilentnessThat indeed was an Experiment Divine.2636: Seeking Union in God
He is the Wise One;He fills Vedas rare;He is the God of countless Gods;He is of Divine Sense possessed,The five senses transcending;With Him who these attributes hasI my union seek.2637: Dividing Line Between Knowledge and Ignorance
"Jnana, Jnana," thus laments this world,They know not that Jnana of JivaIs Jnana none, but (ignorance);When Siva Jnana overlays Jiva Jnana,They both Pure Jnana are;Thus much is it after all,Between Knowledge and Ignorance.2638: Merge in God's Pervasiveness
Into the Goal beyond goals,Into the Assembly where none assemble,Into the Knowledge beyond knowledge,I loosened myself,In single-minded thought;I merged in Holy Nandi's Grace,There in Pervasiveness beyond pervasivenessWas Siva.2639: Lord is Immanent
As feel within breeze,As sweet within sugarcane,As ghee within milk,As juice within fruit,As fragrance within flower,Immanent is my Lord;Thus does the Lord pervade all.2640: Lord is Unto a Hidden Vein of Gold
Seek Siva in love endearing;As unto the vein of goldIn recesses of a mountain,My Lord in my thoughts abides;He Who as Form of Fire stood.2641: Lord is in the Heart's Temple
Seated in the center of Void,Nandi descended into my heart's temple,And there his place took;And as He descended,I stood up saying: "My Father Come;"Thus as I greeted,Siva in my thoughts instant stood.2642: Lord Will Make You First of Many
He is of attributes mighty;The Fruit of Tapas;All things goodly He is;In the center of my thoughts He resides;He is the Great Nandi;Seek the Holy One in truth unfaltering,He will place you as the First of Many.2643: I Found Love Within Me
He was with meAs I searched Him within me;And continuous there He stood;My Father, Paraparan,Pervasive He stands;And transcending beyond too,He shows me the Way.2644: He is Father, Mother, Kith and Kin
He who shows that WayIs rare for Celestials to reach;Here below,Is He as Father, Mother, Kith and Kin;He is in Siva LokaThe Holy Way leads to;This the Way, Nandi is.2645: Unsheath the Sword of Jnana
Unsheath the Sword of Jnana and smite;That instant you shall know Lord;Unite in Him,Who the Lord of Celestials is;Away then shall you beFrom the rabble numerousThat to desire cling.2646: Be not Separated from Lord
Holding the Sword of JnanaThat Primal Lord gifted me,None there is to separate me (from Him);Search did I there furtherLeaving traces none;Then Jiva with Primal Siva one became.2647: Search Lord in Calmness
Pasa, that seminal seed of birthMaya, that invisible one,Karma, that to desire gives birth,The doubts and fearsThat in their train come,The births numerous,-All these I scorched;Thus my thoughts purified,In calmness I search;The skilful ones that practise thusShall one with Tat-Para be.2648: Tat-Para Enters Within Jiva
He taught meThe word that is beyond words;He severed my desiresFor learning limitless;My body, restless as waves,He in calmness fixed;In my purified being withinHe, the Tatpara, entered.
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TANTRA NINE (Verses 2649-3047)
2649: Gurus Have Reached Lord's FeetSmoke and soundOblations and sacrificial offeringIn worship spread;"All these are for my Lord;"The Gurus who thus meditate,Who have monasteries founded,Have verily reached Feet of Lord.2650: Lord is in the BodyNone the habitation the Lord hasBut the body-house of Jiva;Or has the Lord any other home?Let them find out;Even after having found outThat Jiva's body is Siva's homeThey say, "He (Lord) is outside."
2651: Great Way of SeekingHaving discovered the Great Way of seekingThe flower-decked feet of Siva I reached within;Beyond seeking is He;Greatness indeed is where He resides;He stood as life of the revolving world.
2652: Revelation of Lord's AbodeI shall reveal where He is seated;And where His mountain is;I shall reveal where His retreat-cave isAnd where that is located;I shall reveal where His Adharas (triple) are;And the forest where He isAll these eight I shall revealTo denizens of world here below.
2653: Lord is in Guru's MonasteryThe Guru-face is Lord's pedestalThe monastery is Lord's Holy Land;The Holy Assembly of blemishless visionIs Lord's abode;The heart that performs the Sixteen worships insideIs Lord's sacred throne;The Adharas withinAre Lord's astral cave.
2654: Lord's Abode Inside the BodyThe Adharas six are His pedestal inwardThe Sakti pervasive is His ThroneThe universal God within is Siva Himself;Thus it is,For these who inward reflect and know.
2655: Jnanis Seek Lord Within the Light of ManifestnessMayas twine envelope the body of sheaths fiveWhen their end they reach,The Holy Light of itself appears;Those who seek the Truth in that Manifestness (Svarupa)Are the Jnanis, in Silentness Exceeding.
2656: When the Holy Guru AppearsWhen the Tattvas six and thirty subdued are,Then shall the Holy Guru appearFor you to adore;Siva-State too will on you be conferred;And then will well up the Bliss Ineffable.
2657: Parasivam is Beyond the Three TuriyasBeyond the Turiyas ThreeIs the Light Resplendent;It is the Parasiva that pervades all;In that LandThat knows neither contraction nor expansionAre the Feet of Guru HolyThat, beyond speech, is.
2658: What These Body Organs are forTo bear Nandi's Feet, I was gifted this head;To praise Nandi Great, I was gifted this mouth;To vision Nandi Eternal, I was gifted these eyes;To think of Nandi afar, I was gifted this mind.
2659: At the Thought of Guru's Form Impurities VanishAt the thought of Garuda's formThe serpent's poison leavesIts terrors lose;Unto it,At the thought of Guru's formThe triple Malas leave instant;The Jiva then Siva becomes.
2660: When Jiva Becomes SivaNone know where the Lord resides,To those who seek where the Lord residesThe Lord within them resides;When they the Lord see,Jiva becomes Siva.
2661: God is in the Silentness of Perception Beyond Three TuriyasTo perceive the things that appear,To perceive the things that appear not,That is Knowledge Higher;To perceive the things in ways differentAs in waking, dreaming and rest of states,-These three perceptions will there be not,In the State the Three Turiyas transcended;There Nandi stands firm, in Silentness Exalted.
2662: Sakti is in Ajna CenterIn the Center between the eye-browsIs the Sphere of the Moon;There on the flower of petals twoIs Virgin Sakti seated;Radiant as Crystal is Her Form;(To vision Her)Seek you the GuruWho all bonds sundered.
2663: Siva is in Sahasrathala (North)Into heart He entered,For the seven Worlds to rejoice;Into earth He enteredFor the heavens to support;Into rage He enteredFor the eight directions to tremble;Into wilderness He enteredHis abode in North Mountain to be.
2664: Way of Seeking Within Leads to Supreme AttainmentOf five sheaths is the Jiva's body;Unto a forest is that bodyWhere the Jiva-bird its abode has;If the Jiva seeks the Way of Sixteen worshipsThen is Jiva's Ten attainments are.
2665: Love Lord and Sever PasasOur Holy NandiOnce He loves, separation Knows not;Think of His FormAnd within you He melts;Enter into His EssenceAnd see Him in your heart;For those who can do this,The seminal Karmas slumbering die;The Ego-Consciousness forever perishes.
2666: Lord can be Reached by Earnest SeekingReach you mayOur Holy One that is Truth Perfect;Sunder Pasas strong and away cast them;Seek Him firm and think constant within;Reached then shall beThe Holy One that is Dharma.
2667: Think of Him and He Thinks of YouThink of Him,And He thinks of those who think of Him;Think of Him, the radiance that is,Of the Flower that blooms in the Divine Fount within;Smaller than the split grain may they be,But if firm they hold Him,Great they shall sure be.
2668: In Seeking be not Discouraged by Initial FailuresWhen you seek to reach the LordAnd have a miss,Take it as the work of your evil Karma in the past,And so persevere in your devotion fervent;You shall at last reach the Primal Lord.
2669: How Lord Enters WithinThinking of LordTheir inconstancy lost;Uniting in LordTheir existence lost;In their thoughtsTheir ego lost;Thus he enteredShowing the Way Illumined.
2670: Holy Guru Shows the Light in Eye-Brow CenterUnto a lustrous ray of red gemOn to a green stone setIs the Holy Guru's Jnana precept;That ray in the eye-brow Center is;It is the Light within the Light Resplendent.
2671: God's FormAs mouth, eye, body and lifeThe Yoga-God is;Beyond earth, water, fire, wind and skyVoid His Form is.
2672: His Love for Sakti and His DevoteesPraise Him as your Pati (Lord)In all Worlds Parasiva's writ runns;His one half to the Great Grace lends;The other half to His devotees gaveFor their goal to reach;He who this world fashioned.
2673: By Grace He Can Be SeenHe is the Lord of Heavens,By the vast spatial glades surrounded;Except Him we know Param (supreme) none;Of the Celestials, Vanavas and Dhanavas,None have seen Him ever;Only those who received His GraceHave seen Him forever.
2674: Grace Gives Clear VisionHe made Jivas renounceThat they the Lord adore;He made them praise Him in words meek;That He the Nandi His Grace confers;No more the other Gods we adore;Our vision is clear now;We became the ObjectFor other Jivas to seek and worship.
2675: Articulate Pranava is Siva's Form; Inarticulate Pranava Sakti's FormThe Sthula (articulate) Pranava (Aum)Is the mighty key-word to Bliss of Manifestness (Svarupa)The Sukshma (inarticulate) PranavaIs Sakti's Divine Manifestness (Svarupa)The Mudra (Jnana) is the Cause of that ManifestnessThe Pranava aloft is the Vedanta Highway.
2676: Greatness of AumAum is the one Word Supreme;Aum is the Form-Formless;Aum is the Infinite Diversity;Aum is Siddhi and Mukti radiant.
2677: In Aum Jiva, Para and Siva MergeIn Aum arose the elements five;In Aum arose the creation entire;In the atita (finite) of AumThe three Jivas merged;Aum is the FormOf Jiva, Para and Siva in union.
2678: Aum is Bliss of Brahman, the Universe and the AdharasThat letter-cluster (Aum made up of letters A-U-M)Is the Bliss of Brahman;The Subtle OneAs visible creation vast expands;The Adharas, all, comprise its Form;Thus is it Known to Jnanis of knowledge vast.
2679: Goodly Teaching of SanmargaMy despairing thoughtsAre in confusion thrown;The steady thoughtsLead to vision clear of Light Divine;The steadfast mindIs the place, environs and devotion appropriate;Goodly indeed is Upadesa (teaching) of Sanmarga (Jnana).
26803*6Ascending Order to Finite Goal WithinTo vision the Sixteen-Petalled Center within is SodasaIt is the Way of Sanmargis;Beyond is the end of Nine centers,*Still beyond is PranavaAscending further beyond is the End Finite,Of Jnana (Knowledge) and Jneya (Known) in one.
2681: Know Light WithinKnow the Light, your Form becomes Light;Know the Hidden Form; you that Form become;Know the Light's Form; you that Light become;That Light within you to melt, He in love stands.
2682: That Light Dispels Soul's DarknessEasy to enter the Universe of Eight;*That spreading Light of immense vastnessDispells the Primordial darkness entire;In the Mystic Lotus within as day-light it spreads;Dispelling contending Pasas,Was my Lord there seated.
2683: The Light Within is the Source of All LightThe luminaries Fire, Sun and MoonTheir luminousness received by Grace of Divine Light;The Light that gave that LightIs a Mighty Light of Effulgence Immense;That Light dispelling my darkness,In me stood into oneness suffused.
2684: Lord's Form is LightThe Lord is the Effulgent Light,Birth He has none;The luminous sun and moon are His eyes;The lustrous fire is His Fore-Head Eye;Thus is His Resplendent Form of dazzling Light.
2685: That Light Engrosses the Light of the Five ElementsBelow that Light AboveIs the wind, earth, fire, sky and water;Rousing the Light (of Kundalini) withinYou shall in the astral sphere be;There indeed is the one LightThat engrosses the lights of elements five.
2686: The Light Within is the Blending of All Lights-Jnana, Siva and PranavaThat Light withinIs pure as light of lightning;It is Light that is great and red;It is the Light of ParamThat beams Jnana;It is the Light of Adharas six ascended,It is the Light born of constant thought on Pure Word (Aum)It is the Light that is blended of these lights all.
2687: The Little Light Within Points to the Effulgent LightThe Effulgent Light stands as a sparkling light concealedThat ever to the shining Lord points;It is the light of the heart;It is the rich light that within the body pulsatesPervading all,-Thus did the Lord as Light stand.
2688: Divine Light Devours Soul's DarknessLuminous is that Light;It is Light that devours Soul's darkness;It is Light of those who adore Him in Jnana Light;He devours the poison that with ambrosia arisesFrom the milky seasAnd holds it in His throat ever;Unto it, is His Light too.
2689: When the Lights of Siva and Sakti Blend in Jiva LightAs unto the Light of LordThat in Him reposes;Is the Light of His Sakti Grace,When the three lights Sun, Moon and FireWithin shines by Yoga Way,The Lord, indeed, nears you,As one Light in your inner Light.
2690: Lord's Light and Jiva's Light Merge WithinThe Light within is but Jiva;The Lord too who stood within was a gemly Light Effulgent;Flashing as lightning in the astral sphere,That Light with Sakti's Light and Jiva's Light into one merged.
2691: Dancing in the Darkness of Pasa, Siva Light Enters Ummara SaktiThe Lord that is Light Effulgent,Entering the dark arena of PasaDances as Light in that darkness;As the Forehead-Eyed God thus dances,He as Light Effulgent in Ummara Sakti merged.
2692: Siva's Light Becomes Sakti's Light of GraceThose who thus went by the Secret Way of Yoga,Reached Sakti of dark fragrant tresses;Primal Parai She is;One with Lord of Celestial's Light She is;-The Light beyond the Pure Void;That Light of Her forever dispelled Pasa's creeping darkness.
2693: Even Sceptics Can Reach that Light if they Seek in Devotion"God there is; God there is none"Thus the men of world diverse hold;Will they who hold "Primal there is none,"Ever reach Siva State?Even they who say, "We saw not God"If in devotion stand,He as Light Effulgent in them is;He the Light of Astral Sphere (Chidambaram) within.
2694: He Who Receives Siva's Light Becomes Jivan Mukta, Rid of Mayaic DarknessThe light Effulgent that glows afarIs the Lord that spreads His beams as unto the Sun;When He the Maya's darkness dispells,Jiva in this body, a Jnani-Renunciate becomes (Jivan Mukta).
2695: Jiva Purified by Siva's Light Unites in HimHis Holy Form is of shimmering coral-hue;He wears the holy ashes pure white;He is crimson as pure gold and coral ripe;He is the Primal Lord;When I, dispelled of my darkness,Shone as coral red,He, the Dancing Lord,In me in union stood.
2696: Jiva then Blossoms as Divine FlowerIn the Heavens stood Lord;The Celestials, too, stood there;Yet they knew Him not,And bewildered ever stand;When Pasa's desiresAnd the odor of Karma PastTogether leave,The Jiva as a Flower of Divine blossoms.
2697: Seek Himself as YourselfHimself as LordIn all things, He alone is;Himself is YourselfThus you seek Him;The very Heaven is He in this vast earth;Sweet is He;May you Him adore.
2698: Fifty Letters Become FiveThe letters Fifty are Vedas all;The letters Fifty are Agamas all;When the secret of letters Fifty is known,The Fifty letters, Five Letters Became.
2699: Fifty Letters Became Fifty-OneWith the letter "A" intoned in commencement,The letters Fifty, Fifty-One became;With letter "U" intoned high with letter "A",And with letter "M", it (A&U&M as AUM) ended;And again with letter "N" rising,It became Nandi's name "Aum Nama Sivaya."
2700: Seek the Seminal Mantra Nama SivayaIn the sixteen letters commencing with "A"(Of the Shodasa Flower within*)Is the Parai (Sakti);In the Unmani Sakti beginning with "U"Is the light of Lord within;The Mantra commencing with letter "Si" (Sivaya Nama)Is Siva and Vedas all;With letter "Na" commencingThat order reversedIs Nama Sivaya;That verily is the seminal Mantra;That Mantra do seek.
2701: How Aum and the Five Letters are Distributed in the Six CentersIn the six Adharas (centers) withinAre distributed the Five Letters and Aum;That comprise Aum Nama Sivaya (Na, Ma, Si, Va, Ya);In the Muladhara is NaIn the Svadhishtana is MaIn the Navel Center is SiIn the Heart Center is VaIn the Throat Center is YaIn the Eye-brow Center is Aum.
2702: The Five Letters are the Life's RefugeWhen the seven beams of Prana in fury rise,When the four cognitive senses, their leave take,And as Death's Hand stretched and seizes,Life ebbs away;Then shall the Five Letters above the Soul's refuge be.
2703: Chant Five Letters at Dawn and DuskWhen the Sun and the Moon rise,They know not the mantra to chant and muse;Well may they then chant full-mouthedThe Holy Mantra, Five-Lettered,Wholesome,and praise the Lord;-The Mantra that is so sacred to SaktiWho with Siva stands.
2704: Chant Sivaya Nama in God-LoveChant that mantra Sivaya Nama once,Your heart welling up in God-Love;Then will transparent ambrosia within you well up;They who seek not that pure ambrosia to drinkWill be unto bubbles of a water-fall,That know rest none from birth's whirl, ever.
2705: The Five Letters Will Close the Gateway to BirthTake to the Way the Guru showed,And blot out the reckoning of births;To them who seek to close the birth's cyclic wayThe Five-Letters alone show the Grace-Way.
2706: Blessings of the Five Lettered Mantra-of Siva's Feet and FormWhen Karma's miseries harass you,Chant the Five-Lettered MantraOf Nandi pervasive;If you thus seek Him,He, the Grace of His Holy Feet confers;Your devotion shall lead you to Siva Form.
2707: Siva's Five Letter Mantra is the Final RefugeThink of Him in your heart,Praise Him as "My Lord"When Death approaches you, say:"Lord, You alone are my Refuge;"Then will you receiveThe Grace of Lord in Letters Five seated,The Lord who residesIn the snow-clad mountain of North (Kailas).
2708: Letters Five Alone Can Dispel DarknessKnowing not the greatnessOf our Lord's Letters Five,Will they ever dispel their darkness?Poor in spirit are they, (who think otherwise);They will to the nether world consigned beSurrounded by serpents of diverse species.
2709: Sivayanama is AlchemicIn slighting terms they speak of our Lord;With thoughts centering on the LightAnd hearts melting in loveLet them chant His name;With the alchemic pill of Sivaya NamaHe will turn thy body gold.
2710: Si-Va-Ya-Na-Ma Brings Union of Jiva With Siva-SaktiThe Letters Si Va Ya Na Ma denoteSiva, Sakti, Jiva, Mala and Maya respective;Chant it, for the five Pasas-Mala to disappear;When with Siva and Sakti, Jiva unites(That is when you say Si Va Ya)The harassing Pasas flee away.
2711: The Five Letters Denote the Five Relations in the Liberation ProcessThe Five-lettered name of Siva (Sivayanama)Is Siva-Sakti (Grace);Si for Siva, Va for Sakti, Ya for Jiva,Na for Tirodayi and Ma for Maya (impure);Thus the Five Letters, five relations denote;As you chant with Si first (that is as Si Va Ya Na Ma)You are of Karmas freed;Births no more will beYou shall Para-Siva become.
2712: Siva-Jnana Comes of Si Va YaRid of malas denoted by "Na" and "Ma"And the primordial Anava too,By the Grace of Siva-SaktiSiva-Jnana pure will be;Repeated chant Si Va Ya;There verily is Truth of Mala-riddance.
2713: How Through Na Ma Si Va Ya Union in Jiva Occurs in SamadhiNa Ma and the rest (Na Ma Si Va Ya)Pervading Jiva in his five states of ConsciousnessWaking, dreaming and the rest,Stand forth as Tirodayi, the Sakti of Obfuscation (Verily)And She in turn leads to the Pure Sakti that leads to Grace,Then does Jiva reach the Final state of Turiya in Samadhi;Thus meditating on Na Ma and the rest,The Jiva unites in Siva.
2714: Chant Si Va YaThe Sakti that Grace confers,And the Lord with Her inseparate,Together as Siva-Sakti roused Jiva to life;When you contemplate on Si Va Ya;Then the Maya within and the rest of Malas three are rid;That Si Va Ya destroys the hard Karmas too.
2715: Chant Siva Siva and Receive GraceThey who chant not "Siva Siva,"Are from ignorance freed notVerily are they beings dumb;Do say "Siva Siva"Unintermittent and spontaneous,In the depths of your heart;They who thus chantAre in Siva Jnana Pure;Theirs shall be the Grace Divine.
2716: "Siva Siva" Leads to Siva StateThey chant not "Siva Siva,"Verily are they of evil Karma;Chant "Siva Siva"Your evil karmas per a Deva become;Yours shall be the Siva-State too.
2717: Chant Na Ma Si Va and End BirthHold the letters, "Na Ma" in the tongueTake the letters "Si Va" into your thought;No more shall you be in existence entangled;Your goal too shall be reached;Ignorance will end,And with it the whirl of births too.
2718: Bliss From Si Va Ya Siva SivaSaying Si Va Ya Na Ma,Center your thoughts,All perils your vassals will be;Let the words Si Va Ya Siva SivaFill your thoughts unceasing;Conquering all perils,Bliss there shall be.
2719: Five-Lettered Holy Word Leads to SamadhiPenetrating the fiery Sphere of SunAnd passing beyond into the sphere of cloud-laden MeruBy the Adhara Way,He (the yogi) there in Samadhi slumbers;And then articulating the Holy WordHe sees the LordAnd is forever absorbed in His thought.
2720: Chant "Si" and Cross the River of LifeAll that is spoken in Vedas, Vedangas and AgamasAre in my Lord's One Letter containedFreed of doubts,If that One letter "Si" is consummated,The boat of life reaches the lovely shore across.
2721: The Five Letters Unwrites Fate's LettersRipe they hangThe Letters FiveIn Vedas ancient;They know not the WayTo Slumber-in-Waking;"Letters we know," they sayWitless are they;They know not the LetterThat their Fate's Letter unwrites.
2722: Siva's Sport DivineEverywhere is the Holy Form;Everywhere is Siva-Sakti;Everywhere is Chidambaram;Everywhere is Divine Dance;As everywhere Siva is,Everywhere Siva's Grace isAll, all, His Sport Divine.
2723: Siva's Five DancesHe is Chit-Para of Divine Light,He dances the Dance of Bliss (Ananda Dance);He is Nada that is "Aum"He dances the Dance of Beauty (Sundara Dance);He dances in Golden Hall (Golden Dance);He dances in the Golden Tillai (Golden Tillai Dance);He dances the Dance Wondrous (Atbudha Dance);Who knows Him ever?
2724: Ananda Dance is Honey-SweetEndless is She,Sakti of abiding Bliss;With Her He dances the Ananda DanceHoney-sweet it is;You have witnessed it;And having witnessed it,Dance transcending knowledge all;You, then, become the arenaFor Lord's Ananda Dance to perform.
2725: It is BlissBliss is His Dance Arena;Bliss the Song's melody;Bliss the music's refrain;Bliss the musical organs;Bliss for the creation entire,Bliss too for Lord,Who the Ananda Dance dances.
2726: It is End of JnanaThe Param that is LightThe Param that Jiva unites in,The Param that is SivakamiWho as Sakti in Grace abounds;And the bliss of faiths all,-Are all attained,When Sivananda Dance witnessed,The Dance that is the end of Knowledge Pure.
2727: Through Five Dances Siva Performs Five ActsFive are the dancesThat He the Form-Formless performs;The Five dances He dancesThe Five acts to perform;The Five acts He performsWith Sakti-Grace in Him;And so the Lord dances with SaktiThat is of honey-speech.
2728: Siva's Cosmic SwayThe Universe of Elements Five,The Universe of Elements Other,The Universe of Bhoga,The Universe of Yoga,The Universe of Time,The Universe of Mukti,The Universe of PassionsThe Universe of Appetites-Over these universesThat He created,Siva His sway holds,The Five Acts performing;Alone Seated as Tatpara,In the Cosmos Entire-Brahmanda.
2729: Jnana-Ananda DanceThe Vedas danced, the Agamas danced;The melodies danced, the seven universes danced;The elements danced, and the worlds entire danced;With Nada Sakti the Lord danced,The Dance of Divine Knowledge-Bliss (Jnana-Ananda).
2730: Siddha-Lord DancesIn the elements Five,In the senses Five,In the sense organs Five,In the Vedas and Agamas together Five,(In Kala, and Kala (Time's Eternity))In the Higher Siva Tattvas Five,(Suddha Vidya, Iswaram, Sadakyam, Sakti, Sivam)In all these, interminglingThe Great Siddha-Lord dances.
2731: When the Lord DancedThe Devas, Asuras, Humans, Siddhas and Vidyadharas,The Primal Three, the Three-and-thirty gods,The Rishis seven, the Faiths several,And the creation all, movable and immovable,-All these danced,When my Lord danced.
2732: Dance in the Beyond as Compassion EmbodiedBeyond, beyond, the universes seven,High above Sakti and Sadasiva,The dark-throated Lord,As compassion embodied,Danced in raptureFor Uma there to witness.
2733: The Dances of Siva, Eight and Five-Witnessed in Six AdharasKodukkotti, Pandarangam, Kodu, Samharam and others,-These Eight dances He danced,The Five dances too He danced,All these you witness in the Nadis (Adharas) six;In the yogic way;He danced too in the forests of Deva-daru,And in Tillai and in Alavanam-He the King Supreme.
2734: Siva Dances Through CosmosAt the crest of Cosmos of galaxies vast (Paramandam)Are the Holy Feet of Parasakti;At the crest of CosmosIs the radiant Light of IsaPermeating the CosmosIs the expansive Nada;There through the Cosmos vastDoes the Paran dance unceasing.
2735: He Dances in Sushumna and in Jnana that Arises in YogaIn YogaThat unto elephant goad subdues the senses,Is Bodha (Jnana);There arises in rhythmic cadenceThe drum-beat of Thom-Theem;To that, Sankaran, in accord, danceWithin the central Sushumna Nadi;When He thus dances, He enters in you,And there abides, never to leave ever after.
2736: Siva Danced Away From Within Jiva to JnanaHe danced, Jivas to delight;He danced nine dances,The nine Saktis to delight;He danced in forests;He danced in the thoughts of His devotees;He danced in the junction of Sushumna within;He danced in Jnana Endless;Thus He danced away,He, my Lord.
2737: Other Places Where He DancedSaktis Five, Siva forms Five,Muktis Eight, Primal States Eight,Siddhis Eight, Siva States Eight,Suddhis Eight-In all these Lord dancesHis ancient dance.
2738: Categories at the Feet of Dancing SivaThe clouds seven, the sea-girt continents seven,The bodies seven, the Siva-Suns seven,The appetites seven, the alleviations (Santis) seven,All these contained are,At the Feet of (Dancing) Nandi.
2739: The Uncreated Being DancesIn south, north, east, west and crestIn the five faces wondrous therein,In the void within void of peerless Bliss,The Tat-Para dances the dance rare.
2740: He Dances, for His Devotees to WitnessHoly Devotees are they,Who bliss of Hara's Feet attained;Holy Devotees are they,Who in Hara entered;Holy Devotees are they,Who to Siva's Holy Feet cling;Holy Devotees are they,Who witnessed trueThe Lord's dance in golden Hall (of the astral sphere).
2741: Effect of Witnessing Siva Dance in Golden HallUncontrolled was I;He controlled me;He blessed me with His Holy Feet;He immersed me in Transcendental Bliss immenseThus He dances, Our Nandi,The goodly dancer of Jnana Dance;Unto a picture He made me sit stillAnd in me abided.
2742: In Golden Hall He Dances in Intimacy of JivaIn High Heaven He dances;In Excellence He dances;In the Red-Gold HallThe Valiant Sentinel dances,In the intimacy of Jiva He dances;As Tat-Para He dances;Him I sought in rapture divineAnd in love adored.
2743: Siva-Bliss Dance Beyond DescriptionHe dances as a Red Ruby within,He dances in the flourishing Tillai;He dances in the Jewelled Hall,He dances with matted locks;He dances in the distant Light Divine;He dances in Sivananda Bliss;He dances the Pure Gold dance;Who shall describe Him indeed that thus dances.
2744: Dance Emotions of DevoteesThey sob, they fear, they fall, they rise'Their body exhausted,Themselves they are unaware of,Their powers lost;Thus are they in the Holy Temple dance;They who in love adoreThe Holy Feet of Lord,Flower-like and golden.
2745: When They Witness Holy DanceWorld-seeking you no more hanker after;No more bewildered are your thoughts;Sorrows harass not your body within;Your breath will be trained in the Yogic way;Your senses controlled from straying away;All desires are rid;The heart elates in bliss-seeking;Thus it is,When the Holy Dance they witness.
2746: How He Dances in Golden HallHe dances with Kali;He dances in the Golden Hall;He dances with Demons;He dances in the world;He dances in water, fire, wind and skyHe dances in the Temple Holy day after dayHe, the Lord Supreme.
2747: Siva's Spheres of Dance WithinThe central spinal column that is MeruThe Nadis, Ida (Left) and Pingala (Right),The Jiva's delta-shaped MuladharaThe Sushumna Cavity that is unto Tillai ForestWhere the cool (southerly) breeze from Mount Malaya waftsAll these alike are Siva's Spheres of Dance.
2748: Mystic Frontiers of our UniverseThe Land of Mount Meru,And the Land of South that lies beyond itAre the Ida, Pingala;The Holy Hall where the Lord of Crescent Moon dances,Is the Sushumna-Thus lie the frontiers of this universe vast.
2749: Inner Meaning of Golden Tillai DanceThe seven universes as His golden abode,The five elements, sky and the rest as pedestalThe central Kundalini Sakti as Divine HallThus in rapture He danced,He that is Cosmic Light.
2750: Dance in the SouthIn the Center the Guru indicated,Within the head, He as Bliss danced;Then moving SouthIn renewed ecstasy espousing Sakti,He with Her in Eternal Bliss danced.
2751: Nadanta DanceThe Primal Para danced;The Fire in His hand danced;The Holy matted lock danced;In intoxication of joy He danced;The crescent moon danced;The heavenly orbs danced;Merging in Nada He danced,The Dance of Nadanta, heavenly.
2752: Dance CosmicThere in the Holy Hall the Lord danced,The Jivas to adore;The dance He dances,Is the Dance Cosmic;It is the dance that takes youTo Truth of Siva's realm;There verily is the limit of Mauna Jnana Bliss.
2753: Dance EnsembleThe universes seven;The worlds thrice seven;The religions a hundred and eight-That the path to God show;The heavenly states of Bliss four,-Nada, Nadanta, Natana, Natananta-The Sakti that is His Half;With them all,Para's Holy Feet danced and danced.
2754: Pervasive Dance in the Mystic CentersIdakalai,* Pingalai,*The delta-shaped MuladharaThe Central spinal column Meru,Where (Kundalini) Sakti isThe Sushumna cavity withinThat is unto the Tillai Forest-In all these the Primal One pervaded,He that is Paraparam.
2755: South the Holy LandAt the Land's End is KanyaKumari;And then the KaveriAnd other holy watersThe nine "theerthas" comprise;And the seven sacred hills too;In that land are born the Veda-Agamas;Thus blessed,The South is the Holy Land indeed.
2756: Where He Dances SoloHe dances in NadaHe dances in the States Four*He dances in VedaHe dances on the Fire's topHe dances in Bodha,He dances in worlds allHe the Blemishless One,The Lord of Celestials countless.
2757: He Dances in Holy EnsembleHe dances with the Celestials,He dances in the Holy Temple,He dances with the Gods Three,He dances with the assemblage of Munis,He dances in song,He dances in ParasaktiHe dances in JivasHe, the Lord of Dances.
2758: Guru Para Dance in Holy Temple"I am the Lord of Six Ways to God,I am the Guru Supreme, religions speak of,"Thus saying,He chose the Holy Temple in South*;And there in resplendence dances,With peer none to compare.
2759: Siva-StateThe Spaces Vast are His dance arena,Upon that my Paran dances;The radiance of His twin FeetAscendes to heavens high,And reaches to Five-lettered Nada's point;He does descend to you and bless you,His Siva-State confer on you.
2760: Varied DancesAnd the dances varied,With it the foot-workAnd the jingle of the ankletsAnd the songs sungAnd the Forms He assumed,-So, the Guru Para dances;Seek that dance withinAnd your birth's cycle forever end.
2761: He Dances as PranaAs Prana that in heart arisesTo permeate your hands and feet,And sense organs all,-Thus He dancesIn the arena of nine gems,He the Red-Ruby Dancer;As the Holy Guru He danced in raptureIn places all.
2762: Dance of the Form-Formless (Sadasiva)The Form that dancesIs Guru's Form,It is in sooth Formless;That Formless One shinesAs Sakti Tiripurai as well;She verily is UmaThat is Form-Formless.
2763: The Form-Formless Dancer is GuruparaThe Holy Way is Form-FormlessIn the Holy Temple of Chittambala,The Form that dances thereIs the Form of Guru within,They who full know,He is Form-FormlessThey receive His Grace DivineThat Jnana Way.
2764: Nadanta Dance in Prana SourceFrom within the headIn twelve finger-measureThe Prana breath rises high,That highway you seek;That the Place whereOur Lord of Nadanta dances;That verily is the Holy Temple.
2765: Light-Form of the Divine DancerThe wind, the cloud, lightning, rainbow, sky and thunderAll these in space arise;Unto it,Within the rapturous rays blended of Adharas six,And without them too, separate,He as Form of Light stands,In body concealed.
2766: Dance Witnessed by Those Who Transcend Maya and MamayaIn the elements five, and directions eight,And above and below,Beyond the intelligent sensesIs Bliss Divine;For them to witnessThat transcends Maya and MamayaThe Lord stands and ever dances.
2767: In Dance Siva BlendsThe Dancer blends in Sakti of charming bracelets,The Dancer blends in blemishless Bliss,The Dancer blends in blemishless Jnana,The Dancer and His consort in Dance Blend.
2768: Dance for Jiva's RedemptionMy Lord and His SaktiThat His Half tookStood dancing;That I witnessed;For the countless JivasThat are veiled by Maya;As Redemption He stands,Dancing, dancing eternal.
2769: Bliss of Siva-Sakti Pair DanceThe Form of Sakti is Bliss-All;Of equal Bliss is Uma's Form;Sakti's Form rising in Siva's FormAs one merged and one dance performed;That peerless dance is bliss Perfect.
2770: Ajna Center is Astral Temple of LordStraight within the fore-headBetween the eye-browsIs the astral space vast;Peer, peer within thereThe luminous Mantra (Aum) will be;The place where they in yearning sought HimIs the place where He in yearning is;That verily is the Holy Temple of ChittambalamAnd there did I firm sit.
2771: Seven Pedestals of Siva's DanceThe universe vast,The Tattvas numerous,The Sadasiva,The Sushumna central,The Sakti Sathavi,The Sakti SambhaviThe Sakti Kundalini(That in Muladhara Plexus is)-These seven are Siva's pedestals;On them He dancesHe, the Being Transcendental.
2772: The Light of Astral Flower in the Dance TheatreThe shedding lightOf that Astral Flower Within,Illumines the Dance Arena entire;Wondrous indeed that Flower is;Its petals four (in Muladhara)Into a hundred petals blossomed (in Sahasrathala)And into ten and two hundred worlds expanded,In the interminable spaces vast.
2773: Septenary Centers of Cosmic DanceSeven Crores are the universes vast,Seven Crores are the life forms varied,Seven Crores the continents of the sea-girt world,Seven Crores the Lingas in directions eightThese the Temples where His Cosmic Dance performed are.
2774: Dance in SpaceThe Space is His Body;The Muyalaka (Demon) is the Darkness in that space;The Directions eight are His spreading Hands,The loving eyes threeAre the lights three (Sun, Moon and Fire);Thus He dancesIn the space arena,That is Body Cosmic.
2775: Holy Dance TheatreThe Holy Dance arena is the creation countless;The Holy Dance arena is the Holy Feet of Lord;The Holy Dance arena is the sphere of Water and Fire,The Holy Dance arena is the Letter-Five, verily.
2776: Pandaranga Dance at the End of DissolutionThe drums beat, the pipes played,"Aum", they hummed;The men danced,"My Primal Lord!" they said;The crowd of Ganas in serried ranks praised;The numerous Bhootas sang-Thus He danced the Pandaranga,-The Dance of DissolutionAt end of Tiripurai* conflagration.
2777: Who Witnesses Golden Temple DanceThe Celestials in the universeAnd the Celestials Beyond,And the holy ones in the sea-girt worldAll, all, witnessed the Golden Temple danceOf the Lord of Lotus Feet,And that adoringReached Siva-State.
2778: Rapturous Experience Flowing From Witnessing Holy DanceAt the sight of tamarindWater in mouth wells up;As unto it,Are all those who witness the Holy Dance;They shed tears of joy;They melt in love of Lord;In their hearts,Ambrosial bliss of Divine Light wells up.
2779: So too: They Who Hear of ItThey stagger, their sense lost,Drunk of Sivananda Bliss;They who still retain their senses,Frenzied become;Thus are they,Who the Divine Dance witnessed,In the Holy Arena praised by all;Even those who hear of itAre unto those who witness it;-All rapture is theirs too.
2780: He Dances With SaktiWith fire and drum,With Rudraksha garland and noose cord,With elephant's goad, trident and skull,With frightening blue throat where Jnana is,With Sakti for His inseparate partner,He dances the Dance Mighty.
2781: He Dances Inside and Outside the HeartWith the accompaniments elevenThat dance has,With anklet feet and drum in hand,The Nada reverberated,And reached unto Para-Para in High Heaven;The Holy Nandi that thus danced,Is verily inside your heart and outside too.
2782: Dance of Divine BlissThe nine danced,The sixteen danced,The loving Faiths six danced,The seven melodies danced;The twenty and eight rhythmic beats danced;The Love (Sakti) too danced;He danced the Dance of Divine Bliss.
2783: Dance of Seven MelodiesAs seven subtle melodies within the seven articulated,As the seven letters they denote,As one harmony in the seven musical notes,He descended and pervaded;In the seventh state beyond the six adharasThat Jnana yoga crossesIs Aum Paranjothi, (the Divine Light)In the dance of seven melodies He danced.
2784: Dance of Triple Pasa-Riddance-Mohanta DanceThe three letters A, U and M (Aum)The five letters Na, Ma, Si, Va, Ya became;And as three hundred and sixty rays they became;Commencing from Muladhara that the waters holdIn through the centers six (Adharas) and spheres three (Sun, Moon, Fire)That the triple Karanas their end may see,He in ancient Pasas Triple dancedThe Dance of Mohanta (Impurity-riddance).
2785: He is Kalpaka Tree that Grants All WishesAbove jewelled crowned heads of Celestials,Are the flowery Feet of Lord,A precious Jewel is He;He adorns the rising heart of His loving devotees;He is Tree Divine (Kalpaka Tharu)Of Heavenly glades;He transcends worlds all.
2786: When Creator Dances All Creation DancesWhen the Creator dancesThe Worlds He created dances;To the measure He dances in our knowledge,Our thoughts too dance;When He in heart endearing dances,The elements several too dance;Flaming as Divine Five He dances,That we witnessed in rapture surpassing.
2787: Primal Dance"The Primal Dance He danced"Thus say the holy ones;None saw Him danceThat Primal Dance of yore;When that Primal Dance they witness,They dance indeed in the GraceOf that Primal Sakti.
2788: He Danced in Asi Pada StateIn the nine centers mystic withinThe ninth state (Turiyatita) attained;In the center that is loveHis twin feet in Asi-Pada danced;And as the anguished Sakti within Him danced,My loving Father together with Her in rapture danced.
2789: Dance of Ananda (Bliss)The Tattvas danced; Sadasiva danced;The Thought danced; Siva-Sakti danced;The creation vast danced; the Vedas danced;The Lord too danced,The Dance of Ananda (Divine Bliss).
2790: He Danced for Rishis Patanjali and VyagrapadaIn the splendorous Temple (of Chidambaram)He danced,For the two Rishis* to witnessHe danced, Form, Formless and as Cosmic Form,Within the Divine Grace of SaktiHe danced,He the Siddha, the Ananda;As Form of GraceHe stood and danced.
2791: He Danced in Vedanta-Siddhanta TruthSiva danced, Sakti danced,The worldly desires danced;The space that dances not danced;The Tattva-Nadanta wondrous danced;When Siva danced inside of Truth,That indeed is Vedanta-Siddhanta.
2792: Siva NatanaNadanta that is end of Nada, (Principle of Sound)Bodhanta that is end of Bodha (Jnana)Vedanta that is end of VedasSivananda that is Bliss of Siva,Sadasivananda that is without end,In all these, He dances the Siva NatanaHe that is Nada Brahmam (Lord within the Sound-Principle).
2793: Jnana DanceThe perplexities of the Five GodsRudra and the rest to end,The Jiva bonds standing afar,In prayer to departThe Holy Para by Himself dances everywhere;Holy indeed is the Jnana DanceThat Sivananda Bliss fills.
2794: Dance in the Three LightsAs One Supreme He stood in times of yore,Redeeming the Celestials countless,He earned the name of Lord (Vikirtha)He danced in the luminous Lights Three,He accepted me in His Grace.
2795: He is Tattvas and Their GoalThe Lord is the beginning of VedasHe is beyond Nada Tattvas;(Knowing this not,)They sought the pleasures of this worldAnd in them revelled;He is the Tattvas in order placedAnd their Lord too at once;In that in separatenessHe commingling stood.
2796: Dance of Bliss is Union in Siva"Bliss Bliss," they say;Witless are they;None know the Dance of Bliss;Having witnessed the Dance of Bliss,The Jiva its separateness ends,And in Divine Bliss unites.
2797: Signification of Five-Lettered Mantra in Siva Dance"Leave this, be reformed,"-Thus to Jivas, gestures one hand in letter "Si;""Come unto me, Be united in me"-Thus to Tapasvins gestures another flower-like hand in letter "Va;""Be in, Deva, fear not."Thus to Celestials gestures, the golden hand in letter "Ya."The hand that holds fireGestures the letter "Na;"The foot on earth planted in danceGestures the letter "Ma;"(Thus is the entire Five-Letter Mantra"Si Va Ya Na Ma"In Divine Dance denoted.)
2798: Further Signification of Dance-Form in Relation to Five Letter MantraThe hand that holds the drum, (Si)The hand that sways, (Va)The hand that offers Refuge, (Ya)The hand that holds the blazing Fire, (Na)The lotus-foot, firm, on Anava Mala planted, (Ma)-Thus of the Divine Dance FormSi Va Ya Na Ma denotes.
2799: Symbolism of Siva DanceHara's drum is creation;Hara's hand gesturing protection is preservation;Hara's fire is dissolution;Hara's foot planted down is Obfuscation (Tirodayi)Hara's foot, raised in dance, is Grace (Redemption) abiding.
2800: Sakti Witnesses Trinity Dance of SivaThe flaming fire is He;The sparkling light within is He;The Sakti of youthful eyes saw Him dance;She saw the Three Gods mergeInto the One Primal Being;In rapture She sang Vedas all.
2801: Para Sundara Dance in the BeyondNandi, My Father, Lord of Jnana,In the one-letter mantra Aum, He entered,Transcending it,In the spaces beyond He dances,In comeliness surpassing,How shall I describe that Para Sundara Dance!
2802: Form of SivaA lion-hearted Guru is Nandi,In the Holy Temple He does dance;None know His Form divine;Fiery red smeared white it is;They who see His FormReach the haven of Refuge.
2803: Sakti's Grace DanceSakti in the LordStands as Tat-Parai;She forges the bond between Para and Jiva;Standing as Iccha, Jnana and KriyaShe many acts performs;And when She, Her Grace lendsYou reach Hara's loving Feet.
2804: How Siva is WithinThe Lord is in our heart,As Aum is He there,As Fire is He there,As Order is He there,As Space in body is He there,He, the One Being.
2805: How Siva is WithoutAs the Earth vast,As the Universe vast,As the Void Beyond,-Thus is the Lord pervasiveness all;Vast indeed is His benevolence,His Feet support the world entire;Yet invisible is His Form,He the Primal Lord.
2806: Siva's Light Merges in Jiva's LightHe is the Light Cosmic,He is the Light Beyond,He is the Light that mingles in the Light within;In the spreading light of space,That swallows Immensity Vast,My body-light merged;Shattering Existence's land-marks, all.
2807: He as Light is Immanent in Brahma and VishnuIn the delight of the maiden's unionIs the sparkling light of the Primal One;Immanent in Brahma and Vishnu it was,Yet they knew it not (and contending stood);Then He revealed Himself to themAs Light Divine,Flaming from earth to heaven.
2808: When Siva's Light is ReachedThe Light TranscendentalIs knowledge beyond knowledge;When in it merge in silentnessIn the Lights Three (within) that are mighty,Then is Siva reached;If His Feet there you leave not,Long, long may you be.
2809: He Fills Space and Outer-SpaceHe fills the space;He is the darling of Celestials;He wears the serpent;Having filled the spaceHe stands as outer-spaceHe the Fire-Hued.
2810: In Kundalini Yoga Jiva's Thought Merges in SpaceAs you breathe in the Yogic Way,You reach the Inner Light,That is the breath of worlds all;The Damsel in the MuladharaThen rises and upward ascends,Spreading Her day-light brilliance,And thus uplifted,My thoughts in space within merged.
2811: Drink of Ambrosia in SpaceMove close to Lord,He leaves you not;Move close to world,He leaves you alone;He the Supreme Lord Nandi;Move close to the Flashing LightWithin the (mystic) astral space,And there adore;You may drink of Ambrosia Divine.
2812: The Cosmic Space of SamadhiIn the Outer Space is universe and the world,In the Inner Space is Primal Jnana,In the Space where Siva is is Light ResplendentIn the Space that composes the CosmosIs Samadhi's destination.
2813: Bliss in Sushupti and the Lord of Bliss in TuriyaIn the conjunction of Mind is the Waking State,Then the Dream, where bliss experienced be;Beyond it, is (sushupti) where Bliss experience certain is;Ascend still, there is the Void (Turiya)Where are only Two-Bliss and Lord of Bliss.
2814: Adore Lord as "Rare" and "Great"With His hands He peeled the elephant hide,In His hands He held the skull,On His crest He adorned the crescent moon,That Lord I adored;"Rare; Great is He;"Beyond that I knew nothing;Is He black or red?I have not seen.
2815: Enter Within and Follow Guru's WayWhen the Celestials above consumed ambrosia,He consumed poison;Follow the Way of Tapas, the holy men taught,And enter within;He will give you Jnana, that is pure gold;So, Siva's Feet do seek.
2816: Kindle Light Within LightBreak open the Kundalini LightLight the Lamp within;Kindle the Light within that LightThey who can thus brighten,The Light within the LightMay reach the Feet of Him,Who is lustrous Lamp of Jnana.
2817: Know Truth of Tattva JnanaWhere Tattvas are, the Lord of Tattvas is;Where Tattvas are not, the Lord of Tattvas is not;When you know the truth of Tattva Jnana,The Lord of Tattvas will there appear.
2818: Lord Stands in Astral Sphere of the HeadIn the astral space that holds Jnana True,Is the ambrosia that wells up from the fleshly body-mire;With the spreading matted locks of lustrous golden hue,With the haunting perfume of the ruddy (astral) flower, He stood.
2819: Brilliance of Lord's LightPearl, diamond, coral of three waters,Gold of purest fineness and gems,Into the brilliance of all these blendedIs the Light of Lord that in heaven is;How else to describe that Divine Resplendence!
2820: Lord Himself Removed "I" and "He" DistinctionAs I and He, I separate sought;And as I thus sought,"I and He are separate are not;"-Thus the Lord of Primal Jnana Himself granted,And then no more was the thought of I and He.
2821: Jnana Way is the TruthThe Jnana Way is the Nadanta Way,The Jnana Way is the Knowledge of Self,The Jnana Way of yoga is to center on Siva,The Jnana Way of SilentnessIs the Veda Truth of Nadanta.
2822: Jnana is the Way to LiberationFor them who seek liberation,Siva Jnana is the life-breath;For them who seek liberation,Siva God is the life-breath;For them who seek liberationPranava is the center of divine union;The Lord is the Knowledge within Knowledge,Of those who liberation seek.
2823: Lord is the Support UnfailingFor those who can see HimHe is the light of their eyes;For those who can see HimHe is the ambrosia of the Oceans;Them who adore HimThe Mighty Nandi never fails;To them alone who yearn for HimHe stands as Support unfailing.
2824: Even Celestials Are His VassalsUnto the sound within the one-letter word "Aum" is HeHe is the Great Truth the Celestials long for,He is the Flaming Light that shines afar,He is Our Lord,The Immortals who adore His FeetAre but beings to His inner service dovoted.
2825: In the Seventh Void is Siva-Knowledge-BlissAll voids as voidAs all and nothing,The three Voids below,And the three Voids above,Seeking them,And knowing not what this Void is like,In that Supreme BlissIs the Tat-Para Jnanananda;Siva-Knowledge-BlissIn that He and I one become.
2826: Beyond Three Turiyas and the States They Lead toIn the Turiya First is Thom-Pada State,In the Turiya Second is Tat-Pada State,In the Turiya Third is Asi-Pada State,Beyond is the SubtletyImmense that transcends SpaceThere, the Holy Truth of Nandi, verily, is.
2827: The Fourth State of Bliss-A Blend of Six Attributes (Satya-Jnana-Ananda)Peerless the Bliss that in Satya-Jnana is,Incomparable is it to the light of pure gem's rays and the like;Unto Lily Blue, Purity, Beauty, Color, Fragrance and Radiance-These six, together blended, isThat Bliss-State of Satya-Jnana.
2828: Sakti is Sat, Para Jnana is Chit and Siva is AnandaTo speak of Sakti, Siva and Parajnana-BlissThus are they:Infinite high is Siva's Bliss (Ananda)Manifestness (Svarupa) is Sakti (Sat);Parajnana is that the Holy Guru to Jiva imparts (Chit);-All three together are unto the FlowerBlended with Six attributes above (Sat-Chit-Ananda).
2829: Satya-Jnana-Bliss is Above the Three StatesUnto the Blue Lily blossom that is blendedWith Color, Purity, Beauty, Fragrance and Radiance,It is,When Jiva into Tat-Para blends;Then is the State of Siva-Manifestness (Svarupa)That is of the three States exalted,And in Him arose Satya-Jnana-Ananda.
2830: Lord is in the Farthest Stretches of ThoughtThink of Him as far as your thoughts stretch,Adore Him in melting love,Praise Him in songs melodious,Well may you envelop Him in your heart;Me too,My Lord Nandi, His Grace extending,Led to think of HimTo the farthest reaches of my thought.
2831: Sweetness of Satya-Jnana-BlissMilk, honey, juice of fruitIn ambrosial sweetness mixed;Unto it is when the triple States of Turiya-is crossed,And Jiva enters in Satya-Jnana-Ananda;It is a sweetness that permeatesEvery root of body's hair.
2832: Satya-Jnana-Ananda is TranscendentalTranscending spheres of immortal Celestials,Transcending Cosmic Spaces,Transcending sphere of Nada,He stood, all by Himself-the Lord;Sakti with coral lips, pearly teeth and dewy-cool speech,And the unflickering Light of ParajnanaFollowing,He stood (in Satya Jnana Ananda).
2833: How Jnanis Reach Satya-Jnana-AnandaThe Tattvas six times sixThat in Eye-brow Center standIn Waking State,They left behind;They rid themselves of Malas;Were purified in Turiya that is Pure (Suddha);Freed of the bondage condition (Pedda)They became Siva;Beyond that they ascended intoSatya-Jnana-Ananda (Truth-Knowledge-Bliss that is Sat-Chit-Ananda).They, the Jnanis True.
2834: Svarupa (Manifestness) is in the Fourth Turiya StateJiva having become SivaAnd the triple Malas extinguished,Ascending into the Triple VoidsIn Desire and Not-desire ceasedPass into the holy state ofSatya-Jnana-Ananda Bliss;There in that farthest Turiya of Jiva,The Self-illuminating Manifestness (Svarupa) is.
2835: Parsivam is Immanent in Svarupa StateThe Holy Master, Parama Guru,As Para constant pervades interminably all;In that immanent state,Extends His Self-illuminating Manifestness;When Jiva the Final Turiya* State attains.
2836: Parasivam is PervasiveIn that primordial Flood of Waters(At the time of Dissolution)As Waters of the earth, the tempestuous WindsThe Fire, the Sky and EarthHe interminably extended in Space;I know not how to limit HimAnd thus adore Him.
2837: Parasiva is Immanent in All GodsAs thus He stood,The Gods Brahma, Vishnu and othersWho wherever stoodPraise Him as Lord Supreme;In them all He immanent stood, my peerless Lord,And beyond them too, He stood,He, the Lord of Worlds all.
2838: When Jnana Supreme is AttainedKnowing not the foot-prints of Faith's Way,They the eight causal sins of greed, lust and others commit;They are egoity possessed;They who transcend these,And Jnana attain,Verily become Lord of Immortals in High Heavens.
2839: Svarupa Siva is of the Triple Turiyas and BeyondThe three gods, Brahma, Vishnu, RudraAre of the Primal One;Yet is He from them separate;Unto it, the Lord standsIn the Turiyas triple-Jiva, Para and Siva(One and yet separate,)Thus say the scriptures sacred.
2840: Unless Lord Himself Reveals as Guru, He is Beyond ReachForm He has none,Yet Form He assumes;Birth He has none;Yet is He the seed of all births;Beyond Formlessness, too, He is,The elusive Lord;Unless Himself as Holy Guru revealsNone, Him reach.
2841: Meditation on God's ManifestnessThey who meditate on His Svarupa,See Him as the light within;They who meditate on His Svarupa,Will Timeless Eternity attain;They who meditate on His Svarupa,Will with Celestials be;Yet who does seek His Svarupa trueIn the world here below?
2842: Behold Transcendental Light (Param Jyoti)As I clung to the Lord that is Transcendental Light,The Transcendental Light in me entered and remained;And as I sank and sank into the Transcendental Light,I beheld the Transcendental Light,Himself aloud proclaiming.
2843: Dawn of Svarupa Bliss in Satya-Jnana-AnandaManifestness, Form, Attributes and Past-All absorbed,Satya-Jnana-Ananda arises (Truth-Knowledge-Bliss)With the six attributes blending; (flower, purity, beauty, color, fragrance and radiance)Unto it, arises the Bliss of Holy GuruOf self-illumined Manifestness,In whom the Four* Saktis absorbed are.
2844: Acting on Adi Sakti Svarupa Siva is AumHe is Bliss beyond speechHe is SilentnessHe the Self-illumined Manifestness;When He acts on Adi Sakti,He becomes the letters A, U and M;And thus as Aum defying description,He shines as the Light within.
2845: He Stands Concealed in Kalas of SaktiIn the valleys within the cranium I stood,Adoring Him in penance devout;And there I discovered Him, the Thief,With Sakti standing in Kalas concealed;Discovering Him, I ended my birth's cycle.
2846: Knowledge of the Way of BecomingI knew the Way of Becoming,I knew the Way of Seeking the Rare One,I knew the Way of Entrance to Him;No more the egoity,None other the localeThe Primal One I become,He and I one will be.
2847: Understand Fate's Working; Jnanis are not ThwartedWhat though you cut them, chop them,And with chistle their heads hammer,Or with cool sandal paste soften them?All these are but by Fate, Nandi decreed,Thus realizing they impassive remain,They, the Holy Jnanis, that Truth perceived.
2848: The Past is Inexorable-Seek the Fair LandNothing there is,Except by your past deeds come;The heavens cannot decree otherwise;And so by Muladhara WayI sought the Lord within the head;And what I did aforeTook me to the Fair Land of Bliss.
2489: Understanding Logic of Karmaic Law, I Sought NandiThe sands the river depositsAre by the river carried away;To none else is that task apportioned;(And so)I sought NandiOf holy ashes and erect matted locks,And with Him inseparate stood, devout intense.
2850: Seek Lord AlwaysWhat though the welkin thunders,What though the seas rise and foam,What though the fires spread and burn,What though the tempests roar and blast,Unconcerned I seek LordIn devotion intense.
2851: Plough the Field of JnanaWhat thought the elephant pursues,What though the arrow pierces,What though the wild tiger surrounds,Deep I plough the field of JnanaIn the Other Land,Lord has me allotted.
2852: Jnanis Are UnconcernedIf this body to harm comesThere is One to fashion another;If a land to destruction goes,There is another land for people to migrate;If a house to pieces falls,There is another house to dwell;-Thus do their thoughts, unconcerned run,Who Nandi's bounty know.
2853: Siva Reveals in Doubt-Free ThoughtThose whose thoughts inseparable in Siva merge,In their thoughts, Siva reveals;Those who can vision their thoughts doubt-free,In their thoughts, Siva is.
2854: He is Subtle Beyond Thought and Speech-Seek and Find HimBeyond speech and thoughtIs hidden that Vedic Object;Look at it;It is an Object subtle by far;It has no coming, nor going, no perishing;All blessings areFor those who seek Lord true.
2855: The Unknowable Bestows Grace as HaraAs Paran, as Parparan and BeyondAs constant interminable Light Transcendental;As Support Finite of all,As One beyond knowledge of Self,As Hara here below,He, His Grace showers.
2856: Supreme Svarupa BlissBeyond Difference and Non-DifferenceIs that inviolate Bliss;In every hair root its ambrosial sweetness floods;Beyond the initial Manifestness Three it is;There indeed is the greatness vast of that Supreme ManifestnessThat Vedas praise so high.
2857: He is the Fragrance in the Flower WithinHe is Sentience, He is Life;He is union, He is separation;He is Continuity beyond thought;He stands in the fragrance of flower within.
2858: Seek Him There WithinHe who stands thusOf Him you think;Seek His Presence;He ends the imperfectionsOf those who seek Him;He is the unwritten Veda immutable;He is of Tapas greatHe stands within the head;For sure it is.
2859: He Blessed Me Saying, "You Know"My thoughts woke upIn lightning flash within;And as I woke up,The self-illumined Lord, the peerless One,Of Form golden-hued, Nandi of matted locksEntered into me and said, "You know;"And thus saying, in benignanceHe cast His glance upon me.
2860: Brahma Turiya Beyond Triple TuriyaSatya-Jnana Bliss is HeIt is Sivananda lightThat surpasses Thought;It is Pure Brahma Turiya;It is Turiya beyond Turiya;In it arises the Light Transcendental.
2861: Svarupa Siva Beyond Bliss of Satya-Jnana-AnandaParan He is not,Nor the expanding Paraparan is He;Nor the abiding Object Beyond;Nor the Vibrant Light above it;Nor the One who supports all;He is they and not they;Hara He is notBeyond Bliss is He.
2862: Aim of Suddha StateMukti, Siddhi and mature Jnana attained,In devotion standing,In Param standing,In the mighty Sakti standingThey realize the Tattvas;Then from that Suddha StateThey passes to Sukhananda Bodha State.
2863: Ariya-Turiyatita Beyond; Turiyatita Beyond is SvarupaTuriyatita is VoidThat is beyond words;When Ariya Turiyatita state still above is reached,Jiva blossoms shimmering;Neither folding, nor unfolding;The Form too is altered;How to describe it!
2864: Progression of Soul's Journey to Five MuktisJiva reaches to (Jiva) Mukti first;Then passes on to Param State;And thence to Siva State;In the Turiya practised therein,Is the Primal Self-illumined Manifestness;And having attained Svarupa,Is reached the State of Nirvana.(In Ariya Turiyatita State.)
2865: He is the Finite GoalHe is Param that is reachedBy those who desire Him,Leaving their own desire behind;He is Lord of Fore-Head EyeWhom the learned who have learned all,Still learn about;He is the Transcendental LightWhom those who have bonds noneSurround;He is the One,Whom those who have reached,Have ceased to prattle about.
2866: Mystery of Lord's PlayBody the gambling board;Five the dice;Three the channelsFifty-one the squaresThus the Jivas play the game;He who thus leads them to it,The mystery of His playI know not.
2867: Holy Way is Strewn With ThornsThe Holy Way is by thorny bushes coveredThey know not how to remove it;They who know how to remove itAre they for whom my heart yearns.
2868: Kundalini YogaSix are the streetsIn their junction are juicy palm trees four;With ladder difficult to climb,I ascended the palm's heights;And there I saw the seas seven.
2869: Abnegation of Desires Leading to Liberation Through YogaI sowed the seed of brinjalAnd the shoot of balsam-pear arose;I dug up the dust;And the pumpkin blossomed;The gardner-gang prayed and ran;Full well ripened the fruit of plantain.
2870: Sahasrara Center of LiberationWith the seed of LordThere is a fieldWhere the Jiva ripensThat field they know not;If the Grace of Blue-throated Lord there is,Easy to enter that fieldIn Truth it is.
2871: Turiya StateA deep field there is one;Waste fields two are there;Another alien field with them lay mingled;Those that plough the field of heartFor them the field fed with water,Lay ripe in harvest rich.
2872: Kundalini YogaIn the Triangular Field,Are the Ploughs Three;Yoke the bulls tight with rope;Drive the ploughshare deepThey who held not their tongue,Ploughed not in the CenterClosing their legs together,They plough the waste in vain.
2873: Control of BreathTwo the picottahs, seven the wells;The elder draws out, the younger waters;If into fields the water flows not,And into waste flows,Verily is it unto the fowlThat the harlot rears.
2874: Tattvas-Lower and HigherTwenty and four the cows that stray uncontrolled,Other cows gentler are seven and five;Well may the gentler ones a whole pot of milk give;But Jiva has the straying uncontrolled ones alone.
2875: Yoga Way to Transcend TattvasTwenty and four the cows that are in calf;Better far a pitcher of milk from cows that yield;When you know how to milk the cows of breath (yoga)The other cows near not.
2876*36Yogic Kecari Mudra For LiberationIn the upper storey of the house of smithWas a bud-like mass, that unto copper (sheet) expanded;He shaped it round, folding it in TruthThus the smith made it his own.
2877: Sublimate Bindu Within into Para BinduIn the eroding seed bedOf Sorrow's field,Train the flowing waterAnd dam it tight;Then plough with the goodly young bull,And transplant the cucumber seedling;That shall indeed into goodly seed ripe.
2878: Liberation only for Those who StriveStrewing the seed,And applying manure in baskets full,And ploughing with yoked bulls,And digging out the weeds,Thus producing rice,And cooking in vessels big,Gently should they consume it;This they do not;How then do they the sweet rice crop harvest,Lying indifferent?
2879: Attaining the Triple Turiya StatesThe seed for future ripenedThe seed ripened over quite a stretch,For those whom the seed ripened in stages threeThe three spaces above, too, ripened.
2880: Do not Cultivate the Waste of Worldly PleasuresWhy they plough the waste, we know not,They who plough the waste have design none,They who plough the waste perish,Unto the young weedsThat waste shoots.
2881: Yoga Leads to GraceWithin the shed where jackals howl,Rouse your call;The binding Pasas to Fire Consign;Thus spend days continuous;Then the goodly Lady appearsAnd there in the home, you shall be well.
2882: Experiences in the Mystic Sphere of SahasrathalaOn the mountain it rained,The young deer leapt;The rich ripe fruit from bunch above dropped;Unto the metal on the smith's furnace,It melted;And over the heart, He made it flow.
2883: Control SensesIn Brahmin's home are Milk Cows FiveWith none to herd them, they stray uncontrolled,If a cowherd there is, and controlled they are,The Five Cows will milk in abundance give.
2884: How to be YouthfulThe five wild bulls of Jiva,And the fierce lions thirty,The two mangoes sweet,The fradulent nineAnd the mind within,If yours they become, firm controlled,The bull, old becomes not;If not, they put fire to it.
2885: Immortality Through YogaThe Truth of the Unwritten Book,The Immaculate Virgin in clarity chanting,The nectar of Flower, unopened until then,Gushed forth;As the Bee its fragrance drank,Unborn it became.
2886: Sure Death, if Breath is not ControlledThe deceptive one that leaves,The false seed that enters;The Five who eat of the broth madeOf the ripe fruit of flourishing Jamun tree;-All, all, went the burning roof's way.
2887: Body Perishes if Yoga is not PracticedFrom the Bamboo Shoot arose a Margosa treeClose on Margosa was a Palmyrah,In that Palm is a SnakeKnowing not to drive that Snake and eat it,The Margosa tree withered away.
2888: How the Body isTen the tigers big,Ten and Five the elephants,Five the learnedTen the jesters,Three that are uprightSix the physicians,Five the lordly ones,There they all stand.
2889: Control BreathTwo the bulls in this hamlet,One the servant for the bulls two;Control the bulls two, firm,As one they will then be.
2890: The Perfect Ones Practice Yoga DailyLevel up Mind-Garden in equanimityIn devotion's net, plant the cotton treeBy salvation's rope enter the place of Three,Daily do they ascend thus,Who perfection filled are.
2891: The Six Evils Dwell Within and God's Warning to ThemThe Owl, the Snake, the Parrot and the Cat,The Mynah and the QuailThey, all, within dwell;As the Owl nears the MynahThe Mouse warns Mynah, screeching loud.
2892: Kundalini Yoga Alone Drives Away Triple PasasIn the toddy measure* of foul smellThat a derisive laugh draws and (senses) to shambles sends,He placed the white rats three;If on the fire* placed, they run;Else they remain;Of flesh-born,How will they ever go?
2893: Libertion Possible Only By RenunciationThey enter the Forest dense,No more will they see the Sky above,The Five Steeds together entered,The Six Camels were closed up, entire;If they leave the Forest dense,The Three will near come.
2894: Worldly Desires Lead to PerditionFood, raiment and phialled unguents,Necklace, waistband and bangles lovely,They who (as goal) saw,Fly awayUnto a garment piece on a high rock laid,Into the deep pit of six sins they fallAnd there immersed are.
2895: Kundalini Removes Obstacles to Reach SahasrathalaBeyond the Islet beyond to the Mountain on the BankThey daily thrice journeyed,To superintend the Field there,She there is, who moves the Mountain obstacle within stands;Her place we know not.
2896: Kundalini Unites in SivaThe Kite and Parrot together beat the drum loudThe Shapely Lady her wedding celebrated,The Form of the holy Element she attained,In that state, rapturous She remained.
2897: Goal of Jiva is to Seek LiberationThe mating Bird pecked at foodAnd approaching its partner fed itUnto it easy is the Goal to reachFor those who eat of Ghee in the melting Fire withinAnd away the Darkness drive.
2898: Mystic Flower WithinLeaves none, bees none, Flower there is;Top none, sheath none, root there is;Bunch none, Flower to pluck there is;Head none to wear;The Branch that bent withers not.
2899: The Truly Great Vision the Lord in Cranial CavityVisioning the Banyan tree that stands Beyond,They adore the holy Lord and in Him unite;Those who transcend the Five Sorrows exceedingAre the truly great;Low at Lord's Feet they lie;And there they remain.
2900: Conquer Senses and Reach SivaIn the Way of Loud Call of JivaIs a Forest that stretches two leagues far;Inside stand Robber that ceases and binds,If the White Guard chases the Black thievesAnd away shout them loudThen does Jiva the Roof of Safety reach.
2901: Sweet Ambrosia and Bitter Nux Vomica Within the BodyIn the tank where bloomed Kotti and LilyAre Neem and Nux Vomica, too;They who eat not the Salad of Plantain sweet,With candy and honey mixed,Lo! hanker after the fruit of nux vomica.
2902: Sakti Grants Grace to JivaAs He-Bee and She-BeeThe Lord is seated on the throneThe multi-hued umbrella aloft canopying,The Lowly Bee, of Pasa embodied,Drinks of (nectar), the She-Bee by Her glance grants;That verily is rapture surpassing.
2903: Jivas Graze in the Backwood of Worldly DesiresWhat to do with those cowsIn the backwoods of desires graze?Take them beyond,And lead them to Feet of Lord;Discipline them in ways superior;Thus manage the herd;Until then, their thoughts turn notFrom the backwoods of worldly pleasures.
2904: Lord in SahasrathalaIn the Water Above, the Lotus blossomed,In the Water Below, the Lily aroseTo those who can see light in the Cross-beam aboveThe Lord is unto a cool Watermelon,That fruits even in regions low.
2905: Attaining Liberation in SahasrathalaSix the Birds in the house of Five,Hundred the birds at the top of Tree,Having ascended the Seven Steps high,You shall sure reach the Home.
2906: Light Dawns in SahasrathalaWithin the Bathing Well,Where they water drawThe roundly Earth swellsAnd Water springs;Bind your breath and with Rope-WorkAnd center your thoughts;Well may the Light Divine dawn.
2907: Reach the Holy Temple of SahasrathalaSeven the circling Seas, eight the Mountain rangesIn the depths of Space is Fire, Rain and WindAnd the Land expansive;Visioning it, if you dwell in itThat verily a Holy Temple is.
2908: Body Invaded by IndriyasEmbracing in warmth and pregnancy developing,They made this body and (the couple) left;The body-pole thus erected;The bewitching Birds of Deep well invaded;This way was it made, through lives successive.
2909: Lord's Love is SupremeTwo there are, the wedding drum and the wedding Thali;Stronger than the wedding drum and thali is the crow-bar;Stronger than the drum, thali and crow-barIs the love that comes of Lord's Grace.
2910: Vision Siva and Attain Golden FormThey who saw the Fish, remain looking at the fish;They who saw the Hare, are of the Three rid;He who controlled the battle tumultuous,See the Hidden Truth,His form golden becomes.
29113*6Lord is Hidden Deep WithinIn the Tank where Reeds flourished,In Creepers spread and entwined filled,The Lord is not unto the stork that on them gently walksDeep into the Rocky Floor, He divesFor Jiva's redemption to grant.
2912: Yoga Way to LiberationOf three leagues is the Garden below,Of half a league is the Forest above,Frontiers blurring the two routes intermingled;They who can see the Frontiers clearCan quick cross the backyardAnd reach the Hamlet safe.
2913: No More Karmas if Yoga is AttainedWhen after Ploughing, Seed is cast,And copious Rains fall,And it soaks the Land,No more will Karmas germinate;Sure He comes,The Lord of flourishing matted locks.
2914: Jiva Vanquishes Indriyas by YogaThe Tiger that leaps twelve leagues crouches,The Billows of the Hidden Sea soft spreads,The nectar-sweet rapturous ambrosia wells up,Thus did Jiva surround the Five that harassed.
2915: Jiva's Journey in Yoga SeaHe boarded a boat and launched into sea,He traded well and flourished fast;The goodly man,To a She-devil gave his heart,And in spirit lost droped;To him as a rich fruit of nectar sweetIs that Divine Water that flows.
2916: Yoga's TriumphIn the river of Leagues ThreeAre Plantain Trees Three;Ruddy fruits of triple Malas they bore;They who are with the Lord exceeding,Hoisted their Flag;And seeking the Virgin through Central Sushumna,Inhaled the Flower's fragrance, divine sweet.
2917: Yoga Vanquishes TattvasThere is an Athi tree with root and top,At the tip end high is the Bamboo triple crested,With flag and army are evil spies five times fiveDestroyed they shall be,And the Sacred Conch in victory blow.
2918: Conquer Indriyas and Reach Iruvinai-Oppu and Nalapari PakamPig and Snake, Cow and MonkeyTogether were in the lowly Jackal herd;Joining them not and debasing himself not,When, in balance, deeds good and bad are equal weighedThe Jiva, tinier than crab's-eye berry,Its ego's diminution saw.
2919: Freedom From FettersUnopened a Bud there is;Freed from Fetters,The bud soon blossoms, that you seeGive up desires, the Tattvas perish;Unless they be from Fetters free,They see not the Blossom.
2920: Uniqueness of Ambrosial Flow in CraniumGreen that Land, you no water flows,None know it ever;The Water that flows rain devoidStands not in Land untilled.
2921: Jiva Becomes Siva by Kundalini YogaWhen the Owl gets to the top of Kurunda treeAnd realizes desire is the source of worldThen the Snake standing in the Center teaches (Jnana)And Jiva, Siva becomes.
2922: Iruvinai Oppu Leads to SivaThe Plantain Tree and the Surai Creeper (pepper) together covered space;The Surai creeper is stronger by far than the Plantain tree, they say;Cutting down the Plantain tree and Surai creeper together,The Plantain extending flourishes sure.
2923: Give up Worldly Pursuits and Practice YogaDigging not the Earth,The upland Kurava sails seasAnd catches fatty fish;Let him give it up;(Rather let him the Earth dig)There is a way of a Rich Catch,That is Wealth and Food for all.
2924: Reach Nada by Yoga and Attain Status of GodIn the House of Goldsmith a Child flourishes,A Conch of Call there is;Blow it and call the Lord in Joy;To the Potter and the Titled Minister alikeAre granted the high state;That do you seek.
2925: Indriyas Obstruct the Yoga JourneyThe Temple buffalo left the Shed,It saw the Army and half-way turned;The Chief held counsel with Minister,The Citizens closed the Gates,Five and Four.
2926: The Lord Drives in the Tattvas into the Infant BodyThe eight constituents of Body SubtleThat ultimate leave,The eight and ten Tattvas that sneak in,With Purusha in them immersed,The orifices nine,The Kundalini that serpent-like coils,The life breath twelve finger-measure (angula) long,-If these, the Divine Charioteer drives not in,Verily may the infant less than human be (say, pig).
2927: Pasa Disappears With Guru's GuidanceIn the Lagoon that is Moss covered,Gently walking, the Shy Heron feeds;When the Marching Warrior's guidance got,Pasa, to ground laid, fluttered away.
2928: Siva Draws Jiva Unto HimselfOn the Peaked Mountain is a Summit High,Beyond the Summit blows a Gusty Wind;There blossomed a Flower that its fragrance spreadWithin that Flower, a Bee its Nectar imbibed,There the Lord unto Himself Jiva draws.
2929: Arouse Kundalini to Reach CraniumLute and Flute, their melody intermingling,Siva marched ahead in Cranium within;Even before the Bargain was struck,The Land was up there for Him to possess.
2930: Reaching the Moon Sphere-A Mystic SecretThe trade with the One in AmbrosiaNone know about,But those who the Secret Cavern entered;They know not,When the Moon risesNo more darkness will be;Some did reach there and remained ever,They truly, are the holy beings devout.
2931: Dawn of Jnana in SahasrathalaThe Day dawned, a golden hue it took,On the banks high, the Mastwood shed its golden pollen;Thus it is where the Holy Lord abides;That Sphere the Damsel reached and remained.
2932: Properly Guided Jiva Reaches the Finite StateThe tribes of Indriyas to Jiva belongEach at his gate with swords fight;If constant guided,Jiva takes the True Way to Frontier;From that born none ever return;From that very plane shall he transcend,The Five-States-Beyond.
2933: Body No More Counts When Jiva-Siva Union is EffectedWhen in the Garden,The Fruit of Mango, ripened, dropped,What matters if Jackals outside howl?When the Primal One was by Kundalini Fire reached,The fleshly body that led to it,Forever left.
2934: Dawn of Jnana Eternal Day-Light"Dawn is it"-thus shrilled the Birds,"Dawn is it"-thus, the flower-like DamselSeparation fearing, bewailed;With Her in eternal union the Lord joyed;And for Jiva no more the dawnNo more the separation.
2935: When Pasas Leave Jiva Unites in SivaA Boat there is in the River GhatThe Five plant their feet and row;Thus on the river route they trade;If in the midst the Rudder wobbles,That becomes This.(No more the world trade.)
2936: Through Samadhi Being Within is ReachedThey stood, they sat, they lay-Thus their state can be described not;Their thought is in Samadhi's Silentness;There is a Being Hidden;They who reach it (Samadhi),Have reached Him indeed.
2937: Guru Alone Can Show the WayHe is beyond the Signs and MudrasHe is the Cause;What avails describing Him in Books?All those are unto excrescence growth on Sheep's neck;-Unless the Guru himself leads you to Him.
2938: Know the Finite TruthThey that the Truth know, see worlds all,They that the Truth know, have sorrows none,When they that the Truth thus sawThey indeed have seen the Truth Finite.
2939: Siva and Sakti are in Samadhi UnionEven in my forgetfulness He stands,He is Lord of Maya-Land,He is of Compassion vast,He ended my birth,He is of qualities great;Himself and His Holy SaktiSleep in sleepless union.
2940: Lord is Beyond TuriyatitaHe is the Light Transcendental*That shines beyond Turiyas Three,In the Turiyatita that transcends them,Beyond waking, dreaming sushupti states;In that state, defying thought and speech.
2941: Attributes of SivaFormless is He,Bodyless is He,Blemishless is He,Richless is He,Harmless is He,Celestial of celestials is He,Contentionless is He,Bhoota-army possessed is He,Attachmentless is He,He entered my thoughts.
2942: Bliss of Devotees is Beyond DescriptionNone have seen Him and known Him,He, the Nandi, within the body is;All, in directions eight,Praise Him as Lord;The unending bliss of His devotees many;Surpasses universes vast-How much they joyed Him, little do we know!
2943: Felicity of Union of Jiva and SivaTat-Para His is not,Sadasiva He is not,Formless is He,Formed is He not,Wondrous indeed unto felicity of sex-union enjoyedImagination baffling,He in me in union stood.
2944: Divine Felicity Beyond WordsThou fools who see with fleshly eyesKnow! To see with inner eye is bliss true;How can mother tell the daughterOf the felicity in the union with her husband?In what terms will she that describe?
2945: Transcendental Union Beyond Word and SpeechAs salt in water, in Lord I mixed,Transcending Param and Paraparam states,Beyond word and speech I in union merged;"How was It?"-you ask"It was It"-I say.
2946: Deceptive Ways of WorldLovely to look at is the fruit of nux-vomica,Only those who eat know its taste (bitter)When virgin matures and full woman becomes,Only then will husband know her qualtities diverse.
2947: Jiva Light Merges in Siva LightNandi He was, in Street-Center (of Sahasrara),Samadhi and other ways of union, of themselves wentInto the Light, within navel center rises,By my Jnana, I merged.
2948: Merging into VoidUndistracted, I sit aloof and meditate,Doubt-free, I follow the ancient Vedas,I cross the awesome waste, this life is,And beyond into the Void, that defies imagination,I merge.
2949: The Celestials Seek Him NotHis Holy Feet bedecked in unfading bloomsThe Celestials seek not;To the Holy Way they take not;To the radiance of the lovely lotus within,They penetrate not,They seek not to drink of the Divine Ambrosia.
2950: Lord's Gushing LoveWhen for purposeful union the lovers sit and talkOf a sudden gushes their passion;When the Lord of fragrant Konrai flower beholdsThose who determined sit to meet Him,He His Grace unhesitating grants.
2951: Nature of Union in GodMyself perishing, my wealth perishing,Body perishing and life perishing,Heaven perishing and mind perishing,My ego perishing-This I knew not (is union in God).
2952: Merging into Finite RealityDarkness and Space I transcended,As substance into Substance I merged,To the Feet of Lord in Grace abounding,Firm as rock immovableMy thoughts entire went.
2953: Transcendental AwarenessMeditating in oneness, I visioned Paraparam,Meditating in oneness, I realized Siva-StateMeditating in oneness, I experienced Awareness TranscendentalMeditating in oneness, I witnessed aeons upon aeons.
2954: State of Oneness in GodWhen you have, yourself, limitless become,Who, in limit, are you to see?When you have, yourself, He become,Who are you to think of?The Eyes that vanquished the God of Love,Whom are they in longing to look for?-Tell me, yourself, the real Truth.
2955: Thoughts Stand Still in the BeyondYou dumb ones!They seek to speak,Of the One beyond speech!Can you ever reach the shoresOf the Shoreless Vast?For them whose thoughts stand still,Unto the waveless waters,Unreserved He appears;He of the matted locks.
2956: Maya Creates No Illusions ThereMaya is but mind's work,It creates the illusions;When the mind's illusion disappears,Nothing there left to worry about;Death will not there be;Chatter no more;To seek the Self is Truth Divine.
2957: The Realized Souls Have No PossessionsMala none; impurity none; pride and prejudice none;Family none, excellences none; affluence none;For them who in wisdomPlant themselves in Nandi-Firm in His love.
2958: They Become GodEnded the birth; sundered the bonds;God and I one became;No more for me the way of rebirth;I have met Siva the Auspicious.
2959: They Want NothingCane of sugar, rice of fineness, garments of richnessAnd water of green glades too,Our Land possesses;By the Grace of lovely Lady,That is peacock shaped,Nothing we want, nothing, indeed.
2960: They are Inseparable in GodNone can intimidate me hereafter,The Lord came and entered my thoughts,There will I sport and wander in joy;No more will I with anyone else be.
2961: How They Hastened to the City of GodI freed myself of fettersThe Creator bound me with,I learned the way of reaching Siva;I smote Karmas with the sharp sword of mind,I stood ego lost;And now I hasten toward the City of God.
2962: Sweetness of Namasivaya FruitOne the God for worlds all,One is He, the life of worlds all,Lovely indeed is Namasivaya Fruit,Sweet it is to themWho of it tasted.
2963: Doubt-Free State of the God RealizedThe Lord who wears moon and serpent on His matted hair,He, the jewelled lampThat accepted me in His service,The Being Rare,Neither beginning nor end has,He entered my thoughts and made me doubt-free.
2964: Their Thought-Free StateBrahma and Vishnu, of yore,Our Lord created;And There He remains ever,None know why;If renouncing all,Jiva There appears,And empties its thoughts,No more birth in carnal body will be.
2965: Siva-Sakti-Jiva UnionUnless the Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother love me,How shall the worldly father and worldly mother knoweth me?The Father, Mother and I were together seated;My Father and Mother, I adoring.
2966: Prowess of Redeemed StateThe seas vast,The mountain peaks high,The denizens of the universe,And those who hold their sway there,The Primal Sakti,And the people in directions eight-All, all, came within my grasp;Redeemed am I, high above all.
2967: He is the TotalityHimself as space and Celestials stands,Himself as body, life and matter stands,Himself as sea, hill and dale stands,Himself-all worlds' Lord Supreme.
2968: Their Thought PowerIf God of Death comes,I shall smite him with Sword of Jnana,If Siva comes,I am sure to go with Him;Long back had I sundered Karma,To birth leads;Who can stand against Thought,Of intense devotion born?
2969: They are in Nada and BinduTheir thoughts are Siva-filled;They have destroyed Malas threeSuddha Siva they have become;To Mala's bondage they return not;Shouts, confusion and fights (of this world),They indulge not in;Immersed are they in Nada and Para Bindu.
2970: Long They LiveThey who cognizeNeither remembering nor forgetting,In their thoughts,The Pure One,who uproots Karmas,Stand;Seeking the Pure One,Who uproots KarmasThey who think of Him, long long live.
2971: Siva Appears as a Tapasvin"O! Siva, my Great Lord"-thus I hailed Him;And as a tapasvin the Holy Lord was before me;He the Desired Lord, who accepted me in His serviceHim I stood adoring, the Lord Eternal.
2972: Meek and Intense Prayer Leads to SivaHim I adored, the Param, the Primal Lord,Determined I stood, nothing else I seek;In my body I held Him in union, the First One;Meek in prayer I stood and I saw my Siva's Being.
2973: In the Presence of SivaThe Lord filled my thoughts,His Feet I beseeched;As I thus entered His Presence,He ended my birth's whirl;-He the Lord that has Thoughts none;My Fate He fragmented,My bonds He sundered.
2974: He Resolved My ContradictionsMy contradictions He resolved;Disease, age and life's reckoning He ended;Thus He accepted me in His service,He my Nandi;My contradictions resolved,My life's sorrows, I laid low;And Siva, of Himself appeared.
2975: How Siva Entered in MeSiva with His Celestial retinue entered in me;He severed my bonds to births give rises;He is my Father,He the Primal Lord that in His service accepted me;Into Grace my heart entered;And there, imprisoned, remained.
2976: Bodily Pleasures Ceased to InterestIn this body of pleasuresUnto sugarcane and honey mixed,Sprouted the Fragrance of Siva Bliss;In eagerness my heart sought itAnd I visioned the Void;Then did the cane taste bitterAnd honey sour.
2977: All My Doings Became Siva'sHaving pursued the ways of Chariya and the rest,And having received the Bounteous Being's Grace,I stand praising Him ever;All that I do,I see as of Siva's doings;With no more Karma left,I crossed the sea of births.
2978: Egoity Died and Siva AppearedInto the thousand petalled lotus (in Sahasrathala),The Kundalini fire shot up fierce;And as with the fat of my heart's love, I made it blaze,She the Sakti appeared,She the Jewel of worlds all;The one, he died, my EgoityAnd the One, He appeared, my Siva.
2979: Siva-Sakti in the Cranium SphereThe Six streams (of Adharas)Into one lake flow;Thus in Way subtleInto Siva-State penetrate;There indeed is the Precious Truth,Himself with Sakti stands,-She of bouncing breasts and tender vine form.
2980: Intense DevotionMy heart melting, I moan and rave,My bones melting, I adore day and night,My gold, my Guru, my Lord, my God,Him I eat, bite and chew.
2981: Mind Blossomed into MuktiThe mind blossomed and converged in tapas great;The mind blossomed and converged in yoga breath;The mind blossomed and converged for the Jiva;When the mind blosso- beyond words to describe,Then is Mukti Finale.
2982: Lord is in Body LandMounting the Chariot of MindThey seek the Divine Juggler;Knowing not whether He went,They bewail;Wandering in lands and kingdoms far and near,I saw Him in this fleeting Body-Land.
2983: Glorious Reward of PrayerWho were they,Unto mountain on kingly elephant sat,And to sweet music accompanying, in procession went?Of yore, they chanted the Primal Lord's name in fervorAnd so attained the status exalted.
2984: I See not My FatherThe Pearl of pearls,The Lovely Sun rising at dawn,The Lord whom all Celestials adore,My Father;I see not and rave;A mad man, they think, I am.
2985: He Entered in MeHe entered in me,He our Holy Lord,He entered in me,He the Lord of Jnana's Flower,He entered in the hearts of His devotees,Him I adore, who entered in me.
2986: He is Seen in the Mind-MirrorHe appears not in the glasses of the fleshly eye;He is in the Lotus of the Heart;He appears in the glass of Vedic Jnana;He is in the mind-glass of the righteous that think of Him,Him I saw in the glass of songsListening to that Divine Music,I enraptured stand.
2987: Chant "Aum" IncessantlyChant, the Lord's name, a thousand times,A thousand blessings shall yours be;They who chant the lovely "Aum" a thousand times,Are rid of a thousand thousand passions, away.
2988: AjapaI praise, I laudJnana that is our Refuge;I adore Holy Feet of Lord,Constant in my thought;I expound Siva Yoga;Hearken you!I chant the One Letter (Aum),Dear to our Lord.
2989: Practise YogaIn ways diverse, do seek Nandi;Penetrating the Lotus within and going beyond,You shall reach the Celestial world,Having drunk of the nectar there, you shall return;Sweet, sweet exceeding indeed, it is.
2990: Devotees More Rewarded Than CelestialsHe came and stood before His devotees,He the Rare Truth;Even if the Celestials and their King Indra askWhat will they get, but the music of lovely damsels?But that which devotees get is beyond all their heaven.
2991: Still Your Thoughts and Be PurifiedUnto muddied water these men's minds are,Unclear in vision,They see not and say, "This is Lord;"From the heart's lake within,Draw a pitcherful,And keep it in stillness apart;When you thus purify it,You shall become Siva.
2992: Yearn For HimHe of the Penance Pure;Transparent as amla fruitOn palm of those who yearn for Him;He the Pure One,Whom Celestials seek in ways righteous;Him, my Lord, I sought;And thus ever remained.
2993: The Bounteous OneThus remaining,Limitless Jnana I attained;No more wavering there is;And as I reach the Holy One,In the Land where Kundalini Fire burns,The Bounteous One,His choicest blessings gives.
2994: He Hides in the HeartThe Bounteous Lord,The Monarch of Heavenly KingdomThe Lord of matted locks,That carried Ganga waters flowing,The Primal One of Vedas,Lest them devoid of faith see Him,He hides in the heart within.
2995: Divine Knight-Errant That Severs KarmasUnto me my God stretched His Flower-Feet in GraceThey, who adore Him daily in goodness, flourish;He is the Divine Knight;He severs my evil stars and Karmas,Into His Sword of Jnana, my thoughts centered;And no more cares I possess.
2996: Seek His Feet Seek His Feet,They are the Valhalla warriors reach;Do reach His Feet,They are the haven of blessed deeds;Do attain His Feet,They are the confluence of holy waters;Thus it is,For those who constant adore His Feet.
2997: Attain JnanaIn this world,He pierced the overhanging Darkness of Ignorance;Himself He has home none;He is the Holy Preceptor of peerless grandeur;I ate of the ripe fruit of His Jnana,And I held on to the sweet Light within.
2998: Goal UltimaThat indeed is State Exalted,That indeed is where Celestials have abode,That indeed is where Ganga too flows,Sacred it is;It is the State that severs,Roots of Karmic desiresThat of yore come;It is the Goal Ultima,Devoutly to be sought for.
2999: How Lord is SeatedThe Celestials stand above,Below them are Tapasvins great;Below them are humans, by sorrow harassed;Thus is He seated;And the bilva garland fresh from forest,Festoons the fragrant matted locks,He does for Jiva what is appropriate.
3000: He is in Five-Lettered MantraHe quaffed poison from oceans arose,He pervades worlds seven times two,Birthless is He the Lord,He is seated where the Lute, the Spring and Forest are,He is the King that reignsIn Five-Lettered mantra, Eternal.
3001: He is Pervasive in All ElementsUnto Life is He,Unto Earth is He,Unto Wind, Sun, Fire and Moon is He,Unto Water is He,Unto recurring Dissolution and Creation is He,He the Lord of Gods in cardinal directions eight,He the Primal One.
3002: He Confers Blessings According to Degree of Jnana AttainmentIn Fire and Sun He pervades,In Wind He pervades,In Moon He pervades,Pervading all,He gifts the Land TrueTo their Jnana according.
3003: He is the Object MightyTranscending all,Yet immanent in each,He stands;For the world here below in Pasa boundHe is the Object Mighty;Himself the Parapara Supreme,For all worlds He gave;That the Way His Greatness extends.
3004: His Cosmic ExistenceHis Crown is aloft pearl-like universes vast,His Form engrosses seven worlds all,His Feet descend deep unto nether world;The ignorant know these not,And delight not.
3005: Primal Lord is Everywhere-Above, Middle and BelowThe Primal Lord is Our Lord,He is the Light Resplendent of Spaces Vast,He is the Lights Three-Sun, Moon and Fire;The Primal Lord is beyond universes all,He is below them and between them too.
3006: Lord Seeks Those Who Seek HimGreat is He, rising above macrocosm vast,Subtle is He, within the fleshly body to births an heir,As His devotees see the vision of His Holy Feet,And walk toward Him,He goes seeking them,On their way.
3007: He Created AllAll worlds by vast oceans girtHe, my Lord, filled pervasive;In omniscience over-seeing all;Of yore He created, all, entire,And stood diffusing His golden hue,In worlds everywhere.
3008: He Protects AllThrough successive aeons several,He stood as Paraparan Supreme;All worlds He stood protectingAnd this world too, as Paraparan Supreme;This they know not;He stood pervading the Jivas too,Immanent in them and transcending them.
3009: He Pervades as Prana BreathHe is the Mighty God to adore,None beside Him are;He is the Sense, the Feel, the Sound, and Sound's End;He is the Body, too, of Jiva,As Prana breath,He the Lord is immanent in all.
3010: All Emanate From Him AloneIf directions cardinal are all of Siva,Why speak of someone else, O! you men!All smoke from Fire emanates,All creation from our Primal Lord arises.
3011: The Pervasive Siva is Here as WellThe infinite spaces of the Seven worldsHe filled in oneness, expanding limitless;Yet is He not easy of reach;Siva Himself into myriad Jivas pervadedIn this world as well, He our Lord.
3012: He is Transcendental and ImmanentBeyond the Kalas Three He stands,Seek Him;He is the Lord;He is the Master of Tattvas,Priceless is He;Peerless is He;Beyond Celestials all is He;Ageless is He;Yet is He within you,You but seek Him.
3013: He Redeems Jiva in LoveHe severed PasasOf this world Brahma created;He severed belittling desiresVishnu to Jiva gives;He severed Karmas interminable,In His infinite divinity;Thus me, the lowly, He redeemed,And in endearment exceeding held me to Him.
3014: He Spreads Like Flower's FragranceThe Lord is the Light that moves directions eight;He is the source of all Sound;He is the eternal;As on one land,The nine universes He pervaded;Unto the flower's fragrance,He spread everywhere.
3015: He is Interminal Light Beyond WordsHe is and He is not; my Lord;Break your stony heart and there He is;Ancient is He, Pure is He, Constant is He, Pure Gem is He;He is Light beyond speechInterminable is he.
3016: He is BounteousWithin heart is He,Without, too, He says, "I am;"The inscrutable Lord;Nandi of fragrant matted locks;Those who adore Him constantTheir sea of birth He severs;He, of Bounteous Magnificence.
3017: He Transforms Celestial BeingsThe Devas and Danavas* conflictingAlike adore Him and daily seek Him;They yearn for Him,Within their heart and without;He transforms them into Beings different,He, the Lamp of Divine Light.
3018: He is Endless BlissHe appears not in heavenly space,Yet Form He has;He is not visible to naked eye,Yet is He visible to inner eye;He is the fruit of music;He is the goodly One;He is the fruit of all good deeds;Endless Bliss is He,He our Lord.
3019: None Knows Him Full WellThe Noble One is He,A Sea of Joy beloved by all,He is the Radiance of Pearl pure,He is Dark-blue Throated,Him they contemplate over time immeasurable,The Siddhas holy and Celestials exalted,Yet full well they know Him not.
3020: Adore LordMany are the hues, so is the Lord,Many are the goodly deeds, so is the pleasure;Many are the vile deeds, so are the iniquitiesThey see all these,Yet they adore not the Lord.
3021: Lord is Benevolent Like RainHere He is, there He is, everywhere He is,In all worlds He is, the Holy Lord;In darkness He is, Light He is;In sun He is, in moon He is, everywhere He is;Benevolent is Lord,Unto the rain that falls.
3022: He is Cosmic AwarenessHe is Sentience, He is GraciousWisdom subtle is to know Our Lord;He is embrace, He is unionIn divine awareness,He stood as Body Cosmic.
3023: His Supreme MightBy His Might He supports worlds seven,By His Might He is sublter than atom,By His Might He surpassesThe eight mountain ranges in directions eight,By His Might, the oceans roar.
3024: Lord Appears in Prayer and PenanceMy Lord is of infinite greatness,Yet is He within the littleness of this fleshly body;Beyond the ken of Celestials is He;Yet in prayer and penanceHe Himself shall appear to you.
3025: Fruit of JnanaThe shoot of tiny banyan seed,As a mighty tree within foul body grew,And rich ripe fruit it bore;They who ate, forever remained to be;The fools who did not,Remained in body,Tossed about from birth to birth.
3026: When Jiva Unites in SivaSiva Bhoga there will be;Unto it will be added a LightThat suffuses sentient knowledge;The body by Mayaic experience harassed,Will yours be, controlled full;The Jiva's pervasivenessWill everywhere spread.
3027: Omniscience and Omnipresence in Siva-Jiva UnionThere is no one place where I can seekThat Object I have known;Taking to the astral way,There as Perfection, will it appear;Seeking within the body,There a Living Light will it be;You then becomes omniscient and omnipresent.
3028: Seek Inner Light and Be One in LordIn the sea-girt world filled with sorrows,Seek Inner Light in life here led,The Lord resides within this body,May you meet Him ever,On the waves of Seas High.
3029: His Infinite Compassion For JivaHe is the Light within the Lights Three-Sun, Moon and Fire;He is their Body tooHe the Lord of Celestials;Yet leaving luminosities,He follows Jivas in expanses vastIn compassion great;He the One as several proliferates.
3030: Jiva Becomes a Flaming LightEntangled in crusted Karma;That with their birth came;They in the end realized Him,And golden became;He is the Spark within the spark of light,The Being Divine,If you reach Him,A flaming Light you shall be.
3031: He is the Spark of Jnana in AjnaHe is the Divine SparkInside desires stands;He is the Divine Spark,Into the Three Lights-Sun, Moon and Fire-waxes,He is the Divine Spark,In the Fore-head Center as our Thought seated,The Tapasvins great, too, unto Him stand.
3032: His is the Voice that Voices AllHe is the Lord,He is all in directions ten,He is the seven expansive sea-girt worlds too,Thus pervading,He is the Speaker that speaks all.(Thus the Jiva Siva Becomes.)
3033: He Has No Entry, Exit and StayHe is unto the Garuda Bird, that in an instant sees all;He protects the seven worlds entire,He removes my Karmas,He, the Pure One, the Birthless One,He has Going, Coming and Mingling none.
3034: He Pervades All Worlds AlikeHe is of the rich matted locks,He is of hue golden,Unattached He is,Yet immanent in all He is,He is omnipresent, birthless, the Holy God,Unintermittent He stands,In all worlds seven.
3035: He is Within the Flower's FragranceSentience He is, Life He isUnion He is, Senses He isContinuity beyond Thought He is,Within the Fragrance of the Flower He is.
3036: He Comprehends AllThe Holy One,Devoid of odor of Senses Five,My Father;The Bounteous One, all Jnana gives;In the precious wisdom of Vedic sagesDiverse He stands,Comprehending all.
3037: He is Light in the Eye of JivasHe is Heavenly BeingHe is beyond the worlds seven;He is this earth too;He is cool unto seven ocean watersThat this globe girdles;He stands in Jivas united,As Light in their eye.
3038: His Limitless ExpansivenessHe stood as Brahma and Vishnu,He stood as heaven and earth,He stood stretchingTo the farthest mountains and seas seven,He stood as Ripe Rich Fruit too.
3039: He is Jiva and Master of JivaHe is Lord of Worlds,The Holy One, my Father,He is Master Mahout,Of Jivas all,He is Jivas themselves too,He is the Lord,Whom all in endearment hold.
3040: He is the Spark of Life and Thought WithinHe is Spark of Prana-breath within,He is the Luminous Sun in firmament high,He is the Breath of Wind that blows on land,He is the Thought within all.
3041: He Effected Union With JivaIn the orderly way of numerals and lettersThe Lord created music and melody;In His Glance, in His Thought, from within,He effected rapturous union of Jiva and Siva,Into one Family united.
3042: He is the Center of AllThe cardinal directions eight,The worlds above and worlds below,In Him centering stood;Thus, immanent in all, He pervaded all;He of the flowing matted locks,Bedecked with fragrant Konrai blooms.
3043: He is One and ManyThe Lord is with creation allNone know His coming and going,He is distant, He is near;He is constant, He is Sankara,He is the Primal Being;Multiple He is, One He is,He Our Primal Lord.
3044: He Knows All; But None Knows HimHe is Jiva's knowledge,He is the Ancient One,Yet none know how He is;In the universes eight all,He knows all,-He the Nandi, Our Lord Primal.
3045: He is DeathlessWater, earth, sky, fire and wind,The spark of light within the body,-All these He is;He is Paraparam, He is Siva, Our Lord,He is the walking Jiva here below,Deathless He is.
3046: Tirumular's Songs, Mantras and Instructions Have But One ImportThe Three Times Thousand that Mula composed,The Three Times Hundred Mantras that Mula chanted,The Three Times Ten Instructions that Mula gave,These Three that Mula saidAre all, all, of one import.
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3047: Long May They BeLong may they be, Long may they be, our Nandi's Holy Feet!Long may they be, Long may they be, the Feet of Him who severed Malas!Long may they be, Long may they be, the Feet of Him of Divine Jnana;Long may they be, Long may they be, the Feet of Him who has Mala none.